Controlled water fluoridation is very important in the control of dental caries but when fluoride is present in excessive concentration in drinking water, it can affect the oral health of the population. Fluoride is a “natural” pollutant of water in Africa (23). High fluoride levels beyond the recommended World Health Organization limit of 1.5 mg/L has been observed in various Africa countries (23).
In the present study, the presence of dental fluorosis in the Northern region of Cameroon was very high with a prevalence of 89.1%. This is a serious public health problem that requires urgent attention because excessive fluoride does not only affect the teeth, but also skeletal health as about 99% of the fluoride in the body is in the hard tissues (24).
Sociodemographic profile
The present study sample showed that more males participated in the study. This could be due to the fact that the Far North regions of Cameroon has a very traditional conservative society. The researcher being a male had limited access with adult females due to the practice and beliefs of Islam. Islam is the most practiced religion in this region of Cameroon.
Children aged between 5 to12 years obtained the largest parental consent to participate in the study. Dental fluorosis was present in children with mixed dentition and this confirms the fact that there is early childhood exposure to excessive levels of fluoride in these communities. It has been reported that children with early fluoride exposure have aesthetic damage to their permanent dentition (25).
The majority of adults were peasant farmers with low income levels and had to rely on the natural water source (wells and boreholes) and forms of nutrition (organic) with no alternatives available to them. This was in contrast to the civil servants and businessmen in these communities who could afford to purchase bottled water for their families.
In the present study community, children were also seen to assist and participate in farming practices together with their parents. The intensity of their physical activities under high temperature contributed to increased intake of water, some with excessively high levels of fluoride.
Temperature directly affects the amount of water intake (26). In the present study, the majority of the participants owned the house they lived in and declared that they were born in the area. Therefore, the duration of exposure to fluoride was over an extended period of time and this can only translate to higher risk of developing dental fluorosis due to chronic fluoride consumption from the water (27).
Knowledge of dental fluorosis
Being aware of the risk factors that cause dental fluorosis can greatly help community members to improve strategies to prevent it. The present study revealed that majority of the participants did not know the cause of dental fluorosis in their communities. A disease or disorder can be prevented if the cause is known. Fluorosis can be prevented by having an adequate knowledge of the fluoride sources, knowing how to manage this issue and therefore, avoid overexposure to dental hard tissues (28).
All of the participants in the present study said they have seen persons in their community who have discoloured tooth and that the majority presents in children between 1 and 10 years old. This means that they are aware about Dental Fluorosis in their community. It is clear that Knowledge and awareness of dental fluorosis are also important factors for individuals in a community to practice self- prevention and control dental fluorosis. Interestingly, nearly all the communities affected by DF perceive it to be a normal occurrence and are not disturbed by its manifestations. It seems that it is not a social problem, but rather the communities have adopted a tolerant approach towards it, possibly because so many are afflicted (29, 23) .
Risk factors of dental fluorosis
The occurrence of dental fluorosis in a community acts as an indicator to the extent to which a community is exposed to high levels of fluoride. There are many risks factors to dental fluorosis. In the industrialized countries, fluoride supplements, fluoride dentifrices, fluoridated mouthwash and infant formula are reported to be the major risk factors in the development of fluorosis (31, 32).
In Far North of Cameroon just like elsewhere in Africa, fluoride contamination of drinking water sources is the major risk factor (33, 34). Most the water samples (7 out of 11) obtained from the communities was seen to have unsafe levels of fluoride. In addition, one brand of bottled water analyzed was found to have an excessive fluoride content – much higher than normal levels of fluoride in bottled water. This poses a considerable risk considering that 6.89% per cent of the participants reported that they give bottled water to children aged 0 to 1 year. This period of development is seen as a critical age for the development of dental fluorosis (35). There is an unintended exposure to high doses of fluoride in this brand of bottled water and in an attempt to prevent water borne diseases in children, they are exposed to dental fluorosis.
Fluoride in bottled water has been reported to cause dental fluorosis (36). Since this particular brand is most widely used and popular in the entire Far North Cameroon it is a cause for concern. Community members have no access or knowledge of other sources of fluoridated substances for oral health care except toothpaste. Over three quarter of the participants 79.1% reported that they use fluoride dentrifices. This would have suggest that ingested dentifrices from early toothpaste use is an additional source of fluoride exposure and may be a contributing factor to the intensity and presentation of dental fluorosis but from statistical test and result it was revealed that the use of dentrifices had no influence on the occurrence of dental fluorosis in these communities. This accounts for the fact that participants who use toothpaste and those who do not use toothpaste still manifested with dental fluorosis.
Fluoride content of drinking water samples
Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in most places around the world but the concentration of fluoride varies from one geographical zone to another. The communities in the area of the present study used groundwater without any physical or chemical treatment for drinking and other domestic household purposes such as cooking (37). The present study found that excessive fluoride in drinking water sources is not only a major determinant of fluorosis in these communities, but also poses a serious public health problem as more than 90% of the population was affected by fluorosis.
Fluoride contamination of water in Far North of Cameroon is purely of a geogenic source and this is all that the communities have access to since they rely mainly on ground water as a source of drinking water. Boreholes were mostly favoured as they contain water all year round due to their depth. Wells are less deep and seasonal and hence are not used all year round.
Laboratory analysis showed that most bottled water brands fall within the safety limit, but the most popular brand (consumers preferred choice) had very high levels – well above 1.5mgF/l. All boreholes and pipe-borne water sources were severely contaminated. The deeper the search for ground water into the earth, the greater the concentration of fluoride in the water. Most Well water samples were found to be within the range of safety probably on account of its shallow depth.
Another risk factor of fluorosis found in the present study was the salinity of the drinking water. Though this was not laboratory tested, nearly ten per cent of the participants reported that the saltiness of water was one of the causes of fluorosis. This could be due to the fact that the fluoride contamination in water is commonly seen in places with high water salinity which is associated with increased concentrations of fluoride ions in the soil. A study carried out in India by Mor and colleagues reported that salinity is mainly caused by magnesium salts as compared to calcium salts in the aquifer. The problem of salinization seems mainly compounded by the contamination of the shallow aquifers by the recharging water (38). Though Mor and colleagues (2008) suggested in their study that fluorosis associated with salinity is found in shallow wells, the present study found that the fluoride concentration was higher in deep wells and boreholes. This finding while contrary to Mor and colleagues (2008), concurs with the findings obtained by Idon and Enabulele (2018), possibly because this latter study was carried out in the same geographic zone in terms of rock type and climate as that of the Northern Cameroon. The high fluoride contents in wells and boreholes can also be associated to low rainfall and persistent high temperatures. Global warming associated with persistent rise in temperature and a decrease in the amount and duration of rainfall are some of the determinants encouraging arid conditions. Possibly in such arid conditions, low groundwater drain facilitates increased discharge of fluoride in groundwater system (39) as is the case in the Far North region of the Cameroon.
An interesting finding of the present study was the relationship between the pH of water and dental fluorosis - the fluoride content of the water samples were inversely proportional to the pH of the water. This was seen in borehole water that demonstrated at pH 6.5 corresponding to a
Fluoride content of 2.6 Mg F/L. Low was seen pH encourages dental fluorosis. At low pH demineralization is activated and the health of the tooth enamel is endangered as excessive intake of fluoride into the enamel occurs. The present study shows that pH is an enhancing factor in fluoride intake as the mean pH of 6.5 seen in borehole water is close to the critical pH (5.5) of enamel demineralization. A similar finding was recorded when Friberger (1975) carried out an in vitro experiment on the fluoride intake in dental enamel with sodium and magnesium fluoride dentrifices of different pH ranging from 7.1 to 4.5 and reported that there while there was no significant difference between the agents, the effect of the pH was significant. It was concluded that the uptake of fluoride in the form of fluorapatite was more than five times larger at the lower pH level (40). He further reported that toothpaste gave the same initial rate of fluoride uptake (about 50 parts/10(6)/min) at pH 6 and that the rate of fluoride uptake in the outer layer of the enamel was proportional to the hydrogen ion activity (40).
Clinical presentations of fluorosis
The present study reported an overall high prevalence of dental fluorosis of 89.1%. The population` of Far North of Cameroon with high levels of dental fluorosis does not differ from the levels of severity of fluorosis reported previously in nearby North-eastern Nigeria (33).
All forms of fluorosis presentation where seen in these communities: from mild to moderate to severe those < 50 years were seen to be more severely affected. This difference is due to the fact that in the past, communities relied on rainwater harvesting and shallow wells that had little or no fluoride contamination. Nowadays, the increasing population, low rainfall, high temperatures and high demand for water has left the population with no choice but to tap into well and borehole water that has resulted in a high demand to sink more boreholes (41). Since the introduction of boreholes, the younger generations have been encouraged to drink from its source unaware of the very high fluoride content of the water. This could be one of the major reasons why severe dental fluorosis was found in the younger age groups.
Owing to the fact that the present study community has a large stable population that has lived in the area for the more than 10 years, they have had a long exposure fluoride that has increased in severity over time. The prevalence and severity of fluorosis are directly related to the quantity of Fluoride ingested (35).
According to Fejerskov et al. (1990), for each increase in the dose of 0.01 mg F/ kg, an increase of 0.2 in the community fluorosis index (CFI) can be expected. The critical age range for the development of dental fluorosis is around 15 to 30 months of life, when the permanent maxillary incisors are in the stage of transition between the enamel secretory and maturation phase (42). This was confirmed in the present study where fluorosis was reported by 86% of the subjects (in question 16) to develop at ages of between 1 and 10 years. The severity of DF in a community is determined by several factors including duration of consumption, diet, duration of breastfeeding, use of fluoride supplements, age, weight, nutritional status, and altitude (43, 44).
Unmet treatment needs due to fluorosis
Treatment options for fluorosis varies with presentation of severity (45). The present study recorded all forms dental fluorosis from TF0 (normal) to TF9 (severe) unlike Okoye et al. (2019) (46) where no severe dental fluorosis was observed. At the high severity scores, teeth were badly damaged and not aesthetically pleasing. There was need for aesthetic treatment and repair of enamel for participants with a score of TF1-TF4 in the form of micro-abrasion and bleaching. Those with TF5-TF7 scores required