This study suggests that consuming a HFD for just 4 days induces a procoagulant state in the liver, characterized by an increase in platelets and activation of P-selectin. Concurrently, short-term consumption of a HFD has been demonstrated to enhance coagulation by elevating fibrinogen levels in the blood. Additionally, inducing Con A liver injury in the short-term HFD model significantly prolonged PT and APTT, indicating an enhancement of secondary hemostasis. Therefore, short-term consumption of a HFD appears to promote both primary and secondary hemostasis, thereby exacerbating Con A-induced liver injury.
The findings of this study revealed a significant elevation in platelet count following 4 days of a HFD consumption (Fig. 2a, b). Previous research has reported an elevation in platelet count among overweight and obese individuals, indicating a positive relationship between long-term HFD intake and platelet counts in humans (18, 19). Conversely, it is well-documented that liver dysfunction, resulting from conditions such as chronic fatty liver or cirrhosis, leads to a decrease in platelet count (20–22). This study suggests that short-term consumption of a HFD does not induce hepatic dysfunction leading reduce platelet counts; instead, it may lead to an increase in platelet count, indicating a potential enhancement of transient primary hemostasis mediated by platelets. It is well-documented that administering Con A to mice results in the accumulation of platelets in the liver prior to an increase in ALT levels (23). Our previous study demonstrated that liver inflammation induced by Con A peaks 24 hours after administration, and that mice on a short-term HFD develop more severe liver injury than those on a ND (12, 13). This study, utilizing flow cytometry, demonstrated changes in the percentage of CD61-positive platelets in peripheral blood at 4 and 24 hours post-Con A administration. However, it did not reveal significant differences between the ND mice and the HFD mice corresponding to the severity of liver injury (Fig. 2b). These findings suggest that platelet dynamics in peripheral blood and the liver following Con A administration may not necessarily align. Considering that both the platelet counts and the percentage of platelets in peripheral blood were significantly higher in the HFD mice compared to the ND mice prior to Con A administration, it is highly probable that platelet consumption was accelerated in the HFD mice following Con A administration.
P-selectin, also referred to as GMP-140 or CD62P, is a transmembrane glycoprotein located in the alpha granule membranes of platelets and in the Weibel-Palade body membranes of endothelial cells (24). When activated, these cells exhibit translocation of P-selectin to the cell surface concurrent with granule release (24). In this study, which examined the percentage of P-selectin expression on platelets in peripheral blood via flow cytometry, we observed no significant difference in the expression levels of P-selectin following Con A administration in both ND and short-term HFD mice (Fig. 2c). Previous research has indicated the potential therapeutic benefits of P-selectin antibodies in treating liver injury induced by Con A (23). Based on these findings, it is hypothesized that the upregulation of P-selectin expression induced by Con A is specific to the liver.
We subsequently investigated platelet accumulation and P-selectin expression in the livers of mice fed a ND and those on a short-term HFD using fluorescence immunostaining (Fig. 3a, b; Fig. 4a, b). Before the administration of Con A, significant platelet accumulation was observed in the livers of mice on a short-term HFD. Indeed, a study has reported a significant increase in platelet accumulation in the livers of mice fed a choline-deficient HFD for 6 months (25). However, there was no significant difference in P-selectin expression prior to Con A administration between the ND and short-term HFD mice. This suggests that short-term HFD intake leads to an increase in platelets within the liver; however, there was no concurrent increase in platelet activity or endothelial cell activation. 4 hours after administering Con A, platelet counts in the liver peaked, showing significantly higher levels in mice on a short-term HFD compared to those on a ND. Additionally, at this time point, the expression of P-selectin was significantly higher in mice on a short-term HFD compared to those on a ND. Indeed, prior research has shown that P-selectin expression in the livers of mice increases following administration of Con A (17). Our results suggest that platelet activation in the liver of mice on a short-term HFD was significantly enhanced by Con A stimulation. At 24 hours post-administration, the peak of Con A-induced liver injury, there is a noted decrease in both platelet count and P-selectin expression compared to their levels at 4 hours post-administration. However, they continue to be elevated in mice on a short-term HFD.
Previous studies have shown that IFN-γ and TNF-α, produced by Con A-stimulated cells, enhance the expression of TF and PAI-1 in hepatic macrophages and sinusoidal endothelial cells. This upregulation induces a procoagulant state, leading to thrombosis and extensive hepatic necrosis within the sinusoids (16). Additionally, PT and APTT are used as indicators of the activity of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of the coagulation cascade, respectively. In this study, we primarily measured PT, APTT, and fibrinogen levels in peripheral blood from mice on a ND and those on a short-term HFD. These measurements represent components of secondary hemostasis (Fig. 5a). The PT and APTT times remained unchanged following HFD loading, while fibrinogen levels increased daily. Additionally, these findings align with our earlier research, which demonstrated that short-term consumption of a HFD leads to increased fibrinogen deposition in hepatic sinusoids (12, 13). This strongly supports the hypothesis that short-term consumption of a HFD contributes to a procoagulant state by elevating fibrinogen levels, thereby serving as a risk factor for Con A-induced liver injury. In mice fed a short-term HFD, PT was significantly prolonged 24 hours after Con A administration, whereas APTT was significantly prolonged 4 hours post-Con A administration, compared to mice on a ND (Fig. 5b). Thus, a short-term HFD is anticipated to influence both intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways in the development of Con A-induced liver injury. The fibrinogen levels post-Con A administration exhibited a temporary decrease at 4 hours, suggesting transient fibrinogen consumption due to thrombus formation (Fig. 5b). There was no significant difference between the short-term HFD mice and the ND mice 4 hours after Con A administration. Nevertheless, given the notable difference in fibrinogen levels prior to Con A administration, it can be inferred that fibrinogen consumption post-Con A administration differs significantly between short-term HFD mice and ND mice. Previous research has shown that long-term HFD lead to the activation of F VII after postprandially (26, 27). Thus, several coagulation factors in addition to fibrinogen may play a role in the initiation and progression of Con A-induced liver injury. Future detailed studies on the impact of short-term HFD on coagulation factors could shed light on the mechanisms that contribute to the development of chronic liver diseases, including NAFLD and NASH.