Studies conducted in shelf and oceanic waters worldwide have revealed the heterogeneous distribution of zooplankton across different depths (Vinogradov 1970), with DVM representing a behavior capable of modifying the vertical distribution of species. Hardy’s (1956) old statement: “There are many unsolved puzzles of pelagic natural history, but one seems perhaps more baffling than any other: that of vertical migration” remains present. Given the challenges associated with tracking individual zooplankton over space and time, much of the existing evidence for their DVM has been inferred from their vertical distribution (Bandara et al. 2021).
Our observations of copepod diel vertical distributions suggest that some species perform DVM, and that such behavior would be influenced by their reproductive, feeding, growth, and survival strategies, that is, by their functional traits.
4.1 DVM in females and late copepodites
Several authors highlighted that zooplankton do not migrate as a cohesive population (Pearre 1979; Roe 1984; Haney 1988). With respect to copepods, distinctions between males and females, as well as among different developmental stages, have been documented (Roe 1984; Uye et al. 1990; Atkinson et al. 1992; Huang et al. 1992; Osgood and Frost 1994). However, whether these differences stem from reproductive or feeding strategies remains unclear.
In this study, only females and late copepodites exhibited variations in their vertical abundances, displaying normal DVM, with higher concentrations at deeper levels during the daytime and at the surface during the nighttime (Fig. 2a, b). Similar patterns were observed in Calanus spp. and other species, where evident DVM beginning in late copepodites peaked in adult females, but was restricted or absent in males (Uye et al. 1990; Osgood and Frost 1994; Falkenhaug et al. 1997). In this sense, a gradual development of migration behavior occurs, with early copepodites aggregating in the upper water column, whereas late copepodites and adult females engage in normal DVM (Huang et al. 1992). These findings align with the developmental transition in late copepodites of Clausocalanidae shown in our results, which exhibited significant daily variations, matching those of adult females of Clausocalanus brevipes and Clausocalanus laticeps. The similarity in behavior with adult females as they develop, suggests that most late copepodites could be females, explaining their tendency to exhibit DVM. If this is the case, most of the species studied here could have genetic determination of sex. Both environmental and genetic sex determination modes have been proposed for copepods (Fleminger 1985; Mauchline 1998; Svensen and Tande 1999; Gusmão and McKinnon, 2009). Male-female ratios are biased, with females typically being more abundant (Kiørboe 2006), but there is also evidence that sex change during development is a possible mechanism for determining their sex ratio (Gusmão and McKinnon, 2009). For example, the final sex in Calanus will not be determined until stage 5 (Irigoien et al. 2000; Miller et al. 2005). At these late stages, not only their morphology but also their behavior changes. Nevertheless, little is known about the ontogenetic changes in the sensory inputs of the nervous system of copepods that could result in different DVM patterns (Ringelberg 2010).
Although a lack of DVM in males has been reported for several species, to the best of our knowledge, explanations for this remain elusive. In general, the ability of males to optimize their swimming pattern increases their chances of locating female signals but also exposes them to greater predation risk (Kiørboe 2007, 2011). The higher mortality rate among males and, consequently, their lower abundance may limit fertilization rates (Kiørboe 2007). Thus, the uniform vertical distribution observed in males (Fig. 2c) could guarantee enough chances to encounter females without moving, being less exposed to predators and saving energy.
Copepod depth selection could be viewed as a response to improve individual fitness, influencing metabolism, growth, and life cycle characteristics (Lampert 1989; Reichwaldt et al. 2005). Whatever its impact, fitness is determined by the feeding, growth, survival, and reproductive rates of organisms, which in turn depend on individual biological factors and may be expressed through a combination of morphological, physiological, behavioral, and life history traits (Litchman et al. 2013).
4.2 Role of functional traits in DVM: indicator species used as study cases
Functional traits include morphological, biochemical, physiological, structural, phenological, and behavioral characteristics, defining species in terms of their ecological roles and how they interact with the environment and other species (Díaz and Cabido 2001). These traits could influence several marine ecosystem processes, including DVM (Hébert et al. 2017).
Figure 5 schematically summarizes our main findings on the relationships between copepod functional traits and depth levels during both daytime and nighttime. During the daytime, a greater abundance of broadcaster, large-sized, herbivore, and filter-feeder species occurred above the thermocline, whereas greater abundance of sac-spawner, detritivore, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore-omnivore, and cruise-feeder species were found below the thermocline (Fig. 5). Instead, during the nighttime, a greater abundance of broadcaster, sac-spawner, large-sized, herbivore, detritivore, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore-omnivore, filter-, and cruise-feeder species occurred above the thermocline (Fig. 5). Ambush-feeder and small-sized species did not exhibit a daily depth-related pattern.
Figure 5 Schematic representation of the relationships between copepod functional traits and depth levels during the daytime (left) and nighttime (right) at the Patagonian shelf-break. The background represents the temperature, with a thermocline at 50 m separating the warmer (red) and colder (yellow) water. The triangle base (vertex) indicates where greater (lower) abundance occurred. Herb-omn: herbivore-omnivore
Four of the ten indicator species (C. brevipes, C. laticeps, Aetideus armatus, and Oithona atlantica) presented different combinations of functional traits, performed normal DVM, presented significant daily differences, and were concentrated above the thermocline during the nighttime and below it during the daytime (Fig. 4a–d).
Clausocalanus spp. usually overlap in their vertical distribution range and migration amplitude (Frost and Fleminger 1968), and exhibit greater relative abundance at shallower depths during the nighttime than during the daytime (Di Carlo et al. 1984; Peralba and Mazzocchi 2004; Brugnano et al. 2010; Feng et al. 2022). Notably, given the relatively high abundances of C. brevipes and C. laticeps (Fig. 4a, b), they strongly contributed to the DVM female signal (Fig. 2a). This herbivore-omnivore genus could adapt to a wider range of nutritional resources, given its feeding behavior on the basis of the capture of particles by direct interception (Mazzocchi and Paffenhöfer 1999). In this context, the cruise-feeding mode adopted by C. brevipes and C. laticeps could be an efficient strategy, allowing the search for a larger water volume and supporting daytime migration out of the euphotic zone, where a greater presence of visual predators is expected (Kiørboe 2011; Prowe et al. 2019). Consequently, the combination of both trophic groups and feeding strategy may enable these species to occupy different depths throughout the daily cycle.
Carnivores or omnivores such as A. armatus and O. atlantica, respectively, would be less reliant on microalgal supplies than larger herbivorous calanoids, so they do not need to move to the euphotic layer every night (Fortier et al. 2001). The feeding mode is partially related to the dietary strategy; for example, filter-feeding is effective in capturing non-motile prey such as diatoms, ambush-feeders require that individuals remotely detect prey, and cruise-feeders need to collide with them (Kiørboe 2011). Moving very little and not generating feeding currents reduces copepod susceptibility to both visual and tactile predators but also decreases their rate of food intake (Paffenhöfer 1993). Although ambush-feeding did not correlate with depth in the PCA (Fig. 3), this strategy appears advantageous for the carnivore A. armatus and the omnivore O. atlantica, likely because of lower costs and risks (Saiz and Kiørboe 1995). Moreover, the act of capturing food is closely connected to the metabolic trade-off between reproduction and survival (Kiørboe and Sabatini 1994). Sac-spawner females, such as O. atlantica, are probably more susceptible to visual predators and have lower fecundity, but would be outbalanced by high brood care maternal investment (Bollens and Frost 1991).
Calanus simillimus, Rhincalanus gigas, and Subeucalanus longiceps did not exhibit detectable DVM, and occurred at depths of the fluorescence maxima (0–50 m) during both daytime and nighttime (Fig. 4i–k), which is consistent with a significant advantage for species that feed on phytoplankton (McGinty et al. 2018). Strongly significant relationships between fertility and chlorophyll-a were found for broadcasters but not for sac-spawners (Bunker and Hirst 2004). The predator-evasion hypothesis predicts that organisms would only incur the cost of residence near the surface, increasing predation risk, when it is outweighed by the benefit of near-surface foraging (Hays et al. 2001). Broadcasters have high fecundities as an adaptation to the very high mortality rates experienced by free eggs (Kiørboe and Sabatini 1995). This spawning strategy could be favorable for remaining in the upper water layer for longer times and preventing eggs being eaten with the adults, as would be the case for sac-spawners.
Our results are representative of austral springtime conditions in a temperate region, that is, at the moment of the highest chlorophyll-a abundance (Romero et al. 2006), but DVM behavior could vary during the annual cycle. For example, two of the species that we reported as non-migrant, C. simillimus and R. gigas, were observed to perform normal DVM, which is linked to feeding cycles, during the summertime in South Georgia (Atkinson et al. 1992; Ward et al. 1995). These results suggest that the behaviors we reported for the PSB may vary seasonally.
In conclusion, our findings support earlier observations on copepod DVM complexity: not all species perform DVM, and among those that do, only females and late copepodites carry out DVM. Additionally, this study revealed that copepod functional traits play important role in DVM by influencing their vertical distribution in relation to reproductive, feeding, growth, and survival strategies. Nevertheless, it is the species, not the traits themselves, that perform these migrations. In that sense, we conclude that, in general, those species combining strategies of sac-spawning and cruise-feeding, with trophic modes of detritivores, carnivores, omnivores or herbivores-omnivores, tend to be more abundant near the surface during the nighttime and below the thermocline during the daytime. On the other hand, those species that combine the strategies of broadcasting, filter-feeding and large-sized herbivores present no consistent trends in DVM.