In-Vivo Dataset
10 unrelated participants (5 females, average age = 29.7) were randomly selected from a dataset used in our previous study 23 that employed T1w and diffusion weighted imaging data from the Human Connectome Project open-access dataset (,24,25. Informed consent for each participant was obtained by the HCP Washington University - University of Minnesota Consortium and procedures were approved by the Washington University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Structural imaging data were acquired on a 3T Siemens Connectom Skyra scanner. T1w (0.7 mm iso, TI/TE/TR = 1000/2.14/2400 ms, FOV = 224 × 224 mm) and diffusion weighted imaging (1.25 mm iso, TE/TR = 89.5/5520 ms, FOV = 210 × 180 mm, multiband 3, b-values = 1000/2000/3000 s/mm2, 90 diffusion directions across each b-value). Ten participants were used due to the large computational demands of the tractography procedure implemented in the present study.
dMRI Preprocessing
Diffusion weighted images were obtained preprocessed by the HCP data processing pipeline 21. Preprocessing steps included intensity normalization, distortion estimation and correction and a gradient nonlinearity correction. Diffusion weighted images were aligned to the T1w structural images with a rigid body transformation. MRtrix3 26 was used to obtain fiber orientation distribution function (fODF) images that were derived with constrained spherical convolution to perform probabilistic tractography 27,28.
Corticopontine tractography
Our tractography approach (pipeline depicted in Fig. 1a) was designed to minimize spurious connections and ensure that each area of the cerebral cortex projected a comparable number of completed streamlines directly to the pons. This is in contrast with unconstrained tractography, which would result an over-representation of streamlines from easier to track regions such as the sensory-motor cortex.
Hand-drawn regions of interest (ROIs) of the left and right pons and cerebral peduncle for each of the participants were manually created by PNR using MRtrix3's mrview and the T1-weighted and overlaid fODF images 28,29. Mrview was also used to manually delineate exclusion ROIs: a sagittally oriented plane at the midline spanning the corpus collosum (to prevent tracking of fibers to the contralateral cortical hemisphere), coronally orientated plane immediately posterior to the pons (to prevent the tracking of fibers of the middle cerebral peduncle), a small axial region posterior to the middle cerebral peduncle and covering the ascending white matter tracts (i.e. medial lemniscus). An anatomical atlas of the brainstem and cerebellum was used as reference for the delineation of all ROIs of interest and exclusion 30.
The cerebral cortical surface was generated from the T1w images with Freesurfer’s recon-all (7.3.2) as presented in detail in our previous work 23. All analyses were conducted on the left-hemisphere. The boundary between the cerebrum’s grey matter and white matter was converted to a single-voxel thick volume and then subdivided into ROIs of the frontal, somatosensory, parietal, insular, and cingular cortices. These served as the base ROIs that were further subdivided for subsequent tractography. Occipital and temporal cortices were excluded based on previous tract tracing studies in macaques indicating very few white matter projections to the pons from these regions 31. Freesurfer’s white matter parcellation (wmparc) was used to generate ROIs of lobar white matter to be used as exclusion ROIs in the cortical lobar specific tractography. The single-voxel thick cortical lobar volumes were subdivided into small and approximately equally sized and contiguous parcels using Nighres' intensity_propagation, which grew each parcel from voxel seeds distributed uniformly across the lobar volumes 32. The total number of parcels across the frontal, somatosensory, parietal, insular and cingular cortices was set to 500. A total of 500 parcels was selected to balance between the spatial specificity of the subsequent parcel specific corticopontine tractography, while keeping the computational demands low enough that tractography could complete within a reasonable amount of time. To prevent tracking of invalid streamlines that originate in the seeded parcel and travel to other areas of the cortical white matter surface, a large exclusion roi consisting of all other white matter surface ROIs was generated for each parcel.
Probabilistic tractography was performed between each of the cerebral cortical parcels and the left pons, with the cerebral peduncle set as an intermediary inclusion roi. Tractography was performed with Mrtrix3's tckgen 29 using the following parameters: iFOD2 algorithm, 1000 completed streamlines, maximum length of 150mm, step size of .625mm, maximum angle of 45 degrees between steps, initiation, and termination FOD amplitude threshold of 0.1. Tractography was performed independently for the frontal, somatosensory, parietal, insular and cingular cortices and resulted in an approximately equal distribution of streamlines across the cortical surface. This approach allowed for the inclusion of lobe-specific exclusion ROIs to minimize the amount of tracking of spurious streamlines between cerebral cortices and the pons. Frontal parcels included exclusion ROIs of parietal white matter, and parietal parcels included exclusion ROIs of frontal white matter to prevent tracking of superior longitudinal fasciculus fibers. The strict definition of exclusion ROIs was necessary due to the longer maximum streamline length that was used as a requirement to connect more distant regions of the cerebral cortex and the pons.
Spectral Embedding
For each participant we created individual single voxel parcellations of the pons (where each voxel received a unique index label) that were combined with the 500-node cortical parcellations used in the tractography. The resultant node parcellation image was used along with the tractography results (combined across all cortical parcels) to generate a connectome matrix with MRtrix3's tck2connectome. Individual cells in the matrix represented the number of streamlines connecting pairs of parcels (cortex-pons, cortex-cortex, pons-pons). This matrix was further constrained to remove cortex-cortex and pons-pons connections prior to spectral embedding to ensure that our results were specific for cortex-pons connections.
Spectral embedding was then used to construct gradients representing the connectivity of the cerebral cortex and the pons, similar to previous work 15,16. Scikit-learn’s SpectralEmbedding function was used to perform spectral embedding on the streamline connectivity matrix 33. Briefly, the algorithm first transforms the connectivity matrix to an affinity matrix that represents the similarity in streamline connectivity between pairs of pons nodes. Spectral decomposition is then performed on the corresponding graph Laplacian, similar to the procedure adopted by Blazquez Freches and colleagues15,16 and the top two gradients that represented the dominant patterns of corticopontine connectivity were extracted. For each gradient, each of the nodes within the pons receives a value along a continuous gradient based on the similarity of its connectivity to the cortex compared to other pons nodes, which we remapped to range between 1 and 10 to facilitate display as in previous work. To project gradients back to the cerebral cortex and visualize the spatial correspondence between the pons and cortical gradients, we performed the dot product of the embedding values within the pons and the original pons by cerebral cortex connectivity matrix, and then again remapped the values between 1 and 10. The final result was that each of the 500 cerebral cortical parcels received a value that represents a weighted average (by number of streamlines) of the embedding values of connected pons voxels. This effectively allows us to visualize spatial changes in corticopontine connectivity patterns across the cerebral cortical surface. The cerebral cortical projections were viewed on the Freesurfer white matter surface for each participant.
Group Analysis
Individual participants’ data were combined to generate group embeddings in a template space based on ongoing work by our group 34,35. In brief, the group template was generated from 1001 participants from the Human Connectome Project 36. As described by Tremblay and colleagues 34, a subset of 200 participants were used to generate an initial fODF based template using MRtrix3's population_template function and then individual participant data were registered to template space using mrregister. The fODFs were used to drive registration within white matter to prioritize white matter correspondence and ensure that alignment was not unduly influenced by grey matter cortical differences.
For the group analysis in the present study, the ten participant space corticopontine tractograms from the individual participant analysis were transformed to group space with tcktransform using the warps generated from the fODF registration (pipeline depicted in Fig. 1b). The average of all ten participants’ T1 weighted images was processed with Freesurfer’s recon-all pipeline to generate cortical surface segmentations as done previously at the individual level. The volumetric representation of the cortical surface (including frontal, parietal, insular and cingular cortices) was parcellated into 250 equally sized parcels using the same procedure as in the individual participant analysis. Because of the multiple transforms applied to the parcellation (see below), 250 parcels were used instead 500 to prevent the loss of parcels when transforming between group and individual spaces. A hand drawn roi of the pons in group space was also created in the same manner as described above, and parcellated such that each voxel was assigned a unique label. In order to obtain a common cortical surface parcellation across participants, the parcellated cortical surface was transformed into individual subject space, dilated such that each voxel took on the value of the closest parcel (Nighres' intensity_projection, 10mm dilation), and then masked by the cortical gray/white matter interface volume and projected back into group space. The result was individual subject parcellations in group space that were unique to the subject (reflecting their cortical anatomy) but comparable across subjects because parcel indices were maintained and projected to/from the same anatomical location across subjects. For each subject we generated a group space connectivity matrix based on the unique but analogous cortical parcellations and the common parcellation of the pons. The resultant connectivity matrices were summed, and spectral embedding and cortical projection were performed on the group total connectivity matrix in the same manner as for the individual subject analyses.
Postmortem Dataset
Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
A preprocessed postmortem diffusion imaging dataset of the human brainstem and thalamus from a 65-year-old male was obtained from a previous study by Sitek and colleagues 22. The acquisition of the original dataset37 was approved by the Duke University Health System Institutional Review Board. Tissue preparation, MRI acquisition, and preprocessing parameters are described in detail by the authors. In summary, 3D-gradient echo and diffusion weighted Magnetic resonance imaging data was collected on a small-bore Magnex/Agilent scanner. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired with 200 µm spatial resolution (120 diffusion directions at b = 4000 s/m2, TR = 100ms, TE = 33.6ms, FOV = 90 × 55 × 45 mm). DIPY 0.14 was used to was used to obtain fiber orientation distribution function (fODF) images that were derived with constrained spherical convolution.
Probabilistic tractography was performed between hand drawn ROIs of the left cerebral peduncle and left pons. Due to the incompatibility of the older version of DIPY ODF images with MRtrix3, SCILPY tools ( were used to perform tractography on the postmortem dataset (post-mortem pipeline is depicted in Fig. 1c). Seeding was performed in the cerebral peduncle (1000 seeds per voxel, step size 0.1 mm), with an inclusion ROI in the left pons and a large exclusion ROI surrounding the pons and cerebral peduncle. Following the generation of the initial tractogram, the ROI of the cerebral peduncle was then parcellated into 500 approximately equal sized parcels using Nighres intensity_projection and the oversampled tractogram was then filtered with MRtrix3 tckedit function such that each parcel included 200 randomly selected completed streamlines. This procedure assured that each parcel in the cerebral peduncle projected an equal number of streamlines to the pons.
Spectral Embedding and Cerebral Peduncle Projection
To reduce computational load and facilitate comparison at similar spatial resolutions, instead of the voxel-wise pons parcellation used in the in-vivo analysis, the pons ROI was parcellated into 1000 equally sized parcels using Nighres intensity_propagation. Mrtrix3’s tck2connectome function was then used to obtain a connectivity matrix that included the number of streamlines between each of the parcels in the cerebral peduncle and pons. The resultant matrix was constrained to only contain the pons to cerebral peduncle connections (not pons-pons or peduncle-peduncle). Spectral embedding, and projection of embedded values in pons to the cerebral peduncle were performed using the same procedure as in the in-vivo analyses.
Whole tractogram projection of in-vivo pons gradients
In order to evaluate the correspondence between the in-vivo and postmortem gradients, we also implemented an additional approach to project in-vivo pontine gradients along a group average tractogram. This allows for the inspection of in-vivo gradients along the entire corticopontine tractogram, including in axial slices of the cerebral peduncle that are comparable to the postmortem analysis. We first combined all individual participant tractograms in average space and then filtered them to include only streamlines traversing the cerebral cortical surface, the cerebral peduncle, and the pons. We also used a hand drawn shell around the pons to exclude any stray streamlines exiting the pons towards the MCP. A subset of 100,000 streamlines were randomly selected to reduce computational load and facilitate display. Dipy’s values_from_volume function was used to project the average of the embedding values from all voxels in the pons traversed by each streamline onto the streamline for display. The result is a single value per streamline representing the average of the embedding values in the pons voxels it passes through. Mrview was then used to display the tractogram with streamlines color coded according to the range of average embeddings.