3.1 Evaluation of rainfall datasets
We first assessed the performance of the CMIP6 HighResMIP models, three with horizontal resolutions of up to 0.25 degrees (HR-models) and six coarser LR-models, in simulating average annual rainfall for the historical period 1979-2014 (Fig. 2) against reference datasets (MSWEP and ERA5). MSWEP shows higher rainfall in the eastern half of the basin, with an average of 6.33 mm/day over the basin (Fig. 2a). However, this east-west contrast is not evident in ERA5, which appears to overestimate average rainfall with a wet bias of 2.37 mm/day compared to MSWEP (Fig. 2b). We found that all climate models show a dry bias, with the LR-models showing a higher dry bias (up to -5.3 mm/day) in average annual rainfall against MSWEP, compared to the HR models that show a dry bias of up to -3.02 mm/day. Overall, while the HighResMIP models fail to capture the spatial pattern of rainfall accurately, they do show a rainfall contrast between the ocean and land. Given the basin's size and complex topography, the coarser resolution of LR-models may not adequately capture the local processes driving rainfall, highlighting the importance of using finer resolution models as a better alternative to conduct similar studies.
There is a substantial body of literature evaluating global precipitation products against gauge data, but uncertainty remains due to the lack of ground observations, the selection of datasets, and the durations studied. This makes it challenging to evaluate reference datasets before assessing the HighResMIP models. Some confidence comes from global studies using both reanalyses for hydrological applications. For instance, Beck et al. (2017) evaluated 22 precipitation products on a global scale using rain gauges and hydrological modeling, identifying the MSWEP product as one of the top performers. Recently, Xiang et al. (2021) evaluated eight global gridded precipitation products, including MSWEP and ERA5, across 1382 catchments in China, Europe, and North America, finding that MSWEP outperformed ERA5. On the other hand, Baudouin et al. (2020) cross-validated 20 gridded precipitation datatsets in the Indus basin and found precipitation estimates from the ERA5 closest to observations.
3.2 Timing of the Monsoon
We next assessed the simulation of the timing of onset/withdrawal/duration of monsoon rainfall (as an average across the GBM basin) in the CMIP6 HighResMIP models compared to the reference datasets for 1979-2014 (Fig. 3). Comparison of the two reference datasets shows a strong interannual correlation with each other (r=0.84) and indicates a relatively early onset of monsoon rainfall, typically occurring in May, compared to the CMIP6 HighResMIP models, which show a later onset, on average, in June (Fig. 3a). Across the 1979-2014 period, ERA5 and LR-models display a slight positive trend in mean onset day (averaged across the basin) which means a delay in onset, with variations of up to 3 days (calculated by multiplying the regression slope of the onset with the duration), while MSWEP and the HR-models show a declining trend, and therefore a shift to an earlier onset by 7 days and 2 days respectively (Fig. 3a, d). The interannual variability in the onset timing is larger for the ensembles of LR- than HR-models. Additionally, the reference datasets (r=0.81 between MSWEP and ERA5) and LR-models show a relatively late withdrawal, towards the end of September for the reference datasets and towards the beginning of September for the LR-models. However, the HR-models typically show an average withdrawal in August (Fig. 3b), much too early. All datasets (observations and models) show an increasing trend in the withdrawal of the monsoon during 1979-2014, indicating a delay in the monsoon withdrawal by the end of 2014. The withdrawal date is delayed by up to 12 days in the reference datasets, with ERA5 displaying a greater change (12 days) compared to MSWEP, which shows a delay of up to 8 days. For LR- and HR-models, the delay is up to 3 days (Fig. 3d). Therefore, all datasets consistently show an increasing trend (highest for MSWEP) in the duration of the monsoon for the period 1979-2014. The average duration increases by up to 15 days for MSWEP, 10 days for ERA5, 4 days for HR-models, and 3 days for LR-models, respectively, across the basin (Fig. 3c, d). Method2 gave similar results for the onset across models but consistently indicated a delay in the withdrawal compared to method1 across all models (Fig. S2). The differences between accumulation and fractional accumulation approaches might come from a limitation in method2, possibly due to a threshold set too low for estimating the withdrawal. A proper threshold in method2 is crucial, as it is influenced significantly by winter rainfall – which may itself be biased – and might show notable delays in monsoon withdrawal.
We then examined the long-term trend in monsoon timing between the HIST period (using hist-1950 simulations from 1950-2014) and the FUTURE period (using highres-future simulations from 2015-2050) (Fig. 4). Since the lengths of these periods differ, we estimated the regression slope (%) per decade for the indices during these periods to ensure a fair comparison. For the onset, we observe rising trends (regression slope, RS) for both periods and both categories of models, indicating a delay in the start of the monsoon. The delay is more prominent in the FUTURE period (RS: 2.22%/decade for HR-models and 1.8%/decade for LR-models) compared to the HIST period (RS: 0.94%/decade for HR-models and 0.3%/decade for LR-models) (Fig. 4a, b and e). For the withdrawal, there is a rising trend (delay, RS: around 0.6%/decade for models) in the HIST period and a declining trend (early, RS: around -0.4%/decade for models) in the FUTURE period (Fig. 4e). Consequently, the monsoon duration decreases more in the FUTURE period (up to -2.8%/decade for HR-models) compared to the HIST period (around -0.48%/decade for HR-models). Monsoon duration is generally longer in LR-models than in HR-models for both periods (Fig. 4c-e).
The uncertainty in results from across the coupled models arises from their limitations in capturing various aspects of the monsoon, largely due to inaccuracies in representing physical processes like convection and SSTs, which are common model biases (Bollasina and Ming, 2013; Sperber et al., 2013). Coupled CMIP-class models typically have cold biases in the Arabian Sea, which leads to reduced evaporation and moisture fluxes reaching the monsoon during summer (Levine et al., 2012, 2013). Consequently, the coupling and associated cold SST biases over the Arabian Sea significantly contribute to the delayed mean onset in these coupled models compared to reference datasets (Levine et al., 2013; Menon et al., 2018). The limitation in simulating accurate SST can be partly addressed by increasing the horizontal resolution of the models. For instance, Bhattacharya et al. (2022) showed that CMIP6 high-resolution models produce more accurate Arabian SSTs with reduced cold bias compared to lower-resolution models.
Our results showing trends in observed timing of the monsoon rainfall using the ensemble of HR-models are comparable to the findings of Montes et al. (2021). The observed delay in the onset and withdrawal of the monsoon in the GBM basin, as well as the increase in its duration, can be attributed to a complex mix of factors including climate change, oceanic changes, land use chnages, and atmospheric pollution (Dong et al., 2016; Montes et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2023; Sun et al., 2017). Morevover, HR-models project an early onset and early withdrawal (and consequently a shortened monsoon duration). Global warming might weaken the upper tropospheric land-sea thermal contrast due to increased tropical diabatic heating, which could overshadow the enhanced lower tropospheric contrast, leading to a weaker monsoon and possibly delayed onset (Sun et al. 2010). However, global warming might also slow down or shift the tropical circulation (Vecchi and Soden 2007), weakening monsoon circulation and delaying onset (e.g., Zhang et al. 2013). The IPCC AR6 (in particular Chapters 8 and 10) suggest medium confidence in the projected weakening of the South Asian monsoon circulation, potentially leading to changes in the spatial distribution and timing of monsoon rainfall, including potential delays in monsoon onset and changes in withdrawal patterns (Douville et al., 2021; Doblas-Reyes et al., 2021).
3.3 Strength of the Monsoon
We also analyzed changes to the strength of monsoon rainfall, focusing on total (PRCPTOT) and extreme (Rx6HR & R95p) rainfall indices, using the reference datasets (MSWEP & ERA5) and ensembles of HR- and LR-models for the historical period 1979-2014 (Fig. 5). Since we observed a large bias in average annual rainfall among the models (Fig. 2), for a fair comparison, we calculated the trends in normalized rainfall averaged across the GBM basin for these indices. Our findings show a relatively similar linear trend in the change of PRCPTOT between HR-models (6%) and the reference datasets (up to 10%) over the historic period (Fig. 5a, d). In contrast, LR-models show a decline (2%) in PRCPTOT, capturing higher annual variability (Fig. 3). For the Rx6HR index, LR-models and MSWEP display a decline (~2%), while HR-models and ERA5 exhibit an increase of 10% and 2% respectively (Fig. 3b, d). Importantly, all datasets show an increasing trend in R95p (up to 5%) during the historic period.
We further assessed the projected changes in rainfall indices between the HIST and FUTURE periods (Fig. 6). All models show increasing trends in all indices, with more increases during the FUTURE period compared to the HIST period. Specifically, HR-models show an average increase of ~1.4% (~0.15%), ~3.8% (0.4%), and ~5.5% (0.15%) per decade for PRCPTOT, Rx6HR, and R95p, respectively, for the FUTURE (HIST) period. The LR-models show lower increases and a higher range (mean ± standard deviation) for the FUTURE period. Our results reveal a larger projected increase in extreme monsoon rainfall compared to total monsoon rainfall which is particularly prominent in the more realistic HR-models. The discrepancy in trends simulated by the HR-models and LR-models, as highlighted by Bador et al. (2020), underscores the significant rise in rainfall extremes over the tropics, which is underestimated by the LR-models. Furthermore, our findings are consistent with earlier studies focussing on GBM basin regions (Bhattacharjee et al., 2023; Kamruzzaman et al., 2023; Das et al., 2022) that project higher monsoon rainfall over Bangladesh and eastern India across all RCP scenarios. For example, Almazroui et al. (2020) reported a projected monsoon rainfall increase ranging from 7.5% to 36.9% (for SSP-8.5) by the end of the 21st century across Bangladesh, which covers a significant portion of the GBM delta.
There is a much discussion on monsoon rainfall trends as recent observational studies show mixed trends in South Asian monsoon rainfall over the past century, indicating significant interannual and spatial variability, with a weakening trend in overall monsoon rainfall since the 1950s (Kulkarni et al., 2012; Jamshadali et al., 2021). While average rainfall might not show a significant increasing trend, the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events have risen (Ali et al., 2019; Goswami et al., 2006; Shahid, 2011). Moreover, CMIP5 model projections suggest an increase in heavy rainfall events due to higher atmospheric moisture content in the future (Sooraj et al., 2015). The IPCC AR6 Chapter10 highlights that global warming is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of intense precipitation events in the monsoon regions where extreme rainfall events have become more common (Doblas-Reyes et al., 2021). This increase is attributed to the increase in atmospheric moisture content due to warming, which will be a significant factor driving intense monsoon rainfall. The IPCC AR6 Chapter 8 (Douville et al., 2021) also suggests high confidence that rainfall extremes in the Indian monsoon region will increase due to global warming.
Previous studies have debated whether increasing horizontal resolution, such as in the HighResMIP models, improves model performance. For instance, Xin et al. (2021) found that the multi-model mean of higher-resolution models (30–50 km) outperformed their lower-resolution counterparts (70–140 km) in capturing rainfall patterns over northwest and southwest China. This improvement was found to be primarily due to the higher-resolution models’ ability to reproduce topographical rainfall and local vertical circulation over complex terrain. Moreover, Liang et al. (2021) found that HighResMIP models with higher horizontal and vertical resolutions showed an improved performance in simulating total rainfall, capturing the observed annual cycle and spatial rainfall patterns, and representing the relationship between precipitation and monsoon intensity across different monsoon seasons from 2001 to 2014 in peninsular Malaysia when compared to coarser-resolution simulations and observed datasets. In contrast, Avial-Diaz et al. (2022) found no strong relationship between an increase in resolution and improved performance of the HighResMIP models in simulating rainfall extremes across Latin America and the Caribbean. We emphasise, therefore, that the HR-models within the HighResMIP framework offer some improvement in reliability in projecting potential future changes in rainfall under a warming climate, although their performance may vary based on the specific study region and phenomena of interest.