In the face of climate change, European agriculture is in dire need of adaptation options. Warm season droughts are becoming more frequent in Central Europe (Markonis et al., 2021), already causing severe yield losses (Brás et al., 2021; Lüttger & Feike, 2018). This forces the necessity to bolster more resilient and diversified cropping systems and agroforestry is widely regarded as a key adaptation measure in the face of increasingly extreme weather events (IPCC, 2019; van Noordwijk et al., 2021). The regulating effects of woody components on the microclimate have been observed by various studies, namely the reduction of temperature extremes, wind speed, and evaporation (Jacobs et al., 2022; Kanzler et al., 2019; Schoeneberger et al., 2012; Swieter et al., 2022). This microclimate amelioration benefits a more climate-resilient agricultural production, among other agroforestry-inherent traits such as biodiversity enhancement, improved soil fertility, and carbon sequestration (Cardinael et al., 2021).
However, competition for light, water, and soil nutrients between arable crops and woody components has been reported to negatively affect crop yields in agroforestry systems (Arenas-Corraliza et al., 2022). In temperate agroforestry systems light is considered to be the most limiting factor for agricultural production (Ehret et al., 2015). The reduction in photosynthetically active radiation caused by the tree stands has been shown to result in yield and quality decline (sometimes up to 50% yield decrease) in field crops such as various cereals and legumes (Artru et al., 2017; Dufour et al., 2013; Reynolds et al., 2007). Most cultivars of arable crops in temperate climates have been selected for full light conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand how they respond under altered light conditions (Arenas-Corraliza et al., 2022), and to what degree other factors such as seasonal climatic changes and aspect arrangements can influence the net effects of shading (Anderson et al., 2009; Cardinael et al., 2021; Swieter et al., 2022).
While in a tropical, sub-tropical and Mediterranean context the benefit of agroforestry for agricultural yields has been established for several production systems (Arenas-Corraliza et al., 2022; Gomes et al., 2020) and is projected to be of increasing importance in the face of climate change (Cardinael et al., 2021), there is still a large research gap for temperate climates. Alley cropping - the intentional integration of trees and crops with widely spaced tree rows and in-between crop alleys (Wolz & DeLucia, 2018) - is an especially attractive form of agroforestry for temperate climates, as it offers a low-input system (via improved water management and nutrient cycling) for the simultaneous growth of food production and biomass for improved land use (Quinkenstein et al., 2009). Additionally, the windbreak and shade provided by the tree rows can reduce water loss and improve soil moisture retention due to the lower radiation intensity, reduced wind speed, decreased surface run-off and more moderate soil temperatures (Bird, 1998; Jacobs et al., 2022; Quinkenstein et al., 2009). The effects on air temperature, relative humidity, and evapotranspiration show more varied results, however (Jacobs et al., 2022). Variation among results (yield, water use, microclimate effects, soil effects, etc.) in agroforestry studies is often attributed to differences in tree stand and management (Jacobs et al., 2022; Luedeling et al., 2016). However, our knowledge base on the effects of alley cropping is strongly shaped by research on the management of trees for biomass production, leaving major knowledge gaps when trees are managed for other uses, such as fruit and nut production (Wolz et al., 2018). Many studies in the field identify topography, soil, climate, tree and crop cultivar, canopy management, etc. as the prominent factors influencing microclimate, yield, and water balance (Jacobs et al., 2022; Majaura et al., 2024). Water competition has been shown to vary depending on the tree selection, crops, canopy structure, and of course rainfall patterns (Wang et al., 2021). Furthermore, the spatial distance between the tree rows may play a key role in crop yield and performance due to its influence on competition factors (Ivezić et al., 2021; Quinkenstein et al., 2009). Due to these variable factors, the overall influence that air temperature and relative humidity, together with factors of tree canopy, have on end water use and crop yields are still uncertain and require more detailed investigation (Bird, 1998; Grace, 1988; Jacobs et al., 2022; Swieter et al., 2022). Furthermore, despite a growing body of research on the various effects of agroforestry, there remains a significant knowledge gap regarding the variability in yield performance, especially relative to water availability. The heterogeneous effect of tree rows on crop yields in relation to water availability has been acknowledged for decades (Kort, 1988; Pelton, 1967). However, studies analysing yield data within alley cropping systems over several years are rare, limiting our understanding of yield dynamics in respect to inter-annual weather variability (Swieter et al., 2022). Long-term data is necessary to make more robust estimates of the dynamic performances of yields in temperate agroforestry, as here the comparison of dry and wet years is possible, allowing to draw more conclusive relationships between agroforestry practices and yield dynamics across varying weather conditions, namely water surplus and deficit.
This study addresses the uncertainties in the relationship between agroforestry practices and interannual fluctuations in water availability. We do this by examining yield data on a well-established silvoarable agroforestry trial site (established in 2008) at the experimental station Ihinger Hof of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, one of the oldest, still running agroforestry experiments in Germany (Fig. 1). The yield data was analysed for 7 cropping seasons within a 12-year period, from five different winter crops (winter wheat, triticale, winter barley, winter pea, and rapeseed) grown in three alley cropping systems (short-rotation coppice, walnut trees for nut production and diverse autochthonous hedges). This allows for a comprehensive investigation, wherein we assume to see yield pattern differences dependent on the differing tree components within the system and improved yield performance in years with low climatic water balance (CWB). The findings are expected to inform adaptation strategies to climate change through agroforestry practices. Incorporating the CWB into our analysis will elucidate the relationship between agroforestry and water availability, highlighting the potential benefits or drawbacks of these practices in a changing climate.
Figure 1 Impression of the agroforestry alley cropping trial with walnut trees, short rotation coppice and diverse hedges established at the experimental station Ihinger Hof, southwest Germany, in 2008. The photo was taken at 10 am on the 22nd of September 2022 (Source: Veronika Geisler)