3.1. Tropospheric pathways
We first examine how the prototypes reproduce the overall structure of the MJO and its propagation. Longitude-time composites of reanalysis OLR and U850 anomalies averaged over the tropics for active MJO events initialized during phases 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 1a, along with results for UFS7 and UFS8 (Fig. 1b-c). In reanalysis, the MJO shows a clear eastward propagation signal from the Indian Ocean to the central Pacific. The MJO’s convective center is co-located with low-level convergent winds. Based on the moisture mode theory, the associated easterly winds contribute to moisture recharge to the east of MJO convection and favor its eastward propagation (e.g., Kim et al. 2017; Ahn et al. 2020). Figure 1b-c show that the MJO eastward propagation is generally better captured in UFS8 than in UFS7 with the amplitude of convection and wind anomalies closer to reanalysis and more realistic easterly winds to the east of the active convection center. However, the MJO tends to propagate with a faster speed in UFS8 compared to UFS7, which may potentially lead to a degradation of NAO predictability as a fast-propagating MJO typically results in a weak positive NAO phase (Yadav and Straus 2017; Yadav et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2024). The opposite MJO phases, i.e., initializations during MJO phases 6 and 7, show similar features (not shown).
Figure 1d shows the ACC and RMSE for UFS7 and UFS8 for active (RMM amplitude > 1) MJO events at initialization. As expected, the MJO prediction skill (ACC) decreases and the RMSE becomes larger as the lead time increases. The ACC at 0.5 is used as the threshold to quantify the MJO prediction skill which follows the common standard in previous studies (e.g., Rashid et al. 2011; Vitart 2014; Kim et al. 2018). The lead time when the ACC drops below 0.5 is approximately 19 days for UFS7, while it extends to 27 days for UFS8. This is approximately a one-week improvement in the newest UFS prototype. UFS8 performs similarly to most of the high-skill S2S and SubX models as shown in Kim et al. (2018, 2019). This large improvement in MJO prediction skill may benefit the model's ability to predict MJO teleconnections (as will be discussed later). When all MJO events (RMM amplitude > 0) are computed, the lead time when ACC reaches 0.5 reduces slightly to 18 days for UFS7 and 23 days for UFS8.
We next examine the overall MJO teleconnection prediction skill using the STRIPES index for Z500 during Week 2–3. Figure 2a shows the STRIPES index for reanalysis. The STRIPES index for Z500 has a strong maximum over the North Pacific, suggesting a strong MJO impact there. This is where the PNA pattern is dominant and is consistent with previous studies that have shown that the PNA is significantly modulated by the MJO (e.g., Mori and Watanabe 2008; Seo and Lee 2017; Tseng et al. 2019). The biases in UFS7 and UFS8 in capturing the observed patterns in Fig. 2a are given in Fig. 2b and 2c, respectively. In UFS7, the magnitude of teleconnection response in the North Pacific is underestimated by more than 20m. This bias is largely reduced in UFS8 (Fig. 2c) with only slight positive biases to the northeast and negative biases to the southwest. Biases are not reduced everywhere, however. For example, over the North Atlantic region indicated in the figure, a slight underestimation of the STRIPES magnitude in UFS7 is replaced by an overestimation in UFS8. Over the Northern Hemisphere as a whole the bias of the STRIPES index for Z500 is reduced by ~ 30% if comparing the spatial variance of the UFS7 bias (139.95) to the spatial variance of the UFS8 bias (93.28).
The temporal evolution of 2-week overlapping STRIPES indices over three regions of interest (the North Pacific, North Atlantic, and Europe) as a function of lead time is shown in Fig. 2d-f. Again, the evolution of the STRIPES index for the North Pacific in UFS8 closely follows the reanalysis which shows a peak at Week 2–3, consistent with the time it takes for the Rossby waves to propagate from the tropics to this region (e.g., Hoskins and Karoly 1981), and a weakening of the response afterwards. This is a large improvement compared to the systematically weaker response in UFS7. However, differences in bias over the North Atlantic and Europe are small between the two prototypes. Although there is some improvement from UFS7 to UFS8, it is not consistent throughout the forecast period. For example, over Europe, the bias is reduced in UFS8 during Week 1–3 while Week 3–5 show a similar overestimation for both prototypes.
Next, we show the lagged composites (Week 1 to Week 4) of 500hPa geopotential height anomalies (Z500a) after MJO phases 2 and 3 in reanalysis, UFS7 and UFS8 over the PNA region (Fig. 3). The response after an active MJO (RMM amplitude > 1) located over the Indian Ocean resembles the negative phase of the PNA with a ridge over the North Pacific and Northeastern North America and a trough near Alaska. The evolution from Week 1 to Week 4 is mainly characterized by changes in the magnitude of the response, such as a weakening in the North Pacific ridge. Although the pattern in reanalysis shown in Fig. 3a-d only includes a limited sample size to match the UFS, it is still consistent with previous studies (e.g., Wang et al. 2020). Both UFS7 and UFS8 reproduce the PNA pattern in Week 1 with a pattern correlation greater than 0.95 (Fig. 3a,e,l). However, starting in Week 2, a large difference emerges between the two prototypes. While UFS 7 has large biases such as a much weaker response over North America, UFS8 is able to capture the evolution of the PNA such as a southeastward extension of the trough towards the North American West Coast. The pattern correlation in Week 2 for UFS8 is greater than 0.8 while it drops below 0.5 for UFS7. However, although UFS8 is able to capture the overall pattern in Week 2, it shows a large overestimation. In Week 3, the pattern correlation for both prototypes drops, although it is still higher (0.57) for UFS8 than UFS7 (0.42). The drop in skill mainly comes from the trough which shifts too far eastward in UFS8, while UFS7 begins to develop the wrong-signed response over western North America. The Week 4 PNA pattern is difficult to predict for both prototypes, although it is slightly better predicted in UFS8. In summary, UFS8 generally performs better than UFS7 in predicting the PNA-like pattern that develops following MJO phases 2 and 3, especially in Week 2.
The composites in Fig. 3 show the Z500a composites, which may be dominated by a few events with very large amplitudes. To further examine the prediction skill of Z500a in UFS prototypes, the pattern correlation over the PNA region is calculated for individual samples and then an average is taken across those samples. The results for MJO phases 2–3 and 6–7 are shown in Fig. 4, along with the skill in predicting the teleconnection amplitude (measured by the relative amplitude between reforecast and reanalysis). The prediction skill in the teleconnection pattern decreases with increasing lead time as expected. Similar to the S2S models (Stan et al. 2022), the pattern correlation drops below 0.5 during Week 2. The skill in both prototypes is within the skill range of the S2S models between 8–13 days. No systematic improvement is found across lead times from UFS7 to UFS8. Both prototypes show large biases in the teleconnection amplitude. UFS7 shows an overestimation of the response magnitude across most lead times. In UFS8, the teleconnection response is generally weaker than reanalysis for the first two weeks (relative amplitude < 1), but becomes stronger than reanalysis in Week 3–4 (relative amplitude > 1).
Figure 5 shows the relationship between the MJO and the extratropical storm tracks measured by EKE850 in Week 3–4. The MJO is grouped into four phase combinations based on their similar propagation location to increase the sample size. During MJO phases 8 − 1, a strong enhancement in storm track activity is seen near northeastern North America in reanalysis. Both prototypes have difficulty capturing the response in storm activity at Week 3–4 lead times after these two MJO phases (pattern correlation is 0.14 in UFS7 and 0.06 in UFS8). The bias largely comes from the overestimation of changes over the North Pacific and an eastward shift of the increased storm activity over the North Atlantic. When the MJO is located over the Indian Ocean in phases 2–3, the storm activity response in reanalysis is relatively weak, with a slight increase over most of the North Pacific and a slight decrease over the North Atlantic, both of which are generally not significant. UFS8 performs better than UFS7 in capturing the MJO-storm track relationships, especially for the decrease in storm activity over the North Atlantic. The east-west dipole response in storm tracks over the North Pacific is also better captured in UFS8 albeit with large biases in the amplitude. MJO phases 4–5 tend to have the strongest impact on storm tracks which show an east-west dipole response over the North Pacific featuring increased activity in the eastern part of the storm track and decreased activity in the western part, suggesting an eastward shift of the storm track. This response is accompanied by a widespread weakening of storm activity over most of North America and the North Atlantic. Again, UFS8 seems to better capture the pattern in reanalysis, and the improvement of the prediction skill largely comes from the better prediction over the North Pacific. The dipole response is still observed after MJO phases 6–7 in both the North Pacific and North Atlantic, in which case a weakening of storm tracks is expected over most of the North Pacific and a southward shift is seen over the North Atlantic. Both prototypes have difficulty reproducing the relationships between the MJO and storm tracks for MJO phases 6–7, especially for the North Atlantic. In general, for MJO phases 2–5, UFS8 outperforms UFS7 in terms of capturing the dipole response over the North Pacific. This greater improvement in prediction skill over the North Pacific in comparison to the other regions is consistent with the results from the STRIPES index (Fig. 2).
The sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere precipitation to the MJO is examined with the STRIPES index (Fig. 6). The strongest MJO teleconnection signal for extratropical precipitation falls within the North Pacific and North Atlantic storm track regions. Both prototypes underestimate the precipitation response over the ocean, and slightly overestimate the response over much of North America. The evolution of the STRIPES index from Week 1–2 to Week 4–5 clearly shows the underestimation in the North Pacific, North Atlantic, and Europe regions across lead times. The underestimation, however, is slightly improved in UFS8 than in UFS7, especially over the North Pacific for the first half of the forecast period.
Figure 7 shows the composites of Week 3 and Week 4 surface temperature anomalies after MJO phases 3 and 7. When the MJO is located over the Indian Ocean (phase 3), there are significant cold temperature anomalies in the Arctic region and warm temperature anomalies over Europe. In North America, cold anomalies are present over the United States (US) West Coast and warm anomalies to the north. This temperature response is generally persistent out to Week 4, with changes mainly in the amplitude which tends to be stronger and a zonal expansion of the warm anomalies. A comparison between UFS7 and UFS8 indicates that UFS7 better captures the sign, amplitude, and approximate locations of Week 3 temperature anomalies over North America and the Arctic as seen in reanalysis. UFS8, on the other hand, forecasts erroneous too-strong cold anomalies for most of the western US. The degradation of MJO teleconnections seen in UFS8 may be related to the faster propagation of the MJO over the Indian Ocean compared to UFS7 (Fig. 1), which will result in a weak positive NAO phase. Both prototypes fail to capture the positive anomalies over Europe (an issue relevant to the teleconnection stratospheric pathway that will be discussed in the next section) but reproduce the general persistence of temperature anomalies from Week 3 to Week 4.
In reanalysis, the temperature response after MJO phase 7 shows a sign reversal over North America from Week 3 to Week 4 (from cold anomalies to warm anomalies). Both prototypes struggle to forecast this reversal with the correct sign as they both show an opposite response than reanalysis in Week 3. In Week 4, UFS7 forecasts erroneous negative temperature anomalies over North America, while the negative anomalies shrink to the north in UFS8, and southern North America is replaced by weaker-than-reanalysis positive anomalies.
In summary, with a better MJO prediction in UFS8 (Fig. 1), a noticeable improvement in capturing the geopotential height response with realistic amplitude over the North Pacific (Fig. 2), the PNA-like pattern and its evolution (Fig. 3), a dipole response in storm tracks over the North Pacific after MJO phases 2–5 (Fig. 5) are found in UFS8 than in UFS7. This improvement, however, could be dominated by a few strong events as the pattern correlation of geopotential height response over the PNA region for individual events does not show significant differences between the two prototypes (Fig. 4). UFS8 also has comparable/slightly better skill in predicting the precipitation and temperature response to the MJO than UFS7 (Figs. 6–7).
3.2 Stratospheric pathway
In this section, we discuss how the UFS prototypes capture the MJO stratospheric pathway including upward propagating wave activity from the troposphere into the stratosphere, changes in the polar vortex, downward wave propagation, and the subsequent changes in climate modes.
As a proxy for upward wave propagation from the troposphere to the stratosphere, meridional eddy heat flux (\(\:v{\prime\:}T{\prime\:}\)) is calculated. Figure 8 shows the wavenumber-1 and wavenumber-2 meridional heat flux anomaly at 500hPa and 100hPa during Week 1 to Week 5 after each active MJO phase. In reanalysis, positive anomalies of wavenumber-1 + 2 heat fluxes are present during Week 1–3 at 500hPa and Week 2–4 at 100hPa after MJO phase 5, which correspond to increased planetary wave flux entering the stratosphere. Corresponding to the increased heat fluxes in the stratosphere, the stratospheric polar vortex is weakening 4–5 weeks after MJO phase 5. Both prototypes simulate the increased heat fluxes in the troposphere following MJO phases 4–5. UFS8 better captures the increase of heat fluxes in the lower stratosphere after MJO phase 5 than UFS7, whose maximum positive heat flux anomalies are present in Week 3 after MJO phase 4 and are less pronounced than in UFS8 and reanalysis. Comparing the first two rows in Fig. 8, the strong heat flux at 500 hPa is mainly dominated by its wave-1 component in both prototypes and reanalysis. Given the weaker heat fluxes after MJO phases 4–5 in UFS7, the weakening of the polar vortex in UFS7 is less pronounced than in UFS8 and reanalysis, and its negative anomaly is biased to peak in Week 3–4 following MJO phase 4. Besides, both prototypes reproduce the positive anomaly of the polar vortex strength in Week 1–5 after MJO phases 2–3. In general, UFS8 better predicts the upward wave propagation and the weakening of the polar vortex, with comparable strength to reanalysis.
To further look into the different responses of the stratospheric polar vortex after MJO phases, Fig. 9 shows the distribution of zonal-mean zonal wind at 10hPa and 60°N (U1060) during Week 1–2 and Week 3–5 as in Stan et al. (2022). The weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex after MJO phases 5–6 is evident by comparing the response of vortex strength after MJO phases 1–2 (opposite phases) in reanalysis and both prototypes as shown in Fig. 9. The distributions of the polar vortex strength in UFS7 and UFS8 are comparable to reanalysis in the first 2 weeks. However, differences between the two prototypes become larger at longer lead times during Week 3–5. The polar vortex strength simulated by UFS7 is weaker than the reanalysis and UFS8, especially for MJO phases 1–2. Compared to reanalysis, the differences between the polar vortex strength after MJO phases 5–6 and 1–2 are smaller in UFS7 and larger in UFS8 in Weeks 3–5. Compared to S2S models in Stan et al. (2022), UFS8 seems to better simulate the difference in the mean of polar vortex strength distributions between MJO phases 5–6 and 1–2.
The anomalous conditions of the winter stratospheric polar vortex can have a downward impact on surface weather, especially over the North Atlantic / Europe regions. For instance, the weakening of the polar vortex is preferably followed by a negative phase of the NAO (e.g., Charlton-Perez et al. 2018; Domeisen et al. 2019). The downward coupling with the tropospheric circulation in response to the MJO is diagnosed with the polar cap and the Euro-Atlantic sector geopotential height responses in Fig. 10. Positive anomalies indicate a negative phase of the Northern Annular Mode (NAM) and NAO, which is often accompanied by anomalously weak polar vortex events such as sudden stratospheric warmings (Baldwin et al. 2020). An increase in polar cap height is observed 3–5 weeks after MJO phase 5 at 10 hPa and in Week 1–5 after MJO phases 5–6 at 100 and 300 hPa, corresponding to the weakening of the polar vortex. UFS8 simulates a more realistic polar-cap averaged geopotential height response after MJO phases 5–6 than UFS7 in both the stratosphere and troposphere, consistent with the downward impacts of the weakening of the polar vortex. While UFS7 simulates the maximum positive polar-cap height anomalies in Week 4–5 in both the stratosphere and troposphere, which is different from UFS8 and reanalysis, it does capture the negative phase of NAM following MJO phase 6. UFS8 captures the observed pattern well but overestimates the magnitude of the response in Week 1–5 after MJO phase 6 at both 100 and 300 hPa. In terms of the changes over the Euro-Atlantic sector, which represent changes in the NAO, a negative phase of the NAO is observed 1–4 weeks after MJO phase 6 and 4–5 weeks after MJO phase 5. Both prototypes reproduce the positive response over the North Atlantic sector in the troposphere in Week 1–5 following MJO phase 6 and in Week 5 following MJO phase 5 with biases in the magnitude. UFS8 produces a stronger response in Week 5 following MJO phase 5 and a weaker response in Week 1–3 following MJO phase 6 than in reanalysis, while the response is systematically weaker in UFS7. In general, UFS8 better captures the downward propagation of the MJO stratospheric pathway while both prototypes underestimate the MJO impacts on the NAO in Week 1–3. Compared with the other prototypes (Garfinkel et al. in revision), the UFS8 performs better in predicting the upward wave propagation, changes in the polar vortex, and downward coupling, and shows comparable skill in predicting the MJO impacts on the NAO.
As indicated by Figs. 8–10, both the upward and downward couplings are simulated well by UFS8, although the downward coupling near the surface has large biases in its magnitude. This bias is also reflected in the near-surface temperature response in Fig. 7: a hallmark of a negative NAM (as is observed in Week 3–4 after MJO phase 7) is a cold temperature anomaly over Northern Europe extending into Siberia, and warm temperatures over Greenland and the Middle East (Butler et al. 2017). Both prototypes miss this response and predict a response opposite to reanalysis for Week 3–4 after MJO phase 3.
Next, we assess whether the bias in the amplitude of the response seen in Fig. 10 is specific to the MJO, or a more general problem that S2S models have in capturing downward coupling from the stratosphere. Figure 11 shows the persistence of the lower stratospheric temperature anomalies by associating polar cap temperature at 100hPa with temperature at a 2-week lag. Persistent lower stratospheric anomalies are essential for the continuous forcing of the troposphere. UFS7 and UFS8 are found to underestimate the maintenance of the polar cap temperature signals. In addition, the general impacts of the polar vortex on the tropospheric circulation in the Atlantic are examined by comparing polar cap height at 100 hPa with height anomalies at 500 hPa over the Atlantic. Both models are capable of capturing the general downward coupling, however with a substantial spread. Thus the relatively poor simulation of the NAO response to the MJO in these prototypes may be attributed to both the struggle in predicting the downward response over the North Atlantic region and the poor simulation of the MJO.