Medicines: [4]
As per Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia of India, standardised homoeopathic Medicines Baptisia tinctoria, Rhus toxicodendron and Eupatorium perfoliatum in different potencies like Q, 30 CH and 200 CH along with Ethanol of 90% v/v were procured from GMP certified Drug Manufacturing unit of Dr.Willmar Schwabe, India.
The bacterial culture of S.Typhi (MTCC No: 3231) procured as lyophilized freeze-dried culture strain from the Microbial Type Culture Collection, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, was used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of homoeopathic drugs.
Preparation of Agar medium: [8]
The agar medium was prepared by dissolving 4.95 g of MacConkey agar in 100 ml of distilled water and dissolved completely with the help of a hot plate. Then the media was sterilised by autoclaving at 15 lb pressure (1210C) for 15 minutes. The sterilised agar was transferred into the petri plates (100 mm × 15 mm) and was allowed to solidify. These procedures were completed in laminar air flow under aseptic conditions.
Preparation of bacterial culture: [8]
The bacterial strain of Salmonella typhi (MTCC NO. 3231), lyophilized freeze-dried culture was aseptically opened in a laminar air flow and the suspension was made as per protocol. 0.5 ml of buffered peptone water was taken in the microfuge tube and freeze-dried culture was transferred into it and mixed well. The mixture was allowed for 20 minutes before it was transferred to solid media. Petri plates containing MacConkey agar medium (HiMedia, Mumbai, India, Catalogue No. M081) was incubated for 24 hours at 370C to give white round colonies against a mild reddish pink background. Incubation period of Salmonella typhi is 24 hours. This culture was kept as Broth culture/stock culture. Bacterial cultures were repeatedly sub cultured using streaking methods and maintained to obtain pure isolation on the MacConkey medium for further drug sensitivity assay.
Identification of Salmonella typhi: [8]
Catalase Test: [8]
2 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution was taken into the test tube and by using a glass rod, samples of several colonies from the Broth Culture were immersed into the hydrogen peroxide solution. Formation of an immediate bubble confirmed the presence of Salmonella typhi.
Preparation of disc for antimicrobial assay:
Agar disc diffusion method was adopted for determining the antimicrobial activity of different homoeopathic medicines in various potencies. Whatman filter paper No.1 of size approximately 6 mm in diameter was used to prepare the standard discs and autoclaved at 1210C at 15 lbs for 15 minutes. These discs were soaked in Baptisia tinctoria, Rhus toxicodendron, Eupatorium perfoliatum under different potencies like Q, 30CH and 200CH, Ethanol of 90% v/v and Ceftriaxone for 30 to 45 minutes. after which they were taken out and allowed to dry under aseptic conditions.
Determination of Antimicrobial Activity: [7, 8, 19]
The antimicrobial activity of the selected homoeopathic medicines under different potencies were evaluated using the agar disc diffusion method by measuring the diameter of growth inhibition zones. Ceftriazone was used as a positive control and Ethanol of 90% v/v was used as a negative control. The discs were inverted and placed in the petri well plates in an incubator set to 370C. After 24-hour growth, an inhibition zone around the discs was measured. The diameter of the growth inhibition zone around the discs was measured using a scale. Each petri well plate was divided into five compartments. Three compartments were allocated for different homoeopathic potencies and one for vehicle Ethanol (V) and one for Antibiotic (AB).