This study demonstrated that the implementation of the VHP protocol, as compared with the conventional lower extremity CTA scanning protocol, led to a 12.7% reduction in CM dose. Additionally, it improved image quality and diagnostic accuracy, particularly for arteries below the knee.
Lower extremity CTA has the characteristics of a large scanning range, numerous vascular branches, complex hemodynamic properties, and significant individual variations in blood circulation[12, 15]. Therefore, optimal scanning parameters and contrast agent injection protocols are necessary. Conventional lower extremity CTA adopts a uniform speed for the entire scan range, which fails to provide personalized scanning features, often resulting in suboptimal image quality. This is particularly challenging for diabetic patients who typically exhibit more calcification or acute occlusions in distal vessels[16], leading to restricted contrast agent flow into these vessels. Although in this study, rescans were performed immediately during conventional CTA for patients with inadequate vessel display below the knee, the improvement in CT enhancement was limited. This challenge in CT enhancement can be overcome by utilizing the VHP technique, which synchronizes the angiographic acquisition to the patient’s circulation status by seamless variations in helical pitches. The CT number was noted to be 30%-40% higher in the ATA and DPA compared to the conventional CTA group. At the same time, a threshold of 200 HU has been suggested for obtaining clinically acceptable images, with 350 HU identified as the optimal vessel attenuation[17, 18]. According to this criterion, 16.3% (58/355) and 0.6% (2/337) of vascular segments were considered non-diagnostic in the conventional and VHP groups, respectively (p < 0.001); and 34.4% (122/355) and 15.1% (51/337) of vascular segments were deemed to have suboptimal vessel attenuation in the conventional and VHP groups, respectively (p < 0.001). Additionally, the subjective scores confirmed that the VHP group had higher distal vessel visualization than conventional group (reader 1: 4.50 ± 0.96 vs. 3.95 ± 1.28, p = 0.04; reader 2: 4.78 ± 0.66 vs. 4.28 ± 1.13, p = 0.02).
The enhanced visualization of distal vessels achieved through the VHP technique also resulted in higher diagnostic confidence and diagnostic efficiency. In the VHP group, diagnostic confidence was shown to be higher compared to the conventional group (reader 1: 4.95 ± 0.22 vs. 4.23 ± 1.07, p < 0.001; reader 2: 4.88 ± 0.40 vs. 3.93 ± 0.94, p < 0.001). Moreover, when utilizing DSA as the gold standard, the overall diagnostic efficiency of VHP group surpassed that of the conventional group, demonstrating significantly higher PPV and accuracy values: PPV: 100% (28/28) vs. 76.19% (16/21), p = 0.01; accuracy: 100% (40/40) vs. 84.38% (27/32), p = 0.01, respectively. The decrease in diagnostic efficiency in the conventional group was primarily attributed to the presence of 5 false positive segments, where the CTA scanning with unchanged pitch failed to capture the arrival of CM in the small distal arteries.
The image quality of lower extremity arterial CTA images is significantly influenced by the contrast agent used, with a wide range of contrast volumes typically ranging from 60 to 140mL[6, 19, 20]. In a study by Rotzinger et al., three image acquisition techniques were compared for lower extremity CTA, highlighting the adaptive anterograde technique (AA) with a test bolus as optimal for vascular enhancement[21]. However, the total contrast volume of 130 mL used for AA, including 30 mL for the test bolus and 100 mL for the subsequent CTA scan, might not be suitable for patients with kidney failure. In this study, the VHP group used a total contrast volume of 79.55 ± 11.87 mL, falling within the category of studies utilizing relatively lower contrast volumes. Even with the inclusion of a 15 mL CM test bolus, the VHP group achieved a 12.7% reduction in contrast volume compared to the conventional group. Patients with LEAD often experience chronic kidney disease or undergo subsequent intra-arterial procedures. Therefore, reducing the contrast volume assist in lowering the risk of additional renal impairment for these individuals.
In addition to contrast volume, radiation dose is another crucial issue that should be carefully considered, especially as patients with LEAD may undergo repeated scanning on several occasions throughout the course of their disease. Utilizing low tube voltage for patients scanning can effectively reduce the radiation dose. Previous studies employing 70 kV or 80 kV have reported radiation doses ranging from 1.1 to 5.5 mSv[22–25]. In our study, we conducted CTA scans at 80 kV, the lowest tube voltage available in Canon Medical's CT equipment, resulting in a mean radiation dose of approximately 1.40 mSv for these two protocols. This low dose lower extremity CTA scan can maintain high SNR and CNR, even in the ATA and DPA segments. Dual-energy CT was another commonly used technique to improve vascular attenuation for lower extremity CTA. However, the benefit of dual-energy CTA in reducing CM dosage and enhancing diagnostic accuracy usually come at the expense of increased radiation dose. Kristiansen et al[26]. halved the CM dosage from 104 mL to 55 mL, with a radiation dose of 9.58 mSv. In a similar study by Ren et al[27]., the CM dosage was reduced from 90 mL to 45 mL, with a radiation dose of 11.88 mSv. Jia et al[28]. conducted a dual-energy CTA scan with relatively low radiation dose, improving diagnostic accuracy using 50 keV dual-energy CTA images. Although the radiation dose in his study has been lowered to 3.8 mSv, it remains 2.7 times higher than our 80 kV protocol[29].
This study has some limitations. First, the sample size of 80 is relatively small, with only 18 patients having DSA as a reference, which may introduce bias in the parameters of diagnostic efficacy obtained. Future studies should include a larger number of samples, as this would not only enhance the reliability of diagnostic efficacy but also allow for subgroup analysis based on the location and severity of narrowing in the segments. Second, VHP is a vendor-specific technique, making it challenging to transfer the user experience described in this study to CT equipment from other manufacturers. Third, the proposed VHP technique requires accurate calculation of the time interval from the diaphragm level to the knee level to determine the helical pitches for different segments. This process may be time-consuming and prone to calculation errors. Future studies should consider introducing simpler, experience-based formulas to calculate the helical pitches.