7.1 Business Disclosure Index
The section discusses the application of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models to understand the relationships between various factors and stock market returns, with a particular focus on models both with and without lagged dependent variables. The data is structured according to panels study using STATA, including variables related to stock market structure, governance within stock markets, external governance, and control variables. The results are shown in table 2.
Initially, OLS was applied to the model (Eq. 6.1) and the results without a lagged dependent variable showed an R-squared value of 0.2230. When a lagged dependent variable was included, the R-squared value increased to 0.4425, indicating a substantial improvement in the model's explanatory power. The coefficient of the lagged dependent variable (Smrt-1) was 0.5011832 (p-value 0.000), showing a strong and significant effect of past values on the current stock market return.
Significant findings include the positive impact of the Business Disclosure Index (BDI) on stock market returns. Without the lagged dependent variable, a unit change in BDI was associated with a 0.6585753 increase in stock market return (p-value 0.052). With the lagged dependent variable, the effect decreased to 0.3870693 and became statistically insignificant (p-value 0.181). Other variables, such as Bm, Trad, GDP, and FDI, showed weak or negligible relationships with the dependent variable in both models.
Stock market volatility (Smv) consistently had a significant and positive relationship with stock market returns in both regressions. Market capitalization (Mcap) showed a marginally non-significant positive effect. For external governance factors, control of corruption (ccr) had a significant positive relationship with stock market returns without the lagged dependent variable, while government effectiveness (gef) had an insignificant positive effect. Political stability (psv) and other governance factors like regulatory quality (rq) and rule of law (rl) showed insignificant effects.
The results underscore the importance of including lagged dependent variables in OLS models, as past values significantly affect current outcomes. However, this also introduces potential issues such as autocorrelation and multicollinearity, which require careful interpretation and additional diagnostics to confirm the model's robustness. References to previous studies highlight the relevance and limitations of OLS models. For instance, Godfrey (2011) emphasizes testing for error autocorrelation, while Min et al. (2021) suggest spatial regression analysis might be superior in certain contexts. The increase in R-squared value when including a lagged dependent variable underscores the substantial impact of past values, but also the necessity for rigorous validation to ensure reliable and accurate results.
The analysis utilizes Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect models, and One-Step Difference GMM to predict stock market returns, emphasizing the role of a lagged dependent variable (shareholder suits index) to enhance explanatory power.
Pooled OLS Regression
We applied Pooled OLS on Eq. 6.3. Pooled OLS regression analyses panel data by pooling cross-sectional units over time into a single regression equation. When including the Business Disclosure Index (BDI) for internal governance, the pooled regression results show a positive coefficient (0.335509) with a significant p-value (0.290). This indicates that higher business disclosure levels are associated with better stock market performance. The Business Disclosure Index, encompassing financial reports, risk factors, governance practices, and feasibility reports, enhances investor decision-making by increasing transparency and reducing information asymmetry. Such transparency is crucial for attracting investors and reducing stock price volatility, aligning with the consensus that effective disclosure practices can enhance market efficiency and firm valuation.
Fixed Effect Model
We applied Fixed effect model on Eq. 6.3. Fixed effect regression results also indicate a significant positive relationship between BDI and stock market returns. This method controls for unobserved heterogeneity by considering only within-entity variations, thus highlighting the importance of business disclosure in improving stock market performance. Additionally, various studies, such as those by Khanifah et al. (2020) and Modugu & Dempere (2020), have explored the impact of governance factors on stock market returns, emphasizing the positive effects of political stability, rule of law, and control of corruption, while regulatory quality and voice and accountability often show negative relationships.
External Governance Factors
The study includes external governance variables such as control of corruption, government effectiveness, political stability, rule of law, regulatory quality, and voice and accountability. These factors significantly influence stock market returns. Improved control of corruption and political stability enhance investor confidence and market performance, while regulatory quality and voice and accountability may negatively impact market flexibility. Government effectiveness and rule of law generally have positive but sometimes insignificant effects. This complex relationship underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of governance factors in market dynamics.
Market Structure and Performance
The relationship between market structure, indicated by market capitalization (% of GDP), and stock market performance is not straightforward. While some studies suggest a positive effect of market share on financial performance, others indicate an inverse U-shaped relationship between stock market structure and performance. The fixed effect regression suggests a significant positive relationship between market cap relative to GDP and stock market returns, reflecting a potentially robust market. However, the effect of trade and Federal Direct Investment (FDI) on stock market returns remains non-significant, highlighting the multifaceted nature of these relationships.
Lagged Dependent Variable and One-Step Difference GMM
The inclusion of a lagged dependent variable in the model Eq. 6.3, significantly enhances explanatory power. The pooled regression and fixed effect models show significant positive coefficients (0.4734945 and 0.3882565, respectively), suggesting that past stock market returns have strong predictive value for future returns, indicating a momentum effect. The one-step difference GMM method, which also shows a significant positive relationship (0.482358), is crucial for addressing endogeneity issues in panel data by using lagged values as instruments. This method provides more reliable estimates, especially in smaller samples or with weak instruments, offering robust standard errors and simplicity. The results are shown in table 3.
The study highlights the importance of including lagged dependent variables to capture the dynamic nature of stock market returns. The significant increase in R-squared value from 0.2097 to 0.4172 when including the lagged dependent variable underscores the substantial impact of past values on current returns. However, it is essential to address potential issues such as autocorrelation and multicollinearity to ensure robust and reliable results.
The positive relationship between BDI and stock market performance emphasizes the need for transparency and effective disclosure practices. Similarly, external governance factors play a crucial role in shaping stock market returns, with control of corruption, political stability, and rule of law positively influencing market performance. The nuanced effects of market structure and other variables like GDP and trade highlight the complexity of these relationships.
The inclusion of a lagged dependent variable significantly improves the explanatory power of regression models predicting stock market returns. The Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect, and One-Step Difference GMM models each provide unique insights, with the GMM method addressing endogeneity concerns effectively. The findings underscore the importance of governance factors and transparency in enhancing market performance. However, the complex and multifaceted nature of these relationships necessitates careful interpretation and further research to ensure robust conclusions and practical implications for investors and policymakers.
Table# 2 Author’s self-calculation (OLS with lagged dependent variable, OLS without lagged dependent variable)
Division of variables
Independent variables
Smr(OLS) with lagged dependent variable
Lagged Dependent variable
(0.000) ***
Internal Governance
(0.052) **
Control variables
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
(0.050) **
External Governance
(0.000) ***
(0.003) ***
− .0851
(0.000) ***
− .4589411
(0.000) ***
No. of Observation 757 752
R squared 0.2230 0.4425
*, ** and *** denote significance at the 1,5, or 10 percent level respectively.
Table# 3 Author’s self-calculation ( Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect model & one step difference GMM)
Division of variables
Independent variables
Smr (pooled OLS)
Smr (Fixed effect model)
Smr (one step Difference GMM)
Lagged dependent variable
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
Internal Governance
Control variables
(0.002) ***
(0.003) ***
(0.044) **
(0.004) ***
(0.050) **
(0.055) **
External Governance
(0.042) **
(0.010) *
(0.080) **
(0.004) ***
(0.098) *
(0.095) *
No. of Observation 752 752 702
*, ** and *** denote significance at the 1,5, or 10 percent level respectively.
Arellano Bond Test of Autocorrelation
The test for dynamic panel data models examined autocorrelation in the residuals, with the null hypothesis being no autocorrelation. The AR(2) test yielded a z-value of 1.29 and a p-value of 0.198. Since the p-value exceeds the conventional threshold of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, indicating no significant autocorrelation in the residuals. This suggests the model is appropriate for analysing the relationship between structure, governance, and stock market performance, enhancing the credibility and reliability of the results.
Additionally, the Hansen test of overidentification restrictions was applied to validate the instrumental variables. The test returned a p-value of 0.971, suggesting the instruments are valid, as the high p-value indicates no reason to reject the null hypothesis. However, the unusually high p-value raises concerns about potential computational or methodological issues, warranting careful interpretation. Ensuring the validity of instruments is crucial for drawing credible inferences in the research on stock market performance. The results are shown in table 4.
Sargan Test
The Sargan test of over-identifying restrictions evaluates the validity of instruments in models estimated through IV techniques or GMM. It tests the null hypothesis that the instruments are valid, meaning they are uncorrelated with the error term and correctly excluded from the model. In the research on the structure, governance, and stock market performance, the Sargan test statistic of chi2(27) = 28.29 with a Prob > chi2 = 0.248 indicates no statistical evidence against the null hypothesis at conventional significance levels. This suggests the instruments used are valid and support their use in the model. The results are shown in table 4.
These findings align with principles from seminal works by Sargan (1958) and Hansen (1982), emphasizing the importance of instrument validity for reliable IV and GMM estimations. Valid instruments ensure that the estimated effects of governance on market performance are not confounded by omitted variable bias or reverse causality, as highlighted by studies from La Porta et al. (1998, 2000), Fama and Jensen (1983), and Shleifer and Vishny (1997).
The acceptance of instruments through the Sargan test supports the reliability of findings on the impact of governance structures on stock market performance. This reinforces the theoretical framework linking corporate governance and equity returns, as discussed by Gompers et al. (2003), and contributes to ongoing debates on optimal governance practices and their implications for market efficiency and investor protection.
Hansen test
The Hansen test of over-identifying restrictions, with a chi-square statistic of 12.68 and a p-value of 0.971, suggests perfect instrument validity in the context of research on the structure, governance, and stock market performance. This result indicates no evidence against the null hypothesis of instrument exogeneity. Seminal works like Hansen (1982) emphasize that a non-significant result supports instrument validity. However, such an unusually high p-value might necessitate a re-evaluation of the model to ensure it captures the dynamics of governance and market performance accurately. The results are shown in table 4.
Studies by Milosevic et al. (2015) and Fama and French (1995) highlight the importance of valid instruments in establishing causal relationships between corporate governance and stock market outcomes. Thus, while the Hansen test result supports instrument validity, it also underscores the need for rigorous econometric verification and model assessment to ensure reliable findings in the complex interplay of governance and financial markets.
Table# 4 Author’s self calculation (AR(2) $& HT of over rid. Restrictions)
Test result
Pr > z
Arellano-Bond test for AR (2)
H0: Absence of second-order serial correlation in disturbances
Accept the null Hypothesis
Hansen test of over rid. restrictions
H0: overidentification restrictions are valid
Chi2 = 12.68
Accept the null Hypothesis
Sargan test of overid. Restrictions
H0: instruments are valid instruments
Chi2 = 28.29
Accept the null Hypothesis
*, ** and *** denote significance at the 1,5, or 10 percent level respectively.
7.2 Shareholder Suits Index
In second part of research we have taken shareholder suits index as a proxy for internal governance. Good stock market governance is essential for maintaining market stability and investor trust. This study uses the Shareholder Suits Index as a measure to evaluate the effectiveness of internal governance mechanisms in stock markets. By analysing the number and outcomes of shareholder lawsuits, this index reflects the efficacy of corporate governance structures in protecting shareholder interests. The research aims to understand governance dynamics within stock markets, identify strengths and weaknesses, and highlight the importance of addressing public grievances with holistic responses to improve governance and macroeconomic stability.
In the OLS regression models, both with and without lagged dependent variables, we observe distinct differences in explanatory power. For the model without the lagged dependent variable Eq. 6.2, the R-squared value is 0.2097, indicating that around 21% of the variability in stock return prices is explained by the independent variables. The inclusion of the Shareholder Suits Index results in a negative coefficient (-0.1121121), suggesting an inverse relationship with stock market returns; however, this relationship is non-significant, indicating that it might be due to random variation rather than a true effect. Market capitalization shows a positive coefficient (0.0011747), which aligns with the literature suggesting that larger firms might have higher returns, but this effect is also non-significant. Broad money displays a negative coefficient (-0.0196425), implying that increases in broad money supply may be associated with lower stock market returns, although this is non-significant. Trade has a positive coefficient (0.0112141), indicating a positive relationship with stock market returns, but again, this relationship is non-significant. The coefficient for stock market volatility is positive (0.804665) and highly significant (p < 0.001), indicating a strong positive relationship. GDP and FDI both show extremely small negative effects and are non-significant. The control of corruption index shows a positive and highly significant coefficient (0.2966497), indicating a substantial positive impact on stock market returns. Government effectiveness displays a negative coefficient (-0.0491856), which is non-significant. Political instability has a positive coefficient (0.1118948) and is highly significant (p < 0.01), indicating a positive impact. The rule of law shows a negative coefficient (-0.0103555), which is non-significant.
When the lagged dependent variable is included Eq. 6.4, the R-squared value rises to 0.4172, showing that the model now explains 42% of the variability in stock returns. This demonstrates the significant role of past stock market performance. In this model, the Shareholder Suits Index has a positive coefficient (0.1765595) but remains non-significant. Market capitalization also has a positive coefficient (0.003188), suggesting that larger firms might have higher subsequent returns, but this effect is non-significant. The effect of broad money remains negative (-0.0087221) but smaller and non-significant. Trade continues to show a positive relationship (0.0040259) with a smaller effect, which is non-significant. The coefficient for stock market volatility is positive (0.3649227) and highly significant (p < 0.001), though smaller than in the model without the lagged returns. GDP and FDI continue to show extremely small and non-significant negative effects. Government effectiveness maintains a negative coefficient (-0.0414192), which is non-significant. Political instability has a positive coefficient (0.0892587) and remains significant (p < 0.05), though the effect is slightly smaller compared to the model without the lagged returns. The rule of law changes to a positive coefficient (0.0165711) but is still non-significant.
Including a lagged dependent variable in OLS regression models significantly improves their explanatory power, highlighting the influence of past stock market performance on current returns. The shift from a negative to a positive coefficient for the Shareholder Suits Index when including the lagged dependent variable suggests that past returns influence the relationship between shareholder suits and stock market returns. This finding aligns with financial econometrics literature, indicating that stock returns often exhibit autocorrelation.
The study emphasizes the importance of governance factors, particularly the control of corruption and political instability, which show significant positive impacts on stock market returns. However, other factors like government effectiveness, rule of law, market capitalization, broad money, trade, GDP, and FDI do not show significant impacts, highlighting the complex and multifaceted nature of these relationships. The results underscore the importance of statistical significance in interpreting regression coefficients. Non-significant coefficients, despite aligning with theoretical expectations, indicate that observed relationships may be due to random variation rather than true underlying effects.
In conclusion, the study demonstrates that including lagged dependent variables can enhance the explanatory power of regression models, capturing the dynamic nature of stock market returns. It highlights the significance of certain governance factors in influencing market performance while emphasizing the need for rigorous econometric techniques to ensure reliable and meaningful findings in the complex domain of corporate governance and financial markets.
In the research examining stock market governance and performance, the use of the Shareholder Suits Index as a measure of internal governance mechanisms is pivotal. This index, reflecting the number and outcomes of shareholder lawsuits, provides insights into the efficacy of corporate governance structures in protecting shareholder interests. By analysing these governance dynamics, the study aims to identify strengths and weaknesses within stock markets, thereby emphasizing the importance of addressing public grievances to improve governance and macroeconomic stability.
In the context of OLS regression models, both with and without lagged dependent variables, notable differences in explanatory power are observed. For the model without the lagged dependent variable, the R-squared value is 0.2097, indicating that around 21% of the variability in stock return prices is explained by the independent variables. Here, the Shareholder Suits Index shows a negative coefficient (-0.1121121), suggesting an inverse relationship with stock market returns. However, this relationship is non-significant, indicating it might be due to random variation rather than a true effect. Market capitalization shows a positive coefficient (0.0011747), aligning with literature that suggests larger firms might have higher returns, though this effect is also non-significant. Broad money has a negative coefficient (-0.0196425), implying that increases in broad money supply may be associated with lower stock market returns, but again, this is non-significant. Trade presents a positive coefficient (0.0112141), indicating a positive relationship with stock market returns, but this relationship is non-significant. The coefficient for stock market volatility is positive (0.804665) and highly significant (p < 0.001), indicating a strong positive relationship. GDP and FDI show extremely small negative effects and are non-significant. The control of corruption index shows a positive and highly significant coefficient (0.2966497), indicating a substantial positive impact on stock market returns. Government effectiveness displays a negative coefficient (-0.0491856), which is non-significant. Political instability has a positive coefficient (0.1118948) and is highly significant (p < 0.01), indicating a positive impact. The rule of law shows a negative coefficient (-0.0103555), which is non-significant.
When a lagged dependent variable is included, the R-squared value rises to 0.4172, showing that the model now explains 42% of the variability in stock returns, demonstrating the significant role of past stock market performance. In this model, the Shareholder Suits Index has a positive coefficient (0.1765595) but remains non-significant. Market capitalization also has a positive coefficient (0.003188), suggesting larger firms might have higher subsequent returns, but this effect is non-significant. The effect of broad money remains negative (-0.0087221) but smaller and non-significant. Trade continues to show a positive relationship (0.0040259) with a smaller effect, which is non-significant. The coefficient for stock market volatility is positive (0.3649227) and highly significant (p < 0.001), though smaller than in the model without the lagged returns. GDP and FDI continue to show extremely small and non-significant negative effects. Government effectiveness maintains a negative coefficient (-0.0414192), which is non-significant. Political instability has a positive coefficient (0.0892587) and remains significant (p < 0.05), though the effect is slightly smaller compared to the model without the lagged returns. The rule of law changes to a positive coefficient (0.0165711) but is still non-significant.
The coefficient of 0.4534034 in the pooled OLS model suggests that a one-unit increase in the lagged stock market return is associated with an increase in the current stock market return by approximately 0.4534034 units, holding other factors constant. This relationship is highly statistically significant, with a p-value of 0.000, indicating strong evidence against the null hypothesis that the lagged stock market return has no effect on the current stock market return. The fixed effects model, with a coefficient of 0.3925809, similarly shows a highly significant positive relationship within each entity (e.g., country or firm), controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. The one-step difference GMM model, with a coefficient of 0.44578, also indicates a significant positive relationship, addressing potential endogeneity of the lagged stock market return.
The persistence of these coefficients across different models highlights the stability of the effect size of the lagged stock market return on current returns. The positive relationship underscores the phenomenon of momentum in financial markets, where past returns predict future returns due to factors like investor behaviour, herding, and the slow dissemination of information. This is consistent with the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in its weak form, suggesting that past price information might have some predictive power.
The analysis of stock market volatility across the models reveals a significant positive relationship with stock market returns. In the pooled OLS model, the coefficient is 0.3283855, highly significant with a p-value of 0.001. The fixed effects model shows an even stronger relationship, with a coefficient of 0.4654669 and a similarly significant p-value. The one-step difference GMM model, with a coefficient of 0.4835576, further supports this positive relationship, although the p-value is slightly higher at 0.016. These findings align with financial theory, which posits that higher risk (volatility) demands higher returns as compensation, reflecting the risk-return trade-off.
Overall, the significant and positive coefficients for both the lagged stock market return and stock market volatility highlight the importance of momentum and persistence in stock market returns. These results are consistent with economic theories suggesting that past performance can inform future returns due to market behaviour, investor sentiment, economic fundamentals, and trading strategies. The analysis underscores the complex interplay of various factors driving stock market dynamics, emphasizing the need for rigorous econometric techniques to ensure reliable and meaningful findings in the study of corporate governance and financial markets.
Table# 5 Author’s self-calculation (OLS with lagged dependent variable, OLS without lagged dependent variable)
Division of variables
Independent variables
Smr(OLS) with lagged dependent variable
Lagged Dependent variable
(0.000) ***
Internal Governance
Control variables
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
External Governance
(0.000) ***
(0.009) ***
(0.005) ***
(0.011) **
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
No. of Observation 1028 1012
R squared 0.2097 0.4172
*, ** and *** denote significance at the 1,5, or 10 percent level respectively.
Table# 6 Author’s self-calculation (OLS with lagged dependent variable, OLS without lagged dependent variable)
Division of variables
Independent variables
Smr (pooled OLS)
Smr (Fixed effect model)
Smr (one step Difference GMM)
Lagged dependent variable
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
(0.000) ***
Internal Governance
− .3891438
0 .0192731
(0.070) *
Control Variables
(0.001) ***
(0.001) ***
(0.016) **
External Governance
No. of Observation 1012 1012 957
*, ** and *** denote significance at the 1,5, or 10 percent level respectively.
Arellano Bond test of Autocorrelation
The AR (2) model suggests that the current stock market return might be influenced by its values in the two previous periods. The z-statistic of 1.30 measures the number of standard deviations the estimated coefficient is from zero, testing the null hypothesis that the AR (2) term's coefficient is zero. With a p-value of 0.194, which is higher than typical significance thresholds (e.g., 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This indicates no statistically significant evidence that stock market returns from two periods ago affect the current return. Thus, from a statistical standpoint, the AR (2) term lacks significant predictive power for current stock market returns in this model. The results are shown in table 7.
Sargan Test
The Sargan test (or Sargan-Hansen test) checks the validity of instruments in a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation by testing whether the instruments are uncorrelated with the error term. In your case, the chi-square statistic is 34.16 with a p-value of 0.105. The null hypothesis, which posits that the instruments are valid, cannot be rejected at common significance levels (0.01, 0.05, or 0.10) because the p-value is greater than these thresholds. Therefore, you fail to reject the null hypothesis, indicating that there is no significant evidence against the validity of the instruments. This suggests that the instruments used in your GMM estimation are likely valid and uncorrelated with the error term, supporting the reliability of the estimated coefficients. Consequently, the GMM results are robust, and potential endogeneity has been appropriately addressed. The results are shown in table 7.
Hansen Test
The Hansen test (or Hansen J-test) is used in GMM estimation to assess the validity of instruments by checking if they are uncorrelated with the error term. In this case, the chi-square statistic is 19.85 with 25 degrees of freedom, and the p-value is 0.755. The null hypothesis, which states that the instruments are valid, cannot be rejected at any conventional significance level (e.g., 0.01, 0.05, 0.10) because the p-value is significantly higher than these thresholds. This indicates that there is no significant evidence against the validity of the instruments.
The high p-value suggests that the instruments are appropriate for the GMM estimation, as they do not show significant correlation with the error term. This result implies that the potential endogeneity has been adequately addressed, and the GMM results are robust. The Hansen test, with a chi-square statistic of 19.85 and a p-value of 0.755, reinforces the validity of the instruments used, supporting the reliability of the estimated coefficients and the conclusions drawn about the relationship between governance indicators and stock market performance. This provides a solid foundation for the study's findings, confirming that the instruments do not overfit the model and are indeed valid. The results are shown in table 7.