3.1. Studying the structural characteristics and morphology
3.1.1. XRD pattern
An X-ray diffractometer (Cu Kα) was used to study the crystalline phase of the produced nanocomposites. Figure 1A shows the XRD pattern of the samples. Pattern (a) in Fig. 1A, corresponds to the pure Fe3O4, which has distinct peaks at 2Ѳ = 30.17∘, 35.53∘, 43.2∘, 53.55∘, 57.12∘ and 62.69∘, which is refers to the lattice planes points of (220), (311), (400), (422), (511) and (440). The existing peaks indicate that Fe3O4 corresponds to the cubic structure [16–17]. Also, Pattern (b) in Fig. 1A shows the XRD corresponding to pure CdSe, which has peaks at 2Ѳ = 26.12∘, 30.11∘ and 43.3∘, that respectively refer to (111), (220), and (311) lattice planes. CdSe exists in both zinc-blend (FCC) and wurtzite (hexagonal) structures. Comparing the peaks in pattern (b) with previous studies shows that the structure of CdSe is cubic [5–18]. Pattern (c) in Fig. 1A shows the XRD of CdSe/Fe3O4 nanocomposite, the diffraction peaks indicate the overlapping of CdSe with Fe3O4 and the formation of CdSe/Fe3O4 structure [19]. Pattern (d) in Fig. 1A is the XRD of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite. It can be seen that, due to the deposition of iron oxide and cadmium selenide particles on the rGO surface, the peaks of rGO not appear clearly [16].
3.1.2. VSM analysis
VSM was used to determine the magnetic properties of Fe3O4/CdSe and rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe at room temperature. From the obtained results that are shown in Fig. 1B, it can be seen that both prepared composites have superparamagnetic behavior [20]. The obtained magnetic saturation (Ms) values were about 64.48 and 62.50 emu/g for Fe3O4/CdSe and rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe, respectively. Compared with Fe3O4/CdSe, it can be inferred that the saturation magnetization of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe decreased, that may be related to the low percentage of Fe3O4 in the rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe composite [21]. Saturation magnetization of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposites indicates that it has excellent superparamagnetic behavior. Therefore, the challenge of separating nanocatalyst from the wastewater can be solved simply by a magnet after the degradation process [22].
3.1.3. FTIR spectrums
In order to analyze the functional group and determine the structural integrity of the catalysts, FTIR spectroscopy of the composites was performed. FTIR involves observing the vibration of molecules excited by infrared radiation. Figure 2A indicates the FTIR spectrum of GO, Fe3O4/CdSe binary and rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe ternary nanocomposite. As can be seen in the relevant spectrum, there are peaks in the wave numbers of 547, 1228, 1379, 1655, 3449 and 3725cm− 1. The bands near 547 cm− 1 and 1228 cm− 1 originate from the stretching vibrations of Fe-O and the vibrational absorption of C-O bonds, which indicates that Fe3O4 QDs are coordinated with rGO [5–23]. The peaks in wave number 1379 and 1655 cm− 1 are respectively referred to C-OH and C = C bonds [2–7]. The distinctive broad band that exists from the wave number of 3250 to 3750 cm− 1 are related to the OH groups involved in H bonds [5].
3.1.4. Raman spectrums
Raman spectroscopy can determine the presence of CdSe, Fe3O4 and rGO in the nanocomposites [24]. Figure 2B indicates the Raman spectrum of Fe3O4/CdSe, GO and rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe. Pattern (a) in Fig. 2B shows the Raman spectrum of Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposites, which has peaks at 235, 415, 439 and 800 cm− 1. The two peaks around 235 cm− 1and 415 cm− 1 are related to LO1 and LO2 phonon modes in CdSe [25]. Weak peaks around 439 and 800 cm− 1 are attributed to Fe3O4 [26]. GO is usually analyzed by two peaks. Pattern (b) in Fig. 2B indicates the Raman spectrum of pure GO, and pattern (c) shows the Raman spectrum of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposites. There are two peaks at 1320 cm− 1and 1605 cm− 1, which respectively represent the D and G bands of rGO. G pattern is related to the first order scattering of E2g photons produced by sp2 carbon atom and D pattern is produced by sp3 carbon atom, which shows the graphitization degree of graphene [24]. A high value of intensity ratio indicates that the graphite structure has more crystal defects in its lattice and has a more distortion. The D/G ratio for rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe was 1.15. As shown in pattern (c) in Fig. 2B, there is a small shift to the left in the characteristic peak in the D band for rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe, indicating that the Fe3O4/CdSe QDs are correctly grown on the rGO nanosheets [27].
3.1.5. FESEM and EDS analyses
3.2. Dye degradation study
3.2.1. MB degradation
Absorption spectrum was used to study the ability of magnetic nanocomposites to degrade MB dye. The reduction of the characteristic absorption peak is a way that can be used to measure the degradation of MB dye molecules after the catalytic reaction. To investigate the effectiveness of Fe3O4/CdSe and rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe magnetic nanocomposite in degradation of MB, 30 mg of catalyst was reacted with 10 ppm of MB. The degradation rate of the samples are shown in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5a, degradation efficiency of Fe3O4/CdSe was 55%, but, Fig. 5b indicate that by adding graphene to the compound, the degradation efficiency reached to 100% only after 2 min stirring in the darkness. Table 1 shows the reaction time and degradation efficiency of different dark catalysts and photocatalysts with MB dye in comparison with prepared rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe magnetic dark nanocatalyst.
Table 1
Comparisons of MB dye degradation between the prepared rGO/ Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite and some previous reported dark and photocatalysts.
S. NO. | Nanocatalyst | Photo/Dark catalyst | Degradation efficiency | Time (min) | Ref. |
1 | MnTiO3 | Photocatalyst | 75% | 240 | [31] |
2 3 | CdSe- rGO CdTe/ZnSe | Photocatalyst Photocatalyst | 70% 76% | 210 120 | [32] [3] |
4 | ZnO–SnO2 | Photocatalyst | 96.53% | 60 | [33] |
5 | GO/TiO2 | Photocatalyst | 99% | 60 | [34] |
6 | rGO/TiO2 | Photocatalyst | 90% | 15 | [35] |
7 | Ag–In–Ni– S | Dark catalyst | 98% | 12 | [36] |
8 | rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe | Dark catalyst | 100% | 2 | Present work |
3.2.2. Study effect of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe catalyst mass
Another important factor that was studied in the dye degradation efficiency was the mass of the catalyst. To investigate the effect of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe mass on the degradation rate of methylene blue, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg of catalyst were reacted with 10 ppm of MB dye, then stirred in darkness. As shown in Fig. 6a, it can be find out that the best catalyst weight can be use is 30 mg, because it obtained the highest dark degradation efficiency of 100% and the MB solution was degradated completely after 2 min. Degradation efficiency increased from 10 to 30 mg due to the increase in the number of active sites in the degradation process, increasing the mass more than 30 mg did not change the degradation time [27]. Therefore, 30 mg was selected as the optimal condition of magnetic nanocomposite in the degradation process for more detailed study.
3.2.3. Study reusability of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe
Figure 6b, shows the effect of prepared rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite during reuse analysis. The stability and recyclability of nanocatalysts are also very important for practical applications. Surface electrons play an important role in the dark degradation process. Since the number of surface electrons decreases during the reaction with dye molecules in the degradation process, it is expected that the degradation efficiency will decrease in the subsequent cycles [7]. In order to check the reuse of the prepared catalyst after the degradation in the first step, the reacted nanocomposite with MB was separated from the media by a magnet. Then, in the second step, the degradation process was repeated by adding 10 ppm of MB with the same samples of the first step. After 4 reuse of the prepared dark nanocatalysts for degradation of MB, it still has 83% degradation efficiency. This level of degradation indicate that, the prepared dark catalyst still has the necessary surface electrons for the degradation of organic dyes.
3.2.4. Study of pH effect on degradation
The pH was studed as another factor that can be effective in the practical use of prepared nanocomposites and degradation efficiency. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) were used for this purpose. According to the pH study, which are shown in the Fig. 7a, as the pH increases from 1 to 3, the degradation efficiency increases considerably, then, the highest degradation occurs in neutral and alkaline media. Therefore, it can be understood that prepared nanocomposites perform much better in neutral and alkaline media than in acidic media.
3.2.5. Zeta potential analysis
Figure 7b shows the Zeta potential of the samples. Zeta potential was used to measure the amount of charge on the surface of CdSe/Fe3O4 and rGO/CdSe/Fe3O4 nanocomposites. Depending on its sign and amount, surface charges strongly affects the degradation of organic dyes [28].The results of zeta potential showed that the amount of negative charge on the Fe3O4/CdSe surface is about − 12 mV, which increases to -28 mV by adding graphene to the structure. Graphene is known as a two-dimensional semimetal with a tiny overlap between the valence and conduction bands and exhibits a strong dipole electric field effect [29]. The increasing trend of about 16 mV in the value of zeta potential for rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite may be due to the functionalization of rGOs during partial reduction, and hence it has a higher surface negative charge density than Fe3O4/CdSe [30]. Therefore, by increasing the surface charge, it can be expected that the ability of rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe as a dark catalyst in the dye degradation will increase [27].
3.2.6. Scavenger results
In order to find out which factor plays the main role in the degradation of MB by rGO/ Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposites, radical scavenger experiment was performed. For this purpose, the determining active radical in dye degradation was investigated. Hydroxyl (OH−), Electrons (e−), and holes (h+) radicals, are among the radicals that play the main role in degradation processes [7]. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and silver nitrate (AgNO3) were used as electron trap. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was used as a hole trap and sodium iodide (NaI) was used as a hydroxyl species trap [3–27].
The experiment was done in such a way that H2O2 was added as an electron trap to the solution containing nanocomposite and MB, and the test was performed according to the previous procedure, the result showed a serious impairment in the degradation process. Then, to ensure the role of electrons in the degradation process, AgNO3 was tested as another electron trap, which confirmed the role of electrons in the degradation process. Then, EDTA was added to the compound as a hole trap and the experiment was repeated, the result showed that the holes didn't play a role in the degradation of the dye and the degradation process was carried out without any disturbance. Also, to determine the role of hydroxyls, the degradation process was carried out with NaI, which showed that it has no effect on the degradation process [8]. Therefore, according to the results of the scavenger tests, which are shown in Fig. 8, it can be concluded that the main role in MB degradation is the surface electrons produced by rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe magnetic nanocomposite. [5–27]. Also, to ensure that the process of degradation has taken place and not absorption. After the degradation process, the nanocomposite was separated from the aqueous media by a magnet. Then after drying at room temperature, it was added to a beaker containing 25 ml of DI water and dispersed by an ultrasonic probe for 30 min, but no dye was observed in the aqueous media. Therefore, considering this case, and the fact that the addition of electron traps caused a disruption in the degradation process, it can be sure that the degradation took place and not absorption.
3.2.7. Degradation process mechanism
The path of dark catalytic degradation of MB by rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite was studied. According to the results in Fig. 5b, it can be seen that MB has a characteristic absorption peak at 662 nm. After reaction with rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe nanocomposite, this peak is significantly reduced and after 2 min of stirring in the darkness, it disappears completely. In combination with the results of the trap experiments, it was found that the main role in MB degradation is the active species of electron (e−). Also, it can be seen from the zeta potential that rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe magnetic nanocomposite has the ability to create a large amount of negative charge on its surface, which makes it an ideal option for degradation. Finally, based on all that was studied and discussed above, a catalytic degradation mechanism for MB by rGO/Fe3O4/CdSe in the dark was proposed. As shown in Fig. 9. The electrons on the surface of the nanocomposite react with the oxygen in the water and produce superoxide •O2 radicals. On the other hand, reactive hydroxyl species () can also be created from the reaction of superoxide species by H+ ions. Therefore, as a result, the reaction between the radicals created by the electrons on the surface of the nanocomposite with MB removes the dye molecules from the wastewater [27].