Measurements were conducted at 3T (MAGNETOM Vida, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). All images were acquired for a set of 5 calibrated agarose-based phantoms (Diagnostic Sonar, Livingston, UK) with known T1 and T2 values (Table 1). Values were provided by the manufacturer with a 3% error. In order to double-check the T2 values, a “gold-standard” T2 single slice mapping was computed from MR images acquired using a spin echo pulse sequence with the following parameters: TR/TEs = 5.5 s / 10-30-50-100-150-200-300 ms, voxel size = 1.17x1.17x2 mm. In order to assess the effect of a multi-slice ME-TSE acquisition on the inter-slice T2 values homogeneity, single–slice and multi–slice images of the phantoms were obtained using an ME-TSE sequence with the following parameters: TR = 2 s, first TE = 10.3 ms, inter-echo time = 10.3 ms, turbo factor = 3, number of contrasts = 3, slice thickness = 2 mm, number of slices = 5, inter-slice gap = 0 and 100% (100% gap was used for reference T2 maps, as this gap provides negligible direct saturation between slices[13]).
Table 1. T1 and T2 values in phantoms
Phantom #
T2, ms
T1, ms
For a ME-TSE acquisition, the k-space for each image is filled with data from different echo times and the number of such echoes is called turbo-factor. Figure 1 illustrates echo modulation curves of an ME-TSE sequence with a turbo factor = 3. The central part of k-space of the first image in a series (first contrast) is filled with the data from echo #1 (and thus, in this case, the first echo time is considered as an effective - TEeff), the outer parts of this k-space are filled with data from the echo #2 and #3. The k-spaces for the remaining contrasts are filled in the same way i.e. with echoes #4–6 and #7–9 for contrasts 2 and 3, respectively.
The effective echo time is defined as the echo time when the k-space center of a specific contrast is acquired. A centric phase encoding scheme is used to maximize the signal intensity in the center of k-space. For the following simulations it was assumed that the image contrast was only determined by central k-space lines that were acquired at the effective echo time TEeff). In our work, we used three variants of TEeff: combinations: first-first-first (FFF), first-second-third (FST) and first-third-third (FTT).
The proposed T2-mapping pipeline is illustrated in Fig. 2. Experimental EMCs were initially obtained from the MR images. Then, dictionaries of echo modulation curves, containing 9 echo signals, were generated using the ME-TSE pulse sequence diagram with the relevant parameters and taking into account the inter-slice interactions as previously described [13].
The magnetization time-dependent changes throughout the ME-TSE pulse sequence was numerically simulated in Matlab (The MathWorks, Natick, 2016). Given that the existing tool for EMC dictionary generation [14] did not allow to model the behavior of magnetization in a multi-slice mode throughout the ME-TSE pulse sequence, we modified an initial script version designed to turbo spin echo response modeling [15]. As previously described, the modified script intended to solve Bloch equations in a matrix form using rotation and relaxation matrices [4, 16]. The parameters and shapes of radio frequency and gradient pulses were included in order to take into account the characteristics of the actual ME-TSE sequence provided by the vendor. The script was modified so that the multi-slice acquisition was taken into account, with an interleaved slice order (1-3-5-2-4) similarly to the experiment. This code allowed us to generate EMC dictionaries in both single-slice (without slice cross-talk, as originally proposed [8]) and multi-slice modes. Parameters of the dictionaries were as follows: B1+ = [80:1:120] %; T2 = [50:1:210] ms.
After that, experimental EMC curves were matched with the single-slice and multi-slice dictionaries. Similarly to what we proposed in our seminal paper [13, 14], the matching criteria were based on the minimal L2-norm difference between the experimental curve and curve from dictionary. Each experimental ME-TSE EMC contained only 3 points. Thus, they were matched only with the corresponding points in the generated EMCs. Multi-slice T2 maps based on zero gap ME-TSE were obtained for each phantom: when multi-slice data were fitted with the single-slice dictionary (MS), and when multi-slice data were fitted with the multi-slice dictionary (MM).