Plant culture: Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves were collected from the Department of Plant Protection field experimental in March 2020 at Adana, Saricam, Turkiye. After collecting, the samples were transported to the lab and washed below flowing water for 5–10 minutes before utilizing. Every five days, the old leaves were substituted with new leaves for better feeding of the individual insects.
Insect culture: The cowpea aphid adult (A. craccivora) were collected from acacia trees at Cukurova University area in Adana/Turkey. Average of 50 adults were reared inside 5 cages on common bean plants (F. vulgaris L.) at 24 ± 1°C, 65 ± 5% RH, and a photoperiod of long-day 16:8 h (L:D). The aphid fabae cages were established on fava bean seedlings and maintained for five generations prior to the start of the experiment, to recuperate the net generation from the maternal effects reflecting recent rearing conditions. The food, A. craccivora was, supplied daily to maintain the population stock (Fig. 1).
Experimental design
The experiment was conducted with randomly selected apterous females from stock cage culture and individually transferred to the undersurface of bean leaves on plastic Petri dishes (both 5 cm in diameter). For each level of temperature, a total of 4 replications of 10 Petri dishes per block with first instar nymph were placed inside an incubator. 40 Petri dishes were prepared with a wetted cotton pad (0.5 cm) and placed under the leaves, such that the entire surface was covered to avoid them from drying. After that, 40 newborn aphids were carefully taken with a paintbrush from master stock to the new Petri dishes. The moisture content of the cotton wool in the Petri dishes was maintained daily and every 3–5 days the aphids were transferred to the new bean leaves disks. The fresh used leaves were taken from the field and transported to the citrus Entomology laboratory at Çukurova University.
The experiments were conducted on the effect of four constant temperature regimes (16, 20, 24, and 28 ± 1°C) and 60 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) and with a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) 24h. For each temperature, the experiment was started with 40 first instar transferred nymphs. Every 24 h the nymphal development was recorded until the adult stage. After the adult period, the number of nymph and survival produced by the mother aphid were registered until the death of all adults of A. craccivora.
Statistical analysis
Developmental time and reproductive performance of A. craccivora were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). The normality of data was checked through Shapiro wilk test. Differences in developmental time, longevity, and reproduction were calculated for each constant temperature. Multiple comparisons were tested using Turkey’s HSD multiple range test (P = 0.05) on significant variables. For each constant temperature, a curve was plotted with the Kaplan-Meier product limit technique. Population growth rates were computed from the equation of Lotka (Birch, 1948) (Eq. 1).
1 = Σ e- * l* m (1)
In which: x = age is days (including immature stages), r = intrinsic rate of increase,
lx= age-specific survival (including the immature mortality), mx = age-specific number of female offspring. After "r" was computed for the original data (rall), differences among rm-values were tested for significance differences by estimating variances through the jackknife method (Meyer et al., 1986). The jackknife pseudo-value rj was computed for the n samples using the following (Eq. 2)
rj = n* rall - (n-1) * ri (2)
The mean of "n" jackknife pseudo-values for each treatment was subjected to analysis of variance. Tukey’s HSD multiple range test was used to compare mean growth rates at different temperature regimes (P < 0.05). Because low probability levels were used, there was no concern about inflation of experiment-wise error rates (Jones, 1984). Each of the above mentioned analysis were conducted using Statgraphics software package version 11.5, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL (Nie et al. 1975)
The development rates of the individuals reared under the different temperature levels were calculated by linear regression (y = a ± bx). The mean (22°C) of the various temperatures at 16, 20, 24, and 28°C was used in the regression analysis. Afterward, the development threshold (-a/b) and thermal constant (the total effective temperature required to complete a generation, 1/b) of A. craccivora were estimated with linear regression equation (Campbel et al., 1974).