3.1 The characteristics of untreated MFs generated in the washing process
The amount of untreated MFs released in the washing drainage was 148 ± 21 MFs/L which was equal to 85 ± 12 MFs/g as a weight basis; this value was similar to previous studies (Napper and Thompson 2016; De Falco et al. 2018b). We expected that the length of MFs contained in the drainage would be less than 300 µm owing to the 300-µm sieve built-in the washing machine filtered the drainage. However, 97% of MFs detected were over 300 µm. This is likely that the flexible MFs can easily pass through the 300 µm sieve screen. The most frequently detected MF size was in the range of 500–1,000 µm in length with a median value of 957 µm and a maximum MF length of 2,114 µm (Fig. 1). Thus, this indicates that the MFs generated during laundering in a real environment may have various lengths regardless of sieve size built-in the washing machine.
In terms of the morphology of MFs generated, as we expected, most of MFs detected were curved shapes due to their weaving in the garment manufacturing process (Fig. 2). And no tangled MFs were observed; thus, individual MFs were released from the weaving fibers by the washing process.
To determine the main cause of MF generation during the washing process, the morphology of MFs produced in the drainage and MFs intentionally cut by scissors were compared by SEM analysis. According to SEM analysis, the morphology of MFs in the drainage was different from the MFs cut using scissor (Figs. 3c,d). The cross-section of MFs cut using scissors were very clear with no fragment generation. However, the cut edge of the generated MFs in the laundering was not as clear as the intentionally cut MFs; thus, it might generate nano- and/or micro-sized fragmented fibers (Fig. 3a). It is speculated that the MFs generated during the washing process may be broken by physical damage owing to the repeated twisting motion (Hearle et al. 1998; Morton et al. 1962) In addition, nano-sized fragment generation was observed on the cross-section of MFs where the fiber was broken (Fig. 3b), indicating a possible risk of secondary pollution such as secondary MF generation.
3.2 Reduction of MFs amounts generated after the chitosan pretreatment
The amount of untreated MFs released during laundering was 148 ± 21 MFs/L. Despite pretreating with 0.1% chitosan solution, no reduction in the amount of MFs generated was observed (Fig. 4). This indicated that the 0.1% chitosan concentration may not be strong enough to form a coating owing to its low dosage and fails to prevent physical damage during washing.
In the case of pretreatment with 0.4%, 0.7%, and 1% chitosan solutions, 63(± 36), 7(± 3), and 72(± 2) MFs/ L were generated from the PE garments, respectively. Thus, the highest percent reduction was achieved with the 0.7% chitosan solution pretreatment showing a 95% reduction in the amount of MFs released after the washing.
Compared to control samples not pretreated with the chitosan, the fibers with chitosan pretreatment looks well-connected (Fig. 5). Thus, it indicated that the application of chitosan solution may function as a link/bridge between each fiber by reducing the MFs generated. To be more specific, chitosan particles adhere to the fabric surface through linear bonding with the carboxyl group of chitosan and the terminal group of PE fabric leading to an increased tensile strength between each fiber (Park et al. 2005). When the samples were pretreated with a 0.7% chitosan solution, the coating was most uniformly formed on the MFs (Fig. 5b), whereas the films on the MFs of the sample treated with 1% chitosan solution were not uniform because of film sagging (Fig. 5c). Thus, it appeared as a non-uniform and thick-layered coating due to excessive chitosan concentration used. Therefore, it was confirmed that the chitosan coating was more uniform at a moderate concentration (0.7%) than at the highest concentration (1.0%); further, it was observed that the chitosan coating formed evenly with the 0.7% chitosan solution. Thus, the uniformity of the chitosan coating may be a key factor in reducing the MF generation during the laundry process. Optimal chitosan concentration may highly depend on the area/weight of garments; thus, it requires further research about optimal conditions for the case of various areas and weight of garments.
To examine the changes in physical properties of MFs before and after chitosan pretreatment, the tensile strength was determined by measuring the drape index of the garment pretreated with 0.7% chitosan and untreated MFs (Table 2). The results showed that the application of 0.7% chitosan pretreatment increased the garment stiffness up to 58%. The increase in stiffness was due to the penetration of chitosan into the PE fabric, which promotes film formation on the fabric's surface and reduces the degree of freedom of the MFs (Park et al. 2005).
3.3 Application of chitosan pretreatment on other polymer types
For the untreated samples, 85 ± 12, 160 ± 45, and 239 ± 37 of MF particles/g were released from the PE, AC, and PA garments, respectively (Fig. 6). Considering that the density of each polymer type was 1.38, 1.2, and 1.14 g/cm3 for PE, AC, and PA, respectively, it seems that the garments with high density released less amount of MFs than low density garments (AC and PA). Similarly, Napper (2016) showed that the amount of MFs generated from the PE garments was lesser than the AC garments during washing, with 82.6 MFs/g from PE and 121.4 MFs/g from AC (Napper and Thompson 2016). Yang et al. (2019) also reported that PE garment released 2,012 MFs/m2 and PA generated 50,686 MFs/m2. Therefore, both observations support our hypothesis that the high density of garments reduced the amount of MFs generation.
After the chitosan pretreatment, the amount of MFs generated from a PE garment reduced to about 95 ± 1.9%; and there was a reduction of about 48 ± 10.45% and 49 ± 14.2% in MF generation for chitosan pretreated PA and AC, respectively. To explore the possible reason for the different amount of MFs generated depending on the type of garments, the morphology of coating on each garment was analyzed using SEM. Figure 7 shows that while PES and AC are well-coated with chitosan solution before washing (Fig. 7a,b), the coating between the fibers on PA is not perfect (Fig. 7c). After washing, SEM images of PE garments showed that chitosan coating did still stick tightly, whereas a part of chitosan coating had peeled off in AC (Fig. 7d,e). Thus, it indicates that the degree of chitosan coating was affected by the type of polymer in the garments. Therefore, optimal conditions for each type of clothes, such as a chitosan concentration, soaking time, and appropriate solutions, are required for further research.