The SciTrek program has been run since 2010 and covers grades 2–8, and is now expanding into high school. This study is exclusively focused on modules run in the 7th grade. We describe the origin and organization of the SciTrek program, a description of the two 7th grade modules used for this study, and the content, administration, and analysis of the assessments.
Origin and organization of SciTrek
Given the strong evidence that effective programs to improve science education for K-12 students exist, why is progress on making real change so slow? The effectiveness of the SciTrek program in helping elementary students improve in their attitudes towards science [45] and secondary students improve in critical thinking as applied to science practices [this work], is compelling. The ability of the program to address the broader concerns, for example, of improving long term retention of minority and women in STEM studies, is an ongoing interest, not addressed here.
Four insights form the basis of the SciTrek approach, presented here for the 7th grade modules, guided in part by evidence from various studies, and the corresponding author’s experience in working with university students at UCSB. First, obtaining personal guidance from an “expert” is essential for novices in STEM and non-STEM subjects [11, 37]. This process is labor intensive and best done in a small group setting which is extremely challenging for both elementary and secondary teachers [3, 20, 31, 46, 47]. The small groups of K-12 students (four to six, and for this study, 7th grade students) which are mentored by the university volunteers over a period of five to eight days, represents a distinct feature of the program. While these university volunteers have not received any formal teaching training, they do receive training in the modules as well as how to ask leading questions [48, 49] to encourage students to improve their ability to ask testable questions, experimental designs, interpretation of experimental results, and presentation of their findings. The multi-day discussions between volunteers and a small group of students are simply not possible by a single person (teacher) when 30 or more students are engaged in many different experiments. A typical comment from a participating 7th grade teacher supports this statement: “As a science teacher I have not seen another program like SciTrek. NGSS emphasize having students conduct experiments, but with over 200 students a day the reality of executing that is daunting. Being able to partner with UCSB students who guide students through the process makes it possible”, JH, Science Department Head, Anacapa Middle School, Ventura California. Because the volunteers are 60–70% female and 30–40% minority, these interactions help students consider how females and minorities can engage in science [50–56].
Second, to the extent possible, students need to think that what they are working on is at least in part driven by their own interests [57]. This feature requires attention and is very age- and grade-driven. Unguided inquiry has been shown to be less effective than guided inquiry [17, 18, 37, 38]. However, rote learning from following a detailed script is quite ineffective in building student interest and confidence [58]. Third, the possibility, indeed the likelihood of experimental “failure” and subsequent analysis by students, needs to be allowed for and encouraged [44]. Fourth, secondary school science teachers, and certainly elementary school educators, have minimal exposure to authentic science investigations and instruction during their own education and teacher training [59].
SciTrek typically reaches 10–15 schools, 60–70 teachers and approximately 2000 K-12 students each year. The program started at the second-grade level, and has expanded into secondary classrooms. As a result of district scheduling policy, no single school has implemented the entire SciTrek program. The elementary program (grades 2–6) and the secondary program are organized similarly, with important differences. Because elementary teachers rarely have a science background, the program seeks to empower the teachers to take a leadership role over a two to three year period; this involves extensive consultation with SciTrek staff. At the secondary level, although the teachers generally have science undergraduate degrees, they often lack any meaningful experience in carrying out research of any type [44]. Moreover, they rarely have the time and resources to implement a program like SciTrek; interviews and testimonials from teachers involved with SciTrek at all levels strongly support this view. At the secondary level, SciTrek engages these teachers in the design of module content. The long-term goal is to have teachers run two SciTrek modules each year with minimal involvement of SciTrek staff, with the help of trained university students, experimental materials, and workbooks.
The secondary program is further distinguished by the involvement of undergraduate and graduate students (SciTrek Research Group, SRG, coauthors of this work) who obtain research credit for assisting in all aspects of the program, including training university volunteers, module development, student recruitment, leading modules in classrooms, developing and administering assessments along with their statistical analysis and publication in peer reviewed journals. SRG members typically have at least one year of extensive module experience prior to joining and work 10–15 hours per week on the program. Many former SRG members are now enrolled in post graduate programs (e.g., Ph.D.) and training in diverse health science programs.
The SciTrek program
Recruitment, makeup and training of university students
While this study is focused on the 7th grade program, SciTrek runs similar programs in grades 2–8, which is summarized here. University undergraduate and graduate students are recruited from all disciplines, but 95% are STEM majors or have an interest in education. Undergraduates enrolled in the School of Education Minor in Science and Mathematics Education as well as the Minor in Education program participate in SciTrek. Students enrolled in Chemistry 102 (Teaching Chemistry at the High School/Junior High level), 193 (Internship in Chemistry), 198 (Research in Science Education) and Education 129 (CalTeach) participate in SciTrek modules. UCSB has 23,349 undergraduates, 46% are STEM majors, and 2,965 are graduate students.
UCSB volunteers (four to six undergraduate and graduate students per K-12 classroom) who participate in running the two modules featured in this study are provided volunteer notebooks, which contain the same activities outlined in the student notebooks in addition to supplementary materials that further explain concepts covered in the module (See Supplemental Files 1–6). Answers to the questions in the student notebook are included in the volunteer notebook. All UCSB volunteers are required to attend a module orientation lasting one to two hours, specific to each individual module (Best Bread, and Conservation of Mass), where SciTrek staff or SRG members thoroughly explain the activities, procedures, and goals of the module to volunteers. The classroom teachers attend these orientations to become familiar with the module and advise the university volunteers about their students. Volunteers are introduced to the activities covered in each module as well as informed as to what is expected of them when speaking to and interacting with the students. Volunteers are provided extensive guidance in asking students leading questions to improve the quality of the questions the 7th grade students want to experiment on (48,49), on their experimental designs, on their data analysis, and how best to present their data. The volunteer training and subsequent interactions with the students on this topic are key features of the program. All SciTrek volunteers are offered transportation to local schools in order to help run the module. Secondary teachers run the module in their classrooms with the help of the university volunteers. SciTrek staff are also present in the classroom to help and look for ways of improving the modules.
Module description (Figs. 1–3 and Supplemental Files 1–6)
The organization of the two 7th grade modules that make up the study (Best Bread and Conservation of Mass) are representative of other secondary modules (e.g., the 8th grade modules Waves and Germs). The Best Bread module aims to cover Next Generation Science Standards, MS-LS1-5 and MS-LS1-1 [22]. MS-LS-5 covers the construction of scientific explanations based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. In particular, it asks students to construct a scientific explanation based on evidence obtained from (among other sources) their own experiments. MS-LS-1 performance expectations ask students to conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells. MS-LS1 and 5 cover cellular respiration as well as understanding how environmental changes may affect an organism’s ability to function. The module introduces students to the concept of cellular respiration and has them change environmental variables in a flask containing yeast, sugar, and water (Figs. 2A- 2E). Students record quantitative results by measuring the amount of gas produced via water displacement. Students participating in this module learn the fundamentals of experimental design, which include forming a hypothesis as well as only changing one variable at a time (Fig. 2A, 2E). The second module, Conservation of Mass, addresses NGSS MS-PS1-5 “Matter and its Interactions”. It introduces students to a series of reactions that explore whether mass is lost, gained, or conserved during various physical changes and chemical reactions. Students ultimately are taught the concept of open and closed systems, and are asked to design a closed system where a baking soda and vinegar reaction takes place without any loss of mass (Conservation of Mass Notebooks available as Supplemental Files 4–6). Both modules encourage students to explore the interactions of changing variables and the value of experiments that either don’t lead to a logical conclusion or disagree with a student’s expected outcome; small group discussions, led by the university volunteers are used to emphasize the importance of multiple trials.
Due to scheduling constraints, SciTrek runs the modules either on Tuesday and Thursday or Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for six days. Teachers are provided “off day” activities focused on improving the subjects covered during the module such as graphing and mathematics if they choose to use them. To fit into the 7th grade curriculum, the Best Bread module is run in the fall and the Conservation of Mass module is run in the winter/spring. As in all SciTrek modules, students are provided equipment and workbooks to complete their activities and record data during each module.
The day-to-day activities for the Best Bread module (Fig. 1) and for the Conservation of Mass Module (Supplemental Files 6,7) highlight diverse formats used in these and other modules. These include presentations by a “lead” (classroom Teacher, or a SRG member). More often, the activities occur at one table composed of four-six 7th grade students and one university volunteer. The students are guided by the volunteer at their table or the lead. Each student has their own notebook which has questions they need to answer related to the activities they either observe or carry out themselves. The volunteers are trained to be a resource for the students [48, 49]. Groups of students are frequently asked to report to the entire class as to their results, or answers to questions posed in their workbooks (Fig. 1). At the end of the module, each student group summarizes their results by creating a poster that highlights their hypothesis and includes relevant graphs, tables, and a conclusion. The presentation to the class involves questions and response from the entire class of the presenting group.
Assessments (See Supplemental File 8)
The goal of the assessments is to test students’ understanding of critical thinking concepts stressed by the SciTrek 7th grade module curriculum—Experimental Design, Observation/Inference, and Testable Questions, within the context of the activities covered during the modules. While each of these concepts has multiple components, for the purpose of these two 7th grade modules Experimental design focused on experimental error analysis, and observation/inference focused on the distinction between simple observations and making logical conclusions from evidence. Testable questions focus on differentiating between what can or cannot be addressed by collecting evidence. The assessment design also coincides with the Three-Dimensional Learning concepts promoted in the Next Generation Science Standards [22].
The data collected in this study comes from assessments administered in the 2018–2019 7th grade academic school year between two participating teachers at Santa Barbara Junior High School in Santa Barbara, California. The teachers both have over fifteen years’ experience in teaching the 7th grade. The assessments consisted of seven questions, some with multiple parts, worth a total of 15 points. Two questions were not counted due to technical issues, resulting in a total of 13 points possible. Students were provided 10 minutes to complete the assessment and were informed that their score will not affect their academic grade. The same assessment was distributed twice during the school year, once prior to attending any SciTrek modules, and once after both modules have been completed.
The assessments were individually coded and graded separately by SRG members who had no knowledge of the student identity, whether the assessment was a pre- or post-module assessment, and if the student was in an Honors or College Prep class. The final scores for each question and sub-question (4a, 4b, etc) were recorded and the average pre and post assessment scores for each question were generated. The odds ratio, 95% confidence intervals, and p-values were generated by McNemar’s test, using the function mcnemar.exact in R package exact 2x2. The results and analysis from each individual question are provided in Table 2.
Table 1
Summary table of participants in this study. Data includes the number of assessed students. Assignment of students is done by the school and guided by performance relative to others in the class at the discretion of the teacher.
Teacher # 1
Teacher # 2
Total Students
Total in College Preparation
Total in Honors
Table 2: Students show significant improvements in all but one question in all areas of science process skills targeted in these modules. Each type of question is labeled with their corresponding questions in the table. Experimental design is labeled with red, observation/inference is labeled with blue, and testable questions are labeled with green. The assessment and rubric are provided (Supplemental File 7). Odds ratios were determined by comparing the proportion of students who had answered correctly on the pre assessment with the proportion of students who had answered correctly on the post assessment. 95% confidence intervals and p values were calculated based on the exact McNemar's test. Note, questions 4C and 5E were removed from the study due to technical problems.
Pre correct probability
Post correct probability
odds ratios
95% confidence intervals
(2.10, 13.36)
(1.12, 4.24)
(2.95, 11.50)
(5.79, 36.96)
(1.12, 11.17)
(1.31, 4.31)
(1.31, 5.03)
(1.58, 6.95)
(2.29, 7.41)
(1.26, 5.11)
(0.77, 3.32)
(0.96, 2.92)
(1.16, 3.10)