Here is a section which presents in-depth insight to the data that we received from the survey questionnaire. The objective is to ensure consistency of the research model, addressing the research questions correctly, and evaluating the hypotheses efficiently thus making possible the derived reliable conclusions. Several analytical approaches are used to look into and fully understand the existing information. This is done to make sure that everything tallies with the given research aims and objectives. Through the use of a data-driven thorough evaluation and interpretation of the survey data, the main objective of this section is to provide a valid base for the foundation of research outcomes and their impact.
Individual Variable Contribution Analysis
The Table 3 presents an individual contribution analysis, delineating how each predictor variable impacts the model constructs. In Model 1, Content Relevance (β = 0.497, Sig.=0.000), Competencies of the Resource Person (β = 0.144, Sig.=0.035), and Quality and Organization of Workshop (β = 0.216, Sig.=0.001) all significantly contribute to the variance in the dependent variable. Similarly, in Model 2, the Scientific Research Workshop (β = 0.632, Sig.=0.000) emerges as a substantial predictor of the outcome. Model 3 highlights the crucial role of Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts (β = 0.761, Sig.=0.000) in driving the dependent variable. Moreover, the Scientific Research Workshop consistently demonstrates significant influence across Models 4 to 9, indicating its importance in various contexts. Nonetheless, in Model 10, the Scientific Research Workshop reasserts its significance (β = 0.453, Sig.=0.000), emphasizing its variable nature across different analyses. As a whole, the individual contribution of scientific workshop indicates that among the 7 components of academic write ups, scientific workshop is significantly vital to enhance the publications among the researchers (β = 0.634, Sig.=0.000). Moreover, this workshop is significantly helpful in Topic Selection (β = 0.616, Sig.=0.000), Journal Selection (β = 0.526, Sig.=0.000), Collaboration (β = 0.512, Sig.=0.000), Research Ethics (β = 0.462, Sig.=0.000), Research Aspiration (β = 0.453, Sig.=0.000) and Content Knowledge (β = 0.422, Sig.=0.000). Overall, these findings underscore the diverse contributions of individual predictor variables in shaping the respective constructs, highlighting areas of focus for enhancing model outcomes.
Table 3
Individual Variable Contribution Analysis
Model | Relationship | β | t-value | Sig. | R. | R2 | F | Inference |
Model 1 | CR →AW | .144 | 2.492 | .035 | .669 | .447 | 117.590 | Accepted |
CRP → AW | .216 | 3.477 | .001 |
QOW → AW | .497 | 7.842 | .000 |
Model 2 | SRW → AW | .632 | 17.081 | .000 | .632 | .400 | 291.759 | Accepted |
Model 3 | ASPE→ AW | .761 | 24.564 | .000 | .761 | .579 | 603.383 | Accepted |
Model 4 | SRW→ PUB | .634 | 17.173 | .000 | .634 | .402 | 294.905 | Accepted |
Model 5 | SRW → JS | .526 | 12.937 | .000 | .526 | .276 | 167.353 | Accepted |
Model 6 | SRW → TS | .616 | 16.366 | .000 | .616 | .379 | 267.841 | Accepted |
Model 7 | SRW → COL | .462 | 10.887 | .000 | .462 | .213 | 118.533 | Accepted |
Model 8 | SRW → RE | .512 | 12.462 | .000 | .512 | .262 | 155.307 | Accepted |
Model 9 | SRW → CK | .556 | 13.995 | .000 | .556 | .309 | 195.867 | Accepted |
Model 10 | SRW → RA | .455 | 9.327 | .000 | .455 | .207 | 109.543 | Accepted |
Source: Primary source computed using AMOS |
Measurement Model
The validity and reliability of the constructs were evaluated in the study in order to evaluate the measuring model. Confirmatory Factor analysis was used for the purpose of evaluation of measurement model. In the first stage, first order constructs of independent variable (Competencies of resource person, quality of workshop and content relevance) are evaluated with 21 items. Then, we checked factor loadings of each construct, where all items loaded greater than 0.5 except CRP1 loaded with 0.486 (See Figure S1). As per the suggestion of the J. F. Hair et al. (2019a), the factor loading less than 0.5 is not good factor loading. Therefore, we removed CRP1 from further analysis. Further, CR1, CRP2, CRP3, QOW1, and QOW2 were affecting the discriminant validity of the constructs, therefore researchers had to remove the items from the model. Then, we again run confirmatory factor analysis, and result showed that the factor loadings were greater than 0.5 and even AVE (Average Variance Extracted) is greater than 0.5 as suggested by (Wong 2013).
The outcomes of the model diagnostics were shown. Estimated model fits the data really well as it is supported by its relatively low chi square value (148.106) relative to its df (87) leading to a p-value that cannot be overestimated (0.000). Moreover, RMSEA (0.040), GFI (0.957), AGFI (0.940), PGFI (0.694), SRMR (0.030), NFI (0.955), TLI (0.977), and CFI (0.981), which are characteristics of suitable model fit, are all established through the AIC (214.106) and BIC (348.969) which are the additional predictions, confirming the model to be fit adequately. Thus, it can be regarded that the model estimations have shown to be strong and comprehensive, which have the capacity to represent the underlying relationships between variables appropriately.
In the second stage, first order constructs of dependent variable (PU, JS, TS, CL, RE, CK and RA) were evaluated with help of confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that the factor loadings of all constructs are above 0.5 and there is no problem with discriminant validity. Therefore, researcher kept all the items of second order constructs for further analysis. The result depicted in figure (See Figure S2). The model fit indices suggest that the picture about adequacy and the ability of the model to explain the observed data are in the range of not good. Some of the indices, such as the RMSEA, SRMR, NFI, TLI and CFI introduce a satisfactory fit, with many of the values either meeting or approaching determining thresholds (Kline 2015), yet other indices like the chi-square test, GFI, AGFI and PGFI show areas for further development. The model explains 39% and 41% of variances of the dependent variables. The significant chi-square statistic and low goodness of fit indices support that the model does not match completely with the actual data, possibly because of modelling discrepancies and extra noise (Schumacker and Lomax 2004). Besides, the PGFI statistic indicates that the model may be oversized, which is connected with considering too much complicated model for the amount of data that is available (Wheaton et al. 1977). However, the model still gives only a partial picture, so more work and rechecking may be needed before the suggested patterns to data are properly concluded.
In the third stage, we evaluated first order of mediating variable (Analytical Skills and Personal efforts). The result showed that all the items of the construct are above 0.5 of factor loadings. The model fit also showed satisfactory. Therefore, we kept all the items for further analysis (see Figure S3).
Finally, second order construct was measured using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and result is depicted in Fig. 2. The result indicating that the items derived from the first order analysis were further kept and model fit indices are satisfactory.
Table 4
Construct Reliability and Validity
Variable | Cronbach’s alpha (standardized) | Cronbach’s alpha (unstandardized) | Composite reliability | Average variance extracted (AVE) |
CRP | 0.814 | 0.813 | 0.814 | 0.522 |
CR | 0.871 | 0.871 | 0.872 | 0.531 |
QOW | 0.833 | 0.834 | 0.837 | 0.506 |
CK | 0.814 | 0.814 | 0.810 | 0.516 |
CL | 0.836 | 0.836 | 0.837 | 0.631 |
JS | 0.877 | 0.876 | 0.876 | 0.587 |
PU | 0.889 | 0.888 | 0.888 | 0.614 |
RA | 0.815 | 0.814 | 0.815 | 0.528 |
RE | 0.842 | 0.842 | 0.842 | 0.572 |
TS | 0.856 | 0.856 | 0.857 | 0.544 |
Source: Primary source computed using AMOS |
Note: CRP = Competencies of the Resource Person; CO = Quality and Organization of Workshop; CR = Content Relevance; AW = Academic Writeups; ASPE = Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts; SRW = Scientific Research Workshop; PUB = Publications; JS = Journal Selection; TS = Topic Selection; COL = Collaboration; RE = Research Ethics; RA = Research Aspiration |
Table 4 Depicts how reliable and valid the constructs turned out. The results of the analysis of Cronbach’s alpha statistics are shown both standardized and unstandardized and all constructs possess high internal consistency reliability. The values of the Cronbach’s alpha range from 0.814 to 0.889 (George and Mallery 2018). The computed coefficients of composite reliability (rho_c) additionally convey a high level of inter-item consistency as they range from 0.810 to 0.888 exceeding a threshold of 0.70, Hair (2010). Also, AVE values show that variables are unidimensional, with 0.506–0.631 values exceeding the bench mark of 0.50 (Fornell and Larcker 1981). Hence, convergent validity has been attained. The results imply that the tools employed were good measures for the traits being examined. Therefore, analysts and interpreters can be certain that they have a stable basis for more complex analyses and interpretations.
Concurrent validity was evaluated using the Close-to-Perfect criterion (Fornell and Larcker 1981) as well as the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio method (HTMT). In applying Fornell Larcker’s criterion, the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of each factor gotten is to be measured against the cross-loadings between each factor and other factors. Also, according to Henseler et al. (2015) by theme value of HTMT less than 0.9 can be stated as confirmed discriminant validity. Arguably, we have reconfirmed that all HMTV ratios were noticed beneath 0.90, as well, in conformity with the discriminant validity principles. After that, we assessed an overall MoF value over the recommended threshold of 0.617, which was defined as the recommendation of the article of (Wetzels et al. 2009) as a benchmark for the model to fit with the given complexity. Thus, according to this evaluation, the study of the model motivated us to think of the adequate structure.
Structural Model
The next step is to analyse the hypothesized model to test developed hypotheses. In the first stage, we have analysed the direct relationship. The result of direct relationship is tabulated in Table 5 and depicted in Fig. 3.
The Table 5 presents the direct relationships between Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts, Scientific Research Workshops, and Academic Writeups, as indicated by their path coefficients. Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts exhibit a strong positive relationship with Academic Writeups (path coefficient = 0.658), suggesting that individuals with enhanced analytical skills and who invest considerable personal efforts tend to produce better academic writeups. Additionally, Scientific Research Workshops positively influence Academic Writeups (path coefficient = 0.162), indicating that participation in such workshops contributes, albeit to a lesser extent, to the quality of academic writeups. Hence, H1 holds true. Moreover, the strongest relationship is observed between Scientific Research Workshops and Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts (path coefficient = 0.782), implying that these workshops significantly enhance individuals’ analytical skills and personal efforts, potentially through the acquisition of knowledge and practical research experience. Overall, these findings underscore the critical role of both individual efforts and external training programs, such as scientific research workshops, in shaping the quality of academic writeups, thereby emphasizing the importance of fostering analytical skills and facilitating participation in research-oriented activities for academic success.
Table 5
Relationship | Path coefficients |
Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts -> Academic Writeups | 0.658*** |
Scientific Research Workshop -> Academic Writeups | 0.162*** |
Scientific Research Workshop -> Analytical Skills and Personal Efforts | 0.782*** |
Source: Primary source computed using AMOS |
Mediation Analysis
Table 6 presents compelling findings from mediation analysis, indicating substantial relationships between variables and the mediating influence of another variable. The results reveal a notable total effect (0.658, p < 0.05), encompassing both direct and indirect pathways, underscoring a robust association between the independent and dependent variables. Moreover, both the direct (0.144, p < 0.05) and indirect (0.514, p < 0.05) effects stand as individually significant, suggesting that the independent variable significantly impacts the dependent variable both directly and through the mediator. These findings emphasize the crucial role of considering both pathways in understanding the relationship between these variables, shedding light on the pivotal mediating function of the intermediary variable. Therefore, H2 is accepted. Further exploration into the specific value and mechanisms of this mediator promises to unveil deeper insights into the underlying dynamics governing the observed relationships.
Table 6
Effect | Standardized Estimation (SE) | P-value | Results |
Total | 0.658 | .000 | Statistically significant |
Direct | 0.144 | .000 | Statistically significant |
Indirect | 0.514 | .000 | Statistically significant |
Source: Primary source computed using AMOS |
Multigroup Analysis
Multigroup analysis is applied in social sciences to examine the differences across various groups. Statistics show refined variances in mean ratings between males and females across three domains: scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts, and academic writeups. Females showed higher ratings compared to males in all three domains. The independent samples t-tests executed subsequently validate these differences, showing statistically significant gender variations in perceptions of scientific research workshops and analytical skills and personal efforts (p < 0.05), though not in academic writeups (p > 0.05). Particularly, females regard scientific research workshops and analytical skills and personal efforts remarkably more than males, propounding prospective gender-connected nuances in educational perceptions. These findings underscore the importance of gender-sensitive approaches in educational practices, offering insights to foster equitable learning environments and tailored support mechanisms. Further exploration into the underlying determinants of these differences promises valuable implications for educational policy and practice.
The descriptive and ANOVA results (See Table S4) shows that perceptions remain relatively consistent across age brackets, with slight variations observed in mean ratings. The ANOVA results indicate non-significant differences in perceptions of scientific research workshops (p = 0.214), analytical skills and personal efforts (p = 0.626), and academic writeups (p = 0.972) between age groups. This suggests that age does not significantly influence perceptions in these domains among the sampled population. These findings imply that factors other than age may play a more substantial role in shaping perceptions of educational experiences and academic tasks.
The descriptive statistics and ANOVA results (Table S5) shows that significant differences are observed between groups for all three domains (p < 0.05), indicating that role or position significantly influences perceptions. In comparison to the faculty, industrialists, and research assistants, the full-time research scholars have rated the scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts, and academic write-ups high. There is a consistent low rating by the industrialists in all domains, showing a significant distance between industry requirements and academic perceptions. The findings highlight the importance of including various viewpoints within the educational and proficient professional settings, with suggestions for curriculum advancement, collaboration and tiding over the gap between academia and industry.
The descriptive statistics and ANOVA results (See Table S6) shows imperceptible differences in mean ratings between management and commerce, science, and arts disciplines. ANOVA results indicate insignificant differences in perceptions across these groups for all three domains (p > 0.05). This shows that the educational aspects related to the sample considered in the population is not significantly influenced by academic discipline. These findings posit a consistent level in perceptions across diversified academic streams, signifying the potential universality of specific educational skills and experiences.
The descriptive statistics and ANOVA results (See Table S7) show that mean ratings vary slightly across academic years. The ANOVA results reveal significant differences in perceptions for analytical skills and personal efforts (p = 0.009) and academic write-ups (p = 0.004), but not for scientific research workshops (p = 0.421). Since there are variations in perceptions among students in various academic years regarding analytical skills and personal efforts as well as academic write-ups, propounding that student’s perception towards the various aspects of their education is influenced by academic progression.
These findings highlight the significance of including the educational experience of students when outlining curriculum and support services, emphasizing the need for structured interventions to meet the evolving needs and challenges across various stages of academic learning.
The descriptive statistics and ANOVA results (See Table S8) offer impactful insights into perceptions of scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts, and academic write-ups across various types of workshops. Here, mean ratings significantly vary across different types of workshops, the ANOVA results reveal significant differences in perceptions for analytical skills and personal efforts (p = .049) and academic write-ups (p = .044), and scientific research workshops (p = .021). Specifically, researchers who have attended quantitative workshops (i.e. Data Analysis using any Statistical Software Packages such as SPSS, AMOS, R, PLS, etc, Development and Validation of Research Instrument/Questionnaire, Bibliometric analysis, Meta-analysis, Sampling techniques, Financial analytics, Econometrics etc.) depicted high level of perception on scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts, and academic write-ups compared to qualitative and mixed method related workshops, suggesting that quantitative workshops are highly entertained by the researchers to understand the analytical tools.
Moreover, the descriptive statistics and ANOVA results (See Table S9) offer insights into perceptions of scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts, and academic write-ups across different duration of workshops. Interestingly, the researchers who attended the workshop for a long duration (More than 7 days) demonstrated high involvement in scientific research workshops, analytical skills and personal efforts. Furthermore, the ANOVA results indicate significant differences in perceptions across varied duration of workshops (p < 0.05). These findings indicate the relevance of longer duration of workshops to enhance their perceptions on their research culture and significance.
As a whole, it was proved that the researcher with different gender, age, disciplines, workshop type, duration, domain and stages of Ph.D. have depicted varied involvement in scientific workshop, analytical skill, personal efforts and academic write-ups leading to the acceptance of H3.