Baseline characteristics
Information of baseline characteristics were summarized in Table 1. In this study, a total of 144 myopic eyes from 116 patients were divided into three groups based on pre-surgical retinal conditions: normal group (n=50), untreated group (n=54), and treated group (n=40). The gender distribution showed a majority of males in the normal and treated groups, and a balanced distribution in the untreated group. The average age was around 23 years old across all groups.
Regarding refractive surgery types, a high percentage (78%) of the normal group underwent SMILE surgery, which was higher compared to the untreated (50%) and treated (32.5%) groups. The untreated group showed a more balanced distribution between SMILE (50%) and FS-LASIK (44.44%), with a small percentage (5.56%) opting for EK. The treated group had the lowest percentage of SMILE surgeries (32.5%) and a relatively high percentage of FS-LASIK (44%) and EK (12.5%).
Pre-operative ocular parameters
Table 2 presented the comparison of preoperative ocular parameters among three groups. Axl and SE showed significant differences among the groups. The treated group exhibited the longest Axl (25.78 ± 1.265 mm), followed by the untreated group (25.24 ± 0.866 mm) and the normal group (25.02 ± 1.018 mm) (P = 0.0041). Similarly, the treated group had the most negative mean SE (-5.43 ± 2.145 D), indicating more severe myopia compared to the untreated (-5.17 ± 1.860 D) and normal groups (-4.19 ± 1.723 D) (P = 0.0045).
Other parameters, including UDVA, IOP, corneal curvature, corneal elevation, and PD, showed no significant differences among the groups (P > 0.05).
Preoperative characteristics of retinal lesions
Preoperative retinal lesions were demonstrated in Table 3. In the untreated group, the prevalence of atrophic holes was 3.7%. There were no cases of operculated holes or horseshoe tears in this group. Peripheral retinal degeneration was more common, with 62.96% showing white without pressure, 11.11% with pigmented degeneration, 7.41% with snail-track degeneration, and 5.56% with vitreous traction and snowflake degeneration. Lattice degeneration was present in 3.7% of the untreated group.
In the treated group, retinal holes or tears were more prevalent, with 20% having atrophic holes, 17.5% with operculated holes, and 15% with horseshoe tears. In peripheral retinal degeneration, only lattice degeneration was noted and significantly higher (47.5%).
We also exhibited several fundus images of typical retinal lesions observed in this study. Figure 1 showed the fundus images of retinal lesions in the untreated group, illustrating various types of retinal degeneration: (A) White without pressure, characterized by translucent white areas without associated retinal elevation or pressure; (B) Snail-track degeneration, displaying a shiny, whitish appearance resembling a snail trail; (C) Pigmented degeneration, indicating areas of retinal thinning or atrophy with pigmentation changes; and (D) Snowflake degeneration, with small, white, snowflake-like lesions located in the superior temporal peripheral retina.
Figure 2 showed the fundus images of retinal lesions in the treated group, illustrating various types of retinal degeneration and lesions: (A) Horseshoe tear, a common type of retinal break; (B) Horseshoe tear with prophylactic laser barrage, demonstrating the sealing of the tear to prevent further retinal detachment; (C) Lattice degeneration with hole, showing areas of thinning and tearing in the peripheral retina; and (D) Atrophic hole, a round, well-defined retinal break without significant traction.
Post-operative ocular parameters
Table 4 presented the postoperative ocular parameters among the normal, untreated, and treated groups at 1 day, 6 months, and 12 months after surgery. Across all groups, there were no new cases of peripheral retinopathy observed post-operatively. Visual acuity improved in all groups, with the UDVA showing consistent enhancement: at 12 months, mean logMAR values were -0.08±0.059 for the normal group, -0.04±0.054 for the untreated group, and -0.03±0.057 for the treated group. Other parameters, including SE and IOP, remained stable throughout the follow-up period, indicating overall stability and successful surgical outcomes.