Habitat characteristics
For the non-managed site NM, the observed salinity gradient aligns with the absence of water level management practices. The lower vegetation cover in the low topographical zones may to be a consequence of grazing on wetlands, as livestock has been shown to increase the frequency and duration of waterlogging through trampling and soil compaction (Dausse et al. 2012). In managed site M1, the significant increase in litter depth could be attributed to the water management practices. During the winter period, water valves are closed (Reserve Naturelle Estuaire de Seine 2023), leading to water retention and consequently accumulation of litter that cannot be discharged into the Seine River. The similarity of salinity levels across each topographic zone in this site corresponds to the water management practices. Moreover, the variability in salinity measurements in the high elevation zones could be attributed to dredging activity in this area, resulting in soil with heterogeneous properties, as supported by the high variability in granulometry measured in another research work (Neupert et al., in press).
Furthermore, the higher litter depth observed in the lower topographic zone of managed site M2 aligns with the previous observation of water retention during winter, and the uniformity of salinity throughout the site is consistent with water level management. However, the low soil salinity values measured on this site were unexpected given its proximity to the river mouth, and could be indicative of an hydrological anomaly, possibly linked to the upwelling of freshwater from the karst aquifers of the surrounding chalk cliffs, as suggested by Neupert et al. (in press) and Soueid-Ahmed et al. (2017).
Taxonomic vs functional diversity patterns
For the non-managed site NM, a contrasting pattern was observed between the taxonomic diversity of spiders and plants, supporting our initial hypothesis of high complementarity between indicator taxa (Lafage et al., 2015; Hacala et al., 2020; Hacala et al., 2024). Specifically, while a similar pattern was observed for spider species richness across topographical levels, decreasing richness values were obtained for plants with decreasing elevation, typically indicative of a stress gradient (i.e., reduction in species richness due to increasing abiotic filter strengths). This result could reflect a turnover process in spider assemblages without influencing taxonomic richness, possibly due to insufficient salinity to filter only halophilic species, as observed in harsher environments like salt marshes (Pétillon et al., 2003). These results suggest a weaker specific selection on spider species compared to plant species on this site, possibly due to their higher mobility compared to sessile organisms (Lafage et al., 2015). The pattern of spider functional richness, similar to species richness, is consistent with the high correlation between these two metrics (Pavoine et al., 2013), supporting species selection based on functional characteristics, as previously observed for spiders in harsher environments (Ridel et al., 2021). Conversely, the similar functional richness of plants in the middle and low elevation zones, contrasting with previous results, suggests functional trait convergence among present species (Meinzer, 2003).
In managed site M1, the complementarity of spider versus plant taxonomic diversity was also evident. Specifically, the higher spider species richness observed in the lower zone could be linked to the increased litter depth, resulting from limited discharge of organic matter into the Seine River, which may enhance spider species diversity by reducing interspecific competition (Döbel et al., 1990). Conversely, the highest species richness was recorded in the high elevation zones, possibly due to the high salinity variability, suggesting co-occurrence of species with different ecological affinities by reducing interspecific competition (Crain et al., 2004). This heterogeneity could be linked to dredging activity, as previously mentioned. Contrasting patterns were also noted in functional diversity between plants and spiders, highlighting their complementary functional roles (Hacala et al., 2024). Interestingly, spider functional richness showed no difference between topographic zones, contrasting with taxonomic richness results, suggesting a diversification of species that are functionally similar, possibly linked to similar environmental structures driving spider functional assemblages (Leroy et al., 2014). Conversely, for plants, the pattern obtained for functional richness aligned with previous results, supporting a global redundancy between these metrics for this taxon (Pavoine et al., 2013).
Managed site M2 remained consistent with other study sites regarding the observed complementarity between taxa. Specifically, the reduction in spider species richness from high to low topographic zones is consistent with environmental filtering processes (Pétillon et al., 2008). This result contrasts with the water level management of this site by valves but could be linked to freshwater resurgence (i.e., upwelling of freshwater from karst aquifers), as spider assemblages are sensitive to flooding and/or hydric soil conditions (Fournier et al., 2015). Conversely, plant species richness appeared higher in the middle zone, possibly linked to freshwater upwelling coupled with restrictions on tidal influence, generating intermediate environmental conditions allowing the co-occurrence of different species types (i.e., halophilic and hygrophilous species). In terms of functionality, the spider pattern remained generally coherent with the taxonomic one, with minor differences observed between pairs of topographical zones but no shifting patterns (Pavoine et al., 2013; Ridel et al., 2021). In contrast to this result, plant diversity in the lower zone appeared to shift from lower taxonomic to intermediate functional richness values. This result could be linked to the partial selection of flooding specialist species in the lower zone, reducing taxonomic but increasing functional diversity due to high divergence between functional hygrophilous and salt-tolerant species.
Q order influence
As expected, on the non-managed site NM, the patterns of taxonomic and functional diversity of spiders changed between Q orders. Surprisingly, for abundance-weighted metrics, diversity in the low elevation zone appeared higher. This suggests balanced proportions of halophilic and non-halophilic species near the Seine River, possibly due to an increasing proportion of specialist species in this zone. This supports lightly filtered spider assemblages (i.e. no exclusion of generalist species) compared to harsher environments (Pétillon et al., 2008; Ridel et al., 2021), which is consistent with the site's position furthest from the sea on the lateral gradient. For plants, taxonomic and functional diversity patterns did not significantly change with Q order on this site, suggesting a high turnover process (Yuan et al., 2012). This interesting contrast between spiders and plants highlights different spatial responses to environmental filtering.
On managed site M1, the patterns observed for spider diversity remain consistent for each Q order, in line with the initial hypothesis (Hacala et al., 2023). In contrast, functional patterns for spiders diverge from this previous stability, supporting the hypothesis of functional convergence mentioned above. However, for plants, the shifting of taxonomic diversity values between middle and low elevation zones as Q order increases supports unbalanced abundance in the lower zones, possibly due to winter flooding in that area (Fournier et al., 2015). On the other hand, functional plant diversity remains stable between each Q order, suggesting functional redundancy between some rare and abundant species (Meinzer, 2003).
On managed site M2, the shifting position of spider taxonomic and functional diversity in the middle zone indicates unbalanced abundance. In this site, the upwelling of freshwater from the water table creates longer periods of waterlogging and reduced soil salinity, which could favor the presence of hygrophilous species. Conversely, taxonomic and functional patterns of plants remain stable between Q orders, suggesting a higher influence of environmental filtering on composition than on abundance for this taxon at the spatial scale of the defined topographical gradient. Interestingly, a general taxonomic and functional convergence was observed for spiders on this site, coupled with an effect of Q order on functional metrics, contrasting with the taxonomic and functional divergence observed for plants, with an effect of Q order on taxonomic metrics. This underscores the strong complementarity between the bioindicator taxa used (Lafage et al., 2015; Hacala et al., 2020; 2024).
Composition of assemblages
According to our initial hypothesis, there are differences in the specific composition and abundance between sites, indicating the sensitivity of spiders and plants to water management types (non-managed vs managed), consistent with their sensitivity to flooding and salinity (respectively Pétillon et al., 2003; Pétillon et al., 2014; Fournier et al., 2015; Ridel et al., 2021, and McKee & Mendelssohn, 1989; Reed, 1995; Gough & Grace, 1998; Flindt et al., 1999). However, differences in composition between managed sites highlight the sensitivity of these taxa to local parameters and exploitation types (mowing and grazing). Site by site, the differences in composition partially contrast with the results on diversity (e.g., different composition but similar diversity obtained in spider taxonomic diversity between high and middle elevation zones on managed site M1). This opposition can indicate shifting assemblages, sometimes based on composition rather than on species proportion, highlighting high turnover, as observed in other coastal systems (see for spiders: Pétillon et al., 2008; Coccia & Fariña, 2019 and for plants: Janousek & Folger, 2014; Lawrence et al., 2022).
Indicator Species
On the non-managed site NM, the two spiders indicator species of the high elevation zone (Agyneta mollis and Pachygnatha clercki) were common and generalist species (Hänggi et al., 1995), indicating low-filtered zones. For the lower elevation zones, the presence of Pardosa purbeckensis, a species occurring in shores (Puzin et al., 2014), is consistent with the management type and environmental salinity gradient measured here. For plants, the presence of sub-hygrophilic species indicators of high elevation zones (e.g., Hordeum secalinum, Potentilla anserina) with the absence of strict halophilic species aligns with the results obtained for spiders.
On managed site M1, the only spider indicator species found for high elevation zone assemblages, Ozyptila sanctuaria, is typically found in open habitats (Dawson et al., in prep), consistent with the management type (i.e., mowing with late-season grazing). In the lower elevation zones, the presence of four Lycosidae species supports the diversification of functionally close species linked to an increase in litter depth by adding new prey guilds, favoring ground-hunting species (Döbel et al., 1990, Uetz, 1991). Finally, the presence of Pirata piraticus indicates wet conditions in this zone (Harvey et al., 2002). For plants, assemblages show numerous indicator species of high zones, with sub-halophilic species (e.g., Juncus gerardi) mixed with non-halophilic species (e.g., Trifolium pratense) (Julve, 1998). This co-occurrence of species with different life strategies is congruent with the high taxonomic and functional diversity previously obtained, supporting the strong heterogeneity of this zone. In the lower elevation zone, the three species found (i.e., Ranunculus sardous, Atriplex prostata, and Oenanthe fistulosa) are hygrophilic species typical of flooded meadows (Julve, 1998), consistent with the wet conditions mentioned above.
Finally, for managed site M2, spiders indicator species in higher zones are principally generalist species, except Enoplognatha mordax, a coastal shore species. However, caution is necessary regarding the presence of this halophilic species alone, as it is sometimes found in very different habitats such as agroecosystems (Djoudi et al., 2018), and it is possible that E. mordax forms a specific complex (Bosmans & Van Keer, 1999) encompassing strictly halophilic and non-halophilic forms. For middle and low zones, the presence of Gnathonarium dentatum and Pirata piraticus, two species occurring in flooded habitats (Harvey et al., 2002), supports a high hydric stress gradient, as previously discussed (i.e., freshwater resurgence from the water table). For plants, only mesophilic meadow-characteristic plants were found in the high elevation zones (e.g., Holcus lanatus, Lolium perenne) (Julve, 1998), illustrating their low environmental constraint. However, in the middle elevation zone, the mixture of hygrophilous plant species (e.g., Carex otrubae) (Julve, 1998) and halophilic plants like Juncus gerardi contrasts with the absence of halophilic spider species, highlighting the higher sensitivity of this taxa, as previously observed. Moreover, this co-occurrence of different species types (i.e., halophilic and hygrophilous) is consistent with the higher taxonomic and functional diversity previously obtained.
Overall, the absence of indicator species from some topographical zones for each taxa is due to the absence of some exclusive species, indicating transitional assemblages, as suggested by the presence of indicative species of pooled zones (Appendix 6 and 7).
Proportion of halophilic species
For spiders, the results obtained are generally consistent with expected patterns, with constant proportions of halophilic species on each managed site and an increasing proportion in the non-managed site NM. An exception should be noted for managed site M2, with higher rates of halophilic species and individuals in the high topographic zones. This result is exclusively linked to the presence of E. mordax, listed as a halophilic species. As suggested above, this could be a non-halophilic form of this species here. Further work is needed on this genus given the contrasting ecologies and distributions described for this species (Bosmans & Van Keer, 1999). As expected, when metrics are abundance-weighted, the pattern changed only on the non-managed site NM. However, the results obtained reflect a specific composition with more specialist species in lower elevation zones (Pétillon et al., 2008), but with an equal proportion of specialist individuals, corresponding to lightly filtered spider assemblages without the exclusion of generalist species.
Similarly to spiders, the salinity tolerance index for plants (Ellenberg indicator values) increases near the river Seine on the non-managed site NM, but significant variations were also found on the two managed sites. This more precise response of plants in terms of halophilic species proportion confirms the idea of a generally higher sensitivity to salinity and flooding than spiders. However, this result could be due to the still limited knowledge of spider traits (Pekár et al., 2021), allowing for a qualitative implementation of halophilic affinity for this taxon. Additionally, and contrasting with spiders, the plant salinity tolerance index is broadly consistent with taxonomic and functional diversity values, supporting high heterogeneity and co-occurrence of different species types in some places (e.g., high elevation zone of managed site M1 and middle elevation zone of managed site M2).