3.1 Research Design
The methodology employed in this research adopts a quantitative approach to conduct a comprehensive examination of the effects of renewable energies on energy efficiency within the framework of the CPEC. Due to the nature of the study, quantitative approach is chosen for its ability to produce objective, reliable, and generalizable results, as it is particularly effective when the research aims to measure variables, investigate statistical correlations between different variables, support robust analysis and informed decision-making. The quantitative analysis entails the collection and examination of numerical data pertaining related to energy efficiency (Olabi, 2022). The objectives of this study can be achieved by applying a regression model and a correlation analysis to analyze these datasets, thereby identifying predominant patterns, and establishing connections between energy efficiency, and renewable energies employed within the CPEC such as hydro, biofuel, solar PV, and geothermal. Through this analysis, the study aims to evaluate impact renewable energies on energy efficiency.
3.2 Data Collection
The data used to achieve the purpose of this study has been collected from the following sources:
Kaggle: Provides extensive range of datasets on renewable energy inputs and outputs, including crucial indicators such as investment figures, innovations, and quantitative results like energy generated and conserved.
Global Data Repository on Renewable Energy: This source provides records of renewable energy projects worldwide, including project funding and efficiency ratings, which can be compared with those of CPEC.
CPEC Official Database: Established by the involved governments, this database offers information on the size, investment amounts, and technology types of CPEC’s energy projects.
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Database: IRENA provides comprehensive data on renewable energy generation, government policies, and financial support for integrating renewable energy into the energy mix, supplementing the analysis of CPEC projects. The dataset chosen encompasses relevant and effective data pertinent to the study's scope. Key factors explored within the dataset include levels of investment in green technologies, exploration of innovative solutions in renewable energy, and measurable outcomes such as energy production, efficiency, and sustainability (Nazir, 2020). Additionally, the dataset incorporates details related to the primary country under examination, specifically focusing on CPEC project specifics within the defined timeframe.
3.3 Mathematical Model
Dependent Variable
Energy Efficiency Ratio
Energy output/input, also known as the energy efficiency ratio or coefficient, is a measure of how effectively a system converts input energy into useful output energy (Al-Shetwi, 2022). It is calculated as the ratio of energy output to energy input. It is determined by the amount of energy produced by the system relative to the amount of energy used by the system. EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) is calculated using the following formula
A higher energy efficiency ratio indicates that a system has effectively converted a larger proportion of the input energy into useful output energy, reflecting a more efficient operation. On the other hand, a lower energy efficiency ratio signifies that a system has wasted more input energy and produced less useful output energy, indicating lower efficiency. Energy output/input is a crucial metric used in various industries and systems to evaluate the performance and efficiency of energy conversion processes, appliances, equipment, and overall energy systems. Increasing energy efficiency is essential for cost savings, environmental sustainability, and overall system optimization.
Independent Variables
Hydro (TWh)
This variable quantifies electricity from hydroelectric power that is generated by harnessing the energy of flowing or falling water. This power is generated by converting the kinetic energy of flowing water into electrical energy using turbines.
Biofuel (TWh)
This variable quantifies biofuel derived from biological materials, often referred to as biomass. These materials can include plant matter, animal waste, and other organic substances. Biofuels are used as alternatives to fossil fuels in various applications, such as transportation, heating, and electricity generation and are considered as renewable energies.
Solar PV (TWh)
This variable quantifies the electricity generated from Solar PV (Photovoltaic) technology that converts sunlight directly into electricity using semiconductor material.
Geothermal (TWh)
This variable quantifies the energy source that harnesses the heat stored beneath the Earth's surface to generate electricity or provide heating and cooling for buildings.
Mathematical equation
The regression model is designed to assess the relationship between "Energy Efficiency" (dependent variable) and energy production from various renewable sources (independent variables):
Energy Efficiency Ratio = \(\:\beta\:0\:+\:\beta\:1\:\left(Hydro\:TWh\right)\:+\:\beta\:2\:\left(Biofuel\:TWh\right)\:+\:\beta\:3\:\left(Solar\:PV\:TWh\right)\:+\:\beta\:4\:\left(Geothermal\:TWh\right)\:+\:\epsilon\:\)
β₀ (Intercept): Represents the baseline level of energy efficiency when all independent variables are zero.
β₁, β₂, β₃, β₄ (Coefficients): Measure the changes in energy efficiency associated with each one-unit change in the independent variables.
ε (Error Term): This term captures variations in energy efficiency that the independent variables cannot explain. Whereas E(ε) = 0
This model seeks to quantify the impact of various renewable energy sources on energy utilization efficiency. It aims to examine the impact of renewable energies such as hydro, biofuel, solar PV, and geothermal on energy efficiency within the CPEC.
3.4 Descriptive Statistics
The Table 1 below represents the descriptive statistics of the dependent variable and independent variables during a timeframe from 2000 to 2022.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of the dataset 2000–2022
Hydro (TWh)
Biofuel (TWh)
Solar PV (TWh)
Geothermal (TWh)
Energy Efficiency
Std. Deviation
Hydro (TWh ) Hydroelectric power demonstrates a relatively high mean generation level of 1190.22, accompanied by a standard deviation of 70.51. The range spans from the lowest value of 1070.85 to the highest value of 1307.89 indicates that the production of power is not stable, these fluctuations can be attributed to various factors such as annual rainfall and water availability (Khan et al., 2018), underscoring their potential influence on hydroelectric output.
Biofuel (TWh ) Biofuel production exhibits a mean at 294.01 with a standard deviation of 17.30 indicating less variability. The range of wind farm power generation capacity, spanning from 265.87 TWh to 324.36 TWh, suggests sustained production at a high level, likely attributable to policy support and the abundant availability of biomass resources.
Solar PV (TWh) The solar PV mean production is considerably lower at 79.06. The standard deviation is small at 4.42, meaning a rather stable trend in solar PV deployment, possibly due to technological progress and cost decline.
Geothermal (TWh) Geothermal energy, conversely, exhibits the smallest mean production at 0.12 TWh, coupled with an exceedingly low standard deviation of 0.007, indicating highly stable production levels that remain close to what is expected. This suggests that geothermal energy plays a marginal role in China's renewable energy agenda, likely influenced by geographical constraints.
Energy Efficiency The mean energy efficiency stands at 1.16, with a standard deviation of 0.08. This metric signifies the efficiency of energy conversion from production to usable energy, ranging from 0.98 to 1.39, indicating variations in efficiency among sectors or regions. The range implies existing mechanisms for optimizing energy efficiency yet underscores the need for further improvement in maximizing energy efficiency. The descriptive statistics provide a groundwork for understanding the scales and distributions of renewable energy sources in China (Bhatti, 2020). The relatively stable production levels observed across most energy types, apart from hydro, which exhibits some variability, suggest a consistent development trajectory within China's renewable energy sector amidst relatively unchanged policy environments. This observation serves as a prelude to further investigation into the interactions between these energy sources and economic variables, as well as their impact on energy efficiency.
3.5 Regression Analysis
The research objective is to investigate the impact of renewable energies such as Hydro, Biofuel, Solar PV, and Geothermal, on energy efficiency, using CPEC data from 2000 to 2022. Linear regression analysis relies on several key assumptions that are essential for ensuring the validity and reliability of its results. Understanding and verifying these assumptions for accurate model interpretation and prediction is essential. These assumptions are as follows:
Linear Relationship: The fundamental premise of multiple linear regression is that there is a linear relationship between the dependent (outcome) variable and the independent variables. This linearity can be visually assessed using scatterplots in the Appendix displaying a straight-line relationship rather than a curvilinear one.
Multivariate Normality: The analysis assumes that the residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values) are normally distributed. This assumption is evaluated by examining histograms or Q-Q plots of the residuals included in the Appendix.
No Multicollinearity: It is crucial that the independent variables are not excessively correlated with each other, a condition known as multicollinearity. This can be assessed using correlation matrices in the Appendix.
This analysis below takes all the assumptions above to answers the research objective and presents the findings from the regression models for the period 2000–2022.
Regression Results
The first regression model analyzes how hydro, biofuel, solar PV, and geothermal energy production affect energy efficiency. Here below are the results from the regression analysis shown in Table 2 as follow:
Table 2
Standard Error
Hydro (TWh)
-7.642×10− 4
5.320×10− 5
< .001
Biofuel (TWh)
-9.580×10− 4
2.165×10− 4
< .001
Solar PV (TWh)
-5.235×10− 4
8.496×10− 4
Geothermal (TWh)
Hydro (TWh)
The coefficient is -7.642×10− 4 (p < 0.01), indicating a highly significant negative impact on energy efficiency. This suggests that an increase in hydroelectric power production is associated with a decrease in energy efficiency, possibly due to losses in transmission and storage.
Biofuel (TWh)
The coefficient is -9.580×10− 4 (p < 0.01), indicating a significant and negative effect on energy efficiency. This suggests that biofuel production adversely impacts energy efficiency. This could be attributed to the inherently energy-intensive nature of biofuel production, which may render it less efficient compared to other energy sources.
Solar PV (TWh)
The coefficient for Solar is -5.235×10− 4 (p = 0.538), indicating it is not statistically significant. This suggests that increases in energy produced from solar PV do not significantly affect energy efficiency. Thus, at its current scale of implementation, solar PV appears to have a neutral impact on efficiency.
Geothermal (TWh)
The coefficient for Geothermal is -0.6550663 (p = 0.214), indicating it is not statistically significant. This lack of significant impact could be due to the relatively small scale of geothermal energy production compared to other energy sources.
The results indicate that hydroelectric and biofuel productions have a significant negative correlation with energy efficiency. In contrast, solar PV and geothermal production have an insignificant relationship with energy efficiency. These findings underscore the importance of evaluating renewable energy sources as they are scaled up and integrated into the energy grid.
3.6 Correlation Analysis
The correlation matrix gives useful information on the interconnectivity of the main variables in the dataset, as presented on Table 3 below:
Table 3
Pearson's r
Hydro (TWh)
Biofuel (TWh)
Hydro (TWh)
Solar PV (TWh)
Hydro (TWh)
Geothermal (TWh)
Hydro (TWh)
Energy Efficiency
< .001
Biofuel (TWh)
Solar PV (TWh)
Biofuel (TWh)
Geothermal (TWh)
Biofuel (TWh)
Energy Efficiency
< .001
Solar PV (TWh)
Geothermal (TWh)
Solar PV (TWh)
Energy Efficiency
Geothermal (TWh)
Energy Efficiency
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Hydro (TWh) and Energy Efficiency (-0.632, p < 0.0001)
The negative correlation observed between the volume of hydroelectric power produced and energy efficiency suggests a significant relationship. This may indicate that higher hydroelectric power generation tends to coincide with lower efficiency in energy utilization. Such a correlation could be attributed to the scale of hydro projects, which might result in considerable energy loss during transmission or inefficiencies in conversion technologies.
Biofuel (TWh) and Energy Efficiency (-0.222, p < 0.0001)
The correlation between biofuel production and energy efficiency is moderately negative yet statistically significant. This suggests that higher levels of biofuel energy production moderately diminish energy efficiency. This trend could be ascribed to the less efficient conversion of biofuels into usable energy compared to other renewable sources, or perhaps to the energy expended in the production process of biofuels themselves.
Solar PV (TWh) and Energy Efficiency (-0.027, p = 0.638)
The correlation appears to be very weak and lacks statistical significance, suggesting that fluctuations in solar PV energy production have minimal to no effect on energy efficiency at the national level. This observation may imply that while solar PV technology contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, its impact on the overall efficiency of energy is negligible.
Geothermal (TWh) and Energy Efficiency (-0.014, p = 0.8059)
Similarly to solar PV, the correlation between geothermal energy production and energy efficiency is very weak and lacks statistical significance, suggesting a negligible impact. This might be attributed to the comparatively smaller scale of geothermal energy production in relation to other energy sources.
Solar PV TWh and Geothermal TWh (-0.114, p = 0.0475)
This moderate negative correlation suggests that regions or periods with higher solar PV production might experience slightly lower geothermal production, or vice versa. This can be interpreted as a reflection of resource allocation preferences within renewable energy portfolios, wherein investments may shift from one source to another based on economic or environmental considerations.
The correlation analysis demonstrates that the most prominent negative correlations in energy efficiency are associated with hydroelectric and biofuel productions. This insight highlights specific areas where policy interventions could be directed, such as enhancing the transmission efficiency of hydroelectric power or refining biofuel conversion technologies. The relatively minor impact of solar and geothermal sources may stem from their current limited scale or integration inefficiencies, suggesting potential avenues for further development and research.
3.6 Residual Analysis
Residual analysis is conducted at the end of the study to validate the assumptions underlying the linear regression model. Histograms of residuals and scatter plots of residuals against the independent variables and fitted values are examined. The fitted values are visualized graphically to check for normal distribution of the residuals and to identify any issues related to heteroscedasticity and outliers.
Histogram of Residuals
The histogram of residuals is presented on Fig. 1 below:
The histogram of residuals, overlaid with a normal curve, is utilized to assess the normal distribution of residuals, a fundamental assumption in linear regression analysis. The histogram displays a distribution of residuals that is approximately symmetrically centered around zero. The superimposed normal distribution curve indicates that the residuals closely approximate a normal distribution, although minor deviations are observed. Some bins exhibit slight overcrowding, notably around − 0.1 and 0. While not as pronounced as in film, these deviations are still noticeable. Overall, the shape and spread of the histogram reasonably meet the assumption of normal distribution. Therefore, statistical conclusions drawn from the regression analysis are expected to be reasonably accurate under the assumption of normality.
Plot of Residuals vs. Fitted Values
Plotting residuals against fitted values is presented on Fig. 2 below:
Plotting residuals against fitted values provides an additional method to examine for constant variance (homoscedasticity) across all levels of fitted values, a crucial assumption for linear regression. The scatter plot displays randomly distributed residuals along the horizontal axis, indicating no discernible pattern. This absence of systematic errors is a positive indicator. Moreover, the plot does not reveal any discernible trend or curve, suggesting that the model adequately captures nonlinearities. However, there is a slight increase in residual variance for larger fitted values, possibly indicating heteroscedasticity. This observation suggests that the variance of residuals may not be consistent across all levels of fitted values. The approximately normal distribution of residuals strengthens the veracity of the model by providing the basis for the standard tests of coefficients, which are based on the normality assumption. This suggests that t-tests and F-tests can be used in regression analysis as they are suitable. The relatively larger size of residuals at higher fitted values suggests that the data may be heteroscedastic. This, in turn, may lead to the standard errors of the regression coefficient being less reliable, which in turn may lead to the hypothesis tests and confidence intervals being less reliable. One potential solution is the use of robust standard errors to correct for inference procedures in the presence of heteroscedasticity thus ensuring that the statistical conclusions are more reliable. The model provides a way of testing for the homoscedasticity assumption, and the possibility of heteroscedasticity should be subjected to further research, for instance, using tests created for this purpose or by applying corrective measures such as heteroscedasticity-consistent standard error estimators.