3.1 Climatology
Figure 2 shows the 10-yr (2009–2018) averaged summer mean precipitation and SST from the observations and COAWST simulation. The gauge-observed precipitation decreases from south to north, with a precipitation center in the mid- south (9.0mm/day), and ranges from 5.0 to 8.0 mm/day over most land areas. IMERG observations reveals similar spatial pattern of land precipitation, with precipitation center in the mid- south and maximum precipitation exceeding 7.0 mm/day. Over the ocean, the main precipitation belt is observed east of 125oE, ranging from 7.0 to 11.0 mm/day, while low precipitation areas are observed over the southern nearshore ocean, with precipitation rates below 5.0 mm/day. The COAWST model successfully reproduces the spatial pattern of summer precipitation over both land and ocean areas, with a spatial CORR higher than 0.61 and an RMSE of approximately 1.50 mm/day. However, it shows wet biases over land, overestimating precipitation by more than 20%, with the maximum relative bias reaching 40% over southeastern coastal regions. The simulated main precipitation belt is located between longitudes 125oE and 129oE, with a precipitation rate of about 8.0 mm/day, consistent with observations. The COAWST model also reproduces the distribution of low precipitation over the ocean, but tends to underestimate the precipitation south of 28oN with a relative dry bias of -20%.
Regarding the distribution of summer mean SST, observations indicate warm water (28°C) in the southeast ocean, with SST decreasing from southeast to northwest. There is a noticeable southward extension of cooler temperatures near the coast. The COAWST model reproduces the spatial pattern of summer mean SST with a CORR of 0.79 and an RMSE of about 1.48 oC, although it shows warm biases over most ocean regions, with a warm bias below 1.5 oC. Overall, the COAWST model can simulate the distribution of summer mean precipitation and SST over East China.
To evaluate the model’s performance in simulating interannual variation, the temporal RMSE and CORR of summer mean precipitation and SST between the observations and simulations are calculated and shown in Fig. 3. The results show that the COAWST model can effectively simulate the inter-annual variation of summer mean precipitation over East China, with temporal correlation exceeding 0.6 over most areas. The CORR for precipitation over the ocean generally exceeds 0.6, passing the 95% confidence level (CORR = 0.55). However, large RMSEs of precipitation variation, larger than 3.0 mm/day, can be found over coastal land areas and the most eastern ocean. For the SST, the CORR exceeds 0.7 and reaches 0.9 in the eastern ocean, except in some local offshore areas, indicating that the model reproduces the inter-annual variation of summer mean SST. The RMSEs for SST are mainly located in the ocean areas north of 33oN and along the coastal areas with the RMSEs around 1.8°C.
Figure 4 shows the inter-annual variations of regionally averaged precipitation and SST over ocean and land areas. Over the land, the average summer daily precipitation is about 7 mm/day according to observations, with the lowest recorded precipitation occurring in 2013. The simulated precipitation over land is approximately 1 mm/day higher than the observation each year, with a RMSE of 1.14 mm/day and a CORR of 0.97. The observed precipitation over the ocean has a greater amplitude than over land, with the lowest precipitation occurs in 2013 and the highest in 2015. The COAWST model successfully captures the variability of ocean precipitation, as evidenced by an RMSE of 0.91 mm/day and a CORR of 0.94. The primary deviation occurs during 2014–2015, when the model underestimates precipitation by approximately 2 mm/day. Regarding SST, observations indicate an upward trend of 0.1°C/year during 2009–2018. This trend is also shown in the simulation with a similar slope, though the simulated SST is ~ 1 oC warmer. In terms of average precipitation and SST, the COAWST simulation demonstrates its reliability in reproducing the observed distributions.
To gain further insights into the seasonal evolution of rainfall systems during the summer, latitudinal-temporal cross sections of precipitation over land and ocean are shown in Fig. 5. The observations indicate that the main rain belts propagating from 26oN to 36 oN from 11 Jun to 21 July over both land and ocean area. These systems are characterized by relatively high precipitation intensity, often surpassing 10 mm/day. The rain belt over the ocean is more expansive than that over land, covering a broader swath of latitude on any given day. The simulation captures the evolution of the main rain belts during summer for both land and ocean. However, the simulation shows more frequent precipitation near 20 Jun and after 21 July over land area, resulting in a broader belt with daily rainfall exceeding 14 mm. It also underestimates the precipitation intensity and coverage from 1 July to 11 July over the ocean.
3.2 Diurnal precipitation
In the coastal region, the interaction between land and sea can significantly influence local diurnal variation. Figure 6 shows the spatial distributions of diurnal peak timing for summer hourly precipitation amount (PA), frequency (PF), and intensity (PI). The IMERG observations reveal a distinct dominance of afternoon precipitation over land areas, whereas morning precipitation prevails over oceanic regions. The peak time of PA over land typically occurs between 1500 and 1800 LST. In contrast, over oceanic regions, the peak time of PA is predominantly observed from 0600 to 1000 LST, except for several local parts where the peak time shifts to the nocturnal period. The COAWST model can reproduce the spatial distribution of the diurnal peak in precipitation amount, depicting a prevalence of afternoon rainfall over land and morning precipitation over ocean. The simulated diurnal peak of PA occurs roughly one hour earlier than observed over land, and the early morning peak over ocean area is less pronounced in the simulation.
The peaking time of PF shows a similar spatial pattern to that of PA in the observation, with the afternoon peak over land and the morning peak over ocean. It should be noted that the average diurnal peak of PF occurs at 2200–2300 LST over the offshore area. The COAWST model simulates the peak time of PF one hour earlier over both land and ocean areas. For the southern offshore area, the simulated peak time is at 1700–1900 LST which is about 4 hours earlier than observed.
The distribution of the diurnal peak of PI differs significantly from PA and PF. The peaking time of PI is in the morning over the Yangtze River basin and most ocean areas, while midnight precipitation occurs over land areas north of 33 oN and the southern coastal region. The model excels at reproducing the diurnal peak timing of PI over most ocean regions and the Yangtze-River basin. However, it simulates the peak of PI at about 1400–1800 LST over southern coastal regions and land areas north of 33 oN, which is about 8 hours earlier than the observation.
Figure 7 displays the regionally averaged normalized diurnal variation of PA, PF and PI for both land and ocean. Observations clearly show a peak of PA in land-based rainfall during the late afternoon around 1600 LST, and an oceanic peak in the early morning around approximately 0700 LST. The COAWST model is capable of simulating the diurnal peaks of PA over both land and ocean areas, though the simulated land rainfall peak occurs around 1500 LST, one hour earlier than the observation. Additionally, the model simulates a larger amplitude of PA over land than the observation. The simulated diurnal variation over the ocean commendably reproduces the observed cycle, in both the peaking time and amplitude. From the observations, PF reaches its peak around 1500 LST, and it shows low amplitude over the ocean. The COAWST model accurately captures the peaking time of PF at 1500 LST with a higher amplitude over land, and skillfully simulates the low variability and morning peak over ocean. For PI, the diurnal amplitude is similar over both land and ocean. The simulated fluctuation of PI over land closely matches the observation in terms of peak time and amplitude. However, the coupled model does not capture the peak time of PI over ocean.
The duration of rainfall events significantly impacts their diurnal peaks, with short-duration rainfall typically peaking in the late afternoon and long-duration rainfall predominantly featuring nocturnal peaks (Yu et al. 2014). Figure 8 illustrates the diurnal distribution of precipitation events of different durations for the PA, PF, and PI. Based on IMERG observations, most precipitation events last no more than 7 hours, with the maximum PA over land starting at 1200 LST and lasting for 2–5 hours. The diurnal PA over the ocean usually lasts 3–5 hours from the observation. In the COAWST simulation, precipitation events are of shorter duration. Most PA over land occurs between 1000 and 2000 LST, with a duration of 1–3 hours, while the ocean PA is mainly nocturnal, lasting for 2–3 hours. Regarding the observed precipitation frequency (PF), the most common rainfall events last for 1–3 hours. The COAWST model also simulates a high frequency of short-duration events. Regarding PI, observations indicate a high proportion of precipitation lasting for around 5 hours, and the model reveals that the heaviest rainfall events last for around 4 hours.
3.3 Extreme precipitation
To further reveal the regional characteristics of sub-daily and extreme precipitation, various hourly extreme precipitation indices are assessed. Figure 9 shows the probability density functions of the sub-daily extreme precipitation indices from IMERG and the simulation. The observed annual maxima indices (Rx1hr, Rx3hr, and Rx6hr) indicate relatively low intensity over the land. The primary frequency of observed Rx1hr has an intensity between 20–40 mm/h over the land, while the highest frequency of Rx1hr over the ocean exceeds that over land, ranging from 30–60 mm/h. The COAWST model clearly overestimate Rx1hr over both land and ocean areas. The simulated terrestrial Rx1hr has intensities of up to 60–80 mm/h at the highest frequencies, while the simulated marine precipitation shows intensities of about 50–70 mm/h at the highest frequencies. Observations suggest that the frequency distribution of Rx3hr is similar to that of Rx1hr, with the most common precipitation intensities ranging from 50–70 mm/3h for Rx3hr over land and approximately 100 mm/3h over the ocean. The COAWST model overestimates the intensity of Rx3hr, with the most common intensity ranging between 100–120 mm/3h over both land and ocean. Over land, observations show that the maximum frequency of Rx6hr is about 7%, with rainfall ranging from 80 to 90 mm. Over the ocean, the highest frequency of Rx6hr ranges from 100 to 120 mm/6h, occurring about 4% of the time. The model roughly simulates the distribution of Rx6hr over land and sea, but the simulation shows higher precipitation intensity (120–140 mm/6h) than the observations. Regarding the duration of continuous rainfall, observations indicate that the frequency of MxLWS over land peaks at around 20 hours, while over the ocean it reaches about 30 hours. However, the COAWST model significantly underestimates the duration of precipitation especially over ocean, with the highest frequency of MxLWS being less than 20 hours. The frequency distribution of MeLWS is similar to that of MxLWS. Observations show that the average duration mainly falls within the range of 4–6 hours, with longer durations occurring over the sea. The simulated results show that MeLWS is generally within 5 hours over both land and ocean.
The precipitation threshold is used to evaluate the model's performance in simulating hourly extreme precipitation. The percentile-based thresholds, which include all hours in the research period regardless of whether they are wet or dry, containing all hours in the research period (Kendon et al. 2012), are illustrated in Fig. 10. As shown in the IMERG data, there is hardly any hourly precipitation below the 95% threshold, with the most extreme precipitation over land reaching nearly 30 mm/h at the 99.99% threshold. The COAWST model tends to overestimate land rainfall, showing a steep increase at the 99.99% threshold, reaching around 50 mm/h. Over the ocean, the model skillfully replicates the characteristics of the hourly extreme precipitation threshold, with the 99.99% threshold near 50 mm/h.
To assess the frequency of hourly extreme precipitation the indices, R10 and R20 are utilized and shown in Fig. 11. From the observations, R10 over land averages between 6–10 hours during summer, with the southwestern region being the epicenter of high frequency, reaching beyond 14 hours. Over the ocean, there is a distinct gradient increase from west to east, and R10 exceeds 18 hours in the eastern maritime areas. The coupled model accurately captures the oceanic gradient of R1, but clearly overestimates the frequency particularly over land. The simulated R10 exceeds 16 hours over land which is about 10 hours longer than the observation. The observed R20 is less than 2 hours over land, with the high values exceeding 7 hours mainly located over the eastern ocean areas. The COAWST model simulates the R20 over ocean well, with the maximum R20 (> 7 hours) in the eastern ocean regions. However, it clearly overestimates the R20 over land, ranging from 5 to 10 hours, indicating a wet bias of approximately 4 to 6 hours.
We consider 99.9% as the extreme threshold (R999I and R999pTOT) to investigate the intensity and volume of very extreme rainfall (Fig. 12). The observed R999I clearly shows high intensity over ocean with the maximum intensities larger than 55 mm/h located in the northern and eastern parts of the ocean, and low intensity over land, which is less than 25 mm/h over most land areas. The COAWST simulation shows a considerable overestimation of more than 60% is found over land, whereas the simulated R999I is relatively underestimated over the ocean, with a bias of under 20%. For R999pTOT, it is observed that precipitation events exceeding the 99.9% threshold contribute 6–10% in most regions over land. Over the ocean, the R999pTOT is higher than 16% in the nearshore areas. The coupled model accurately represents the R999pTOT over the northwestern land and nearshore ocean, but it overestimates the R999pTOT by more than 5% over the southern ocean and western land area.
As short-duration precipitation events are the most common and extreme rainfall contributes significantly to the total amount, thus the relationship between extreme precipitation and its duration is also assessed. Figure 13 illustrates the frequency distribution of extreme precipitation events with different durations across different thresholds. Observations indicate that the majority of extreme precipitation events last between 1 and 3 hours. For all precipitation thresholds, the proportion of 1-hr events exceeds 20% over land. Extreme precipitation events lasting 2 hours also account for more than 20% at most thresholds. Precipitation durations for the 99.9% and above thresholds are mainly less than 5 hours. The proportion of precipitation events with longer durations increases with lower thresholds. From the observation, extreme precipitation events over the ocean tend to have longer durations than those over land, but 1-hour precipitation is still predominant. The COAWST model can simulate the significant proportion of 1-hour rainfall events well both over land and ocean. But it overestimates the frequency of 1-hour precipitation to some extent. For precipitation lasting 2–3 hours, the model significantly underestimates the frequency of precipitation events at thresholds of 99% and above. The model also underestimates the frequency of precipitation events lasting 3 hours or longer at each threshold, but to a lesser extent. Despite the model's tendency to simulate shorter-duration rainfall events compared to the observation, COAWST accurately reflects that ocean precipitation events last longer than those over land.