Soil erosion is a continuous environmental and ecological problems that undermines land productivity capacity and deteriorates people's socioeconomic standing (Endalamaw et al., 2021; Moisa et al., 2022), and it is an endless and gradual process where water and wind are its agents (Hassen et al., 2021). It has both on-site and off-site effects. On-site effect on land use from where topsoil is detached and taken away by run-off that directly damages soil's biological and physiochemical properties, resulting in decline crop production and boosting food insecurity (Guadie et al., 2020; Jiru & Wegari, 2022). The off-site effect is the result of on-site effect that is almost marked at downstream and destroy infrastructure, eutrophication, and diminish the life span of hydroelectric dam storage capacity (Adugna & Cherie, 2021; Getachew et al., 2021; Wolka et al., 2018). For instance, it reduced the storage capacity of Aswan High Reservoir by 4% within 48 years in Egypt; Sennar reservoir by 85% within 85 years in Sudan, and deteriorated Lake Cheleleka (Degife et al., 2021) and Angereb Reservoir by 46% within 19 years in Ethiopia (Moussa, 2019). Besides, Gilgel Gibe I hydroelectric power is also the victim of this issue where this study fixated (Demissie et al., 2013; Estifanos & Gebremariam, 2019).
Accelerated soil erosion is erupted due to population pressures couple with land shortage that provoked LU/LC. Obviously LU/LC occurred when people modified land to meet their requirements (Borrelli et al., 2017; Derebe et al., 2022; Dibaba et al., 2020; Temesgen et al., 2021) and physical factors like topography, soil type and climate change that exacerbates soil erosion, soil loss, and sedimentation (Aneseyee et al., 2019; Belay & Mengistu, 2021; Gong et al., 2022; Teshome et al., 2022). This could be a well-known issue that has been overlooked it’s positively. However, ground truth ratified the existence of negative and positive responses of LU/LC that occurred simultaneously during lost or gained. For example, changing land use to cultivated land has a negative impact on the environment and land production capacity, whereas switching to agroforestry has a comparatively beneficial impact (Belay & Mengistu, 2021; Desalegn et al., 2023; Habte et al., 2021). It is a modern alternative land use management system that is chiefly used by smallholder farmers on their farmland because of its multiple benefits like improving soil fertility and quality, carbon sequestration, increasing biodiversity, socioeconomic benefits, and demonstrates the efficiency of a small unit of land (Endale et al., 2024; Jiru et al., 2020; Mbow et al., 2014; Ndalama et al., 2015; Wari et al., 2019). Several scholars evaluated LU/LC, including ALUC; nevertheless, insufficient research was undertaken on the impacts of LU/LC on soil erosion (Beyene et al., 2019; Desalegn et al., 2023; Meragiaw et al., 2022; Temesgen et al., 2021).
In Ethiopia, quantifying soil loss and identifying the most degraded area were undertaken at different places by various models, such as Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), revised universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Williams, 1975; Wischmeier & Smith, 1978). Amongst, RUSLE model is an empirical model that frequently used for more than a decade (Gelagay & Minale, 2016; Moisa et al., 2022). It’s well advanced, accepted, and applied in the globe including Sub-Saharan African countries (Ghosal & Bhattacharya, 2020). This is due to its compatibility, applicable, flexibility and cost-effective and it’s more suitable with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) for small sizes specifically at watershed level (Moisa et al., 2022). Many scholars quantified soil loss by using this model for a single period. For instance, 47.4 t/ha/yr. from Koga watershed (Gelagay & Minale, 2016); 34.26 t/ha/yr. from Gobele watershed (Woldemariam et al., 2018); 32.84 t/ha/yr. from Megech watershed (Getu et al., 2022); 64.2 t/ha/yr. from Tashat watershed (Mengie et al., 2022) and 60 t/ha/yr. from the Omo-Gibe basin (Girma & Gebre, 2020). Besides, except ALUC, effects of LU/LC on soil loss were estimated (Masha et al., 2021; Moisa et al., 2022; Weldu & Harka, 2020).
Quantifying soil loss response to the spatial distribution of LU/LC and identifying highly prone land use plays an incredible role not only for introducing appropriate land management tools but also to scaling up land use that less vulnerable to soil erosion. Thus, studying the trends of LU/LC influences on soil loss, including ALUC, is a fundamental in the Gilgel Gibe I hydroelectric power plant. Because it is increasingly today than in the previous decade across the country (Desalegn et al., 2023; Endale et al., 2024; Meragiaw et al., 2022; Temesgen et al., 2021) particular in the study area. Information on the spatial distribution and trends of soil loss status response to LU/LC, comparing with ALUC, is crucial for policymakers, environmentalists, local communities and governments to make strategic decisions about land use planning and sustainable land management practices to mitigate land degradation. The objectives of this study were: to assess the trends of ALUC in comparison with other LU/LC between 1988 and 2021 years and to quantity soil loss accordingly in the Gilgel Gibe I catchment in southwest Ethiopia.