Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have redefined our world, it has led to the advancement in industries, business transactions, educational and health sectors such that quality of life is being assessed by how these sectors are fully integrated with this growing innovation [1]. This has resulted in strong consequences in the learning sector around the world, with the increased use of laptops, smartphones and tablets by staff and students for learning [2–3]. Also, with the availability of internet connectivity and Wi-Fi networks in some tertiary institutions, staff and students can easily access online resources. It has provided fertile ground for utilizing the deployment of a real-time assessment and prediction feedback system in institutions.
Nonetheless, over the years, lectures have mostly been delivered in developing countries’ university systems such as Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, etc. in a conventional approach wherein the lecturer presents materials in the lecture format and students submissively gather the materials by listening and taking notes. Intermittently, the lecturer may either call on several students to answer questions or use volunteer techniques to ascertain their level of understanding. This method of getting feedback does not consider the shy students as the sample size or volunteers chosen are normally dominated by outstanding and outspoken students. Also, considering the large number of students offering core courses in institutions, it is difficult for the lecturers to accurately assess and evaluate the general level of engagement or understanding of what is being taught, and as a result, many end up not giving immediate feedback and reviews. Other means of measuring students’ understanding of concepts which include quizzes, assignments and examinations do not still present timely feedback, hence, the need for this system [1–4]. Feedback being a powerful factor of learning according to [5] must be immediate or timely before it can be considered effective in stimulating better knowledge. Thus, Real-Time feedback systems can assess teaching and learning methods instantaneously, especially in classes with large enrollments of students [5–7]. In addition, proper evaluation of a lecturer’s teaching style has been a major challenge for institutions due to the bias of the responses from students; either because of hatred, victimization or lack of appropriate information about the lecturers. This automated system of getting feedback will of course encourage anonymous feedback from students, ascertain the number of students engaging in a course, track students’ performances and allocation of courses to lecturers based on the performance of students; this will in turn improve effective learning and teaching style cum philosophy.
Furthermore, the vast amount of educational data arising from assessments encompasses hidden information which makes prediction difficult. Prediction of students’ performance has a way of accomplishing a higher level of quality in higher education [7–9]. To extract this relevant information, a data mining technique is used. Data mining is a machine-learning technique that involves extracting knowledge as well as patterns from large amounts of data [10–13],[27]. This played a significant role in improving student learning. For instance, a recent study by [28] developed a regression model using machine learning methods for educational data mining to evaluate and forecast secondary school student performance utilizing 30 attributes from academic history data. For increased accuracy, though, more prediction models are needed. Also, [29] employed data mining based on artificial intelligence (AI) to predict student performance and learning analytics in online engineering courses. The study enhances the quality of the student's learning and provides timely and ongoing feedback.
Consequently, the objective of this study is to develop an automated formative feedback system that will be able to assess, evaluate and predict students’ performance using machine learning techniques. The study bridges the gap between students' and lecturers’ relationship by developing a real-time feedback application meant to address the inherent issues relating to students' understanding during lecture sessions, active participation and engagement in class, performance prediction and evaluation of lecturers’ teaching style. This is done using a data mining algorithm that has the capability of predicting future occurrences such as the KNN algorithm. The prediction is based on the information stored on individual students such as assessment scores and students’ personal information, as datasets. Specifically, our knowledge that contributed to the novelty of this study includes:
Provides an in-depth discussion on a real-time feedback system using machine learning algorithms to analyze student performance during lecture sessions;
We designed an automated formative feedback system that allows assessment, evaluation and prediction of students’ performance using machine learning techniques;
We Implemented the designed framework that assesses, evaluates and predicts students’ performance using machine learning techniques;
Also, we provide a web platform to evaluate and revalidate students' and lecturers’ relationships in the classroom using a real-time feedback system;
We further predicted and evaluate the performance of students during lecture sessions, active participation and engagement in class, and lecturers’ teaching style.
The remaining part of this work is organized into different sections as follows; section 2 reviews related literature, the architecture of the proposed system is discussed in section 3, and section 4 presents the results and discussion. Finally, the conclusion and future research were highlighted in section 5.