This work is based on a case study that will evaluate the possibility of implementing the use of internal combustion engines to use the biogas generated in an operational sewage treatment plant run by SAAE in Angra dos Reis, in the area known as Praia da Chácara, located in 23°00′11.2′′S, 44°18′18.4′′W. This plant is part of the sewage system in sub-basin G, which includes the neighbourhoods of Balneário and Parque das Palmeiras. Designed to serve 10,000 people, it currently treats the sewage of 6,600 inhabitants with a mean flow of 25 l/s proposed in the project developed by SANEVIX ENGENHARIA company. In the future, the idea is to expand the STP area of operation and include other neighbourhoods, such as Marinas and the hills closest to Parque das Palmeiras (Fig. 1).
The STP-type UASB + BFMO + DS is pre-moulded and built entirely in carbon and stainless steel to ensure considerable durability due to its proximity to the sea. It uses an Ascending Flow Anaerobic Reactor, an Organic Matter Biofilter, and a Secondary Decanter, with an inlet box system to retain the solids and dirt thrown into the network. It is followed by an anaerobic treatment process in which a colony of bacteria feeds on the organic loads. It is followed by an aerobic process that carries out the final treatment with new bacteria colonies. This process reduces the organic load by 96%. It also has a particular system to prevent bad smells. Even though the reactor technology (UASB - Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) has been implemented, which increases the production of biogas and sludge, the project proposed by the company does not offer the option of using the biogas generated from anaerobic digesters and sludge storage tanks for energy, being burned directly in a flare without any energy use. A new plant configuration scheme similar to the plant under study but using the biogas generated can be seen in Fig. 2.
Two scenarios will be analysed: The first scenario would consider the plant's current situation with an average flow of 25 l/s of effluent, a flow from a small station that will only serve a small territory. The second scenario would be a hypothetical situation in a future expansion of the plant that would be able to meet the needs of the entire population of the city of Angra dos Reis, which amounts to approximately 167,434 inhabitants, of whom 85% have access to adequate sewage systems [23].
Understanding the viability of biogas energetic use in an internal combustion engine requires a thorough calculation of project variables. These variables play a crucial role in the production of biogas in the sludge treatment plant, and their accurate assessment is key to the success of the project.
Affluent sewage volumetric flow
The amount of sewage that feeds the sewage treatment plant is currently stipulated in the project at 25 l/s, which will be the average flow for scenario 1. For scenario 2, an estimated effluent flow will be considered based on the population that will be served by the hypothetical plant, which, according to IBGE data for the municipality in question, would amount to 142,319 inhabitants. Using the example from Eq. (1), it determines that:
Q – Influent sewage flow in the STP (m3/d).
QHab – Per capita contribution flow (l/inhab.d).
Cr – Coefficient of recycle of sewage/water per capita.
Pop - Population (inhab).
In Brazil, according to the last census carried out by the IBGE, an individual's per capita use of water, called Quota Per Capita (QPC), was 116 litres per day. Among the major regions, the Southeast has the highest per capita use, with 143 litres, while the lowest use is recorded in the Northeast, with 83 litres per inhabitant. The domestic sewage flow was calculated based on the project population and the value assigned to the average daily water consumption (assumed to be equal to 116 l/inhab. day) [5], with a correspondence between sewage production and water consumption. The return coefficient (Cr) was adopted as 0.8 inhabitant/day, the recommended value when no local research data is available [24].
Volume of biogas produced in UASB reactors
According to Von Sperling [25] and Lobato et al. [26], it is acceptable to use 300mg/l for Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and 600mg/l of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), respectively, due to the physical chemistry characteristics of domestic and sanitary sewage influents into wastewater plants. These values of BOD and COD are the same as the ones proposed in the project and are consistent with the COD values obtained with diluted domestic wastewater in tropical conditions, COD < 1000mg/l and T > 20°C [27].
Chernicharo [28] has pointed out that the production of biogas is directly linked to the complete removal of organic loads in the reactor. The efficiency of the reactor, as demonstrated in Eq. (2), determines the COD from the effluent.
In which:
ECOD – Efficiency of COD removal in the UASB reactor (%).
HRT – Hydraulic retention time (h). Adopted in this study 8 hours [27].
The removed organic load in the reactor can be obtained by Eq. (3).
CODCH4 - organic load converted to methane (kgCODCH4/d).
Q – mean influent flow (m3/d).
S0 -influent COD to UASB reactor. Adopted 0.60 kgCOD/m3) [26, 27] .
S - effluent COD filtered into UASB reactor (kgCODfil/ m3).
Yobs - Coefficient of Total Suspended Solids production (kgCODTVS/kgCODapplied).
The effluent COD load (S) can be determined when the removal efficiency of the USAB reactor is known as:
Van Haandel & Lettinga [29] determined that the value of the Coefficient of Total Suspended Solids Production in UASB reactors (Yobs) may vary between 0.1 and 0.2. In this study, the value of 0.2 was used. The higher limit was selected because, the more sludge generated, the lower the methane production would be the worst-case scenario for a sewage plant.
Chernicharo also states that the methane flow can be calculated once the correction factor of the reactor temperature is known, as shown in Eq. (4).
K(T) - Correction Factor to the operational temperature in the reactor (gCODCH4/l).
P - Atmospheric pressure (atm).
K - COD corresponding to 1 mol of CH4 (64gCOD/mol).
R - Gas constant (0.08206 atm.l/mol.K).
T - Operational temperature in the reactor (25ºC).
The methane flow produced in m3/d is the ratio of organic load converted to CODCH4 by the correction factor to an operational temperature K(T), as shown in Eq. (5).
The biogas from domestic sewage has a typical concentration of 60 to 80% methane depending on the organic load [6][10], considering the mean methane concentration experimentally determined in Brazilian STP using UASB reactors is higher than 70% [6]. We will consider the worst-case scenario, which would be a biogas production with 60% CH4 in its composition. Another estimate refers to the losses of methane to the theoretical production, which are around 20–50% [30]. In this case, full-scale sewage plant measurements in Brazil were considered, where losses were estimated between 36–40% of the produced methane, which leaves the reactor dissolved in the effluent. Other losses considered in the order of 5% can also occur through the surface of the settler compartment and leaks in the system. For these reasons, the total loss value assumed was 40% of the methane flow produced [27]. Thus, the worst operating conditions of the plant were considered.
The actual mass flow of biogas produced can then be determined as follows:
Potential of energy generation in STP
The annual electricity produced from biogas can be estimated by Eq. (8)
In which:
Pgeneration EE – Potential of electricity generation (MWh/yr).
LHV – Lower Heating value of biogas with 60% of Methane from reference [8] assume as 5500 kcal/Nm3.
ƞengine– Engine efficiency (%).
ƞgerador – Generator efficiency (%).
Cs – Coefficient that adjusts the plant operation throughout the year (considering an operation of 8000 hours during a year, which corresponds to an availability factor of more than 90% [31]).
Ckw – Factor of conversion kcal to kWh (860.42kcal/kWh).
According to Perez et al. [32] and [33], the thermal efficiency of biogas engines varies between 30 and 40%. The electric generator's efficiency ranges between 90 and 97%; to be on the safe side and consider the worst case, the lowest values will be used for both cases.
Economic Viability
The economic viability will be assessed by an extensive analysis of all costs involved in implementing the plant and the annual revenue. Economic decision-making indicators, such as payback and net present value, will be determined. Any investment project has an initial period of expenses followed by a net revenue period. Payback is the period in which all expenses are covered by revenues. This period can be considered with or without an updated cash flow.
In the NPV model, the aim is to find the value of the investment by discounting the cash flow at a rate that reflects the associated risk. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is initially calculated to verify the investment profitability. This rate shows the equivalence between the incoming and outgoing cash flows when the NPV is zero. Compared to the Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR), this rate must be higher for the investment to be advantageous, underscoring the importance of the MARR as a profitability threshold. The MARR indicates a project's minimum value for profitability for it to be a viable implementation. These indicators are used as decision-making criteria for financial investment in cogeneration plants [34].
2.4.1 Cost with implementation of the energy generation unit
One will evaluate the cost of implementing the unit that meets the project's demands and the size of the STP already in operation at Praia da Chácara with an influent mean flow of 25 l/s, as well as the hypothetical situation in a future expansion of the plant that would be able to meet the needs of the entire population of Angra dos Reis city.
Our experimental tests at the STP in Barueri/SP, comparing the performance of a microturbine system unit and an internal combustion engine unit (Otto cycle) working in parallel to burn the biogas produced at the plant, yielded significant findings. The results clearly demonstrated the superior cost/benefit of the genset system over the microturbine. This was primarily due to its low investment and operating costs in relation to the installed power and the energy produced, when compared to other commonly used technologies such as gas turbines and micro turbines [35].
It's important to note that for the biogas generated in the STP to be used in a gas engine, it must undergo a rigorous purification process. This process is crucial for removing the main impurities such as moisture, siloxanes, sulfur, halogenated compounds and other contaminants [10], particularly CO2 and H2S, which can significantly impact the combustion process and increase heat losses in the engine [36]. The efficiency of this purification process is heavily dependent on the technological alternative used [27]. Therefore, the following economic feasibility assessment will be based on a unit that operates 24 hours a day, consisting of a basic system with a dehumidifier, purifier with Fe2O3 bed and cooling tank, gasometer and generator set (internal combustion engine + electrical generator).
All components have their respective functions in the process aiming to improve biogas conditions. The generator group, or internal combustion engine, will be chosen according to the estimated biogas flow produced in the STP. The cost of purchasing the equipment used in the current plant (first scenario) was estimated through direct price surveys with international equipment suppliers. For the second scenario, the total capital investment in each subsystem was calculated using the factorial estimation method reported by Aguilera et al. [31] (Table 1). In this method, the costs of the main components of the plant for a known size are obtained as a reference and an appropriate scaling factor is applied to calculate the cost for a desired equipment size using the following equation:
Equipment cost with a certain capacity of interest S;
\(\:{C}_{r}\) : Equipment cost for the reference capacity \(\:{S}_{r}\);
m: Incidence factor for economy scale (assumed to be equal to 0.6 [31]).
The purchase costs obtained from suppliers show a certain lag with respect to current values, so the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) was used. This index accounts for inflation and changes in equipment costs over the years and is used to update all data to the current year.
The CEPCI values used for 2019 were 607.5, and the average value of 797.9 from the current year's CEPCI for 2023 was used.
Besides investment equipment costs, operation and maintenance costs must also be estimated. According to Souza et al. (2004), the cost of the operation and maintenance is present annually, about 2–4% of the total investment of the unit. The estimated cost of operation and maintenance is calculated in Eq. (11).
In which:
Co&m – Cost with operation and maintenance (R$/yr).
Cd – Cost of investment with dehumidifier (R$).
Cp – Cost of investment with purifier (R$).
Cgas – Cost of investment with gasometer (R$).
Cgg – Cost of investment with generator group (R$).
α – Diverse cost with flowmeters, pipelines, valves and connections, peripherical and structure (estimated from data gave by Hengeveld et al [37] and Basrawi et al. [14].
It is important to consider the equipment's depreciation. The annual depreciation of the equipment is assumed to be linear for a 10-year period and was calculated by considering an average plant lifespan of 20 years, according to the estimates of lifespan for STP reported by [31] and [33], varying between 15–30 years.
In which:
W - Depreciation of equipment (R$).
C - Total cost of equipment (R$).
Ul - Useful life (years).
The results of the investments will be evaluated according to the distribution of electricity produced in the network and the gain through the generation of credit with the local energy distributor. This work did not evaluate bureaucratic terms such as environmental licensing, risk analysis, and the resistance of the existing market to the acceptance of sustainable projects. Therefore, a more thorough and complete analysis may be a topic addressed in another study.
The BDI (Benefits and Indirect Expenses) is the element of a budget whose purpose is to measure the portions of the price of the civil work that indirectly affect the execution of the object. The BDI is made up of: central administration costs; financial costs of the civil work; systematic (non-diversifiable) risk costs applied to the project; municipal, state and federal taxes; insurance and guarantees; and profit margin. Added to the direct cost of a civil work or service, the BDI defines the total cost of the project. In this study, a BDI of 24% was adopted for civil works and services and 14% for equipment, in strict accordance with Ruling 2622/2013 of the Federal Court of Auditors.
Table 1
General investment costs of the energy generation unit in R$*.
Equipment/Operation | Actual Plant (9,69 m3/h) | Future expansion Plant (70,67 m3/h) |
Purifier | 10,042.5 | 52,762.43 |
Gasometer | 2,811.9 | 45,925.32 |
Engine generator | 46,350.5 | 274,018.29 |
Flow meter | 5,910.37 | 32,785.05 |
Diverse | 37,693.28 | 119,280.92 |
Civil work | 28,035.3 | 92,295.08 |
Equipment depreciation | 6,393.31 | 30,853.35 |
Operation and maintenance | 5,278.65 | 24,682.68 |
Total | 142,663.85 | 672,603.13 |
*An average dollar exchange of 5.13 R$ for the year 2023, defined by the central bank, was used to convert the values.
The company Shandong Tiger Machinery Technology Co., Ltd provides equipment quotations for actual plants, including 25kW biogas genset with a configuration of 3 phase, 60Hz, 127V/220V, PF = 0.8, with 30kW gas engine (with gas engine control system), 25kW alternator, base frame & shock absorbers, with control cabinet, free maintenance battery, wood case packing, heat recover system, silent canopy and an auto-parallel for gas genset. The gasometer with a double membrane that works at low pressure was selected with a storage capacity of at least 2 hours of production. The purifier has filters with molecular sieves to remove CO2 and a column with iron oxide to remove sulfide. It consists of 4 tanks supplied by the Chinese company Holly Enterprise ElecMech Equip. Co., ltd. The KFG-1009 vortex flow meter with CVT-TEM remote flow indicator was selected.
2.4.2 Cost of electricity generation
According to the methodology of Silveira et al. (2012), the cost is calculated by Eq. 10. In this method, the cost is estimated by the ratio between the initial investment of the project and the potential of electricity generation amortized according to a rate of interest added to the cost of operation and maintenance.
In which the annuity factor is defined by:
with: \(\:q=1+\frac{i}{100}\) (15)
In which:
Cel – Cost with electricity production (R$/kWh).
Inv plant – Total investment with the unit ( \(\:{{C}_{d}+C}_{p}+{C}_{gas}+{C}_{gg}+\alpha\:\) in R$).
PgenerationEE – Potential of electricity generation (MWh/yr).
f – Annuity factor (1/year).
Co&m – Cost with operation and maintenance (R$/kWh).
k – service life of the system (20 years) or payback.
i – Interest rate (8%, 12% and 15%).
2.4.3 Revenue from electricity added to the distribution network
Through the Compensation System mechanism from ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,059 [11], consumers can inject the energy generated in their consumer unit directly into the distribution network and receive a return in the form of energy credits, i.e. at the end of the month, the amount injected into the network is deducted from the amount consumed. To calculate the revenue generated by the generation of electricity, a tariff weight average is used (Eq. 16), composed by the tariff of electric energy (TE) and tariff for use of the distribution system (TUSD), value determined by ANEEL, in R$/MWh, used for the monthly billing of consumers and other users of the monthly billing of the electricity distribution system by the use of the system, considering the value of the peak hours and off-peak hours tariffs. Peak hours are between 6 pm and 8:59 pm, not applicable on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. During daylight saving time, peak hours are between 7:00 and 9:59 pm.
The electricity generated by hydroelectric plants represents the largest share of Brazil's electricity matrix [38]. During months with little rainfall, energy production from this source is reduced due to low water flow. Under these meteorological conditions, more expensive energy sources, such as thermal power stations, come into play. The cost to energy distributors increases with the need to use more expensive sources. In 2015, ANEEL implemented a tariff flag system that reflects an increase in electricity tariffs for residential consumers due to unfavourable hydrological conditions. This feature is unique and relevant in the context of tariffs, focusing on seasonal fluctuations in water availability. The system comprises three tariff flags: green, yellow, red level 1 and red level 2. The green flag corresponds to the scenario of tranquillity for the consumer, as it represents favourable hydrological conditions, and the final tariff is not increased. The yellow flag is already a warning sign for less favourable generational conditions. Following the warning logic, the red flag - level 1 corresponds to more costly generation conditions. Finally, the red flag - level 2 represents the worst hydro scenario [39]. The additional cost of the electricity tariff due to the flag colour is defined annually by ANEEL.
In the case of STP, considering it a mini generation plant, included in the Electricity Compensation System (SCEE), ANEEL consumers group them into group B: a group made up of consumer units with a voltage connection of less than 2.3 kV and subdivided into subgroup B3. The tariffs for this group are listed in Table 2 [40]. In addition to the final tariff value, the Federal, State and Municipal Governments add tax PIS/COFINS, ICMS and the Contribution for Public Lighting, which are not included as they change from state to state. However, this final value serves as a benchmark for everyone.
Table 2
composition of the final electricity tariff (R$/MWh)
| peak hours tariff | off-peak hours Tariffs | |
Distributor | TUSD | TE | TUSD | TE | Final Tarrif |
ENEL-RJ | 1,494.72 | 62.57 | 469.10 | 62.57 | 659.87 |
Them the revenue is given by Eq. 17.
2.4.4 Payback
Payback is the most common method in the analysis of investments. It consists of quantifying the period required to cover the initial investment by means of cash flow. This method analyzes the moment at which the net profit accumulated is equal to the initial investment. The period can be found by the analysis of cash flow as well as the ratio between investment cost and expected profit [41]. Three variations of interest rate are used in Payback, amortized throughout the unit period, of 15%, 12% and 8%.
2.4.5 Net present value
The Net Present Value, NPV, is used to assess the profitability of an investment. The calculation is done by Eq. (18), decreasing the cash flow of the project that is being evaluated to a determined interest rate from the investor. This rate, called the discount rate, is the minimum return that must be expected for the project to be accepted. The project is viable if the discount rate is higher or equal to zero [41]. One of the advantages of the process is the inclusion of the capital cost of the company and the possibility of applying it to any cash flow. However, it is usually a complex method because it requires several parameters to be calculated. The adopted minimum rate of attractiveness will be 15%. This figure was devised considering the average of the most profitable yield, plus inflation and an investment risk rate related to market uncertainties stipulated at 2.25%.
In which:
C0 – Initial cost.
Ci – Cash flow year by year.
i – years.
n – total time of the project.
r – risk rate to be discounted.
The final value of NPV must be positive for profit. If it is zero, there is no profit or loss; the investor will not have guarantees with such an investment.