Melsen15 confirmed that by the age of 7, the growth of sphenoethmoidal and sphenofrontal suture of the anterior cranial base usually stops. The authors also pointed out that after 5 years of age, changes in sella turcica were most likely, to some degree, due to resorptive activity in the lower half of the posterior wall and the floor of the sella turcica. On the other hand, the anterior part of the sella turcica was the most stable, and resting (inactive) bone was observed in almost all subjects. The brain almost stops growing at 7–8 years of age, after which the anterior cranial base continues to grow and contributes to facial development. That growth occurs almost entirely due to increased pneumatization of the frontal and ethmoid bones20. This present study used the voxel based superimposition of CBCT data of the anterior cranial base in growing patients, to examine the coordinate difference in position between the pre- and post- treatment for skeletal class III malocclusion. Our patients’ age was 8–11, and hence choice of stable reference was approriate. The 3D analysis was conducted in 5 steps: model construction, model reorientation, voxel-based superimposition, landmark definition, and quantitative measurement. The coordinate system were automatically created by the software while the models were constructed. Although the coordinates of various structures on the reconstructed models might differ, that difference could usually be resolved by reorienting the models, that is, the coordinates of the pre- and post- treatment landmarks were very little affected. The superimposition methods were fully automated, with voxel-wise rigid registration of the anterior cranial base structures that have completed growth and did not change further with age21–23. The bilateral structural landmarks were involved for this study.: the nasion (N), the anterior nasal spine (ANS), A point (A), the right upper incisal alveolar ridge (rUIAR), the left upper incisal alveolar ridge (lUIAR), the right pyriform aperture (rPA), the left pyriform aperture (lPA), the right zygomatic suture (rZS), and the left zygomatic suture (lZS). The N, rPA, lPA, rZS, and lZS together reflected the changes in the upper part of the maxilloface. The ANS, A, rUIAR, and lUIAR together reflected the changes in the lower part of the maxilloface. In additional, the rUIAR and lUIAR reflected the changes in the premaxilla alveolar.
Arising from the data handing process of this research, errors might occur during the following 4 steps: a) model reorientation, b) the voxel-based superimposition, c)localization(identification) of landmarks. First, even if the head for CBCT scans were consistently positioned according to the protocol, scan data with slight variations in head position would still occur due to such factors as varying body positions and neck curvatures. This might lead to inter-observer difference for cranial base registration.In this research, proper automated voxel registration need these two CBCT scanings approximated as far as possible, Two CBCTS with significant differences cannot be performed voxel registrationand. And different operators, using the same patient scans, the same references for registration, same software may or may not achieve proper registration. However, as the subjects’ craniofacial characteristics were basically symmetrical, the method error could be minimized by model reorientation. Second, the voxel-based superimposition was semi-automated—the observers selected the area and then the computer automatically superimposed.The error in the voxel-based superimposition depended on the area selected by the observers24. If in the first superimposition the region selected on the pre- and post- treatment model was not exactly the same, error would creep into the superimposition results. To overcome this, we continued the selection until the superimposition results were consistent. Third, there were 2 sources of error during landmark identification in this study: a) While it was relatively easy to identify the landmarks in the 3D virtual surface models, it could be difficult to select the best slice or region to localize the selected landmarks25; b) The 3 spatial planes are interrelated. Adjusting the slice in one plane will result in movement of the reference line in another plane. Therefore, some experience on the part of the observers was essential, for which training using, 30 extra sets of scans was done beforehand for the observers. In the present study, although the 3 observers had different working backgrounds, that seemed to have little impact on the amount of errors in measurement. Training and calibration of the observers or assessors cannot be overemphasized in any studies. Other factors related to the precision and reproducibility of the 3D measurements would need to be further investigated, such as the voxel size, scanning time, and scanning range26. In this study, the voxel size used was 0.3 mm, whereas some other CBCT studies used a voxel size of 0.5 mm and up to 3 mm. Recent studies27,28 indicated that the smaller the voxels, the better the measurement accuracy, and the smaller the measurement error.
Inspite of the general reliability of the coordinate difference shown at Table 2a for the right and left zygomatic suture, overall the results gained better intraobserver reliability and inter-observer reproducibility of this method. The less-than-perfect reproducibility maybe due to the ambiguous definition criteria, including choosiing inconsistently the best perspective and slice. In addition, Table 2b showed that the reliability of the Z coordinate definition was inferior to the reliability of the X, Y coordinates definition, which can be related to that some landmarks are poorly recognizable in the Z coordinate. Therefore, reproducibility of the landmark is related to its characteristics. The choice of landmarks has an impact on the reliability and reproducibility of measurements29.
In this study, we proposed a new 3D quantitative measurement method for the assessment of maxillary protraction treatment in skeletal Class III malocclusion. An orthodontist could spend about 5 minutes to overlap the pre- and post- treatment CBCT images, to demonstrate visually the therapeutic effect to patients and their parents30. Orthodontists could intuitively explain to patients the location and extent of treatment changes, for better patient's recognition and satisfaction. The landmarks selected for the study largely represented changes in the maxillofacial changes. Table 3 showed the ICCs was > 0.90 for 25 (92.6%) of the intraobserver assessments. The precision of the measurement method was < 0.3 mm in 21(77.8%) cases. Table 3 showed the interobserver reproducibility errors were < 0.3 mm in 21 of the 27 cases. Overall, the reliability and reproducibility of the method were excellent. Other new landmarks need to be proposed and tested to determine whether this method can be used for other growth or treatment assessment.