1.1 Study Population
Clinical nursing staff in four tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province from November 2022 to March 2023 were recruited for the study using a convenience sampling method. The inclusion criteria were as follows: ① possession of a nurse practitioner certificate and registered status; ②a minimum of 3 months of experience working in clinical nursing; and ③ signed informed consent forms, which indicated participants’ voluntary participation in this study. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) nurse trainees from outside hospitals and (2) absences due to sick or maternity leave at the time of the investigation.
1.2 Research Tools
1.2.1 General Information Questionnaire for Nurses: This questionnaire was designed by the research team based on a literature review, group discussion, and expert consultation, and it included items pertaining to participants’ department, gender, age, marital status, education, title, professional position, form of employment, and years of experience.
1.2.2 Adverse Event Characterization Questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed by the study team based on group discussion and expert consultation, and it included the number of cases of adverse events that had occurred since the beginning of the work, the type of adverse events that had occurred recently, the grade of each adverse event, the level of harm caused to the patient, the financial penalties suffered as a result of such adverse events, the financial incentives associated with the adverse events, and the duration of the most recent adverse event.
1.2.3 Second Victim Experience and Support Tool (SVEST)
The SVEST was developed by Burlison et al. [14]. It is used to measure the experiences of and support provided to second victims, and it includes a total of 29 items across 9 dimensions; the total Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale is 0.892, the content validity index is 0.950, and the items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale, with total scores ranging from 29 to 145. The higher the total score is, the greater the degree of pain, the stronger the tendency to leave the job, and the higher the absenteeism level of the second victim; in addition, the higher the total score is, the lower the level of support.
1.2.4 Patient Safety Competency Self-Rating Scale for Nurses (PSCSSN)
The PSCSSN was developed by Chinese scholars Bian Wei et al. [15] and is used to evaluate nursing staff's competence in the context of patient safety; this scale includes 4 factors and 29 items and is scored on a 5-point Likert scale. Total scores range from 29-145 points. Additionally, nurses evaluate and score themselves with regard to their degree of conformity, and the higher the score is, the more competence in patient safety they exhibit. The total Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale is 0.930, and the retest reliability is 0.945.
1.3 Methods of Data Collection
The network questionnaire method was used. After obtaining consent from the nursing departments of four tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province, a network questionnaire was distributed to the head of the nursing department, and the head of the nursing department assisted in the distribution of questionnaires to clinical nurses in each department for completion in accordance with the requirements. This questionnaire was based on a unified guideline, which described the purpose of the study, concepts related to the second victim, informed consent, and the anonymity of the data collection process; in addition, the completion time was required to be no less than 150 seconds, and each network address could only complete the questionnaire once. A total of 1,708 questionnaires were collected as part of the study; 68 invalid questionnaires were excluded (due to incomplete completion or logical inconsistency or for other reasons), and 1,640 valid questionnaires were ultimately collected, for an effective recovery rate of 96.02%. A total of 924 nurses reported have experienced adverse events; the final data thus included 924 questionnaires.
1.4 Statistical Methods
SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for data processing and analysis. Normally distributed data are expressed in terms of the mean ± standard deviation. Count data are described in terms of frequency, constitutive ratio or rate. Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyse the correlation between patient safety competence and second victim experience as well as the factors influencing this relationship (α in = 0.05, α out = 0.10), and differences were considered to be statistically significant at the P<0.05 level.