We have previously shown the significant presence of microclots in ME/CFS plasma samples using fluorescence microscopy coupled to ImageJ analysis of the respective micrographs 13. In the aforementioned study fluorescent microscopy was used to visualize these anomalous clot structures, from which representative micrographs of each sample were obtained for subsequent analysis. The total percentage of area signal in the micrographs – which was termed ‘% area amyloid’ – was used to infer, crudely, the concentration of microclots in both the healthy participants and ME/CFS group. This is obviously not an objectively quantitative analysis, and is open to error and some subjectivity. To improve on this technique and, specifically, to provide a fully quantitative mode of analysis for detecting microclots in plasma samples, we have developed and optimized a cell-free flow clotometry analysis where ThT-stained microclots are registered and measured as events 35. Here, we compared the concentrations and sizes of microclots between an ME/CFS and LC cohort, and sought to corroborate and improve on the findings of our previous ME/CFS study 13.
The specifics of microclots and associated complications have been published before 11,14,37–39, and hence these points will not be discussed here. Previously, our microscopy analysis and subsequent ImageJ assessment of micrographs led to the inference that microclots are present in our ME/CFS cohort at a level 10x that of the healthy participants group. In the present study, cell-free flow clotometry analysis of ME/CFS PPP samples incubated with ThT reflect the same direction of significance but a slightly lower fold change in the concentration of microclots: in terms of objects/mL, the present experiment revealed that the plasma of the ME/CFS cohort contains over 5x the number of microclots than those of the healthy participants (Table 2 & Fig. 1A) (***). The present flow clotometry analysis corroborates quantitatively that ME/CFS individuals contain significantly higher levels of microclots in their circulation than do healthy participants, albeit less than inferred from our previous microscopy analysis 13. With that being said, our previous study assessed area (% area amyloid) across micrographs and therefore cannot be reliably compared to the present quantitative technique where microclot concentration (count) was measured.
Another important parameter assessed in this study is the prevalence of microclots within defined area ranges (Fig. 2). In the present study, the ME/CFS group measured with a higher count within all area ranges when compared to healthy participants, of which the greatest differences were recorded in the 100–400µm2 (***) and 400–900µm2 (***) ranges. Ultimately, we provide evidence that both the concentration and prevalence of large microclots in ME/CFS PPP samples are significantly greater when compared to a healthy participant cohort. When assessing the percentages of distribution across area ranges, it is apparent that the ME/CFS group has an overall greater prevalence of larger microclots than does the LC group – although, a similar profile is observed in the control group. This particular analysis can be made more robust if the same number of total objects are compared across groups, from which size distribution can be assessed with statistical confidence.
From our experience, it is normal for healthy participants to possess a low-level of microclots which will typically be localised to the smallest area ranges, 0-100µm2 and 100–400 µm2. Indeed, it is expected that a higher prevalence of microclots within this range may be harmful, but the significance of pathology is hypothesized to relate to a higher prevalence of microclots within larger area ranges, i.e. it is the burden of microclots large in size (registered within area ranges from 100–400µm2 and higher) that is responsible for pathology and symptom manifestation. Related to this idea, it has been shown independently that larger microclots (as well as a greater prevalence) are potentially effective predictors of clinical outcomes, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and mortality 19. Their larger size can clearly have a greater impact on the integrity and function of microcirculation, and may also bind and/or entrap more inflammatory molecules 14,37, causing vascular inflammation and damage, and potentially occluding capillaries. This is likely the basis for pathology induced by these microclots: both their concentration in plasma/circulation as well as their size. Another important facet to these microclots are the proteins or molecules that they ‘mop up’ and/or entrap: we have shown previously that microclots from specific disease states contain different associated proteins 37; we are currently finalizing a more comprehensive study of this nature.
Because ME/CFS shares many similarities with LC, and because LC has been a focal point of study in the context of microclots, we wanted to compare microclot analyses on ME/CFS samples with those in LC samples. Because we know that the burden of microclots is greatest in LC patients, and because we have already published on this topic 35, the LC cohort in this present study served as a positive control, where we expected the concentration and size of microclots to be highest.
Indeed, the LC cohort exhibits a significantly higher concentration of microclots than do both the healthy participants and ME/CFS cohorts. Between the ME/CFS and LC cohorts, the LC group exhibits a 3x higher concentration of microclots. Further study is required to explain the biochemistry of these microclots (both intra- and inter-disease assessment), which can then be linked to specific pathological states and mechanisms.
Healthy participant samples do indeed possess some microclots (especially nowadays since the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines based on the sequence of its spike protein). What is important, however, is the load in diseased states, particularly LC and ME/CFS, as well as the size of these microclots. Healthy participant samples contain low levels of microclots and possess relatively few that are of a large size. As shown in this study and the previous one conducted on solely LC samples 35, in ME/CFS and LC, microclots in PPP samples are present at significant levels when compared to healthy participants and the prevalence of large microclots is also greater.
Importantly, we corroborate the inferences from our previous study where we assessed microclot loads in ME/CFS PPP samples using microscopy analysis, where we determined that microclots (assessed by area) are present at a level 10x that of healthy participants. In the present study, a value of 5x that of healthy participants was obtained, as inferred by the parameter, objects/mL. Hence, dysregulation of the coagulation system and persistence of amyloid, fibrinolysis-resistant fibrin(ogen) fragments (microclots) are features of ME/CFS, as it is in LC. Additionally, we have shown that there are minor differences in terms of the size distribution between ME/CFS and LC microclots, as well as there being significant differences in concentration of microclots between these two disease groups.
Furthermore, there is great clinical potential regarding the implementation of this cell-free imaging flow clotometry technique – flow clotometry – in both the research and clinical sector. Flow clotometry analysis of microclots provides throughput that is unattainable with fluorescent microscopy techniques, and will provide important information regarding both the concentration and size distribution of microclots in patient blood samples.
We recognize the necessity for more comprehensive studies to elucidate the concentrations and size distributions of microclots across a broad spectrum of diseases and comorbidities. Such investigations are crucial for deepening our understanding of the specific roles and impacts of microclots in different disease states. Although our current methodology enables clear differentiation between microclot characteristics in control groups versus those in ME/CFS and Long COVID, the challenge of distinguishing between ME/CFS and Long COVID remains. Addressing this will be vital for further refining our diagnostic approaches and enhancing the specificity of microclot-based assessments in these closely related conditions.
In addition, the difference in data between fresh and stored samples still requires additional investigation, and holds relevance to the clinical implementation of this cell-free flow clotometry technique. In this study, we used stored plasma samples and not freshly obtained blood samples. We are currently conducting such an experiment where we are investigating whether the microclot concentrations and sizes change as a result of freezing (and thawing).
An experiment of this nature will also benefit from an expansion in sample size across all groups. A sample size of 30 was used to represent both the ME/CFS and LC group, and was due to the fact that we possess stored samples from only 30 ME/CFS patients. Future studies should acknowledge these limitations and focus on discerning differences in microclot parameters between various disease groups (that is, conditions beyond ME/CFS and LC), between freezing and thawing cycles, and between study groups of a larger sample size. Lastly, with regards to the size distribution (count within specified area ranges), groups with the same number of total count should be compared to enable robust assessment.