Understanding and mitigating the rapid changes taking place in coastal ecosystems requires monitoring techniques that give us insights into different aspects of marine communities. Biological soundscape monitoring offers a versatile tool to gauge the sounds present in specific ecosystems and how these vary spatially and temporally.34,35 Temperate habitats and species have remained a relative gap in studies of soundscapes and descriptions of soniferous species compared to tropical counterparts.5 Here, we describe the most common biological sound types that characterised subtidal habitats in the western Dutch Wadden Sea; and we show that we can detect distinctly different sound type assemblages between sites. We also show that we can detect close-by differences in soundscapes between habitats by registering consistently higher proportions of sounds on subtidal reefs compared to neighbouring off-reef soft-sediment habitats. This provides the first descriptions of biological sound types and soundscape compositions in the Wadden Sea which will be a baseline for next steps in developing passive acoustic monitoring methods in the region. These results add to a growing body of soundscape studies that show habitats have distinct soundscapes due to their physical and biological make-up,8 and demonstrate that we can use PAM to detect short-range differences in subtidal biological activity.
Biological sound types were more abundant and diverse at the on-reef station than the neighbouring sand habitat at each of the reef sites. Crucial to these comparisons is the detection range of the sounds, i.e., to what extent were the sounds that were recorded on the reefs truly produced by organisms on the reef or could these also be acoustic spillovers from other nearby habitats. Shallow coastal environments have relatively short sound transmission distances - e.g. Biggs & Erisman (2021) found a transmission distance of a fish call to be between 44–281m in a very shallow estuary.36 The water depths where our hydrophones were deployed were between 2–5 m, with on- and off-reef sites test pair distance of 200m. Differences in sound composition and lack of overlap between neighbouring on- and off-reef test pairs, indicated that soundscapes were qualitatively independent on this scale and reflected true small scale local soundscapes. Dedicated field tests with standardized signals are nevertheless needed and planned to solidify this.
We found a larger acoustic diversity and abundance at the on-reef station than the neighbouring sand habitat at each of the reef sites. This is consistent with findings that the fish and mobile invertebrate communities at reef sites in the Wadden Sea differ from neighbouring soft-bottom habitats.29,37 Sound type diversity and abundances can also be indicative of community diversity,22 and of habitat status (Lamont et al. 2021).31 Extension from this groundwork and description of sound types will be to link these to the mobile communities at these habitats, and to build metrics from these that can support less invasive monitoring methods.
Several sound types were present across reef sites, as well as different sound types present between sites (e.g. the Growl-Buzz was not detected at the Nieuweschild reef, while Drumming was only detected at this site), indicating different levels of biological activity and composition. Inter-reef acoustic variability within a region was also identified by,8 and highlights some of the finer-scale variation in biological and physical reef characteristics that shape individual reef soundscapes. Some sound types were detected at both the artificial and the natural reefs, albeit in lower abundances at the artificial reefs. The artificial reefs, which had been deployed for 6 months at the time when the recordings were analyzed for this study, had detections of harbour seal sounds in higher abundances than the off-reef stations. That some biological sounds are consistent across subtidal reefs in this area suggests that sound type detections can add value to reef monitoring programs by contributing knowledge of habitat use and activity, as well as the impacts of human interventions and the progress of restoration programs.
These results build on several studies showing distinct acoustic patterns at coastal habitats - including tropical coral reefs,38 temperate rocky reefs,19 as well as estuarine habitats comparable to those found in the Wadden Sea.8,39,40 With the description of biological sound types, we can now look at longer-term patterns, including seasonal and annual patterns, which can also provide insights on potential sources. Furthermore, we can monitor long-term changes in the soundscape, and start building monitoring capacity.
Biological activity at reefs is usually highest overnight, and has been found to be reflected in soundscape patterns with higher sound pressure levels (SPL) and increased number of fish calling at dusk and dawn.12,39 The patterns of sound types at the Nieuweschild station also showed trends toward day and night differences in sound type assemblages which may be linked to the species which are active during these periods. However, our recordings took snapshots at each habitat, and increased recording over seasons may further reveal diel patterns with changing behaviours such as species migration and spawning times.
The dynamic environment of the Wadden Sea also poses challenges to applying passive acoustic monitoring. There was a high influence of tidal current noise on detections, which was particularly evident at the artificial reef sites which are situated in tidal gullies that experience high current velocities (about 2.5 times higher maximum current speeds at the gullies than near to the Nieuweschild reef, unpublished data). Tidal effects on sound levels have been noted in other estuarine soundscapes, where high tide and falling tide periods have been observed to have greater biological sound levels, possibility also coinciding with better sound propagation at greater water depths.41,42 These are important considerations for the descriptions of habitat soundscapes in this area, as well as planning for future development of monitoring schemes and recording cycles.
The field of marine ecoacoustics and descriptions of habitat soundscapes is growing rapidly. Sampling schemes and recording rates applied by studies of marine habitat soundscapes vary widely, as do methods applied for analyses of these recordings.35 Several acoustic indices have been explored for describing aspects of biological communities in marine habitats,43–48 or their utility in distinguishing between habitat types or describing habitat condition.19,49,50 However, the application of these acoustic indices to recordings in marine environments has had mixed results.22,44,46,51,52 As reviewed and evaluated by Bohnenstiel et al. (2018), indices can be strongly influenced by particular sound events or a single species.51 To use passive acoustics as a monitoring tool, it is key to understand how soundscapes change relative to particular habitat characteristics and conditions and how these are reflected within sound metrics and indices. Documenting the sound assemblages which contribute to habitat soundscapes can inform us on how acoustic metrics may be influenced by different sources.