3.1. Socio-economic characteristics of farmers
The results for farmers’ socio-economic and demographic profile were presented in Table I. Land degradation (Desertification and soil erosion) is highly influence by several demographic and socio-economic factors [11]. Some of these factors include age, educational status, income level and farmland size. Age is important in farmers farming activities in that physical ability, productivity and agility depend on age [7, 5]. Most (51.7%) respondents were within the category of 17–35 years of age group. Most (86.9%) were male, while (13.1%) were female. In addition, 90.3% of the farmers interviewed were married, the majority of whom (61.1%) had non-formal education, 11.2% primary, 18.0% secondary and 9.7% post-secondary education. This indicated that the educational level of farmers in the study area is extremely low, which could negatively influence their ability to accept changes to their agricultural practices to combat desertification and adopt modern soil conservation techniques [35]. Most respondents (70.5%) had a large family of between 6–11 members and earn < N151,000 (USD ~ 92.61) annually. Most of the farmers (52.0%) had relatively small farms (< 5 hectares, ha) and had been farming for 11–15 years (48.6%). The years of experience in agriculture plays a major role in increasing productivity and the use of conservation measures. In the absence of experience, there can be resultant low production and income for farming families [36].
Table I: Socio-economic characteristics of farmers interviewed (383 interviews).
Socio-economic characteristic | Variable | n | % |
Age of respondent | 17–35 35–50 > 50 | 123 198 62 | 32.1 51.7 16.2 |
Gender of respondent | Female Male | 50 333 | 13.1 86.9 |
Marital status of respondent | Married Unmarried Divorced/widower | 346 28 9 | 90.3 7.3 2.3 |
Household size | < 5 6–11 > 12 | 72 270 41 | 18.8 70.5 10.7 |
Educational status | Non-formal education Primary Secondary Post-secondary education | 234 43 69 37 | 61.1 11.2 18.0 9.7 |
Are you a full-time farmer? | Yes No | 302 81 | 78.9 21.1 |
Farmers farm size (ha) | < 5 6–10 11–15 > 16 | 199 77 48 59 | 52.0 20.1 12.5 15.4 |
Farming experience (years) | < 5 6—10 11–15 > 16 | 33 106 186 58 | 8.6 27.7 48.6 15.1 |
Faming income (in thousand Naira) | N1–50 N51–100 N101—150 N151–200 >N200 | 36 52 165 81 9 | 9.4 13.6 43.1 21.8 12.8 |
3.2. Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of desertification in the study area
Farmers were asked whether they were aware of desertification as a problem on their farm and invited to give their perceptions. All respondent farmers were aware of desertification, and most (80.2%) perceived desertification as a problem has caused soil degradation and constrained crop production on their farms (Table II). They often observed desertification on their farms, as some plots were left uncultivated and were covered by aeolian sand dunes. The main factor (75.5%) farmers cited contributing to desertification is human activity, while 24.5% considered climate variability as another major contributory factor. These data agree with several investigations [3, 15, 37, 38]. Most farmers (82.5%) indicated that the problem of desertification is increasing, while on the other hand 11.7% and 5.7% indicated no change and a decrease in desertification, respectively. The perception on the decreased in desertification severity by farmers was described through the implementation of some practices such as application of organic and inorganic fertilizer, crop residues, minimum tillage or non-tillage.
Table II: Farmers’ local-knowledge and perceptions of desertification in the study area (383 interviews).
Variables | n | % |
Are you aware of desertification? Yes No | 383 0 | 100.0 0 |
Is desertification a problem on your farm? Yes No | 307 76 | 80.2 19.8 |
Main factor causing desertification Climate Human activities | 94 289 | 24.5 75.5 |
What is the trend of desertification over time? Decreasing Increasing No change | 22 316 45 | 5.7 82.5 11.7 |
Based on observation, factors contributing to the impact of desertification in the study area include sand dune deposition by wind erosion, drying up of water bodies due to drought, over-grazing on young plants by livestock, and fuelwood harvesting by locals. Plate I-IV illustrated most of the factors that increase desertification and soil erosion in the study area. All these factors that accelerate desertification has negative consequence on agriculture and livelihood [39].
Plate I: Aeolian dust storm at Dutse on 21 July 2023 covering major roads, drainage, and causes low visibility and respiratory tract infection in the study area. Source: Author
Plate II: Artificial dam created at Dutse Buji town to conserve water for irrigation and domestic uses dry due to excessive drought. Source: Author
Plate III: Loss of vegetation through camel grazing on acacia tree plantation in Dutse. Source: Author
Plate IV: Cutting of vegetation by local people for firewood and building. The logs were transported to the town using cow cart Source: Author
3.3. Farmers’ knowledge and perception of soil erosion and its impacts on desertification
This section presents the views of the farmers with regards to the causes and indicators of soil erosion and the effects and consequences of wind erosion on their agricultural land. Table III shows farmers’ knowledge and the perceived causes of soil erosion and its magnitude. The indicators of soil erosion by wind, in order of the preferences indicated by the respondents are sand dune deposition (40.2%), changes in soil color (21.9%) and decreased crop yields (20.9%). Stunted plant growth (11.2%) and when plant roots began to be exposed (5.7%) were regarded as the least important indicators. Similar results have been reported by [40, 41, 42] in that farmers tend to look for physical signs on their farmland as the main indicators of soil erosion. Most farmers (88.3%) indicated that soil erosion increased the problem of desertification on their farms. Some 57.7% and 26.1% of farmers believed that the magnitude of wind erosion is severe or moderate, respectively. Other farmers (12.8% and 3.4%) indicated minor and no erosion risk, respectively. A farmer in the KII interview group stated “in many cases, wind erosion is the first step that starts the irreversible transformation of the landscape into an unfertile area. Grain by grain, sand and dirt is picked up by wind from mismanaged lands and pushed further and further into new areas, gradually swallowing remaining vegetation and turning the area into a desert.”
Table III: Farmers knowledge and perception of the main cause and indicators of soil erosion (383 interviews).
Variables | n | % |
Does soil erosion cause desertification in the study area? Yes No | 338 45 | 88.3 11.7 |
What is the magnitude of wind erosion on your farm? Severe Moderate Minor No erosion risk | 221 100 49 13 | 57.7 26.1 12.8 3.4 |
Farmers main indicator of soil erosion Sand dune deposit Decreased crop yield When plants root began to be exposed When soil colour changes Poor crop and grass growth (stunted growth) | 154 80 22 84 43 | 40.2 20.9 5.7 21.9 11.2 |
As recognized in the KII discussions, farmers perceived wind erosion to be most severe during both winter (November-February) and summer (May-September) months (locally called ‘rani’ and ‘bazara’), respectively, which causes aeolian desertification. Thus, wind erosion is the dominant form of soil erosion throughout the year. These findings agree with [43, 44] that desertification is strongly associated with aeolian processes. Sand dust blown by wind in the study area was observed by the lead author to cover infrastructure (roads, drainage systems and waterways), impede the visibility of moving vehicles and cause respiratory difficulties in both people and livestock. Local wind erosion, especially from neighboring agricultural lands, can markedly increase the volume of respirable dust, thus increasing both respiratory distress and mortality [45]. In addition, drought and dust storms have been linked to incidences of Meningococcal meningitides, a respiratory disease caused by bacteria in sub-Saharan Africa [39, 45]. Another example are strains of Escherichia coli that can cause significant food poisoning in humans, observed both in airborne and settled dust in Mexico City [45].
3.4. Perception of farmers with regards to the effects and consequences of soil erosion
Table IV shows that a high proportion of interviewees (40.2%) observed that their farm size had decreased due to soil erosion. In addition, 29.8% and 12.3% indicated decreasing crop yields and buried fertile land, respectively. These data demonstrate that quite understandably, most respondents perceived the reduction of arable land as their main concern in terms of the effects of soil erosion [46]. Informal discussions with farmers confirmed that both decreased rainfall and increased temperatures are impeding agricultural productivity. [17] recorded comparable results and attributed the situation to both drought and climate change. Most farmers indicated that changes in soil color are indicative of dramatic decreases in soil fertility, to such a level that during the planting season, organic or inorganic fertilizer must be added to replenish soil nutrients. The main soil color reported by the farmers was reddish yellow (56.4%), followed by very pale brown (18.5%), pale brown (17.8%) and yellowish brown (7.3%), respectively. Similar results were recorded by [42, 47] and agreed that soil color is the most frequent soil health indicator cited by farmers. In the KII, farmers stated that “reddish soil was perceived to be a bad soil and unproductive, while brown and pale brown soil was perceived to be good and healthy.” Thus, as observed during the survey, most farmlands had added farmyard manure to increase crop yields. This is part of the farmers’ soil conservation strategies to improve soil productivity.
Table IV: Farmers perception of the effects of soil erosion and fertility depletion (383 interviews).
Variable | n | % |
Farmers observed effects of soil erosion Reduction of arable land Decreased crop yields Reduction in the fallow period Airborne dust pollution Buried fertile land | 154 114 35 33 47 | 40.2 29.8 9.1 8.6 12.3 |
Farmers’ soil colour due to fertility depletion Pale brown (10YR/6/3) Yellowish brown (10YR/5/8) Very pale brown (10YR/7/4) Reddish yellow (7.5YR/8/6) | 68 28 71 216 | 17.8 7.3 18.5 56.4 |
3.5. Soil conservation practices used to combat desertification and wind erosion
Desertification has necessitated farmers to improve their understanding of appropriate soil conservation practices. Conservation agriculture can improve soil quality, increase soil fertility, and help mitigate the impacts of climate change [47, 48]. Therefore, understanding farmers’ soil conservation strategies to combat desertification is crucial in analyzing the sustainability of farming systems [48]. Several soil conservation practices are employed by farmers to combat desertification (Table V). Tree planting (52.0%) and crop rotation (26.6%) are the main soil conservation techniques. Irrigation (6.8%), contour ploughing (6.5%), mulching (6.0%) and fencing (2.1%) are relatively minor adopted soil conservation techniques. The information gathered through the KIIs confirm that all farmers believed that soil conservation measures have significant impacts and are therefore useful in decreasing desertification and wind erosion. One farmer stated that “we planted trees on our farms to stabilize sand dunes and protect our crops from wind and we see tree planting as the cheapest means of soil conservation, due to our financial constraints.” Other soil conservation practices widely discussed by farmers in the KIIs included the use of cover crops to increase soil nutrients, planting of drought resistant trees, mulching, intercropping and the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers.
From an agronomic perspective, the uptake and use of soil conservation practices both increases crop yields and decreases soil degradation [49, 50, 51, 52]. However, the impacts of their adoption may also be subject to it applicability, as crop yields can decrease under some soil and water conservation techniques [53]. On the other hand, the use of agronomic soil and water conservation practices (e.g., intercropping, organic soil amendments and composting increased crop yields [49, 50, 51, 52].
Table V: Farmers main soil conservation practices for combating desertification (383 interviews).
Farmers main soil conservation practises | n | % |
Crop rotation Mulching Tree planting Fencing Contour ploughing irrigation | 102 25 199 8 23 26 | 26.6 6.5 52.0 2.1 6.0 6.8 |
3.6 Farmers’ perceptions of the effect of planting gum Arabic and date palm in the study area
Due to the challenging climatic variation and continues human activities in the environment today. It is not new that farmers seek to implement soil conservation measures on their farm to arrest the threat posed by climate change. Mostly in developing countries of the world, planting trees for soil conservation method were commonly practices. However not all trees adopt to desert environment. [54] mentioned that perennial trees and shrubs are the hardest adaptations that can survive long period of drought and heat because of their ability to decrease transpiration and evaporation. In the current study, two plant species of economic, social, and ecological importance were assessed in terms of their performance in combating desertification and soil erosion in the study area. These plants are date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and gum Arabic (Acacia senegal). [12] mentioned that date palm is a perennial plant cultivated for its high productivity and nutrient value, for conserving ecosystems threatened by desertification and creating appropriate microclimates for dryland agriculture. Also, gum Arabic is a dominant shrub or small tree in arid and semi-arid regions of Sahelian Africa which can grow in saline soils and resist both drought and high ambient temperatures [54, 55]. Most farmers in the study area plant date palm (65.8%), while 29.2% plant gum Arabic and 5.0% plant both gum Arabic and date palm on their farms (Table VI).
Most farmers view date palm and gum Arabic trees as indigenous, drought-resistant cash crops that can withstand the Sahelian environment. This finding agrees with the result of [54, 56] that desert plant help to decrease wind velocity, wind erosion, deforestation, desertification, global warming, climate variability and encourage agroforestry. [54, 57] posit that these desert plant have adapted their morphology and tissues to infertile soils with poor nutrients and high salinity. Most artificially planted trees struggle to survive once irrigation is stopped due to their high-water consumption depending on the size, a typical tree consumes several liters of water per day. [48, 54] mentioned that the most important factor for plant development and growth is precipitation and nature of the soil. In the KIIs, farmers stated that “a period usually corresponding to the rainy season, from July or August to the end of October, helps them to plant date palm and gum Arabic trees. When there is insufficient rainfall, as is often the case, seedlings receive additional water before and after planting, so that the tap root can reach the layer of residual moisture in the soil more quickly and the plant can become established.”
Farmers indicated that soil stabilization (37.6%) and income generation (29.8%) were the main reasons for planting date palms. Most farmers indicated increased soil nutrients (35.0%) and soil stabilization (31.1%) as the main reasons for planting gum Arabic (Table 6). These results corroborate with the findings of [58] who found the adoption of agroforestry decreased soil erosion and increased smallholder incomes in Ethiopia. Farmers in Dutse combined trees and crops (agroforestry) to increase soil cover through canopy cover and contribute litter to topsoil. Planting of trees in combination with crops creates physical and biological structural barriers that reduce losses of water, soil and related nutrients compared with single crop cultivation [59, 60, 61]. The combination of tree and crop components also increases soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and carbon sequestration, by adding higher quantities of aboveground and belowground biomass [62, 63]. The increase of this biomass improves soils by providing nutrients and modifying soil physical properties, which in turn can help to increase tree and crop yields [64].
Table VI: Farmer’s perception on the effect of planting gum Arabic (Acacia senegal) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) in the study area (383 interviews).
Variable | n | % |
Respondent choice of tree for cultivation Gum Arabic Date palm Gum Arabic and date palm | 112 252 19 | 29.2 65.8 5.0 |
Main reason you plant trees on your farm? Shelterbelt Windbreaks Shelterbelt and windbreaks | 127 238 18 | 33.2 62.1 4.7 |
Farmers main reason for cultivating gum Arabic Increase soil nutrients Source of income Drought resistant Soil stabilization | 134 52 78 119 | 35.0 13.6 20.4 31.1 |
Farmers main reason for cultivating date palm Increase soil nutrients Source of income Drought resistant Soil stabilization | 88 114 37 144 | 23.0 29.8 9.7 37.6 |
Most farmers plant trees as windbreaks (62.1%), as shelterbelts (33.2%) and 4.7% plant these trees as both windbreaks and shelterbelts. The impact of soil erosion and desertification in affected areas of Nigeria prompted the establishment of windbreaks and shelterbelts in the 1960s [65]. Similar shelterbelt and windbreak program were established in many countries (e.g., National Plant Protection Action Plan, Hungary; National Windbreak Programmed, Australia, and the Shelter Forest Systems Program, P.R. China) [66]. The primary aims of these programs are to reduce wind velocity and damage, decrease soil erosion, more likely to increase transpiration rates and evaporation rates and offer alternative habitats for certain wildlife [67, 68].
3.7. Regression analysis of knowledge and perception on erosion and desertification
The result shows that the independent variable is significantly related to the dependent variable since the p-value 0.01 is < 0.05 level of significant. Table VII shows that the p-value is 0.01 which is < 0.05 level of significant, this measures the overall quality of the model. Thus, it can be concluded that the independent variable (erosion and desertification) affects the dependent variable (knowledge and perception). Table IX shows the correlation or strength of relationships between the dependent variable and independent variable. The correlation result was 0.132, which implies a direct positive relationship and implies that as knowledge and perception increases, awareness about erosion and desertification also increases. Therefore, as farmers’ level of knowledge and perception increases, the level of awareness about erosion and desertification also increases. However, the knowledge and perception does not significantly influence farmers’ decision to increase the level of adoption in soil conservation measures in the study area.
Table VII and VIII: show the model used for the analysis of regression to find the significance difference between dependent variables and independent variables.
Table VII: Effect of Perception and knowledge on Erosion and Desertification |
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | | t | Sig. |
| B | Std. Error | Beta | | |
1 | (constant) | 1.298 | .076 | | 16.995 | .000 |
| Erosion Desertification Variable | .107 | .041 | .132 | 2.598 | .010 |
Dependent Variable: Perception _Knowledge |
Table VIII: Effect of Perception and Knowledge on Erosion and Desertification |
Model | Sum of Square | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. |
1 | Regression | 1.244 | 1 | 1.244 | 6.751 | .010a |
| Residual | 70.203 | 381 | .184 | | |
| Total | 71.447 | 382 | | | |
Predictors: (constant), Erosion _Desertification _Variable | | |
Dependent Variable: Perception _Knowledge | | |
Table IX: Correlation of Effect of Perception and knowledge on Erosion and Desertification |
| Perception_ Knowledge | Erosion_ Desertification |
Perception _Knowledge Variable | Pearson Correlation | 1 | .132** |
| Sig. (2-tailed) | | .010 |
| N | 383 | 383 |
Erosion _Desertification _Variable | Pearson Correlation | .132** | 1 |
| Sig. (2-tailed) | .010 | |
| N | 383 | 383 |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Y = BO + B1 X1 + Et
Y is the dependent variable while x is the independent variable.
Y = 1.298 + 0.107 X1 + Et, X1 is the error terms.