Area of study
Galway Bay, on the mid-west coast of Ireland (Fig. 1), is characterized by tidal and wind-driven circulation. The focus of this study is on the inner part of the bay east of Black Head, which is shallow with maximum depths of about 30 meters. The area is influenced by a humid oceanic climate, with high annual precipitation rates and large freshwater runoff from both surface water inputs and submarine groundwater inputs from karstic limestone areas. Riverine input plays an important role in the distribution of salinity across the bay. Large spatial and temporal gradients of salinity occur, oscillating with the tidal cycle due to the interaction between the incoming salty shelf water during the flood tide, and the freshwater plumes that propagate across the bay. As such, salinity is highly dynamic, making it difficult to predict accurately at a given time and location. The effect of river plumes is more predominant in shallow waters in the southeast of the bay, where the freshwater can extend along the whole water column under the effect of tide and wind-driven mixing, affecting the benthic biota. It is precisely in these shallow waters to the southeast where the main beds of native oyster and oyster restoration activities are located, and where aquaculture of Pacific oyster also takes place. Field observations are gathered periodically in a joint effort between Cuan Beo and the Marine Institute to evaluate the status of the stocks of native oyster.
The main sources of freshwater discharge in the bay are: (a) the Corrib River (Fig. 1.c), in Galway City, which largely constitutes the most important freshwater source, although its associated freshwater plume normally leaves the bay along the northern shore, and rarely affects the south bay; (b) the Clarin and Dunkellin rivers (Fig. 1.c) which are small freshwater sources to the eastern extent of the bay, close to the farming sites; and (c) the Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) flows into the bay through intertidal springs around the shoreline of Kinvara town (Fig. 1.c). A remarkable characteristic of the hydrogeology of this area is the existence of a complex karst system along the southern section of the bay adjacent to the limestone region known as the Burren. Even though it is not possible to obtain direct measurements of the intensity of this SGD flow into Kinvara Bay, a NARX model taking inputs of the past five days’ flood volume, rainfall and tidal amplitude has been developed to estimate the freshwater discharge (Basu et al. 2022). This NARX was developed on the outputs of a semi-distributed 1D/2D model of the 500 km2 karst catchment with the Infoworks ICM (Innovyze) urban drainage software to simulate groundwater-surface water interaction for turloughs (ephemeral lakes) in the area, and calibrated against field data that had been collected for over 25 years (see Morrisey et al. 2020).
Hydrodynamic model
The hydrodynamic model consists of a three-level nested application of the Regional Ocean Modelling System, a split-explicit, free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations model (Shchepetkin and McWilliams 2005). A description of each of these three nested applications is provided below, and further details of the model configuration are shown in Table 1 for clarity and reproducibility. A multi-year hindcast, starting from 2012 until present, exists for each of these models, running operationally to deliver a 3-day forecast of physical parameters of the ocean, including seawater temperature and salinity, sea surface elevation, and the barotropic and baroclinic components of circulation. The latest hindcasts and 3-day forecast are open-access through a dedicated THREDDS server at
In the three nested domains described here, atmospheric forcing was derived from the ECMWF 0.1º-resolution grid and incorporated into the model using bulk fluxes. Light absorption and shortwave heating were modelled as a double exponential function (Paulson and Simpson 1977), using the parameterizations for a Jerlov IB water type (Jerlov 1976). MPDATA is used for the advection of active tracers (Smolarkiewicz and Margolin, 1998). A logarithmic bottom friction was used with a bottom roughness length of Zob = 1 cm.
Table 1
Overview of the three ROMS nested domains. θs, θb: surface and bottom stretching parameters, hc: critical depth, Lρ, Mρ: grid size in the longitude and latitude dimensions.
| Northeast Atlantic | Connemara | Galway Bay |
SW coordinates | 55°56'50.6"N 30°43'04.4"W | 52°57'03.2"N 10°47'54.6"W | 53°06'48.2"N 9°12'43.2"W |
NW coordinates | 63°52'39.0"N 15°38'29.4"W | 53°43'44.8"N 10°47'54.6"W | 53°16'50.2"N 9°12'43.2"W |
NE coordinates | 51°12'42.5"N 9°28'37.9"E | 53°43'44.8"N 8°53'47.4"W | 53°16'50.2"N 8°52'49.4"W |
SE coordinates | 40°08'02.0"N 5°35'57.5"W | 52°57'03.2"N 8°53'47.4"W | 53°06'48.2"N 8°52'49.4"W |
Grid rotation angle | -43.5º | 0º | 0º |
Horizontal resolution | ~ 2 km (Lρ = 1200, Mρ = 750) ~ 1.2 km around Ireland | ~ 200 m (Lρ = 640, Mρ = 440) | ~ 70 m (Lρ = 336, Mρ = 283) |
No. vertical levels | 40 | 20 | 8 |
θs | 4 | 4 | 4 |
θb | 0.85 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
hc | 10 | 4 | 0 |
Wet & Dry | No | No | Yes |
Nested in | Copernicus GLOBAL_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_001_024 | Northeast Atlantic | Connemara |
Atmospheric forcing | 0.1º ECMWF | 0.1º ECMWF | 0.1º ECMWF |
The Northeast Atlantic model (Nagy et al. 2020a) is a ~ 2 km resolution domain covering a large part of the northeast Atlantic Ocean, including the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea, Irish Shelf, Malin Shelf, Irish Sea, Porcupine Seabight, Porcupine Bank, Rockall Trough, Rockall Bank, and further offshore areas including all of Ireland’s EEZ waters (Fig. 1.a). The model is one-way nested within the Copernicus GLOBAL_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_001_024, which provides open boundary forcing. Tidal elevations and barotropic velocities for ten major tidal constituents are prescribed at the open boundaries, and these are derived from the TPXO8 tides 1/30°global inverse barotropic tide model (Egbert and Erofeeva 2002). The bathymetry was obtained from a combination of multiple sources, including the GEBCO_08 grid (Weatherall et al. 2015), the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS), and the Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource (INFOMAR).
The Connemara model (Nagy et al. 2020b) is a ~ 200 m resolution domain covering the mid-west coastal waters of Ireland, extending from the Co. Clare coast to the south, up to Killary Harbour to the north, enclosing the Aran Islands and Galway Bay (Fig. 1.b). Open boundary conditions are received from the Northeast Atlantic model. The Connemara model provides open boundary forcing to the Galway Bay model, a ~ 70 m resolution grid covering inner Galway Bay east of Black Head from 53º06’48.2”N, 9º12’43.2”W to 53º16’50.1”N, 8º52’49.6”W (Fig. 1.c). At the open boundaries, clamped boundary conditions have been imposed for 3-D momentum and tracers, whilst a combination of Chapman and Flather conditions have been applied for the free-surface and the barotropic velocity. The maximum water column depth in the Galway Bay model is less than 30 m and the bathymetry was entirely derived from an INFOMAR 5 m resolution LiDAR product. Wetting and drying (Warner et al. 2013) is enabled in the Galway Bay model for an appropriate representation of the intertidal areas, and a critical depth of 0.5 m was used (the water column thickness, below which a cell is considered to be dry). Daily river flows for the Corrib, Clarin and Dunkellin are operationally prescribed into the model using actual flow measurements or water level recordings from the Office of Public Works (OPW), publicly accessible at Water levels are converted to flows using a rating curve: a functional relationship between the flow and the water height at a gauging station. For the Kinvara SGD, freshwater flows provided by the NARX model developed by Basu et al. (2022) were used. River temperature observations from the Corrib River were obtained from the Office of Public Works. Due to the lack of temperature measurements from the other freshwater sources, the same freshwater temperature was assumed for all of them. Freshwater flows and temperatures are shown (Fig. 2).
Hydrodynamic model validation
In order to assess the Galway Bay model’s ability to reproduce the temperature and salinity conditions in the bay, CTD surveys were carried out on 18 May 2021, 18 August 2021, 4 November 2021, 23 March 2022, 21 July 2022, 8 January 2023 and 10 July 2023. CTD casts were sampled with a YSI CastAway CTD, except for the last survey, where an RBR Brevio CTD was used. A total of 180 CTD profiles were sampled in the bay. Temperature and salinity observations were compared with Galway Bay model predictions. In addition, a near-surface temperature and salinity time series from an NKE sensor deployed at Trout Buoy (53°15'10.2"N 9°01'05.2"W) in spring 2022 was compared against the Galway Bay model temperature and salinity fields. The Trout Buoy series spans from 24 March to 19 April 2022. Finally, temperature and salinity observations from the Killeenaran farming site (53º11´51.6"N 08º56´30.5"W) were also compared against the Galway Bay model. These observations consist of: (1) a continuous seawater temperature series from a permanent mooring, and (2) weekly temperature and salinity observations from a CO 310 hand-held sensor. The locations of the sampling sites used for model validation are shown (Fig. 1.c).
Oyster mortality model
European flat oysters Ostrea edulis were exposed to 25 (5 x 5) different conditions of temperature and salinity, with temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ºC, and salinities of 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 g L− 1 in the laboratory. Oysters were sourced from Galway Bay in November 2020 and transferred to a flow-through seawater holding tank at temperature and salinity reflective of ambient conditions (temperature ranging from 12 to15 ºC, salinity above 30 g L− 1). They were held there for seven days prior to distribution to the experimental conditions. Oysters (30 individuals adding up to approximately 1.5 kg in weight to each container) were transferred from the holding tank to each of the experimental containers while the containers were still at ambient temperature and salinity. Temperatures were then gradually reduced or increased and salinities were gradually reduced over a period of five days until the experimental temperature and salinities were reached in order to avoid temperature shock. Oysters were fed with phytoplankton cultures (Isochrysis and Chaetocerus). All containers were aerated using pressurized air diffused through airstones. Pseudofaeces and detritus were removed from the tanks each day by suction and filtering onto a 63-µm mesh. Temperatures and salinities were monitored daily. Oyster mortality was monitored daily for 30 days. Dead (gaping) oysters were removed from the experimental containers daily. The mortality data were used to determine the experimental O. edulis cumulative mortality curves as a function of exposure time to combinations of salinity and temperature.
The experimental cumulative mortality curves were used to design an oyster mortality model. The idea was to define a function Md(T, S¸ Δt): the daily oyster mortality, as a function of temperature, salinity and exposure time. This function can then be applied to any temperature and salinity time series (either observed or modelled) to determine the total mortality at the end of the time period under consideration. If Nt is the number of living individuals on day t, and Mt is the daily mortality on day t, then Nt+1 = Nt - Nt * Mt is the number of survivors on day t + 1. First, the 25 experimental cumulative mortality curves are modelled as the best-fitting logistic functions:
\(\:\varvec{C}\varvec{u}\varvec{m}.\:\varvec{M}\varvec{o}\varvec{r}\varvec{t}.\left(\varDelta\:t\right)=\frac{1}{1+{\varvec{e}}^{-\varvec{k}(\varDelta\:\varvec{t}-{\varDelta\:\varvec{t}}_{0.5})}}\) (Eq. 1)
where Δt0.5 is the exposure time corresponding to a cumulative mortality rate of 50% of the individuals, and k is the logistic growth rate or steepness of the curve. The daily rate of change of these logistic curves is the daily mortality. These daily mortality values are then interpolated to the entire temperature and salinity ranges naturally occurring in the bay, from 5 ºC to 25 ºC and from 5 to 29 g L− 1. For conditions outside these ranges, nearest-neighbour extrapolation was used to determine an appropriate value of daily mortality. Finally, it is necessary to define a rule for the exposure time Δt, since the laboratory conditions were kept constant, but this is not the case in the marine environment. Temperature and salinity conditions that resulted in a cumulative mortality < 10% in the laboratory after 30 days were considered non-lethal, whereas when the cumulative mortality exceeded 10% the conditions were considered lethal. Following this approach, it was found that non-lethal conditions occur as long as T < 22.5 ºC and S > 20 g L− 1. In a daily-averaged T-S series, when the conditions enter the lethal domain, the exposure time is increased by 1 day. As soon as the conditions enter the non-lethal domain, the exposure time is restarted to 0 days.