The electrochemical deposition of Cu/Ni bilayer onto the surface of BMGs, significantly affect the plastic deformation behavior of BMGs at room temperature [5, 6]. The uniaxial tension test was performed to determine the plasticity enhancement of Cu/Ni bilayer electrodeposited Ni52Nb42Al4 MG fibers. Cu/Ni bialyer electrochemical deposition has strong consistency towards Ni-Nb-Al MG fibers and can successfully shield the fibers from external forces and acidic environment. Electrochemical deposition of metals on the surface of fibers is an issue of great importance for the constancy and effectiveness of practical application in complex environments35.
We obtained uniform bilayer coating of Cu/Ni onto Ni52Nb42Al4 MG fibers by keeping electrolyte stirred and current density of 1mA/mm− 2. Electrochemical deposition technique specially coating of Cu/Ni bilayer onto MG fibers, the residual stress in Nano crystalline deposits can leads to decrease in fracture strength of electrodeposited MG fibers36, 37, as shown in Fig. 5b, with the enhancement of coating volume ratio, R. Due to bilayered Cu/Ni-coating onto the surfaces of MG fibers, the tensile stress is decrease with the larger R values, due to larger residual stress, as shown in Fig. 5b and d37.
The mechanical properties of as-cast, as well as, mono Cu, Ni and Cu/Ni-coated Ni52Nb42Al4 MG fibers are summarized in Table 1 and 2. The data illistrate that, the yield stress of as-cast Ni56Nb44 MG fiber is 1730 MPa higher than that (730 MPa) of R = 10% Cu/Ni bilayer electrodeposited MG fiber. The fracture strength and tensile strength are decreased, while plastic strain is increased with the increasing volume ratios, R (%) of metals coating. The coating thickness of Cu/Ni bilayer was different, due to precisely control volume ratios i.e., R = 10%, R = 25%, R = 45%, R = 85% and R = 95% respectively. This is evidence in the softening effect of Cu/Ni bilayer electrochemical deposition [9]. The highest plastic strain is 5.8% for volume ratio, R = 95%.
To control volume ratios, (R) of bilayer coating, the electrochemical deposition time duration was kept constant for each R value by using the following equation:
Where t is the time required for a specific volume ratio (R)
R = volume ratio
Vt is the volume of metal coated for a specific time duration, i.e.,(5minutes)
Vo is the original volume of MG fiber
Where, L is the length of coated MG fiber, do is the original diameter of MG fiber and d1 is the diameter of metal coated fiber.
The deformation behavior of MG fibers resistant material with tensile force applied corresponding to the `extensive fiber axis.
Eq 4 shows the stress-strain behavior of fiber unspecified to be tested separately. Metallic glass fiber show high strength and very high strength to density ratio; these properties cause to be them gorgeous in aerospace applications38. The uniaxial stress-strain response of MG fiber can be divided into several stages. In the stage I, the strain is small and fiber deform elastically. Our MG fibers are linear elastically deformed, so we have,
In some fibers reinforced materials, the matrix deforms permanently at a strain at which the fiber remain elastic. This is stage II deformation, for which,
Where \(\:{{\sigma\:}}_{\text{m}}\left({{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{c}}\right)\) is assumed to be the stress carried by the matrix as determine from a tensile test of the matrix [38]. The stage II modulus \(\:{\text{E}}_{\text{f}}\) is define as the instantaneous slope of the composite, stress-strain curve during stage II deformation that is,
In most cases the second term of Eq. 7 is much less than the first so that
Although \(\:\frac{{\text{d}{\sigma\:}}_{\text{m}}}{{\text{d}{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{c}}}\)is presumed to be the slope of the stress-strain curve of the electrodeposited fibers tested by itself 38.
This is not always the case during stage II is that of a constrained matrix. The sufficiency of the estimate of Eq. 8 depends on the volume of \(\:{\text{V}}_{\text{f}}{\text{E}}_{\text{f}}\) relative to the second term of Eq. 7 provided V is satisfactorily larger. Eq. 8 remains a rational estimate for the secondary modulus. Many high strength fibers do not deformed permanently before fracture. So the tensile strain of such fiber is frequently found in stage II. While thick bilayer Cu/Ni-coated MG fibers usually deform plastically before fracture, such fibers shows stage III in their tensile curves, as shown in Fig. 4a and c. The volume fraction ratio express during stage III is,
In the Eq. 9\(\:{{\sigma\:}}_{\text{f}}{{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{c}}\) and \(\:{{\sigma\:}}_{\text{m}}{{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{c}}\) are the comparative wire and matrix flow stresses at the multiplestrain\(\:{{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{c}}\).The three stage deformation behavior of bilayered Cu/Ni-electrodeposited MG fiber is described in Fig. 6.
Figure 5a ((b)-(d)) is suitable when only the first two stages of wires deform are observed. In stage I the fiber and Ni-electrodeposited layer deform elastically. In stage II matrix deform plastically and wire deform elastically, thus the slope of stress-strain curve is reduce, while in stage III both matrix and wire deform plastically. The wire fracture strain \(\:\left({\text{E}}_{\text{f}}\right)\) is less than that of matrix. Matrix fracture is not essentially simultaneous with wire fracture, so a secondary tensile strength \(\:\left({\text{V}}_{\text{m}}\:\right({\text{T}.\text{S}.)}_{\text{m}})\) is observed. MG fibers tension strength is instantaneous with fiber fracture; this strength is articulated as follow,
In the above Eq. 10, \(\:{(\text{T}.\text{S}.)}_{\text{c}}\) is the wire tension strength and \(\:{{\sigma\:}}_{\text{m}}{({\epsilon\:}}_{\text{f}})\) is the matrix flow stress at the MG fiber fracture strain\(\:{{\epsilon\:}}_{\text{f}}\).
Tensile fracture surface morphology of Cu/Ni bilayer electrodeposited Ni56Nb44 fiber revealed that dense veins like patterns originated on the tensile fracture surface of as-cast and low R value Cu/Ni bialyer electrodeposited Ni56Nb44 MG fibers, while secondary shear bands are originated from side surface of tensile fracture sample with R = 95%, as shown in Fig. 8h, while single shear bands can be observed on fracture surface of un-coated fiber, as shown in Fig. 8b. These factors mean that crystalline phase during electrodeposition of bilayered Cu/Ni onto fibers block the shear bands propagation, resulting in a delocalization of neighboring un-deformed regions. Increase plasticity of fibers is expected due to this shear delocalization39. The beginning, dissemination, and more branching of shear bands is the signal of enhancement of plasticity in bilayered coated fibers. Thus plasticity of coated fiber is reliant frankly on the concentration of shear bands formation during deformation40. Thick Cu/Ni-electrodeposition onto the surfaces of Ni52Nb42Al4 fibers inhibited the fast propagation of primary shear band and promoted the secondary shear bands, as represented in Fig. 5h, as a result the plasticity is increased41. However our experimental results revealed that there should be a considerable thick Cu/Ni bilayer (100µm and above) the surface of fibers, as shown in Fig. 5a (d-f).
The plasticity enhancement using electrochemically deposited Cu/Ni-bilayer described to an excellent bonding between Ni52Nb42Al4 fibers and Cu/Ni-deposited layer. The soft Cu- electrodeposited layer can stop the fast propagation of single shear band and Ni-electrodeposited layer can defuse uniformity with the amorphous fibers layer and be appreciably extended without rupture10, 21. Finally the tensile plasticity enhancement could be connected with the thickness, quality of electrodeposits and good interface bonding between Cu and Ni-coated layers, as well as with the surface of MG fibers.