have been obtained to assess the effects of icing on drone rotor performance. As stated earlier, the low fidelity model is well suited for single rotor configurations with no significant nonlinear wake interactions, while the high-fidelity approach is well suited for multi-rotor eVTOL configurations with strong, nonlinear wake interactions.
4.1. Sample results for the Low Fidelity Approach
The low fidelity model described above has been used to examine the effects of icing on the performance of the 81% scaled-down version of the Bell APT70 drone rotor and compare with published test data in [5]. This is a four-blade rotor with a diameter of 0.66 m, made of NACA 4412 airfoil sections. [5] provides curve fits for the radial variation of blade chord and twist.
Dry rotor calculations were done at a representative RPM of 3880. A script based on combined blade element-momentum theory has been used in this study. For the dry rotor, the computed thrust force was 115 N (25.74 lb) and the power consumed was 1.91 KW (2.54 HP). In propeller notation, this corresponds to a thrust coefficient of 0.118 and a torque coefficient of 0.0073. These values compare favorably with the dry rotor thrust and torque values reported in [5] for the dry rotor, prior to the triggering of water spray to cause icing.
Following the dry rotor analysis, the effects of icing were examined. [6] includes data for a variety of operating conditions – RPM, liquid water content (LWC), ambient temperatures, and surface coating. In this work, results are presented for an ambient temperature of -12° Celsius, for 2.3 grams per cubic meter of LWC at 3,880 RPM. Ice accretion takes place over 180 seconds. The ice shapes were computed using LEWICE, while the sectional lift and drag characteristics of the iced geometry were computed using the commercial CFD analysis ANSYS Fluent®. Figure 4 shows the computed ice shapes from LEWICE at selected time levels for a representative condition (7° angle of attack). Figure 5 shows representative velocity fields over the iced airfoils at several instances in time. The region shaded in blue corresponds to low velocity separated flow.
Table 3 presents representative computed values of the computed aerodynamic loads for the clean and iced airfoil sections. It is seen that there is a substantial degradation in lift production with significant rise in sectional drag, after just 3 minutes of operations.
Table 3. Assessment of the Degradation of the Sectional Load Characteristics after 3 minutes of Ice Accretion at 75% Radius, 2.3 g per cubic meter LWC, -12 degrees C.
Alpha, degrees
Cl, Clean
Cd Clean
Cl, Iced
Cd, Iced
Second order polynomial curve fits of the clean and iced airfoil load characteristics computed from the CFD software ANSYS Fluent were used in the combined blade element-momentum theory analysis. The analysis indicates that the thrust level for the iced rotor drops to 70 N, from 114 N for the clean rotor, a loss of 40 N. This represents a 35% thrust loss, while test data indicates a 40% loss. The required power rises from 2.22 KW for the dry rotor to 3.24 KW for the iced rotor. This is an increase of nearly 1.02 KW (45% of the power for the dry rotor). The measured data indicates a power rise of 50%.
An estimate of the loss in thrust and rise in power may also be done from blade element theory with uniform This rotor has a nominal solidity σ of 0.08. Thus, a rise in the nominal drag coefficient from 0.02 to approximately 0.10 (as shown in Table 3 above), would lead to a rise in power coefficient CP (in helicopter notation) of 0.001. This translates into a substantial rise in power consumption of 1 KW for the same thrust setting.
Blade element theory also states that the thrust coefficient CT (in helicopter notation) is of the order of σCl/6 where Cl is the nominal lift coefficient. Table 3 indicates that the sectional lift coefficient at 75% radius drops by nearly 50% over this range due to extensive flow separation, reducing the thrust production by ~50%. In the case of drones powered by electric motors, thrust production is controlled by varying the rotor RPM rather than the blade pitch. A 20% to 25% increase in RPM would be needed to recover the loss in thrust. Since the rotor is already operating at a high tip speed of 134 m/sec, higher tip speeds would lead to a further increase in profile power, and power consumption. Furthermore, higher tip speed would also mean an increase in the collection of water over the rotor surface, and somewhat thicker ice shapes. The required thrust likely cannot be achieved, given the drastic reduction in lift coefficient, and the significant rise in drag and power consumption. In other words, the time of operation of this drone under the specified icing conditions (-12° C, 2.3 g LWC) is less than 2 minutes.
4.2. Sample Results for the High-Fidelity Approach
The high-fidelity approach outlined earlier has been extensively validated for clean and iced rotors in the past. A modified version of the classical Messinger model was used. Hover and forward flight simulations of iced rotors have been done. For teetering rotors, the blade motion is accurately modeled through a rigid body rotation of the body fitted grid appropriately about the flapping hinge at each instance in time and considering the resulting grid velocity. Figure 6, reproduced from [11], shows the computed ice shapes for a two bladed teetering rotor in forward flight, tested at NASA Glenn Research Center. Good agreement has been observed.
The analysis indicated that the required power, after 180 seconds of ice accretion, increases by 35% while thrust is decreased by 16% compared to clean rotor. The computed and measured thrust values were in reasonable agreement. The predicted power for the clean rotor was also well captured. Predicted power for the iced rotor, however, was lower than the experiment due to the lack of a surface roughness model, and the attendant rise in profile power, in the high-fidelity approach.
The flow solver used in [11] has recently been extended to multirotor configurations, allowing full nonlinear wake interactions, as discussed in [21-25]. Additionally, the droplet transport model has been fully integrated into the Navier-Stokes analysis, allowing for full two-way interactions between the water droplets and air flow, as discussed in [21]. The collection efficiency of the water droplets on the surface (a non-dimensional representation of the amount of water entering the thin water layer above the rotor surface prior to freezing), the surface skin friction data, and the surface pressures are saved in a format that may be directly used with LEWICE, and the in-house ice accretion model GT-ICE. As a result of these enhancements, multirotor drone configurations may now be modeled under rain and icing conditions.
Sample calculations are presented here for a tandem rotor tested by Sweet [26] shown in Figure 7. Both the rotors have an identical radius of 2.32 m (7.62 feet), with a rectangular planform, and an identical solidity of 0.0968 each. Overlapping and non-overlapping cases, with no vertical offset, have been experimentally studied. These configurations have been modeled in detail for dry rotors in [22]. The effect of rain on the rotor has subsequently been studied in [21].
At a nominal thrust coefficient of 0.004, at a tip speed of ~130 m/s, this tandem rotor system would generate a thrust force of ~2800 Newton (~629 lb), representative of a large-scale system capable of carrying a payload of ~930 Newton (~210 lb, 30% payload fraction), requiring ~15 KW in hover (~20 HP). For this reason, this configuration has been chosen in this study.
The very high values of LWC considered in [11] were purposely chosen to establish the icephobic characteristics of various blade coatings. as also seen in Table 2 earlier. For this reason, in the present study, the LWC was set to 0.25 g per cubic meter.
Warm weather conditions, with ambient temperatures well above the freezing temperature, are considered first. Figure 8, reproduced from [20], shows the computed and measured power for the dry rotor, as well as wet rotor for two LWC values.
The above simulations with Spalart-Allmaras model with an empirically prescribed transition model [20] tend to predict higher profile power. As a result, the predicted total power is higher than measured data. Additional work is needed to improve the performance of the analysis to properly account for transition effects, and surface roughness effects attributable to ice formation. It is also seen that the power coefficient increases for a given thrust setting, as the liquid water content is increased.
In addition to integrated hub forces and moments, the high-fidelity flow field analysis provides a wealth of information on the sectional loads, surface pressure and skin friction data, radial variation of sectional load, and collection efficiency. This information may be used in LEWICE, or in the in-house ice accretion model GT-ICE [11] to compute the ice shape at user specified time levels.
Figure 9 shows the radial variation of sectional lift coefficient at 8-degree collective pitch for the front rotor. The sharp rise in lift near the root is attributable to the upwash caused by the root vortex, and a smaller rise in lift coefficient near the tip is attributable to the upwash caused by the contracting tip vortex. Much of the rotor operates at a near constant nominal lift coefficient of 0.33, which corresponds to an effective angle of attack of 3 degrees for NACA 0012. This effective angle of attack, along with ambient conditions, has been used to compute the iced airfoil shapes within LEWICE, utilizing the panel method and the interactive boundary layer method within LEWICE.
Figure 10a shows the computed iced geometry after 180 seconds of ice accretion, at an ambient temperature of -15 degrees, LWC of 0.25 grams per cubic meter, at several radial locations. Near the rotor tip, the amount of water collected in the water layer is higher due to the higher tip speed, leading to a somewhat thicker ice shape compared to inboard stations. The iced shape had a slight nose-down droop, due to the asymmetric growth of ice on the upper and lower surface.
Figure 10b shows the growth of the glaze ice shape (at a warmer temperature of 268 degrees K) at 75% radius. In the glaze ice case, some of the water deposited on the rotor runs back over the rotor surface prior to freezing, compared to the rime ice case (258 deg K) where the freezing occurs in the immediate vicinity of the leading edge.
The roughness of the iced surface causes transition to occur prematurely for both the glaze and rime ice configurations. Figure 11 shows the surface heat transfer rate, as predicted by LEWICE, for the glaze ice case. It is seen that transition (as indicated by an abrupt rise in the heat transfer coefficient) occurs within the first 3% of the chord. For the baseline rotor, on the other hand, transition occurs downstream of 25% chord on the upper surface, and much of the lower surface experiences laminar flow.
The iced rotor configuration after 180 seconds was reanalyzed using GT-Hybrid, at the same 8-degree collective pitch as the dry rotor, assuming fully turbulent flow. Figure 12 shows the radial variation of Cn(M)2 where M is the section Mach number. It is seen that the ice shape produces a small increment in thrust production, only in the tip region. The integrated rotor thrust coefficient of the dry rotor CT at this collective pitch was 0.00514, compared to the rotor with the rime ice chape (CT equal to 0.00536) and the glaze ice shape (CT equal to 0.00510) This small increase in thrust for the rime ice rotor is likely caused by the asymmetric growth of ice shape, causing a slightly drooped leading edge. Additional work is needed to verify this hypothesis.
Figure 13 shows the radial variation of power consumption for the clean and rime-iced rotor configurations. It is seen that the power consumption is uniformly high over the entire radius. This increment is primarily due to the rise in profile drag for the rime ice shapes, caused by the early transition of the flow to turbulent flow at the leading edge. The integrated power coefficient for the dry rotor is 0.000435 at this pitch setting, while the rime iced rotor has a power coefficient of 0.000490. The glazed ice shape had a power coefficient of 0.000480. This represents a 10% to 12% increase in required power for the iced rotor after 3 minutes of ice growth.