Study area and sites
This study was conducted in the Kochi and Ehime prefectures of western Shikoku. In our study area, magpies had been detected previously, and we anticipated that their populations were growing (Sato et al. 2018). Watari (2019) defined an ‘early stage of colonization’ as the period from the introduction to the establishment of non-native species, and we expected that magpie occupancy rate was lower in the far areas from the escape point because the magpie had already reached the fringe of the study area but did not seem to be common in the study area. In this area, the magpie has been reported to occur in evergreen broadleaved secondary forests, conifer plantations, and farmlands (Sato et al. 2018). In their native range, magpies occur in green spaces with anthropogenic openings and forests near human settlements (del Hoyo et al. 2009). The magpie may prefer landscapes containing both forests and open areas or warmer lowlands as habitats. Therefore, we selected survey points with widely varying land use (e.g., forest cover and proportion of natural forests among surrounding forests [index of local forest composition]) and topographic factors (elevation and Topographic Position Index [TPI]) using QGIS (, to cover most observation records over the past 20 years. We considered that elevation as a surrogate for temperature at the local scale (Kawamura et al. 2023).
For land use data, we used the High-Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Map (ver. 21.11) of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (grid size: 10 m; period: 2018–2020; Among 12 land use types, we treated two types of forests (deciduous and evergreen broadleaved forests) as natural forests. Evergreen conifer forests were treated as plantations. As the home range of the magpie was unknown, we calculated forest cover as a proportion of total land area within various radii from the sampling points (100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 m), as an indicator of habitat extent. To examine the effects of local forest composition, the proportion of natural forest area to total forest area was calculated using 100 m as the detection radius for magpie.
We used elevation data provided by CGIS Japan and derived from a 10-m digital elevation model ( We calculated the mean elevation within 100 m of each survey point. TPI was calculated at a scale of 250 m × 250 m as the difference between the elevation of a survey point and the mean elevation of its surroundings, with a negative value indicating a valley floor or concave area and a positive value indicating a ridge or convex landform (Zellweger et al. 2013). The scale of the TPI was suggested by Yonekura et al. (2001) to clearly represent a wide range of topographic features in Japan. We aimed to make each point spatially independent by setting a minimum distance between points of 2 km. Finally, we selected 42 survey points (six survey points on roads in each of seven municipalities: Fig. 1).
Bird survey
To examine the responsiveness of the magpie to playback of their calls, we first conducted a preliminary indoor survey at the Nature Center of Shimanto Fairy Pitta Forest (Shimanto town, Kochi Prefecture). We selected five types of calls downloaded from the xeno-canto database and a call recorded in our study area, to cover a wide range of magpie call types (see sonograms in Fig. S2) and areas because the function of each call type remain unknown and the subspecies was not specified for the population in Shikoku (Sato et al. 2018). Both two captive individuals responded to playback of these calls by jumping or calling back. At six sites where magpies were detected at least once before the survey, we broadcast these six call types as a preliminary field survey in early April 2022. At two sites, magpies called back and approached the speaker.
We created a 3-min sound file for each of the six types of calls and rearranged them to create six 18-min playback files (ABCDEF, ABEFCD, CDABEF, CDEFAB, EFABCD, and EFCDAB). A single surveyor (HM) played back these files using a speaker (SoundLink Revolve +; Bose, Framingham, MA, USA) connected to a player (PCM-A10; Sony, Tokyo, Japan) with the volume set to maximum, and a magpie decoy was hung from a tripod at each point. The number of magpie individuals calling back within 100 m of the speaker was recorded at 3-min intervals (i.e., we obtained six observations in a single visit).
We aimed to assess the effects of magpie occupancy on as many native bird species as possible, including both rare and common species. We presumed that smaller bird species than the magpie can be prey for the magpie and that species with unique and easily identifiable songs, mainly songbird species, were suitable for this assessment. Therefore, when we conducted the playback survey for the magpie, we also recorded the detection/non-detection of eight target species: Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina), Japanese Bush Warbler (Cettia diphone), Japanese Tit (Parus minor), and Varied Tit (Poecile varius) as common species, and Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha), Japanese Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata), Eastern Crowned Warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus), and Ruddy Kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) as rare species in this area (Ueta et al. 2011). Although we did not record detection/non-detection data during each 3-min interval for these small birds, we considered all species detected during an 18-min recording period within a single visit to be detected during all six 3-min sampling intervals, as only actively singing individuals were detected. We performed surveys once per month from April to August 2022 (four to five visits to each point). Surveys were conducted between dawn and 9:00 and between 16:00 and dusk.
Statistical analysis
Occupancy model for the magpie
We used the unmarked package (v1.2.5; Fiske & Chandler 2011) and ubms package (v1.2.2; Kellner et al. 2021) in R (v4.2.2; R Core Team 2022). To reveal the factors determining the magpie distribution and predict habitat suitability across Shikoku, we used an occupancy model (link function = logit) with magpie detection/non-detection in each 3-min sampling period as the response variable (MacKenzie et al. 2002). Application of the occupancy model to this data arrangement enabled us to examine the playback effects of each call type on magpie detection probability. Implementing the occupancy model increases model computation time because the relationships between occupancy of the target species and environmental factors (the ecological process), and between detectability and survey conditions (the observation process), are estimated simultaneously (Goldstein and de Valpine 2022). To select the most parsimonious model for prediction (final model) with less computation time, we used a two-step model selection process in which explanatory variables for the ecological process were selected first, followed by those for the observation process, using the “occu” function in the unmarked package (based on a maximum likelihood estimation).
First, to select explanatory variables representing ecological processes, we considered a quadratic term or logarithmic transformation of each environmental factor (forest cover, natural forest proportion, elevation, TPI, and distance from the escape point) after standardization. Correlations among these factors were not high (|r| < 0.62). In this procedure, we included and fixed explanatory variables, i.e., survey date, its quadratic term, survey time and six types of playback calls for the observation process (see details in the next paragraph). For forest cover and natural forest proportion, we constructed three models including only the linear term, only the quadratic term, and both the linear and quadratic terms as explanatory variables. For the elevation and distance from the escape point, we constructed two models using the linear terms or logarithmically transformed values. The significance of explanatory variables in the model with the lowest Akaike information criterion value was determined at the 5% level for each environmental factor, and all significant factors were used as explanatory variables for ecological process evaluation, as described in the following steps.
Second, we selected explanatory variables for the observation process using a method similar to that used for ecological process. We included survey date, survey time, and six playback call types in the analysis. Survey date was defined as the number of days elapsed (i.e., 1 April = 1), which was standardized prior to the analysis. Survey time was a categorical variable (morning or evening). Each of the six types of playback calls was included as a categorical explanatory variable consisting of a binary number, where 0 indicated before playback and 1 indicated during/after playback. For example, in a playback file containing six types of calls, in the order ABCDEF, we described explanatory variables for the six 3-min intervals as follows: A, 111111; B, 011111; C, 001111; D, 000111; E, 000011; F, 000001. One of the six types of calls was played back during each 3-min playback interval, and all six playback call types were played back in every 18-minute visit. The magpie detectability during each visit was expected to differ depending on the playback order of six types of calls. We therefore included six playback call types in every model and the intercept of the detection model represents the hypothetical detection probability prior to any playback; thus, magpie responses before and after playback of each call type could be compared using this modeling framework. Considering the low number of magpies detected, we assessed the significance of each explanatory variable at the 10% level and thus included marginally significant factors in the observation process.
Finally, to consider the effects of temporal pseudoreplication of multiple observations within each visit, we constructed the final model using the random intercept in the detection model for each visit in each site with the “stan_occu” function (chains = 3, iter = 10000) in the ubms package (Bayesian framework, computation time: 9 min). We used the default setting for prior distributions. We used this model to predict the distribution of suitable habitats across Shikoku. The MacKenzie–Bailey chi-square goodness-of-fit test was performed using the “gof” function of ubms.
Multispecies occupancy model
To evaluate the impact of magpie presence on occupancy of native small bird species, we used a multispecies occupancy model (“occuMulti” function of the unmarked R package: Fiske & Chandler 2011; Rota et al. 2016). Of the eight native species that we surveyed, four (Fairy Pitta, Japanese Paradise Flycatcher, Eastern Crowned Warbler, and Ruddy Kingfisher) were excluded from the analysis because they occurred at fewer than three points. We used the detection/non-detection data for the magpie and four native species (Narcissus Flycatcher, Japanese Tit, Varied Tit, and Japanese Bush Warbler) in each 3-min sampling interval as the response variables, although the detection/non-detection for native species were the same among six 3-min samplings in a single visit (see details in Bird survey). This modeling approach using repeated 3-min detection statuses of five species in a single model enabled us to estimate the interaction between magpie occupancy and that of multiple native bird species (i.e., magpie:[Narcissus Flycatcher], magpie:[Japanese Tit], magpie:[Varied Tit], and magpie:[Japanese Bush Warbler]), simultaneously, while considering playback effects on the detection probability of the magpie. For the magpie, the explanatory variables for the ecological and observation process were the same as in the final model. Similarly, for each native species, we used single-species occupancy models, with explanatory variables selected based on the quadratic term or logarithmic transformation of each environmental factor (forest cover, natural forest proportion, elevation, and TPI) after standardization. The explanatory variables for the observation process were fixed to be survey date, its quadratic term, and survey time. We assumed that magpie presence affects only the intercept for native species occupancy (i.e., mean occupancy).
Mapping the potential distribution of the Red-billed Blue Magpie
In order to predict the potential future expansion, we mapped the habitat suitability for the magpie at 200-m resolution across Shikoku using the final model and the environmental data that were used for survey point selection. First, we calculated the mean elevation within a 100-m radius from the center of each 10 m × 10 m cell (i.e., 317 cells were included in this range) using a 10-m digital elevation model. Then, we calculated forest cover within a 600-m radius from the center of each 10 m × 10 m cell (i.e., 11,289 cells were included in this range) using the 10-m land use map. To create data at a 200-m resolution from those at a 10-m resolution, we averaged the elevation and forest cover data across 400 10 m × 10 m cells within each 200-m grid. Finally, we mapped the expected occupancy probability by substituting these 200-m resolution environmental data into the final model, although with extrapolated ranges of the forest cover and elevation.
To evaluate the performance of the final model, we used 52 observation records collected over the past 20 years, separately from our surveys (hereafter, observational data: Tanioka and Hamada, unpublished data). The observational data were collected by bird watchers with bird identification skills in a manner differing from that of our surveys (i.e., occasional observation without playback). All but five records were collected before our surveys. Although observation times and detection radii were not recorded, it is possible that magpies have continued to inhabit the area because magpies were observed multiple times in areas within 10 km of each observation site. We compared the predicted occupancy probability, elevation, and forest cover of these observation locations (i.e., presence only data) with those of “detected” and “non-detected” points of our field survey, and examined the features of observation sites despite low predicted occupancy probability.