Induction and Proliferation of Embryogenic Callus
Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a pivotal process in plant biotechnology that enables the regeneration of plants from vegetative or non-reproductive tissues. The efficiency of SE greatly varies depending on the plant species, type of explant, the culture conditions, and the growth regulators involved.
In our study, the callus induction was started 12–14 days following the culture of explants and the percentage of SE after a month was evaluated. Our finding revealed a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in the induction of somatic embryos on explants derived from germinated seeds and zygotic embryos under laboratory conditions (Fig. 2a). Although callus formation occurred more rapidly in hypocotyl explants compared to others, none of resulting calli exhibited an embryogenic potential. Therefore, this explant was excluded from further analysis. Similarly, Ebrahimi et al. (2018) reported that K. odoratissima explants were unable to induce somatic embryos irrespective of callus formation on the hypocotyls.
Based on our results, the percentage of explants containing embryos exceeded 60 and 40% in zygotic embryos and cotyledonary leaves, respectively. Moreover, the average number of embryos per cotyledonary leaf reached 16, whereas this number was eight for zygotic embryos (Fig. 2b). Although the EFC index was higher in cotyledonary leaves compared to zygotic embryos but the change was insignificant (Fig. 2c).
Following the formation of embryogenic calli, somatic embryos were formed on lateral edges and adaxial surface of cotyledonary leaves in the fourth week. In contrast, the formation of embryo on zygotic embryos was induced after three weeks albeit without callus formation (Fig. 3).
In the study reported by Hu et al. (2016), zygotic embryos produced callus in indirect SE, but they had a lower frequency of callus formation compared to other explants such as leaves or immature embryos. Alternatively, the callus formed from zygotic embryos may have a lower capacity to develop into somatic embryos compared to callus from other explants. While there is no strong evidence to support this hypothesis, this may be due to the lack of dedifferentiation ability of zygotic embryos (von Arnold et al. 2002). In particular, mature and well-developed embryos are less inclined to deviate towards callus formation. The ability of an explant to undergo direct or indirect embryogenesis was historically thought to be determined by the age of the explant. The further the explant is from the zygotic embryo stage, the more reprogramming (callus formation) needed to convert the explant into a somatic embryo (Merckle et al. 1995). On the other hand, young tissues of cotyledonary leaves contain higher levels of totipotency, which efficiently respond to laboratory culture conditions. Therefore, such tissues become less differentiated compared to zygotic embryos, making them more favorable for SE (Bhojwani and Razdan 1996; Thorpe 2007).
Investigation into in vitro propagation of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae) using the vegetative embryogenesis revealed that leaf and internode explants from older plants were ineffective due to severe phenolic exudation (Martin and Madassery 2005). On the other hand, cotyledon explants were superior for the induction of vegetative embryos. Embryos were developed from both axial side and cutting point of the embryonic axis, with more embryos forming at the proximal end compared to the middle and distal regions of the cotyledons.
The effect of LED on developmental stages and conversion of somatic embryos
In tissue culturing, environmental factors play a central role in plant morphogenesis (Gupta and Jatothu 2013). Developmental stages of somatic embryos have been shown to be influenced by light spectrum (Almeida et al. 2019). In the present research, the influence of light wavelength on development of somatic embryos of K. odoratissima formed per callus (200 mg of initial FW) was evaluated after a month (Fig. 4). Our morphological studies indicated that light treatment significantly affected the development and regeneration of somatic embryos in the K. odoratissima (Table 1). In this way, the number of cotyledonary (mature) embryos per callus under 3red:1blue treatment was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) greater than that under other light treatments (Table 2). Additionally, the somatic embryos subjected to 3red:1blue treatment, were able to undergo conversion phase (Table 2).
Table 1
Analysis of variance for effect of different light treatments on embryogenic cell maturation and regeneration of K. odoratissima
Source of variation | df | Mean of square |
| | Globular | Heart | Torpedo | Cotyledonary | Regenerated |
Light treatment | 4 | 126.67ns | 17.17** | 13.43** | 417.57** | 12.4* |
Error | 10 | 313.3 | 0.47 | 0.67 | 17.07 | 2.53 |
ns, *, ** means non-significant, significant at p < 0.05 and significant in p < 0.01, respectively. |
Table 2
Mean comparisons for effect of different light treatments on development and regeneration of somatic embryos in K. odoratissima
Light treatment | Mean number of somatic embryos |
Globular | Heart | Torpedo | Cotyledonary | Regenerated |
Flourescent | 60a ± 10.01 | 3.67b ± 0.33 | 3.67 cd ±0.67 | 22.3b ± 2.96 | 9.33ab ± 0.67 |
Red LED | 70 a ±10.4 | 3.33b ± 0.34 | 5.33 b ±0.33 | 20.4b ± 0.66 | 6.67bc ± 1.67 |
Blue LED | 60 a ±10.05 | 1.67c ± 0.67 | 4.67 b ±0.66 | 12.7c ± 2.67 | 5.67bc ± 0.66 |
3Red:1Blue LED | 66.7 a ±12.02 | 7.64a ± 0.31 | 8a ± 0.001 | 41.7a ± 3.35 | 10.7a ± 1.61 |
3Blue:1Red LED | 53.3 a ±8.83 | 2c ± 0.001 | 2.33d ± 0.33 | 13 c±1.01 | 7.33c ± 0.33 |
Data are expressed as mean ± SE; Different letters indicate significant differences using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (p < 0.05). |
The minimum number of cotyledonary embryos was observed under blue LED and 3blue:1red LED (Table 2). In Fritillaria cirrhosa, the maximum number of SEs with cotyledonary leaves was observed in white light followed by a combination of 8red:1blue LED (Chen et al. 2020). On the other hand, in sugarcane, the highest number of somatic embryos reaching to maturation phase was reported under LED lights with the medium blue wavelength (Heringer et al. 2017). Therefore, depending on plant species, different types of growth chambers equipped with LED lights can be considered to achieve the best performance.
LED lamps have become a common approach for optimizing plant growth conditions, and this approach can successfully be used for SE of several species such as Dimocarpus longan (Li et al. 2018), Saccharum spp. (Heringer et al. 2017) and Vitis vinifera (Tittmann et al. 2015). A review of literature showed that light is selectively perceived by plant photoreceptors including cryptochromes and phototropins. Although cryptochromes react with blue and UV-A lights, phytochromes are reactive to red and far-red light (Huang et al. 2014). The plant photoreceptors perceive different wavelengths and trigger complex signal transduction to modulate gene expression profile and subsequently induce developmental responses such as induction, maturation and conversion in somatic embryos (Pedmale et al. 2016; Li et al. 2018; Gupta and Jatothu 2013). The present findings showed that 3red:1blue LED played an important role in maturation of SE in K. odoratissima so that application of this light combination in SE could coordinate photoreceptors with proteins, ions, hormones and other factors to regulate gene expression patterns with accompanying changes in SE phases.
Interestingly, we noticed that light treatment could affect synchronization of somatic embryos. In this regard, the embryos grown under red LED and 3red:1blue LED had more uniformity compared to other light conditions (Fig. 4). Synchronization of somatic embryo cultures could greatly increase the efficiency of SE for in vitro propagation, which makes the technique ideal to produce artificial seeds (Nadel et al. 1990; Alwael et al. 2017). Thus, if all resultant cultures could be synchronized, this would have shortened the duration of culture with concomitant increase in propagation efficiency and uniformity (Nadel et al. 1990). A review of literature indicated that researchers prefer to use hormonal treatments to increase synchronization in SE cultures. To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first to note that light treatment could also influence the uniformity of SE in plant species. Therefore, we suggest to consider light as an underlying factor in synchronization of SE in plant tissue culture technique.
To better understand the effect of light treatment on conversion of K. odoratissima cultures, fresh and dry weight, leaf area index with chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were evaluated (Fig. 5). Our findings showed a significant variation in the fresh and dry weights for light treatments following additional two months of the experiment (Table 3).
Table 3
Analysis of variance for effect of different light treatments on conversion of somatic embryos derived from K. odoratissima
Source of variation | df | Mean of square |
| | FW (mg) | DW (mg) | LAI (mm2) | Chl (mg/g FW) | Car(mg/g FW) |
Light treatment | 4 | 9473.33** | 93.45** | 83.85* | 0.017* | 0.000037** |
Error | 10 | 1044.33 | 8.83 | 20.51 | 0.004 | 0.000004 |
The symbols *, ** means significant at p < 0.05 and significant in p < 0.01, respectively. |
The highest fresh weight was recorded in the cultures grown under combination of 3blue:1red and blue LEDs followed by Fluorescent lamp. In contrast, the lowest fresh weight was obtained under the red LED (Table 4). The dry weights were significantly enhanced in the cultures treated under 3blue:1red LED and blue LED (p ≤ 0.05) whereas no significant difference was observed in the dry weight of the samples incubated under the red LED and 3red:1blue LED treatments (Table 4). Likewise, the same trend was recorded for leaf area index in the samples grown under the combination of 3blue:1red and blue LED lights (Table 4).
Table 4
Mean comparisons for effect of different light treatments on growth performance of converted cultures in K. odoratissima
Light treatment | Mean number of somatic embryos |
FW (mg) | DW (mg) | LAI (mm2) | Chl (mg/g FW) | Car (mg/g FW) |
Flourescent | 587.01a ± 19.43 | 52.51b ± 1.61 | 22.16ab ± 1.75 | 0.84 ab±0.051 | 0.02c ± 0.0011 |
Red LED | 503.33b ± 11.47 | 45.77c ± 1.33 | 16.67b ± 0.88 | 0.73b ± 0.023 | 0.015c ± 0.0006 |
Blue LED | 587.04a ± 33.12 | 54.75a ± 2.89 | 25.88a ± 4.27 | 0.85a ± 0.029 | 0.021ab ± 0.0011 |
3Red:1Blue LED | 513.67 b±7.84 | 46.63c ± 0.88 | 17.02b ± 0.58 | 0.75b ± 0.023 | 0.018bc ± 0.0003 |
3Blue:1Red LED | 627.01a ± 8.54 | 59.67a ± 2.78 | 28.56a ± 3.42 | 0.92a ± 0.052 | 0.023a ± 0.002 |
Data are expressed as mean ± SE; Different letters indicate significant differences using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (p < 0.05). |
The chlorophyll content is a measure of well-being of a plant under different conditions. Our finding showed that light quality significantly affected total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in the leaves of K. odoratissima plantlets (Table 3). The chlorophyll content was correlated with the culture growth in the present study. Consequently, cultures exposed to the 3blue:1red LED and blue LED exhibited the highest content of chlorophyll and carotenoids and the cultures grown under red LED showed the lowest content of the pigments (Table 4). Our results are consistent with those reporting plants grown under blue light had a higher chlorophyll content in comparison to plants grown under red light (Fan et al. 2013; Hung et al. 2016). Blue light seems to play a crucial role in the activity of photosystem I and II as well as the photosynthetic electron transport capacity (Miao et al. 2016). In plant species such as Gerbera jamesonii and Myrtus communis, the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments was reduced when plants were subjected to red LED (Pawłowska et al. 2018; Cio´c et al. 2018). In line with our findings, the accumulation of carotenoids in Sinningia speciosa (Simlat et al. 2016) and Stevia rebaudiana (Zheng and van Labeke 2017) cultures was stimulated by blue light spectrum. Findings from the present study, corroborate earlier literature that reported light quantity, quality and duration were involved in controlling morphogenesis, growth and differentiation of plant cells, tissues and organ cultures (Moshe and Dalia 2007). Different sources of LED provide wavelengths that are matched with plant photoreceptors, which leads to optimal production and metabolome (Bourget 2008; Massa et al. 2008; Morrow 2008). Plants apparently sense changes in light quality through photoreceptors, which in turn regulate growth and development through modulating signaling pathways (Rechenmacher et al. 2010).
Light treatments and secondary metabolites
In plants, environmental factors have a significant role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (Khajali and Rafiei 2024). Several studies have identified the influence of light related factors such as light intensity, light quality, and light period on metabolite accumulation of different medicinal plants (Khazaeie et al. 2023 and the references therein). Despite a great deal of information on the application of LEDs on plant secondary metabolites, limited information is available on optimizing LEDs to improve secondary metabolites in endangered plant species. We demonstrated the effect of different light treatments on the metabolic compounds in in vitro grown aerial parts of the K. oddoratisma. Chemical composition of K. oddoratisma among different conditions including in situ, dried powder sample from in situ plant, florescent, red, blue, 3red:1blue and 3blue:1red indicated 14, 6, 9, 5, 8, 8 and 9 bioactive constituents, respectively (Table 5, 6). A more diverse variation of bioactive compounds was recorded for two-old-month fresh plant grows in situ (Table 6). The composition of plant secondary metabolites is affected by different factors including environmental condition, interaction between genotype and environment, method of distillation, storage condition, physiological stage, time of harvest, and season (Khajali and Rafiei 2024).
Table 5
The composition and concentration (AUP/FW) of bioactive compounds in K. odoratissima cultures grown under different light treatment and two-month-old dried sample
RT | Compound’s name | KI Cal | Flourescent | Red | Blue | 3Red:Blue | 3Blue:Red | | Dried sample |
14.209 | 3,9-Epoxy-p-mentha-1,8(10)-diene | 1199 | | | | | | | 247181 ± 8421 |
19.895 | Neophytadiene | 1817 | | | | | | | 280265 ± 10023 |
18.8 | (Z-Butylidenephthalide) | 1675 | 3880705 ± 32421 | 1238428 ± 17400 | 3617628 ± 40221 | 2839095 ± 18664 | 4374798 ± 18728 | | 1192851 ± 13235 |
19.447 | ((E)-Ligustilide) | 1830 | 6294434 ± 29671 | 1694471 ± 23551 | 6819459 ± 33265 | 4956396 ± 50210 | 6364303 ± 37425 | | 1020396 ± 29840 |
16.955 | isoledene | 1373 | | - | | - | 442749 ± 2655 | | |
14.978 | (α-Copaene) | 1377 | 320392 ± 9885 | - | 986654 ± 7677 | 481636 ± 8965 | 325730 ± 10245 | | 336192 ± 5922 |
16.94 | (β-Isocomene) | 1412 | | - | - | - | | | 170230 ± 8545 |
15.679 | (β-Copaene) | 1430 | 2621460 ± 4744 | 357727 ± 11250 | 7446177 ± 12565 | 4300660 ± 6700 | 3090324 ± 12024 | | |
15.553 | .beta.-ylangene (β-Ylangene) | 1423 | 1225541 ± 5860 | 289332 ± 8600 | 4901094 ± 12433 | 2773455 ± 14254 | 2599152 ± 7855 | | |
15.158 | (Germacrene D) | 1484 | 374215 ± 13442 | | 894846 ± 14000 | 431077 ± 1977 | 444565 ± 2166 | | |
16.58 | 6.alpha.-Cadina-4,9-diene, (-)- | | - | - | 2122920 ± 12922 | 1239421 ± 8500 | 1572100 ± 23412 | | |
16.585 | .gamma.-Muurolene (γ-Muurolene) | 1485 | 1197285 ± 11971 | - | - | - | - | | |
15.927 | trans-.beta.-Farnesene ((E)-β-Farnesene) | 1473 | 6052262 ± 26329 | | 20644815 ± 21459 | 12431334 ± 54200 | 9108300 ± 32950 | | |
15.942 | cis-.beta.-Farnesene ((Z)-β-Farnesene) | 1476 | - | 1341066 ± 8710 | - | - | - | | |
16.955 | (-)-.alpha.-Panasinsen (α-Panasinsanene) | 1527 | 945045 ± 10200 | | | - | - | | |
| Others | | 3468376 ± 75980 | 3238994 ± 47684 | 3238994 ± 67234 | 2456886 ± 33865 | 693234 ± 20124 | | 2594982 ± 21000 |
Data are expressed as mean ± SE |
Table 6
The composition and concentration (AUP/FW) of bioactive compounds in two-month-old in situ K. odoratissima
RT | Compound’s name | KI Cal | Two-month-old |
13.371 | D-Limonene | 1046 | 65608 ± 446 |
23.239 | β-Cubebene | 1390 | 74028 ± 4235 |
24.437 | Elixene | 1453 | 1988650 ± 24004 |
24.812 | (E)-β-Farnesene | 1473 | 1311422 ± 14221 |
25.377 | Germacrene D | 1484 | 440701 ± 6412 |
25.274 | γ-Cadinene | 1497 | 49992 ± 2810 |
25.820 | δ-Cadinene | 1526 | 28151 ± 108 |
28.322 | Z-Butylidene phthalide | 1675 | 1234885 ± 28760 |
29.398 | (E)-3-Butylidene phthalide | 1744 | 194856 ± 4650 |
29.715 | Z-Ligustilide | 1765 | 24982212 ± 78700 |
30.625 | E-Ligustilide | 1830 | 702727 ± 9695 |
30.907 | Caffeine | 1582 | 8972991 ± 38439 |
6.876 | (E)-2-Hexenal | 866 | 1669101 ± 19010 |
15.951 | Nonanal | 1105 | 786261 ± 8218 |
Data are expressed as mean ± SE |
The natural habitat of K. oddoratisma is recognized by an altitude of > 2500m and the temperature of barely above 20°C during the vegetative stage (Seifipour Naghneh et al. 2022), which are totally different from a controlled condition. It is presumed that such unique growth environment could differently affect emission and composition of secondary metabolite in K. oddoratisma grown in situ compare to those obtained from tissue culture technique.
In the present study, the composition and the relative concentration of bioactive compounds were significantly changed across different light conditions (Table 5). Phthalides constituted a large amount of secondary metabolites in K. odoratissima. These compounds are known to have a wide range of health benefits including antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory properties (Seifipour Naghneh et al. 2022 and the references therein). In Drosera rotundifolia, the amount of secondary metabolites was significantly higher, in the field grown samples compared to in vitro plantlets (Tienaho et al. 2021). Wilken et al. (2005) used different tissue culture techniques in three different plant species including Hypericum perforatum, Cymbopogon citratus and Fabiana imbricate. They reported that the concentration of secondary metabolites produced in tissue culture technique was significantly lower when compared to the field grown plants.
Interestingly, phthalide content was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher in tissue culture samples compared to dried sample derived from in situ plant (Table 5).
In our study, under in vitro condition, 3blue:1red LED followed by blue LED and fluorescent light were the best treatments for production of phthalides. However, the concentration of phthalides was minimal in cultures grown under red LED condition (Table 5).
Secondary metabolites are compounds that play an important role in the interaction of plants with their environment (Oksman-Caldentey and Inzé 2005; Khajali and Rafiei 2024). Therefore, it is perceived that their biosynthesis in plant tissues is modified by changing environmental conditions including light (Tomaszewiczet al., 2022). In C. delgadii plants, blue light was the most efficient for the accumulation of flavonoid glycosides, such as astragalin and rutin. A stimulatory effect of this light quality on the accumulation of secondary metabolites was also noticed for other species, e.g., Rhodiola imbricate (Kapoor et al. 2018) and Capsicum annuum (Yap et al. 2021).
It has been reported that blue light stimulates the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in plants and in the meantime, enhances the synthesis of compounds such as antioxidants. Such increase is attributed to the specific wavelength of blue light that affects plant metabolic pathways (Larsen et al. 2022).
Under in vitro condition, Manivannan et al. (2015) demonstrated that blue LED treatment significantly increased the total phenol and flavonoid contents in the aerial parts of Rehmannia glutinosa. Moreover, Lian et al. (2019) reported that blue LED was associated with increased antioxidant activity and enhanced contents of total flavonoid and phenolic compounds in Gynura procumbens, with a notable increase in cyanidin-monoglucosides under blue light.
A recent study indicated that high-intensity blue light supplementation for 4 hours during the night could induce the expression of MYBs, CRY2/3, SPAs, and HY5, thereby enhancing anthocyanin and catechin accumulation in tea leaves (Zheng et al. 2019). Furthermore, Wang et al. (2020) reported that blue light extensively regulates multiple physiological processes and secondary metabolism in young tea shoots, significantly affecting gene transcription primarily in the pathways of photosynthesis, lipid metabolism, and flavonoid synthesis under high-intensity blue light. Recent studies shows blue light has a significant impact on the biosynthesis of terpenes and cannabionoids in plants by enhancing the activity of key biosynthetic pathways and enzymes (Morello 2022; Desaulniers Brousseau 2021).
Although application of LEDs in plant regeneration is promising, but any given plant species needs ascertaining wavelengths in order to maximize the yield and quality (Khazaeie et al. 2023). Based on analysis of GC–MS data, we found that 3blue:1red LED followed by blue LED and fluorescent light were the best environments for the production of phthalide, the most outstanding secondary compound in K. odoratissima. It seems that these light treatments can favorably affect light-responsive genes and such changes corresponded to biosynthesis of phthalides in K. odoratissima.