In this study, we applied classical, non-parametric QM to bias-correct the output of a CPM (Section 2.1). This method assumes that mapped differences (biases) between simulated and observed baseline data can be transferred to bias-correct the simulated output of climate models (Voisin et al., 2010; Wood et al., 2002). The transfer function, constructed using information from the reference time frame only, is assumed to be stationary. It should be noted that this QM differs from Quantile Delta Mapping, which adds the difference between present and future simulations to the present observation (Cannon et al., 2015; Li et al., 2010; Wang & Chen, 2014) and thus does not assume a stationary transfer function. We chose empirical non-parametric QM for its simplicity and interpretability. In total, five QM methods were tested (Tab. 2): classical QM and four different combinations with the "add-on" techniques to address their potential impacts on various aspects of CPM output.
Table 1. Five quantile mapping techniques utilized in this study.
Empirical quantile mapping
Moving window of 91 days
3 x 3 pixel pooling technique
10-year observed data record (2000-2009)
30-year observed data record (1990 to 2020)
2.1. CPM output
In this study, we used simulations of the convection-permitting COSMO-CLM (Consortium for Small-Scale Modeling in Climate Mode) (Rockel, 2008) from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) (Giorgi, 2009). COSMO-CLM is a non-hydrostatic model that employs fully compressible atmospheric equations, integrating sub-grid turbulence, convection, and parameterizations for grid-scale clouds and precipitation. TERRA-ML, a soil model introduced by (Doms, 2013), is utilized within COSMO-CLM to represent mass and heat exchanges between the surface and the atmosphere (Rockel, 2008). The simulations employ a horizontal grid spacing of approximately 0.0275° with a convection parameterization that is partially deactivated. Specifically, shallow convection remains parameterized, while deep convection is explicitly resolved (Lucas-Picher et al., 2021).
The lateral boundary conditions for the domain of this CPM, named ALP-3, come from the COSMO-CLM model at 12 km (EUR-11). The simulation in the reference period is the evaluation run (2000-2009, 1999 spin-up), driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis. To consider future projection of precipitation, the historical run (1996-2005, 1995 spin-up) and the future experiment (2090–2099; 2089 spin-up) driven by EC Earth Global Climate Models (GCMs) using the high-emissions scenario RCP 8.5 with the standard GCM-RCM nesting approach were utilized.
For the analysis, we aggregated the 6-minute COSMO simulation to a 30-minute interval to be compatible with the 10-minute observations from MeteoSwiss (also aggregated to 30-minutes). The 2.2 km horizontal spatial resolution grid cell containing the locations of each of the 74 stations (in Fig. 1; Section 2.2) were extracted to match the observed data. For the QM technique where 9 grid cells are pooled (see Section 2.2), values from the 8 adjacent pixels were also extracted to add more data to the distribution curves of the historical simulation.
2.2. Observational data and pre-processing
For this study, we utilized rainfall measurements provided by the Swiss automatic meteorological surface network (SwissMetNet, formerly ANETZ) (Fig. 1) at a temporal resolution of 10 minutes. It is important to note that the time duration covered by each station varies; the first measurement can commence from 1980, 1981, or later. The time slice window of the COSMO output hindcast simulation is 2000-2009. Therefore, for the observational data used for the QM technique that integrates 30 years of observed data, only the 64 stations that have at least 30 years of measurement data, spanning from 1990 to 2020, were selected. All values exceeding 9.6 mm in the 10-minute interval observed data were flagged as errors and truncated (personal communication with MeteoSwiss data provider, Nov, 2022). However, as noted by (Sevruk, 1985), the observations could still be biased due to deformation of the wind field by the rain gauge or losses due to evaporation and residual water at emptying. According to (Frei et al., 2008), who analyzed the heavy precipitation event of August 2005 in Switzerland, found that the relative uncertainties of point estimates based on the gauge network could reach 20-40%. It is important to acknowledge these potential biases when interpreting results.
To more effectively analyze the impacts of QM methods on different rainfall patterns, we employed Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) (Ester et al., 1996), a clustering algorithm used in machine learning and data mining. We grouped the 74 rain-gauge stations into 2 clusters based on differences in location (latitude and longitude), altitude, and the characteristics of each station’s rainfall pattern. These characteristics include: total annual rainfall, daily mean rainfall, hourly mean rainfall, monthly mean rainfall, annual maximum hourly rainfall, and annual number of wet days over a span of 30 years. Nineteen stations were assigned to the “Wetter” cluster (the rainier group), while the remaining stations were clustered into the “Drier cluster” (the less rainy group). The average annual total rainfall recorded for the whole Drier cluster accounts for 60% of the total rainfall recorded in the Wetter cluster (see Tab. 1). The clustering of stations exhibited strong correlations with annual rainfall (see Fig. 1) and displayed distinct differences in precipitation patterns between the Alpine and non-Alpine regions.
Table 2. Rainfall patterns of the two clusters of 74 rain-gauge network that were grouped using DBSCAN, presented with mean values and their corresponding standard deviations.
Drier cluster
Wetter cluster
Hourly mean rainfall (mm)
8.44 (±0.96)
13.55 (±2.73)
Daily mean rainfall (mm)
2.79 (0.55)
4.67 (±1.14)
Monthly mean rainfall (mm)
84.83 (±16.7)
141.99 (±34.79)
Annual mean rainfall (mm)
944.06 (±188.13)
1582.37 (±387.81)
Annual hourly max rainfall (mm)
12.89 (±2.38)
17.51 (±3.69)
Annual number of wet days (days)
131.89 (±24.35)
145.93 (±35.42)
2.3. Validation method
A robust QM technique should not only represent the statistical distribution of daily and hourly rainfall, respect the annual indices estimated by observations in the reference period but also preserve the direction of change in future rainfall. Thus, the accuracy of the CPM outputs and the robustness of the QM methods were evaluated on the basis of (A) deviations across the full statistical distribution of precipitation, (B) annual rainfall indices estimated in the reference period, and (C) future projections of these indices. The latter criterion is used to determine if the QM method respects the direction of change, but not the accuracy of the CPM outputs.
Based on their representativeness and their usefulness for impacts studies, nine rainfall indices introduced by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) (Karl et al., 1999) were selected for use in validation, as well as, the annual hourly mean intensity and the annual number of wet days (which are particularly interesting for urban drainage applications (Cook et al., 2021) )(Tab. 3). The thresholds to define wet days and wet hours are the same as previous studies – 1mm/day and 0.1mm/hour, respectively. To handle the drizzle effect, all values in CPM output below these thresholds are flagged and set to zero, following previous studies (Lafon et al., 2013; Velasquez et al., 2020). For the eleven precipitation indices, the bias is quantified as the mean absolute error (MAE) between indices computed by the observation and CPM output/QM output. The bias comparison considers both the mean and standard deviation of the annual indices over a 10-year period.
A robust framework to comprehensively and robustly validate bias correction methods of climate simulations is still lacking. According to (Maraun & Widmann, 2018), cross-validation should not be used to evaluate bias correction of free running climate simulations against observations. Further, thirty years of observational data are recommended to cover a sufficiently long period to capture a wide range of climate variability and extremes. Bias correction techniques that are mainly based on the robustness of the distributions like QM have been shown to be sensitive to the length of the calibration period (Berg et al., 2012; Lafon et al., 2013). Also, the leave-one-out verification introduces additional uncertainties due to the different lengths between the verification and calibration periods (Lafon et al., 2013; Velasquez et al., 2020). The internal climate variabilities, which are not the same between different time periods, can affect the robustness of bias correction techniques (Maraun et al., 2017; Maraun & Widmann, 2018). Therefore, in this study, the evaluation and validation periods are the same, and no independent cross-validation exercise is conducted, following several previous studies (Casanueva et al., 2016; Feigenwinter I, 2018).
Firstly, the full statistical distribution of rainfall was considered, and the five Quantile Mapping (QM) methods were assessed based on the bias of their outputs compared to observations. Only the 85th to the last percentiles were considered because precipitation is predominantly distributed from the middle 80th percentiles of both observations and simulation output (Kendon et al., 2012). Additionally, to evaluate the ability to accurately capture historical annual rainfall indices, the methods were ranked. The most effective QM method (rank of 1) would exhibit the greatest bias reduction compared to the uncorrected simulations (i.e., raw CPM output). To evaluate the effectives of the QM method to represent future projections, QM methods that reversed the signal in long-term precipitation patterns outlined by the CPM output were deemed unsuccessful. The optimal method was expected not only to preserve the direction of change but also avoid significant inflation or deflation of the climate change signal.
Table 3 Indices used for the validation in this study, including those from the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and the two additional indices (in italics).
Central tendency
Daily intensity
Hourly intensity
Frequency wet & dry spells
Annual no. of wet days (daily intensity >1mm)
Maximum no. of consecutive dry days (daily intensity <1mm)
Maximum no. of consecutive wet days (daily intensity >1mm)
Frequencies of extremes
No. of days with precipitation >= 10mm/ day
Proportion of extremes
Fraction of annual total precipitation due to events exceeding the 10 year 95th percentile
Magnitudes of extremes
Annual total precipitation due to events exceeding the 10 year 95th percentile
Maximum 1 day precipitation amount
Maximum 5 day precipitation amount
Total rainfall
Total annual precipitation of wet days