The safety and efficacy of herbal medicines largely depend on their quality. Techniques for plant identification, analysis of purity and confirmation of the presence of chemical markers are being standardized to assure quality of plant medicinal products. The current standard in pharmaceutical companies include monitoring of chemical markers for its quality control (Nazim et al., 2018). However, the presence and levels of these markers are not always predictive of its bioactivity (Ruiz et al., 2016). For plant identification, DNA barcoding has been utilized well to discriminate substitutes and adulterants (Palhares et al., 2015). Identification of medicinal plants, however, often ends at the species level, and the influence of intraspecific genetic variation to observed bioactivities are overlooked. An important consideration is that aside from environmental factors, genetic factors may also influence phytochemical constituents.
The popular therapeutic properties of E. hirta ensues problems with authentication when collected from the field. This primarily involves misidentification due to nomenclatural confusion and morphological similarity to other species (De Villa, 2017) Correct identification of E. hirta in this study was therefore a crucial first step to ensure correct assessment of its genetic variants. The high amplification and sequencing success rate of rbcL and matK in E. hirta, as well as its ability to discriminate from the closely related E. hyssopifolia, qualifies these two genes as effective DNA barcode regions for its correct species identification. Compared to rbcL, the matK region has more variable sequences that increases the resolution among plant species (Lo and Shaw, 2018). The chloroplast gene matK has been successfully used to discriminate closely related species under the Chamaesyce clade of the Euphorbia genus (Wei et al., 2021). However, matK was unable to resolve the genetic differences among the 25 E. hirta samples analyzed. Suitability of barcode gene region for plants is based on the genetic variability at the species-level only (Lo and Shaw, 2018). It is therefore expected that the samples that were all identified as E. hirta would cluster in a single branch in the ML tree.
The inability of DNA barcodes to reveal substantial genetic variation in E. hirta was compensated by the use of SRAP markers. These markers provided a way to easily characterize genetic variation in E. hirta. The primary method of primer combination selection was to mark all samples with each primer and assess the primers based on produced polymorphic bands, percentage of polymorphism and PIC value. The three SRAP primer pairs produced an average of 84.63% polymorphism and is considered high as compared to 68.22% by using 17 combinations among Pyricularia oryzae (Longya et al., 2020) and 35.68% by using 4 combinations in Sideroxylon spinosum (Pakhrou et al., 2020). Among the three, SRAP-E produced the highest percent polymorphism of 90% and can be used as the primary pair of choice in characterizating E. hirta species using SRAP. Likewise, the three SRAP primer pairs were able to generate DNA fingerprints which led to the classification of E. hirta into three genetic variants. Two conserved genomic regions (E7 and L3) were also observed using the SRAP markers, and may be of potential use as a genetic marker for E. hirta.
Several molecular markers have been employed to reveal polymorphisms within species, but the choice of marker is usually dependent on the objective (Kress et al., 2015). SRAP markers were less commonly used than other DNA-based molecular markers but have been shown to be suitable for evaluating genetic diversity in medicinal plants (Relacion et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2015). These markers can also provide information pertaining to intraspecific differences in plants (Cardone et al., 2021). In this study, the aim was to use SRAP to obtain a DNA fingerprint that can reveal genetically different groups of E. hirta. SRAP has the advantage of being simple and fast to perform, and not requiring previous sequence information on E. hirta. Additionally, the use of AGE instead of PAGE to visualize polymorphic bands proved to be a more practical method as it is quicker and easier to perform, while still being able to reveal sufficient genetic variation in E. hirta. The high potential of arbitrary primers to detect polymorphisms at the species level was also shown in other Euphorbia species (Moustafa et al., 2016). However, this is the first time that the intraspecific genetic diversity in E. hirta has been studied. Evaluation indices have provided useful information on the genetic variability observed within and among the E. hirta accessions. AMOVA also revealed the significant moderate variation among and within clusters of E. hirta. The use of SRAP markers on E. hirta provided an effective approach to differentiate the samples used in the study and show their genetic relationships.
Intraspecific genetic variations have been shown to affect metabolite diversity in plants (De Santis et al., 2021; Havananda et al., 2019). There were also reports where genetic polymorphisms have been associated with observed phenotypic traits (Hirpara et al., 2016). This intraspecific variation was also true for E. hirta (Ahmed and Noureldeen, 2022). However, previous reports on E. hirta variants have already been reconsidered or refuted (Heralde III et al., 2015), and may not be used to evaluate the influence of genetic factors to observed bioactivities. The study, therefore, provides new insight on how we characterize plant natural products in order to have a more robust evaluation of bioactivities.
The separation of E. hirta samples into groups based on their SRAP profile was found to be unrelated to the geographic distance of collection sites. SRAP profiles were commonly observed to be related with geographic distance, but was not always the case (Huang et al., 2020; Amiriyan et al., 2019; Moonsap et al., 2019). The distribution of this dominant group of E. hirta across a wide region may be due to the seed dispersal mechanisms typical to weeds. Most of the species in the Chamaesyce clade of Euphorbia tend to have small, sticky seeds that can adhere to birds for long-distance dispersal (Horn et al., 2014). Likewise, evaluation indices have provided useful information on the genetic variability observed within and among the E. hirta accessions. AMOVA also revealed the significant moderate variation among and within clusters of E. hirta. The use of SRAP markers on E. hirta provided an effective approach to differentiate the samples used in the study and show their genetic relationships.
Overall, the study has shown the potential use of SRAP markers to identify genetic variants within E. hirta. This, however, has been limited by the sample size to make a firm generalization. Analysis of more E. hirta samples using the same SRAP primers may help validate the markers identified in this study. Future studies comparing the bioactivities within and among the clusters may also be performed to determine the extent of how these variations can influence the observed therapeutic properties.