The theoretical analysis and formulation was followed stepwise to achieve the precise results. The investigation of plus shaped grating based sensor model was followed by the analysis of models of linear fiber core and single vertical slot grating. Initially, fiber structure was studied in detail to optimize the numerical parameters such as meshing, line width of source, boundary conditions, polarization, operating wavelength and power of the input source. The analysis of all the designed models was done under the similar parameters. The meshing of 0.25 × 0.25 micron was taken into consideration with transverse magnetic (TM) polarization with PML as boundary conditions at all the interfaces of grating and core. The propagation of optical signal within the optical fiber core was carried out at the wavelength of 1.55 µm with the confined linewidth of 0.39 µm and the input power of 1 W/µm. For the clear understanding of all three structures which are considered in this work, (linear core, single vertical slot grating and plus shaped grating) their detail simulation was carried out and corresponding results provided separately in the respective sections. The analysis of water samples was done in the RI range of 1.33 to 1.39. Under the tested RI range of water samples, almost all the ionic pollutants are covered which are degrading the water quality.
A. Linear fiber core structure
The analysis of linear fiber core structure was done in terms of signal transmission, distribution of mode profile, phase distribution in direetion of propagation and power confinement as shwon in Fig. 4. The transmission of optical signal through the core is presented in Fig. 4 (a), from where it can be observed that at operating wavelength the maximum power is confined within the core. The distribution of propagating mode profile also shown in Fig. 4 (b), from where it was conceived that the mode distribution is uniform throughout the core. The mode distribution profile also depicts the confinement of optical power in the center of core along the propagation axis. The phase distribution of the propagating field is exactly matched with the mode distribution profile of field, as provided in Fig. 4(c). The graphical representation of optical field confinement within the core of fiber is presented in Fig. 4 (d). It can be easily concluded from this figure that maximum power is confined within the center part of core along the axis of propagation, which is about 0.9 a.u.
B. Single vertical slot grating
The analysis of single vertical slot grating structure was followed by the results of linear fiber core model. A 1-µm wide vertical grating was created at the center of linear fiber core. Thereafter, for analyzing the water samples, RI of vertical grating was set to 1.33 which is equivalent to the water RI.
The performance of designed structure was gauged in terms of transmission of optical signal, mode and phase distribution and power confinement in core region as revealed in Fig. 5. The propagation of optical fields through the single vertical slot grating incorporated fiber is presented in Fig. 5 (a). It can be infer from the figure that a part of power was absorbed at the created grating slot and hence power at output is low in comparison of linear optical fiber core structure which was discussed in previous section. Instead of absorption, a part of power is also decaying into substrate region which is considered as outer environment in proposed work as shown in Fig. 5 (b). The power leaked into external environment is not going to recombine with the field propagating inside the core and grating structures. The phase distribution of the fields can be seen from Fig. 5 (c). This figure gives a clear understanding of the nature of variation in phase of signal propagating through the created grating. The loss in power at output can be comprehend from Fig. 5 (d), which clearly reveals that the power at the output port of designed sensor structure is low in comparison of linear optical fiber structure (as depicted in Fig. 4(d).
Afterwards, the analysis of designed sensor structure was done by varying the width of slot from 0.5 nm to 1 µm, and results were obtained in terms of output intensity with respect to slot width as shown in Fig. 6. The analysis was carried out to examine the slot width for the modelling of plus shaped cavity sensor model. The output results illustrates that on narrowing the slot width below 1 µm, the output power profile is also degrading. The power at output port for the slot width less than 100 nm is presented in inset of Fig. 6. For the slot width less than 100 nm, the power at output port almost degraded by 25 %. This loss in power at output port on narrowing down the width of grating slot below 100 nm is because of the decaying of field in outer environment with poor confinement in core. Therefore, it can be concluded that for proposed geometry of sensor higher sensitivity can be attained at the slot widths higher than 100 nm. The results indicates that the output power profile was sharply increases for the slot width greater than 400 nm and goes till 850 nm. Afterwards, the output power linearly increased for the slot width higher than 850 nm and almost get saturated after 1 µm. The maximum output power was attained at the slot width of 1 µm, which has been used to examine the sensing ability of plus shaped cavity. The pictorial representation of power confinement in the core at the slot width of 10 nm is presented in Fig. 7, tbat is around 75 % of the input power.
C. Plus shaped grating structure
The results of single vertical slot grating structure as discussed in previous section were taken into consideration to analyze plus shaped grating structure. The plus shaped grating model was introduced by including a lateral slot of length and width of 1.6 µm and 1 µm, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3. Inspection of designed plus shaped grating structure was done by analyzing field propagation and confinement of optical field in the core as provided in Fig. 8. The optical field propagation presented in Fig. 8 (a) is plotted for the slot widths of 1 µm, which deduce that almost 25 % of power is excreted into external environment. The graphical representation of optical power confinement within the core is depicted in Fig. 8 (b). From where the degree of optical power confinement within the core is studied under variation of the slot width from 0.5 nm to 1 µm. This result illustrate that maximum power is confined within the core when slot width set equals to 1 µm. Then, structure was investigated further under deviation of slot widths with power at output port, and obtained results are presented in Fig. 9.
The trend shown in Fig. 9 states that on increasing the slot widths to higher values the transmitted power at output port is also increasing proportionally. However, similar to single slot vertical grating there was no such remarkable variation in output power for narrower widths of plus grating slots ranging from 0.5 to 100 nm. The output power profile for narrower slot widths is also shown in inset of Fig. 9. The maximum output power was obtained for the slot width of 1 µm while keeping fixed length. Thereafter, the sensing ability of plus shaped grating model was gauged by varying the RI from 1.33 to 1.39. The analysis of proposed plus shaped grating was done in presence of RI of water ranging from 1.33 to 1.39, which covers all the ionic pollutants. The presence of ionic pollutants in water leads to the increase in its refractive index, which is vulnerable for aquatic lives. Also, it degrades the quality of drinking water that becomes a key issue in developing countries. The analysis of sensor was initiated at the wavelength of 1550 nm for the RI of 1.33. The shift in wavelength with respect to RI is presetnd in Fig. 10. From the results, it can be comprehended that on increase in RI leads to red shift in waveglength and total shift was about 65 nm for the tested range of RI. The attained results also states that the sensitivity of designed plus shaped grating structure is 1083 nm/RIU with the autocorrelation function of 99.69 %.