To assess BRCA2 protein deficiency, we used flow cytometry as a precise and sensitive protein detection method. The use of the model cell lines PANC-1 and CAPAN-1, with different BRCA2 expression levels (Fig. 1A), allowed us to verify the anti-BRCA2 antibodies and select the antibody with high specificity, signal intensity, and resolution (Supplementary Fig. 1A, B). Finally, the selected antibody was directly conjugated to the fluorochrome APC to avoid the need for two-step staining. This allowed us to perform tumor sample analysis and develop a multiparameter flow cytometry panel. The results of treatment with the PARP1 inhibitors olaparib and BMN673 (talazoparib) confirmed that the BRCA2 protein abundance estimated by flow cytometry can be used to predict sensitivity to PARP1 inhibitors (Fig. 1B, C). Compared with wt BRCA2-expressing PANC-1 cells, BRCA2-deficient CAPAN-2 cells were more sensitive to PARPis, as indicated by the occurrence of G2/M arrest (Fig. 1B) followed by apoptosis (Fig. 1C). This proof-of-concept experiment confirmed that BRCA2 deficiency detected by flow cytometry in pancreatic tumor cells is correlated with PARPis sensitivity.
Pancreatic tumors show different and heterogenic BRCA2 levels
Pancreatic tumor specimens from 9 patients (5 men and 4 women) aged 37–72 years were freshly processed after resection surgery (for the clinical characteristics, see Supplementary Table 1). The experimental pipeline is shown in Fig. 2A. Histological analysis (Fig. 2B) revealed the typical characteristics of PDAC at the G1 or G2 stage (PDAC patients 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9) and of pNET (NET) at the G2 stage (NET patients 3, 4, and 6). Chronic pancreatitis without malignancy was detected in one patient (ChP patient 8), and the sample from this patient was used as a control. Additional immunohistochemical staining was performed for complete diagnostics if needed (Supplementary Table 3).
Flow cytometry revealed that the analyzed tumor samples had different BRCA2 protein levels (Fig. 2C) (for the gating strategy, see Supplementary Fig. 2), with the lowest levels detected in four of the five PDAC samples (red histograms). Moreover, the shape of the single histograms indicated diverse BRCA2 levels within each tumor sample, indicating the presence of heterogenic cell populations within a single pancreatic tumor.
Unsupervised flow cytometry identifies cell clusters with BRCA2 protein deficiency in PDAC patients that do not necessarily carry BRCA2 mutations
To identify all BRCA2-deficient cell subsets and further examine tumor heterogeneity and the tumor state, we implemented multiparameter flow cytometry followed by unsupervised analysis. Antibodies specific for biomarkers for pancreatic cancer (CA19-9, CK19), stemness (CD44, CD133, CEA) and metastasis (EpCAM) were combined with an APC-conjugated anti-BRCA2 antibody in a single flow cytometry panel (Supplementary Table 2). A representative full gating strategy is presented in Supplementary Fig. 3A-C. All obtained data were analyzed collectively by an unsupervised method to better reveal the unique single-cell phenotypes to identify all cell subsets.
Unsupervised clustering resulted in the identification of 10 different cell populations/clusters (Fig. 3A) showing different BRCA2 levels accompanied by diverse levels of metastasis and stemness markers (the expression frequency is presented on a heatmap). The intensity of BRCA2 and other markers (denoted “very low”, “low”, “hi”, “+” or “-”) was estimated based on the individual marker histograms, FMO controls and mean fluorescence values (see the Materials and Methods and Supplementary Fig. 4). The mean fluorescence values of BRCA2-deficient CAPAN-1 (blue dotted line) and wt PANC-2 cells expressing high levels of BRCA2 (red/gray solid line), which were overlaid on BRCA2 histograms from the primary tumors (Fig. 3B), confirmed the appropriate estimation of BRCA2 deficiency.
We identified three unique clusters with significant BRCA2 deficiency (BRCA2very_low Clusters 1–3) and four clusters with a decreased/low level of BRCA2 expression (BRCA2low Clusters 1–4) (Fig. 3A, marked in bold) among all analyzed samples. Notably, the majority of the cells in the BRCA2low clusters also showed elevated levels of metastasis (EpCAM) and/or stemness (CEA, CD44, CD133) markers, indicating their origin in late-stage, aggressive tumors. This pattern was not observed in the BRCA2very_low clusters.
Next, to identify individuals with BRCA2 deficiency for therapy, each patient (tumor sample) was analyzed separately (Fig. 4). The percentage of cells in each of the identified clusters is indicated for each patient, and the BRCA-deficient clusters (BRCA2very_low and BRCA2low clusters) are shown in bold.
Five PDAC patients and two pNET patients exhibited significant BRCA2 deficiency, with 50–65% of tumor cells exhibiting the BRCAness phenotype; however, heterogeneity was also clearly detected. For most patients, more than one BRCA2-deficient cluster was recognized, confirming heterogeneity among cancer cell subsets and the rationality of PARPi therapy as a strategy to eliminate those cells. As mentioned, stemness or metastasis markers were also detected in clusters with BRCA2 deficiency. We believe that these expression patterns may represent a highly aggressive and resistant cell population that is associated with a clinically unfavorable prognosis but is potentially sensitive to PARP1 inhibitors due to BRCA2 deficiency. Interestingly, BRCA2-deficient pNET patients (pNET 3 and 4) with elevated levels of metastasis and stemness markers were also identified, indicating advanced high-grade stage. This revealed that these patients should also possibly be considered sensitive to PARPis.
To determine whether the BRCA2-deficient patients selected by flow cytometric analysis carried BRCA2 mutations, NGS analysis of the BRCA2 gene locus was performed for all patients except PDAC patient 9 and pNET patient 6 (due to an insufficient amount of material). NGS analysis did not reveal pathogenic mutations in either the BRCA2 or BRCA1 gene, which has been checked in parallel.
In summary we found that BRCA2 deficiency can be detected not only in individuals with BRCA2 mutations but also can be detected exclusively by flow cytometry at the protein level. In combination with evaluations of additional markers, this strategy allows the functional assessment of the tumor cell state and also improves the accuracy of classification for treatment. Therefore, we recommend that assessment of the BRCA2 protein level (if possible, together with the BRCA1 protein) should be considered in PDAC patients as an alternative test in addition to genetic screening. We suggest that improvements in diagnostic approaches are critical for identifying all pancreatic tumor patients with BRCA deficiency who can potentially qualify for personalized therapy with FDA-approved PARP1 inhibitors.