Net-zero emissions pledges have become a central means to communicate long term emission reduction commitments in international climate policy1. As of April 2024, 148 countries causing 88% of global GHG emissions communicated a net-zero emission target2 motivated by the conclusion of the IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5°C that global net-zero CO2 emissions have to be achieved in the early 2050s to limit global mean temperature increase to 1.5°C by 2100 with low overshoot3. To reach a net-zero CO2 target, Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) will be necessary to compensate all residual CO2 emissions, i.e., the amount of gross CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion, industry processes and land-use change (before CDR is deployed), of which abatement remains uneconomical at the CO2 price corresponding to a given reduction target.
While CDR methods play a significant role in climate change mitigation pathways, as of today both industrial scale-up as well as national strategies and policies lag behind the envisioned CDR deployment in 1.5°C scenarios4. Furthermore, especially so-called novel CDR (nCDR) methods, which could store CO2 out of the atmosphere for centuries to millennia with low risk of reversibility are still at low technological readiness levels and not yet proven at large scale4. How much CDR will be feasible, and how scale-up should be incentivized vis-à-vis emission reductions are key questions of recent debates.
In principle a variety of policy instruments could be used to incentivise both ambitious emission reduction and CDR deployment. A uniform carbon price in all sectors and on all emissions is, in absence of other externalities, the economically efficient solution. Hence, for economic efficiency, the subsidy for CDR should be equal to the price on emissions, such that marginal abatement costs equal the marginal supply costs of CDR, presuming that CO2 removals and reductions are equivalent regarding their role for mitigation pathways.
Deviations from equal prices for emissions and removals will inevitably arise if separate targets for emission reductions and CDR deployment are set. Such separation, especially in the context of reaching net-zero is prominently proposed in the literature5–8, primarily as a means to enhance political credibility of net-zero targets, which might be more important than economic efficiency9. While some scholars propose separate targets as a means to prevent mitigation deterrence5, it is worth noting that if policy makers set two different targets, they could still overemphasize CDR, even beyond what would emerge in the integrated market with equal prices. The main concern with spelling out separate targets is the entailed deviation from the market efficient solution and the associated efficiency losses. However, price equalisation is only efficient in the absence of market externalities and in case of non-strategic actors with perfect foresight. Yet, carbon markets may not adequately price sustainability risks of CDR10, creating a misalignment between market outcome and societal objectives and hence a socially optimal contribution of CDR might be lower than the efficient outcome of an integrated market. In addition, an integrated market reduces planning security for CDR investors as well as fossil emitters resulting in unclear expectations and a lack of security for zero-carbon investments, which could provoke strategic behaviour and lobbying. Furthermore, if a uniform carbon price is used to remunerate removals and penalize emissions, this could lead to huge windfall-profits11 especially if CDR-specific deployment constraints or market externalities or imperfections are present, such as environmental side-effects and technological learning impacts. In general, this windfall profits could be taxed away with well-designed rent taxation. However, if rent taxation is politically not feasible, differentiation of carbon prices might be justified12 and could therefore support a separation of targets. So far studies found that a CDR subsidy below the price on emissions is optimal, when CO2 is not stored permanently13,14. On the other hand, Franks et al. found that a lower risk for interregional leakage for some CDR methods in comparison to CO2 abatement could render a CDR subsidy greater than the CO2 price optimal15.
However, it should be noted that differentiated carbon prices do not necessarily prevent the integration of CDR in an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS): Price differentiation can be achieved by introducing a new type of certificates in an ETS16. This new type of certificates – clean-up certificates – can be introduced without deterring mitigation efforts under two conditions. First, the clean-up certificates allow an individual firm to emit more today when it removes this carbon debt in the future. The compliance is guaranteed through the payment of a collataral to a carbon central bank which serves as a lender of last resort. Second, an equal amount of emission permits can be retired leading to a strengthening of ambition. The net-negative emissions are financed by foregone revenues from auctioning the clean-up certificates, as they are sold at a lower price than the regular permits. Due to higher ambition level the overall revenues from carbon prices rise. Therefore, a win-win proposal becomes feasible allowing for higher ambition, a reduced risk of mitigation deterence and increased revenues.
In this paper we will not discuss and comment on the emerging literature how to deal with carbon price differentiation in tax or emission trading schemes. Instead we investigate the trade-off with economic efficiency, and the systemic consequences of deviations from the market efficient contribution of CDR to net-zero. Recent studies on mitigation pathways investigated the size and composition of residual emissions at net-zero17 and how they could be further reduced18,19 To the best of our knowledge, a quantitative analysis of 1.5°C mitigation pathways with separate targets and appropriate levels for residual emissions and associated CDR has not yet been available in the scientific literature. In this study, for the first time, we integrate this concept into an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM). We analyse the consequences of various contributions of CDR to global net-zero CO2 emissions (hereafter referred to as net-zero) in 2050 on emission pathways, the energy system and associated risks and derive policy recommendations on how to set separate targets in the face of uncertain future developments using the IAM REMIND20.
Net-zero quantity targets and the separation of carbon markets
Using the IAM REMIND20 with a detailed representation of the global energy system we design different climate change mitigation scenarios that achieve global net-zero CO2 in 2050. We explicitly prescribe varying quantity targets for residual CO2 emissions (i.e. all CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes and land-use before novel CDR) at the time of net-zero that have to be compensated by the same amount of novel CDR (nCDR). The model’s available nCDR options are Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), Enhanced Weathering of rocks (EW) and Industry CDR (Industry BECCS or carbon capture and storage from fossil-free synthetic fuels) (see Methods for more details on emissions and removal accounting).
In an integrated market with a uniform carbon price, the global residual CO2 emissions and the amount of deployed nCDR at the time of net-zero amount to 7 GtCO2/yr in our modelling framework, which will serve as a benchmark scenario throughout this manuscript. For this analysis we deviate from this equal-pricing quantity to span the scenario range from 2 to 12 GtCO2/yr of residual emissions (corresponding to ~5% up to ~27% with respect to 2019 global CO2 emissions21) and the same amount of compensating nCDR, respectively, in 2050. Both the endogenously derived shadow prices on emissions (hereafter short: carbon price) and for nCDR (hereafter short: nCDR subsidy) follow a Hotelling price path with a growth rate of 5% per year until the time of net-zero in 2050 and remain constant thereafter (see Figure 1c). The carbon price is also applied to non-CO2 greenhouse gases, leading to substantial but across scenarios almost identical non-GHG emission reductions that will not be further discussed here (see Methods).
Re- and afforestation are prominent CDR methods in mitigation scenarios and also available to REMIND, but for conceptual clarity we exclude them from the quantity target. Separating prices for de- and re/afforestation must be treated with special care as it can lead to perverse incentives for unsustainable management. A clear example is a subsidy for afforestation that is higher than the carbon price on emissions caused by deforestation, which would incentivise clearing of existing forests for reforestation. The majority of stakeholders responding to the Public Consultation on the EU Climate Target for 204022 even advocated for three separate targets: GHG emission reduction, nature based removals and industrial removals to circumvent this issue.
In our analysis, re-/ afforestation follows exogenous assumptions that are identical across scenarios and the net-effect of total land-use change emissions is fully accounted for in the residual emissions.
Emission pathways to net-zero and carbon prices for separate targets
First we discuss the variations of emission trajectories and corresponding carbon prices and nCDR subsidies between the scenarios with different net-zero formulations. Gross CO2 emissions diverge already in 2030 due to different carbon prices reflecting the decarbonisation ambition in 2050. Yet CDR scale-up takes time, primarily due to the high upscaling rates needed from close to zero nCDR deployment to date4 and the need for significant future cost reductions due to technological learning. Hence climate-relevant amounts are only reached in 2040 and beyond (see Figure 1 (a)). The different dynamics of emission reduction and the scale-up of CDR deployment lead to different cumulative emissions (Figure 1b). In fact, the cumulative CO2 emissions from 2020 to 2050 range from 538 GtCO2 in the scenario with 2 GtCO2/yr (residual emissions and nCDR in 2050) up to 680 GtCO2 in the scenario with high reliance on CDR (12 GtCO2/yr), even though net CO2 emissions reach zero at the same time.
The carbon price on emissions varies strongly depending on the level of residual emissions across the full scenario scope (Figure 1c). We observe more than a 5-fold increase from the scenario with largest reliance on nCDR (12 GtCO2) with 120$/tCO2 to the scenario with little nCDR deployment and the most ambitious reduction (2 GtCO2) with 610$/tCO2. This is in line with Knopf et al. 201123 that find non-linearly increasing challanges to mitigation with increasing climate target stringency. On the other hand, the carbon subsidy for nCDR is less sensitive and only doubles across the full scope of scenarios, ranging from 200$/tCO2 under little reliance on nCDR (2 GtCO2) to 410$/t CO2 in the scenario with strong nCDR deployment (12 GtCO2) (see Figure 1d). Furthermore, most of the price increase only occurs for quantity targets beyond 8 GtCO2 when DACCS enters the CDR portfolio while for the range of lower quantity targets the nCDR subsidy remains remarkably flat. The main reason for the lower price sensitivity of CDR is that there are no low-cost nCDR options available as sustainable biomass is always limited, and the demand for biofuels forces the more expensive Fischer-Tropsch-BECCS technology into the CDR portfolio. On the other end of the spectrum, DACCS is an expensive but scalable option, and higher demands do not increase prices as much.
The lower the target on residual emissions is, the higher are the necessary near- and long-term CO2 prices and larger transitional challenges arise. Therefore, to avoid societal opposition and smooth out transitional challenges policymakers would likely rather understate the necessary reduction ambition and rely more on nCDR for achieving net-zero. If non-market co-benefits of large-scale nCDR deployment outweigh the sustainability risk, a CDR subsidy above the CO2 price on emissions would be justified. In that case (blue scenarios) the necessary price on CO2 emissions is lower, yet it entails crucial harms: higher residual emission targets lead to less near-term reductions that result in larger cumulative emissions (Figure 1) and lower emission reductions have to be compensated by more nCDR, leading to the risk of missing the climate target entirely if nCDR does not deliver as expected (Figure 3).
nCDR deployment and impacts of different net-zero formulations
We observe only very small contributions of CDR in 2030 across scenarios, as scale-up and technological advancement take time. However, having large amounts of CDR (< 6 GtCO2/yr) available in 2050 requires earlier scale-up, which translates to higher quanitites of up to 500 MtCO2/yr CDR already in 2030. Since almost all of this requires CCS, achieving such high amounts already in 2030 would require an immediate and global effort. For example, in the Net-Zero Industry Act, the European Commission has proposed that the EU develops at least 50 million tonnes per year of CO2 storage capacity by 2030, which primarily aims to cover industrial process emissions and will likely not be available for CDR. While the Net-Zero Industry Act is already ambitious, it is only a tenth of what might be needed for CDR alone underlining the risks associated with a too high reliance on future CDR availability.
CDR subsidies in the 10 and 12 GtCO2/yr scenarios in 2040 are already high enough (> 200$/tCO2) to incentivise significant contributions from EW. This is due to the fact that EW deployment relies on infrastructure for mining, grinding and transportation of material that already exists today and therefore EW can be scaled up in shorter time periods. BECCS and EW are the major contributors to fulfilling the CDR targets in 2050, contributing similar shares except for the 2 GtCO2/yr (mostly BECCS). This potential early contribution of EW to permanent carbon removal suggests that EW should receive more attention as a component in regional CDR portfolios. Increasing the CDR quantity target, we find increasingly larger contributions from BECCS options with higher capture efficiency, such as H2 and electricity production in addition to bioliquids.
The deployment of specific technologies and their relative contribution can depend strongly on the CDR target. EW is deployed in all scenarios except the one with the lowest CDR quantity target, and 2050 deployment scales up almost linearly with increasing CDR target. Industry CDR has in all scenarios a similar, but small contribution to overall removals. DACCS is only deployed in scenarios with quantity targets above 8 GtCO2/yr and is accompanied by a significant increase in the necessary CDR subsidy due to its high costs. Note that we focus on global targets, and that at a regional level DACCS may be needed to reach country-level net-zero even for very low CDR targets.
Total biomass use is lowest in the equal-pricing net-zero formulation and increases stronger for high CDR targets (blue scenarios) than for low CDR targets (pink scenarios) (Figure 2 panel b). However, in 2050 total biomass use is already close to the exogenously imposed sustainability limit of 100 EJ/yr across the whole scenario range and all scenarios exploit the full potential shortly after net-zero and throughout the second half of the century. We find a quasi-linear relation between the 2050 gross CO2 reduction target and the remaining fossil primary energy of approximately 15 EJ/yr increased fossil fuel use per GtCO2/yr residual emissions at net-zero, corresponding to a reduction of 60-93% from fossil fuel use in 2020. Although available to the model, we do not observe fossil carbon capture in any of the scenarios, due to substantial residual emissions from imperfect capture and upstream CH4 emissions24 and the competition with nCDR for the carbon transport and storage infrastructure. We observe a quasi-linear increase in geologic carbon storage with a stronger increase for the highest CDR targets of 10-12 GtCO2/yr when DACCS becomes viable. Interestingly, the total volume of captured carbon, exhibits similar magnitudes of around 5-6 GtCO2/yr across CDR targets between 2 to 8 GtCO2/yr. In low CDR scenarios (2-4 GtCO2/yr), the amount of carbon captured that exceeds the CDR limit is not stored, but used to provide carbon-neutral synthetic fuels to substitute conventional liquids. Hence, even a low CDR target cannot mitigate all risks associated with large-scale CDR deployment. While it could limit the dependency on geologic CO2 storage, it does not relieve the pressure on biomass demand or carbon capture, as these are needed to decarbonise remaining liquid fuels.
Fiscal and economic consequences of high and low CDR contributions to net-zero
If net-zero is achieved with separate targets, fiscal challenges may arise from diverging prices in the CDR and CO2 emission markets12.
For moderate deviations (4-10 GtCO2/yr) from the equal-pricing contribution of nCDR to net-zero we observe only moderate efficiency losses of <10% additional consumption loss that might be acceptable in return of higher policy credibility (Figure 3). In absolute terms, it is a relatively large increase from 2.6% to 3.1% for the 12 GtCO2/yr (from 2020-2050 with respect to continued current policies) and only 4.3% to 4.5% in 2 GtCO2/yr scenario. This is in line with Strefler et al.25 who also found only moderately increasing costs for moderate limitations on CDR in a uniform carbon pricing framework. To isolate the consumption losses introduced by the separation of targets (and the deviation from equal prices) from the additional consumption losses caused by achieving lower cumulative emissions (Figure 1), the additional consumption loss is calculated with respect to counterfactual scenarios, achieving the same respective cumulative CO2 budget until 2050 but with a uniform carbon price on emissions and removals (see Methods).
If nCDR targets exceed the volume that would emerge in an equal-pricing case from an integrated market (blue scenarios), it will lead to a situation where the nCDR subsidy is larger than the CO2 price and therefore total nCDR expenditures exceed total annual CO2 tax revenues, leading to a heavy burden on taxpayers (Figure 3). The total carbon market value - the cumulative, discounted difference of CO2 tax revenues and nCDR subsidy expenditure from 2020 to 2050 - would also be much smaller, as we find a decrease of carbon revenues and an increase of the nCDR subsidy expenditures with increasing nCDR targets. This strongly reduces the financial leeway for policy makers to support the transition, e.g., by subsidizing technologies or infrastructure or by redistributing revenues to ease regressive effects on poorer households.
On the other hand, if reduction targets are stricter than the market efficient outcome (pink scenarios), CO2 prices could more than double, as discussed above. If the costs for nCDR are well below the costs for emission reduction, this may lead to political pressure from high-emitting actors calling for a relaxation of the reduction target, potentially leading to a gradual convergence of prices and iterative adjustments of the respective targets.