Minimal PBPK Model for Monoclonal Antibodies
To study the relationship between antibody properties and ADME, PBPK models are often the models of choice since they provide quantitative descriptions of the drug disposition process in a biological system that can be scaled between species based on physiological differences [12]. The mPBPK model incorporates quantitative descriptions between physicochemical properties of antibodies such as MW, size, charge, binding affinities to FcRn, and specific targets and essential ADME processes involved in the antibody PK [11].The structure of the mPBPK model includes a plasma compartment, two lumped tissue compartments, mainly tight tissues and leaky tissues, and a lymph compartment. Briefly, the mPBPK model takes in the physiology-based parameters (eg. organ volumes, tissue lymph flows, blood flows), antibody-specific properties (eg., MW, size, charge, binding affinity), and target properties (eg. baseline expression, half-life) (Figure S1, supplementary file). More detailed information on the model kinetics and assumptions is provided in the supplementary file. The mPBPK model predicts the antibody PK profile, PK endpoints and TO%. TO% is calculated as the ratio of bound target over the total target in plasma, tight tissues, and leaky tissues (Equation S1, supplementary file). We calculated TO% at minimum and maximum concentration of drug in plasma for each scenario (supplementary file, Table S1). Besides TO%, we also calculated the PK and exposure endpoints, mainly the area under the curve at steady state (\(\text{A}\text{U}{\text{C}}_{\text{s}\text{s}}\)), minimum plasma concentration (\({ \text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}}\)), maximum plasma concentration (\({\text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{a}\text{x}}\)), total soluble and membrane target suppressed. The mPBPK simulated scenarios involves three different doses, 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/kg, three different dosing regimens (once per week, once per 2 weeks, once per 4 weeks), and three different antibody charge variations (+ 5, 0, and − 5). The drug is administered intravenously at a fixed dose in the plasma compartment. We assume hypothetical variation in the net surface charge on an antibody. Our mPBPK model can relate the variable region (Fv) charge on an antibody to clearance, distribution, and non-specific cellular interaction [11]. These hypothetical charge variants are representative of charge variations in the variable domain, which is essential for antibody engineering [10]. Our decision tree-based classifier shows the influence of antibody charge on rule-based selection of drug and target properties needed for optimal target engagement response. We provide more details on scenarios used to simulate the mPBPK model and generate data in this study at the supplementary material. (Table S1, supplementary file).
Virtual Data Generation
We used a log-normalized uniform sampling method (scipy.stats.loguniform) to generate 10000 virtual candidates to perform the model-based assessment. To account for a wide range of possible target characteristics, the virtual target candidates were generated with varying target baseline values (1 pM – 1000 nM) and target half-life (1 min – 300 hour) for both soluble and membrane-bound receptors. Similarly, the virtual drug candidates were generated with varying drug-target binding affinity (1 pM – 1000 nM). Each virtual combination of drug and target candidate denotes a unique drug-target interaction. In our case, 10000 virtual candidates were considered appropriate based on comparison of decision tree-based decision rules and decision tree model performance (Table S4, supplementary file). The generated data was categorized into two classes based on TO% > 90% or < 90% at \({\text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}}\) in plasma at steady state. The class distribution in the virtual data was highly imbalanced. Therefore, we applied oversampling of the minority class in our imbalanced classification dataset using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) as part of the imbalanced-learn package in Python [17]. SMOTE works by selecting examples that are close in the feature space, drawing a line between the examples in the feature space and drawing a new sample at a point along that line [17]. This procedure was used to create as many synthetic examples for the minority class as observed in the majority class. After balancing the class for each dataset, we obtained a dataset with total size slightly over 10000 data points for each scenario. For instance, if a dataset contained 5452 data points in the majority class, SMOTE oversamples in the minority class to get 5452 data points in the minority class, which results in a total size of 10904.
Decision Tree-Based Supervised Machine Learning
A supervised classification model was applied to categorize the virtual candidate data. An interpretable decision tree-based algorithm was trained and evaluated using the virtual data for each scenario (Table S1, supplementary file). Each drug-target candidate pair was classified based on TO% calculated at \({\text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}}\) into an optimal class (\(>\)90%) or non-optimal class (\(\le\)90%). We used 90% of the dataset for training the classifier and reserved 10% of the dataset for testing. A subset of training data used to train the ML model are shown as example in the supplementary file, Table S5. We used decision-tree based classifier as the algorithm for the following reasons. We compared different tree-based algorithms in the scikit-learn package in Python, namely decision trees, random forest, and gradient boosting algorithm. We compared the mean training accuracy, precision, and F1 score for 5-fold cross-validation across the three models for a fixed dose of 0.1 mg/kg (supplementary file, Table S6). We also compared these metrics on the test dataset across each model (supplementary file, Table S6). Decision trees and gradient boosting classifiers had an overall better performance compared to random forest classifiers. However, decision tree classifiers were computationally less expensive relative to other classifiers. Therefore, decision tree-based classifiers were used for different scenarios throughout this study. However, this model performance analyses may be different for other scenarios and datasets.
We used a Decision tree classifier (decisiontreeclassifier) from sklearn package in Python 3 using default hyperparameters, except max_depth = 5, criterion = ‘gini’, min_samples_split = 3, splitter = ‘best’, class_weight = ‘balanced’, which were obtained from a hyperparameter search using gridsearchCV. We trained the decision tree classifier using a stratified 5-fold cross-validation. Additionally, we also performed a three-label classification using decision trees on virtual dataset, which was generated for a fixed dose of 1 mg/kg Q2W (IV). We classified the decision tree-based rules for drug-target properties for a low (\(\le\)50%), medium (50% − 90%), and high TO% (\(>\)90%).
mPBPK / ML Model Framework
We built a model-based target pharmacology assessment framework that combines a minimal physiologically based pharmacokinetic (mPBPK) model, a target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) model, and a machine learning (ML) model to infer the optimal drug and target characteristics responsible for desired target engagement and occupancy. Our model-based framework was implemented to study the relationship between physicochemical properties of the antibodies like charge and drug-target binding (\({\text{K}}_{\text{D}}\)), ADME characteristics, and target properties like baseline (\({\text{T}}_{0}\)), half-life (\({\text{t}}_{1/2}\)), and soluble or membrane-bound forms of the target. Figure 1 shows the steps involved in the model development process. Firstly, we generated many virtual candidate pairs of antibody drugs and their specific targets. Each virtual candidate signifies a unique drug-target interaction. A virtual drug candidate was generated by varying dose level, dose regimen, surface charge, and target binding affinity. A virtual target candidate was generated by varying target baseline expression and target turnover or half-life. Secondly, we used the mPBPK model (Figure S2, supplementary file) to simulate the PK profile and PK/exposure endpoints (\(\text{A}\text{U}{\text{C}}_{\text{s}\text{s}}, {\text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}}, {\text{C}}_{\text{m}\text{a}\text{x}} \text{e}\text{t}\text{c}.\)) for each virtual candidate [11]. We assess the magnitude of target engagement response for each virtual candidate by calculating the target occupancy percentage (TO%). A decision tree-based machine learning algorithm is used to classify each virtual candidate (or drug-target interaction) into an optimal or non-optimal interaction based on the calculated TO%. The ML classifier helps to infer the optimal combination of drug and target properties that is more likely to provide the desired TO endpoint and eventually desired pharmacological effect.