In the Andes, most of the knowledge regarding future glacier changes is derived from global simulations (e.g., Marzeion et al., 2012; Radic and Hock, 2014; Huss and Hock, 2015; Rounce et al., 2023). The recent study by Rounce et al. (2023) stands out as it incorporates geodetic mass balance measurements obtained at the scale of individual glaciers by Hugonnet et al. (2021) to calibrate the glacier mass balance during the historical period. It is important to note that these global-scale studies have not been specifically evaluated for the Andes, even though simulating current observations is a crucial prerequisite for predictive models (Aschwanden et al., 2013). The reported glacier volume changes projected throughout the 21st century by the above mentioned studies demonstrate consistent results in the Tropical Andes, with an approximate loss of glacier mass of around − 98 ± 13% by 2100 under the RCP8.5 scenario based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models. However, in the southern Andes, which encompasses the largest glacierized area, there is a wider range of mass loss estimates, ranging from − 44 ± 14% to -68 ± 20% (Huss and Hock, 2015; Rounce et al., 2023). Even under the most optimistic scenarios (i.e. RCP2.6), the reduction in glacier volume remains significant. Furthermore, a global study by Huss and Hock (2018) focused on 12 Andean catchments and estimated that glacier runoff, which includes ice and snow melt as well as rainfall on glaciers, is projected to increase in most of the catchments until 2050. However, after 2050, it is expected to decrease in all catchments except for the Santa Cruz catchment (49°S, Argentina).
Local simulations of future glacier changes across the Andes have been conducted, encompassing glaciers in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile (e.g., Frans et al., 2015; Réveillet et al., 2015; Yarleque et al., 2018; Vuille et al., 2018; Rabatel et al., 2018; Scheiter et al., 2021) as well as the Patagonian icefield (e.g., Schaefer et al., 2013; Bravo et al., 2021). These studies focus on different objectives (e.g., surface mass balance, glacier dynamic, glacier runoff) and use different CMIP5 models. In the tropical Andes, Vuille et al. (2018) estimated that the Antizana Glacier (0°S, inner tropics) is more vulnerable to warming throughout the 21st century in comparison with the Zongo Glacier (16°S, outer tropic). For Zongo Glacier, projected volume losses range from − 40 ± 7% to -89 ± 4% between 2010 and 2100 depending on the considered RCP (Réveillet et al., 2015) and a discharge reduction in 2100 was estimated by 25% at the annual scale and by 57% during the dry season for RCP4.5 (Frans et al., 2015).
In the southern Andes, no study was performed in the Dry Andes, but for the Wet Andes, Scheiter et al. (2021) projected an ice volume loss between − 56 and − 97% depending on the RCP for the Mocho Choshuenco glacier in 2100. Two other studies reported future glacier changes in the Patagonian icefields. In the Northern Patagonian Icefield (NPI) a strong increase in ablation is estimated from 2050 onward with a reduction of solid precipitation from 2080 onward due to higher temperatures, with uncertainties arising from future climate and ice dynamics (Schaefer et al., 2013). Bravo et al. (2021) compared simulations for the period 2005–2050 with the historical period 1976–2005 and estimated a larger reduction in annual mass balance between − 1.5 to -1.9 m w.e./yr for the NPI compared to the Southern Patagonian Icefield (SPI) (-1.1 to -1.5 m w.e/yr).
As glaciers continue to reduce under projected climate change scenarios, it becomes imperative to ascertain the timing of peak water (PW) - the period when glacier runoff increases before eventually declining - throughout the Andes taking into account regional differences. This knowledge holds paramount importance as it enables stakeholders to anticipate when glacier contributions to river flows will cease in the future. Because of that, the influence of uncertainties in future climate scenarios on future glacier changes has been a subject of investigation, as discussed by Marzeion et al. (2020). Their study indicates that both at the global and regional scales, the impacts of uncertainties in future climate scenarios increase over the course of the 21st century. However, in contrast, the uncertainties related to the glacier model parameterization decrease over time. Furthermore, Hausfather et al. (2022) found that more than one-quarter of the models in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) (Eyring et al., 2016) have higher variability in temperature compared to the CMIP5 models. This higher variability in temperature projections could introduce additional uncertainty in the estimates of future glacier changes. Similarly, Tokarska et al. (2020) highlighted that certain CMIP6 models with high climate sensitivity (i.e. beyond the AR5 likely range of 1.5°-4.5°C by the end of the 21st century) tend to overestimate historical warming trends. Consequently, this bias might lead to future warming projections being biased towards higher temperatures in these CMIP6 models. Conversely, CMIP6 models with climate sensitivity values within the likely range exhibit warming trends consistent with observations over the historical period, providing more reliable estimates for future climate scenarios and their impact on glaciers.
This study aims to address the lack of specific estimates regarding future glacier changes and their hydrological implications in the Andean glacierized catchments. For this we use a calibrated/validated model, which incorporates corrected climate variables based on measurements during the historical periodo 2000–2019. Additionally, we have two main objectives. Firstly, we evaluate the performance of eight GCMs sourced from CMIP6 across the Andes (11°N-55°S) for both historical (1990–2019) and future periods (2020–2049). Secondly, we utilize an ensemble of evaluated GCMs (complete ensemble) and a filtered ensemble throughout the first half of the 21st century to simulate glacier runoff (including ice and snowmelt) since 2000.