Study areas and habitat description
Following the R/V Sonne expedition SO237, an abyssal plain with remarkable Sargassum falls near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) was selected as a study area and investigated on January 1st, 2015 with an AUV (HYDROID Inc.) (Fig. 1; Baker et al. 2018). During the follow-up expedition of the R/V Meteor M139 in 2017, the same area was sampled with an OFOS camera dive on July 30, 2017 (Fig. 1; Arndt et al. 2017). As the stations near the MAR do not overlap perfectly and were sampled in different years, both are treated as separate sampling stations. The sampling stations investigated and compared included the OFOS station A5/6 of the M139 cruise and the AUV station A3 of the SO237 cruise (Supplementary Table 3).
Near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the first survey of the AUV station A3 by the R/V Sonne Expedition SO237 took place at N10°21.00', W036°57.62' (Devey et al. 2015). In addition to the start and end depths of 5116 m and 5131 m below the water surface, respectively, the AUV dive followed several serpentines until it covered approximately 354921 m² of the seafloor. Taking the R/V Meteor Expedition M139 into account, the abyssal plain investigated was between N10°20.37', W036°58.69' and N10°20.46', W036°56.65' (Fig. 1a & d; Arndt et al. 2017). With start and end depths of 5091 m and 5107 m, respectively, the eastward dive covered a distance of about 5235 m and 22094 m² of deep seafloor. In both cases, the stations were dominated by soft sediment and showed remarkable Sargassum accumulations (Supplementary Fig. 1–3).
Image and video sampling
The AUV Abyss (built by HYDROID Inc.) was used to conduct photo documentation (LED flash light system; 2048 × 2048 pixel images) during the R/V Sonne expedition SO237. This enabled continuous documentation through multiple, mostly overlapping images (Baker et al. 2018). Attached to the AUV was a Pike camera system equipped with a 15 mm Nikkor underwater lens with a focal length of 22 mm and providing a field of view of 41 degrees (Baker et al. 2018). Instruments built into the device also provided information on the depth, position and heading of the AUV, its distance from the seafloor and the approximate image pagination in meters for the majority of all images taken. Using the distance between the sampler and the seafloor (average values for AUV dive 163 equal 10.15 ± 0.42 m) together with the image side length (average values for AUV dive 163 equal 7.59 ± 0.31 m) and the number of images provides size measurements of the observed bottom area.
The video documentation of the R/V Meteor Expedition M139 followed the same procedure as described by Scepanski et al. (2024). An OFOS provided continuous documentation through several, automatically generated video files without temporal gaps. The equipment provided by the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research GEOMAR consisted of a launcher, an HDCS camera system (Sea & Sun Technology GmbH, Trappenkamp, Germany) with an HD camcorder (CANON Legria, Tokyo, Japan, resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels) integrated into a titanium housing with a borosilicate dome aperture, LED spotlights (Bowtech Products Ltd., Aberdeen, UK) and three downward-facing laser pointers. The OFOS camera and laser system were towed behind the research vessel and moved at a speed of approximately 0.7 kn (3 hrs 52 min at 0.7 kn and 18 min at 0.4 kn), with the top and bottom lasers fixed vertically and the third laser tilted sideways downwards. Therefore, the upper and lower lasers projected stationary dots, while the third laser produced a horizontally moving dot between these dots depending on the distance to the ground. The constant distance between the upper and lower laser points allowed the size of both the animals and the observed area to be measured. When all laser points were aligned, the distance between OFOS and the seabed was exactly 1.5 m, with an average distance of 2 to 3 m.
Surveyed parameters and area assessment
During video and image processing, the quantity and quality of the megafauna epibenthos as well as the presence of organisms and large Sargassum patches were recorded. Only individuals of the epimegafauna were examined, including only taxa larger than 20 cm and visible on/above the deep-sea floor (epifauna) (Scepanski et al. 2024). The presence of buried organisms, such as polychaetes, was detected, but their numbers were not quantified here.
To quantitatively evaluate the R/V Sonne 237 data set, the extent of the seafloor examined was calculated for each replicate and the entire AUV dive. Using the mean image side length of 7.59 m (calculated on the basis of all AUV images provided), the corresponding area per image of 57.62 m² and the number of images examined (complete dive: 9229; see Supplementary Table 3), approximate values were calculated for the areas examined.
To enable further quantitative calculations for the R/V Meteor 139 data set, the area of the seabed was measured for all video files and the entire dive and processed according to Scepanski et al. (2024). Distance travelled was estimated based on speed and times between certain situations (e.g., bottom visibility, speed change, onset of surfacing). Width was calculated from three randomly selected moments of each replicate/video file (mean width 4.22 ± 1.17 m). We estimated megafaunal density for each replicate/video file by combining the length and width of the total dive observations with the duration of each video file showing the seafloor and summing for the entire dive.
Development and application of a deep learning detection model for megafauna and Sargassum identification
In order to investigate the occurrence of megafauna and Sargassum in the R/V Sonne 237 dataset, a deep learning recognition model was developed to speed up the processing. The images were therefore annotated with CVAT (Sekachev et. al. 2020) and used for model training utilising the YOLO V5 algorithm (Jocher et. al. 2022) on PyCharm (JetBrains s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic). As the model was developed to reduce image processing time, the number of images used for training, validation and testing was continuously increased until an acceptable accuracy was achieved, which was then used to process all remaining images. The last two models created, hereafter referred to as the "older model" and "final model", were used to validate and process the dataset. Therefore, the older and final model were based on the first 2250 and 3105 images of the R/V Sonne 237 dive 163 datasets, respectively. While the older dataset was trained and tested on 2026 of the first 2250 processed images and validated on the next 855 images, the latest and final model was trained and tested on 2793 images and validated on 312 images to further increase accuracy. In both cases, images 0 to 500, 1000 to 1020 and 2000 to 2140, on which the model was based, were thoroughly tested (object search using an R tool to detect characteristic shapes and colours, followed by a manual search), while for images 500 to 999 and 2141 to 2870, an automatic annotation based on a model built on the previously mentioned images was tested and complemented by a quick manual search. For the remaining images, only the labelling of the final model was checked. With the exclusion of inanimate objects (e.g. shadows, rocks, indeterminate objects), the final model included large patches of Sargassum, characteristic Polychaeta holes often containing small pieces of the macroalgae, two forms of Porifera, Pennatulacea, Hydrozoa and undetermined Cnidaria, Crustacea, Crinoidea as well as an animal resembling both a Crinoidea and a brisingid Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Asteroidea, which were intentionally combined with Ophiuroidea as the preliminary models could not distinguish between them, Echinoidea, Cephalopoda and Gastropoda, Teleostei, undetermined animals and potential Pennatulacea, as well as a completely unclassified megafaunal morphotaxon.
The final deep learning detection model was then used to automatically detect the organisms for all remaining images and replicates. However, due to the overlap between images, the number of detected tags did not correspond to the number of megafauna individuals present, as the same individual (as well as Sargassum patches and other objects) could be detected on consecutive images. Therefore, a script was written in PyCharm that uses the position of each detected organism to automatically subtract the animals that were counted multiple times due to overlap to determine the final number of megafauna individuals present. Our preliminary tests showed that the detection after automatic correction resulted in the correct number of animals in most cases. Accuracy was over 95%, with an error rate of less than 5% for missing an animal counted multiple times or misclassifying an individual as a single animal for each animal distinguished by the model.
Morphotaxa annotations and qualitative/quantitative estimates
To quantify and classify the studied epibenthic megafauna communities, we identified the observed animals based on their morphological characteristics down to the lowest possible taxonomic rank. For this purpose, we used the photographic identification catalogue of Vinha et al. (2022), the deep-sea species identification application Deep Sea ID v1.2 (Glover et al. 2015) and its underlying database, the World Register of Deep-Sea Species (WoRDSS) (Glover et al. 2023). Despite their distinctive morphological characteristics, some animals could not be determined and were treated as different morphotaxa. For better comparison, all morphotaxa of the megafauna were assigned to an artificially created group of higher taxa comprising Porifera, Pennatulacea, Hydrozoa, indeterminate Cnidaria, Crustacea, Crinoidea, an additional intermediate group related to either the Crinoidea or the brisingid Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea, Asterozoa, Echinoidea, Teleostei and undetermined Megafauna.
Sargassum quantification
Both manual and automated methods were used to quantify the submerged Sargassum patches. The quantitative parameters studied included algal occurrence, area covered by the algae, and Sargassum coverage per square meter of seafloor. In the case of the R/V Meteor 139 expedition, the area covered by Sargassum was measured manually by using the laser system connected to the OFOS and approximating the shape of each patch to simplified geometric shapes. During the R/V Sonne 237 expedition, all parameters were automatically recorded and calculated except for recording the occurrence of Sargassum patches during the manually processed section of the AUV dive. The area covered by Sargassum was measured using a PyCharm script that automatically extracted each Sargassum patch from each image where Sargassum was present, counted the number of pixels corresponding to the algae, and calculated the area based on the known dimensions of each image. All images were therefore standardized considering their lighting conditions. For each Sargassum patch, the corresponding bounding box (area covered by the algae) was extracted as a separate "bounding box image". Each bounding box image was then subjected to histogram equalization and adaptive thresholding to detect the pixels covered by Sargassum. The adaptive threshold calculation included contrast adjustments (alpha = 1. 5 and beta = -10), sharpness enhancement with a median filter (each pixel is replaced by the average of the surrounding 25 pixels), noise reduction with a median blur filter, simple binary thresholding (threshold = 250; maximum value = 255) as well as Adaptive Mean and Adaptive Gaussian thresholding (both: Maximum value = 255, block size = 111 and constant = 2) with "neighborhood mean" and "weighted sum of neighborhood values with Gaussian weights" as adaptive methods. Next, the number of Sargassum pixels in each bounding box image was counted and converted to the covered area. The area of each patch was summed for each replicate and divided by the corresponding area of the seafloor to obtain the Sargassum coverage per square meter seafloor.
Data analysis
Statistical tests and graphs were performed using RStudio version 4.2.2 (RStudio®, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;R Core Team 2022). The following R packages were used: “car” (Fox and Weisberg 2019), “colorspace” (Zeileis et al. 2020), “cowplot” (Wilke 2020), “dplyr” (Wickham et al. 2021), “forcats” (Wickham 2021), “ggplot2” (Wickham 2016), “grid” (R Core Team 2022), “gridExtra” (Auguie 2017), “hrbrthemes” (Rubis 2020), “indicspecies” (de Cáceres and Legendre 2009), “janitor” (Firke S 2023), “lawstat” (Gastwirth et al. 2020), “pacman” (Rinker and Kurkiewicz 2017), “PMCMRplus” (Pohlert 2022), “pvclust” (Suzuki et al. 2019), “RColorBrewer” (Neuwirth 2014), “Rcpp” (Eddelbuettel 2013), “reshape2” (Wickham 2007), “scales” (Wickham and Seidel 2020), “svglite” (Wickham et al. 2020), “tidyr”(Wickham 2020) and “tidyverse”(Wickham et al. 2019) as well as “vegan” (Oksanen et al. 2019). Furthermore, maps were created using the GEBCO Grid tool (© GEBCO 2020) together with the open-source software QGIS version 3.28.3.
As sampling techniques differed between expeditions and stations, two approaches were taken to obtain replicates for statistical testing and comparison between stations. The technical replicates were not perfectly independent, but the area sampled for the different technical replicates was similar, and the separation of replicates was independent of the observer and was separated before the data were analysed. For the AUV stations of expedition R/V Sonne SO237, along the serpentine dive, all images covering each of the 22 parallel straight segments and half of the neighbouring bays (see Fig. 1) were used as technical replicates, resulting in 22 technical replicates of similar length (see Supplementary Table 3). It should be noted that on the AUV dive, its direction over ground and its speed were chosen so that each straight section covered approximately the same area (mean number of images per replicate 406 ± 20). As the AUV dive was not originally deployed to investigate megafauna abundance but focused on Sargassum observations (Baker et al. 2018), all megafauna observations were random and not manipulated from onboard. For the remaining station of the R/V Meteor expedition M139, replicates were carried out according to the same principle as Scepanski et al. (2024). Thus, automatically generated video files based on time were used as technical replicas, with each file starting immediately after the end of the previous one. Overall, the amount of filming was relatively consistent between files (video recordings of mostly similar length with a mean duration of 37 minutes and 13 seconds ± 0 minutes and 2 seconds) (Supplementary Table 3). All OFOS dives, their corresponding speed and individual directions over the bottom could not be manipulated from onboard, resulting in variable range recording and random selection duration independent of the device operator. Ultimately, eight technical replicates were achieved at the OFOS station.
Accumulation curves were generated based on the richness of higher taxonomic groups to clarify whether enough area had been sampled to adequately represent the megafauna community at each station. We used the specaccum() function of the Vegan package with the random method for 100 permutations. Corresponding plots, all showing an acceptable pattern, are included in the online supplement (see Supplementary Figs. 4 & 5).
The homoscedasticity and the normal distribution within the technical replicates were tested using the Levene and Shapiro-Wilk test for all parameters. If the data showed homoscedasticity and normal distribution, comparisons were made using one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc Tukey tests. Otherwise, comparisons were made using a one-way Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance and Dunn's post-hoc tests (pairwise comparisons with Dunn's test for multiple comparisons of independent samples). To avoid unnecessary repetition in the results section, information on tests, sample size, degrees of freedom and p-values were only provided at the relevant point in the text if no figure contained the corresponding data. Only differences with p-values below 0.05 were considered significant.
Possible differences in megafauna community composition between stations, sampling events and processing techniques were investigated by several non-metric multidimensional scaling diagrams (NMDS). For this purpose, densities (number of individuals per m²) for each higher taxonomic group at the corresponding level were used together with Bray-Curtis distance measures. With the exception of Supplementary Fig. 6a, in which three artificially generated replicates were used for extended validation of the old model, all replicates used were identical to those described above (further information in Supplementary Table 1). Stress values of 0.3 or more were interpreted as suspect, values below 0.2 as reliable, and values in between with caution. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) was performed for each NMDS representation, with ANOSIM applying 9999 permutations and Bray-Curtis distances for dissimilarity of the corresponding data sets. The function "r.g" (R Core Team 2022) was used to detect potential correlations between selected binary vectors. Indicator species analyses were performed to determine whether and - if so - which higher taxonomic groups were significantly associated with which station, sampling event and/or processing technique.
The differences between the overall densities of the individual stations, sampling methods and processing techniques and the specific densities of the higher taxonomic groups as well as Sargassum densities were investigated by comparing the corresponding data sets. The mean values were obtained from the aforementioned number of replicates. When variability is given in the text for megafauna density and Sargassum coverage it is provided as mean ± SD.