Rainfall is an important component in the hydrological cycle and play important role in the modelling of rainfall, its variability, climate change and water resources management. Rainfall contributes to environmental and economic prosperity of human race(Mohsin et al., 2021; Hendrix and Salehyan, 2012). To keep track and record rainfall temporally and spatially has become an enormous task for institutions. In situ rainfall record are not usually available in most developing countries because of the high cost of maintaining hydrometeorological equipment associated centres. Missing record or complete lack records are impediment for robust climate modelling in low rainfall gauge region(Emanuel, 2021; Flato et al., 2014).
There is need to have complete dataset for estimation of rainfall since rainfall distribution has been altered by climate change (Flato et al., 2014; Mendez et al., 2020). Climate change is expected to be impacted more in low earning countries and rainfall dependent agriculture countries(IPCC, 2007). These countries are mostly in the Sub Sahara countries due to lack of capacity for mitigation and adaptation. Therefore, climate change and variability studies are incomplete with weak and missingness datasets. The advent of satellite data has provided opportunity for obtaining continuous climate datasets in the last four decade. The constant improvement of the sensors and computational abilities of the various remote sensing products are available at different temporal and spatial scale (Sishodia et al., 2020; Alvarez-Vanhard et al., 2021). The resolutions of such products have been the main issue on the accuracy and reliability of precipitation dataset across the globe.
High resolution precipitation datasets are scares which are tailored to specific region of the globe. The common dataset such Merged Analysis of Precipitation, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, TRMM-3B43, CMAP; Climate Prediction Center morphing technique, CMORPH; Global Precipitation Climatology Centre, GPCC; and CPC are with resolution more than 10km on the horizontal. It became imperative to for researchers to evaluate the performance of the dataset against station datasets. In this paper three continuous satellite datasets, the Climate Hazards Group Infra-Red Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) at 0.05 km resolution TerraClimate datasets (TC) at 0.04 km resolutions and TAMSAT (TS) 0.0375 resolution u are used provide as proxies for the gauge-based precipitation measurements in Enkangala Escarpment. Using high-resolution datasets distributed spatially could enhance the evaluation of water security in different sectors like farming, ecosystem functions, flooding, and drought. (Cepeda Arias and Cañon Barriga, 2022; McNally et al., 2017).
There are series of validation of the CHIRPS dataset at global and regional scale. The short term validation on global scale (Verdin et al., 2020; Shen et al., 2020), over Africa continent (Mekonnen et al., 2023), East Africa (Dinku et al., 2018; Gebrechorkos et al., 2018; Ageet et al., 2022), West and Central Africa (Kouakou et al., 2023), and South Africa (Du Plessis and Kibii, 2021), Egypt (Nashwan et al., 2020; Nashwan et al., 2019), and Ghana (Atiah et al., 2020). Other basins like Nile basin (Abdelmoneim et al., 2020), Barada basin in Syria (Alsilibe et al., 2023) and Imperial River basin in Chile (Baez-Villanueva et al., 2018).
CHIRPS dataset is usually validated on global and regional level in countries such as Colombia, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sahel, and Mexico. They specifically examined satellite gridded data from CHIRPS, CHIRP, CFS, CPC, ECMWF, and GPCC in their study (Funk et al. 2015). There are some validations of CHIRPS in South Africa, CHIRPS was proven as alternative to observed rainfall data in the Pitman runoff modelling in Bereg Catchment area (Kibii and Du Plessis, 2023). CHIRPS was used for inter precipitation product comparison for South Africa (Cattani et al., 2021). Monthly CHIRPS product was use for rainfall estimate (Du Plessis and Kibii, 2021)
On local scale CHIRPS, TerraClimate and TAMSAT datasets, have not been evaluated in Enkangala Escarpment. Over the years CHIRPS dataset has not been thoroughly validated during the dry period in tropics and early rainfall season. The TerraClimate dataset are incapable of capturing temporal variability and orographic inversion and rainfall at a finer scale than its core dataset (Abatzoglou et al., 2018).
This paper focuses on the Enkangala Escarpment of South Africa which part of the Greater Drakensburg network of complex mountainous climate change vulnerable area. South African Weather Service (SAWS) rainfall stations data were analysed to test for the accuracy of CHIRPS, TerraClimate and TAMSAT datasets. This is for the period between 1984 to 2023 at monthly, seasonal, and yearly scales.