2.1 Study area
The Dodoma region, situated in central Tanzania, East Africa (Fig. 1a), covers an area of 41.310 km² and includes the country´s capital. Most of the region has a hot semi-arid climate, with a long dry season spanning from late April to early December and a short rainy season from late December to early April (Mayaya et al., 2015; Villani et al., 2022, see SP-Fig. 1). The yearly average precipitation reaches 570 mm, with 85% of the rainfall occurring during the rainy season, while the average maximum and minimum temperatures are 31°C and 18°C, respectively (ibid.)
The primary land cover types in Dodoma are grassland, shrubland, and cropland. Only 8.5% of the area is covered by trees (Fig. 1b). Although Dodoma holds the largest share of land dedicated to agricultural activities within Tanzania, productivity is low, with maize yields falling 30% behind the national average (National Bureau of Statistics, 2021). The reasons for low productivity are heavy land degradation and frequently occurring droughts (Moore et al., 2020a). Mono- or mixed cropping are the dominant farming practices, and maize is the most widely planted crop. Other important food crops include sorghum, millet, cassava, sweet potato, groundnuts, beans and cowpea. The key cash crops are sunflower and sesame (National Bureau of Statistics, 2021). The average farm size in Dodoma is 3 ha, and the farm is managed manually mainly by using hand hoes, swords and, to a much lesser extent, animals (draft animals, ox plowing) and tractors (ibid.). Inorganic fertilizers are almost absent from Dodoma (< 1%), while 17.5% of the farmers use organic fertilizers during the long rainy season (ibid.). The predominant soil types in Dodoma are luvisols, cambisols, and lixisols (Poggio et al., 2021).
To represent Dodoma, six sites were randomly selected from each of the seven districts in Dodoma, except for Dodoma urban (Fig. 1b). To ensure validity, the selected locations were checked visually for agricultural production based on images from Google Maps (2023). The geographic coordinates of the sites and a summary of their main agro-climatic conditions can be found in the supplementary information (SI-Table 1 and SI-Fig. 1).
2.2 Agroforestry systems in Dodoma and selection of tree species
In Dodoma, approximately 10% of the farmers actively plant trees or practice agroforestry (Jha et al., 2021). Common agroforestry systems include home gardens, alley plantings, mixed intercropping, scattered trees on farmland and boundary plantings (Nnko et al., 2022; Yasu, 1999). Tree species found in agroforestry systems in Dodoma are diverse and include mango, eucalyptus, gliricidia sepium and grevillea robusta, among others (Table 1). A survey conducted in Dodoma revealed large variation in tree species, with the majority of observed species being present only in single instances (Volkamer & Steuernagel, unpublished). For the purpose of this study, we decided to mimic the effects of the non-legume tree species Grevillea robusta, which is commonly found in Tanzanian agroforestry systems, although not native (Charles et al., 2013; von Hellermann, 2016; Yasu, 1999). It is a deep-rooted and fast-growing member of the Proteacae family, which makes it suitable for use in agroforestry systems because competition for water and nutrients is expected to be low, and its timber is suitable for flooring and the manufacture of plywood and light furniture (Ong et al., 2000). Table 1 summarizes the tree species commonly utilized in agroforestry systems and on farms in semi-arid regions of Tanzania, including Dodoma, and their primary uses.
Table 1
Tree species of Tanzanian semi-arid agroforestry systems and their uses
Species | Primary uses1 |
Food | Fodder | Medicine | Timber | Fuel | Shade | Windbreak | Erosion control | N fixation |
Acacia spp. (Kimaro et al., 2012; Maghembe & Redhead, 1982; Moore et al., 2020a; URT, 2006) | | X | | X | X | X | | | X |
Adansonia digitata (Msalilwa et al., 2020; Volkamer & Steuernagel, unpublished) | X | X | X | | | | | | |
Azadirachta indica (Moore et al., 2020a; URT, 2006; Volkamer & Steuernagel, unpublished) | | X | X | | X | X | X | X | |
Cordia monoica, Cordia sinensis2 (Moore et al., 2020a; Volkamer & Steuernagel, unpublished) | X | X | X | | X | | | | |
Eucalyptus spp. (Maghembe & Redhead, 1982; URT, 2006) | | | X | X | X | X | X | | |
Faidherbia albida (syn. Acacia albida) (Chamshama et al., 1998; Charles et al., 2013) | | X | | X | X | X | | | X |
Gliricidia sepium (Akinnifesi et al., 2010; Swamila et al., 2020) | | X | | | X | X | | | X |
Grevillea robusta (Charles et al., 2013; Yasu, 1999) | | X | | X | X | X | X | X | |
Leuceana spp. (Chamshama et al., 1998; Maghembe & Redhead, 1982; URT, 2006) | | X | | | X | X | | | X |
Mangifera indica (Charles et al., 2013; Volkamer & Steuernagel, unpublished) | X | | | | X | | X | X | |
Senna spp. (Kimaro et al., 2012; Moore et al., 2020a; URT, 2006) | | X | X | X | X | | X | X | |
1 Based on Charles et al., 2013; Mbuya et al., 1994; Moore et al., 2020b |
2 Authors` identification based on Mbuya et al., 1994 |
Constraints to agroforestry implementation include barriers to knowledge about suitable trees and their management, lack of awareness, deficits in tenure security, high implementation costs and little access to input and output markets for agroforestry products (Muthee et al., 2022). Farmers who are part of a project, who have access to seedlings, who are able to rent land and who perceive the land to be relatively fertile are more likely to adopt agroforestry (Jha et al., 2021). To encourage agroforestry and afforestation, the Tanzanian government has previously provided free seedlings to households (Yasu, 1999). This initiative is backed by non-governmental organizations and foundations that motivate local farmers to restore vegetation on their land by utilizing farmer-managed natural regeneration and rainwater harvesting methods (Moore et al., 2020a).
2.3 Model selection and evaluation
The process-based crop model APSIM Next Generation (APSIMX, v2022.11.7125.0) was used to simulate climate change and agroforestry impacts on maize yields across Dodoma (Holzworth et al., 2018). Among several models available to simulate agroforestry systems (e.g. Hi-sAFe, EPIC, and WaNuLCAS), we decided for APSIMX, as it covers the largest number of ecosystem properties relevant for climate change and agroforestry assessments (Kraft et al., 2021). The framework for simulating agroforestry using APSIMX was introduced by Huth et al. (2002) and was further developed by Smethurst et al. (2017), who showed that APSIMX is capable of accurately simulating crop yields and water content in a gliricidia-maize agroforestry systems in Kenya and Malawi. Since then, APSIMX has been applied in several other agroforestry studies (Chemura et al., 2021; A. M. Dilla et al., 2020), which showed that the model can be reliably employed to simulate maize productivity in agroforestry systems with up to 50% shading (A. Dilla et al., 2018).
APSIMX has also been extensively used to simulate maize yields and the response of maize growth to climate change factors, showing overall good performance in diverse model intercomparison studies (Bassu et al., 2014; Kimball et al., 2023). For this study, the maize cultivar “Katumani” was chosen because it is commonly used in Dodoma and has already been calibrated for the use in APSIM (Gurney et al., 2002; Patrick, 2017). The performance of APSIMX in simulating maize yields without the effect of trees (see baseline simulation, section 2.4) was assessed by comparing simulated yields to observed ones. Maize yield observations at the administrative level of Dodoma for the years 2009–2019 were provided by the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture (Laudien et al., 2020) and were complemented with values for the years 2003 and 2008, as published by the Tanzanian government (URT, 2012). In sum, maize yield observations included 13 data points covering the years 2003 and 2008 to 2019. To assess the model performance, several statistical metrics were calculated, such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), normalized Root Mean Square Error (nRMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), model efficiency (EF), Willmott´s index of agreement (d) and percent bias (pbias).
2.4 Baseline simulations
First, a baseline simulation was set up to represent the most common farming practice in Dodoma, namely, maize mono-cropping, under recent past climate conditions. The baseline simulation covered 1988 to 2019, with the analysis focusing on the 30 years from 1990 to 2019. The simulation began one year earlier to ensure that the sowing rule was met. Climate data, including solar radiation and minimum and maximum temperatures, for the six study sites and for the years 1988 to 2019 were obtained from the W5E5v2.0 dataset at a spatial resolution of 0.5° (Lange et al., 2021). Daily precipitation data were taken from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), which is available at a fine spatial resolution of 0.05°. (Funk et al., 2015). A high spatial resolution is especially important for precipitation data because it better captures local variability and more accurately represents extreme weather events.
Site-specific physical and chemical soil properties were derived from SoilGrids (Poggio et al., 2021), which provides soil characteristics at six soil layers, reaching a depth of 2 m and is available at a spatial resolution of 250 × 250 m. Parameters U and Cona, which describe first-stage and second-stage evaporation, respectively, were set to 6 mm and 3 mm day− 0.5 (Cichota et al., 2021). The initial plant available water (PAW) was set to 5%, corresponding to approximately 120 mm of PAW in the profile, following assumptions made by Msongaleli et al. (2017) for the area. A detailed overview of the physical and chemical soil properties of the six study sites can be found in the supplementary information (SI-Table 2 and SI-Table 3).
Surface organic matter was assumed to be 500 kg in accordance with Mourice et al. (2015), who modelled maize cropping systems in the region based on household survey information. The C:N ratio of that residue was assumed to be 60, as reported from a field experiment in central east Tanzania by Nishigaki et al. (2017). Sowing depth (7 mm), row spacing (75 cm), and plant density (3.3 plants/ha) were adopted from Lana et al. (2018), who studied the effectiveness of dry-soil planting of maize as an adaptation strategy to climate change in Dodoma. The sowing window was scheduled for a two-month period beginning on January 4th, reflecting the start of the growing season with a 50% probability (Yonah et al., 2006). The exact timing of sowing was triggered when 20 mm of rainfall was received within 10 days and at least 30 mm of extractable water was available (ibid). Since many farms lack financial resources for fertilizer purchase (Harou et al., 2022) and there is little overall availability of organic fertilizers due to low livestock density (Jackson & Mtengeti, 2005), a minor fertilization of 500 kg/ha manure with an N content of 1.27% in dry matter (Sileshi et al., 2017) was applied at sowing. Irrigation was not considered in the simulations. Initial water, surface organic matter and soil nutrients were reset every growing season to prevent carry-over effects between years and ensure similar conditions across all periods.
2.5 Climate change simulations
To assess the impact of climate change on maize yields in Dodoma, bias-adjusted climate data from the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3b, Lange & Büchner, 2021) were obtained for the years 2015 to 2065. Of these years, two 30-year periods centered around 2030 (2016–2045, near-term future) and 2050 (2036–2065, mid-term future) were analyzed. The ISIMIP3b data are bias adjusted with the observational dataset W5E5v2.0 and statistically downscaled to a resolution of 0.5° × 0.5° using the downscaling method ISIMIP3BASD v2.5.0 (Lange, 2019). Of the 5 primary GCMs present in ISIMIP3b, MRI-ESM2-0 (MRI), IPSL-CM6A-LR (IPSL) and MPI-ESM1.2-HR (MPI) were selected because the first two reportedly simulate temperatures well across East Africa (Hersi et al., 2023; Makula & Zhou, 2022), and the latter shows good performance in simulating precipitation in the same area (Ayugi et al., 2021). Climate data from these models were extracted for two distinct Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), namely, SSP 1-2.6 and SSP 5-8.5, which represent low- and high-emission scenarios, respectively.
2.6 Agroforestry simulations
When modeling crop yield responses to tree presence, their nutrient, water and light uptake, in addition to altered microclimate and biomass supply, are most relevant (Luedeling et al., 2016). Thus, the agroforestry simulation focused on tree shading, manipulation of the microclimate in response to shading and the addition of biomass from trees, largely following the approach described in Chemura et al. (2021).
Tree shading was implemented in the simulations by reducing incoming solar radiation in the weather files by 10% and 20%, as described by Chemura et al. (2021). While the 10% level of shade represents a case of light shading (e.g. trees planted at field boundary), the 20% shade level is comparable to the mean intensity of shade imposed by Grevillea robusta on maize reported from a field trial in semi-arid Kenya (Ong et al., 2000). The effect of shading on the microclimate was implemented by calculating the cooling effect of reduced radiation on temperature. The daily minimum and maximum temperatures of the baseline climate dataset (see section 2.4) were set into relation to solar radiation in a random forest regression model for each study site. In a second step, the obtained regressions were applied to climate datasets with reduced radiation to obtain temperatures reduced by shading for both the baseline and future climates. Model evaluations of each regression are shown in the supplementary information (SI-Fig. 2 and SI-Fig. 3).
Annual leaf litterfall and nutrient input from Grevillea robusta were derived from an experiment in Ethiopia in which litterfall traps were randomly positioned beneath the subcanopy for 12 months (Kassa et al., 2022). An annual litterfall of 325 kg/ha at a tree density of 18.67 trees/ha was found, leading to an N addition of 1.84 kg/ha. Based on these findings, the litter biomass from Grevillea robusta was assumed to be 325 kg/ha, amounting to 1.85 kg N/ha for 10% shade, and 650 kg litterfall/ha, amounting to 3.71 kg N/ha for 20% shade. To account for this biomass input, an additional manure fertilization at sowing with 0.0057% N in dry matter was implemented. The contribution of litterfall to phosphorus (P) supply was assumed to be minimal and was therefore not included in the simulation.
2.7 Estimation of climate change impacts, agroforestry and adaptation
The impacts of climate change and agroforestry on maize yields in Dodoma were quantified by calculating four different indicators: climate change impact, agroforestry impact, agroforestry adaptation effect and climate change impact with adaptation (Fig. 2). These indicators are calculated as outlined below with the following characters: ȳ refers to the long-term mean yield calculated as the mean of a 30-year simulation, and the subscript i refers to a specific combination of management and climate. i is further specified in some cases by iBC, a simulation employing baseline climate, or iCC, a simulation using climate projections. Management is specified by iBM for a simulation with baseline management or iAF for a simulation with agroforestry management. An asterisk (*) refers to a combination of those.
The impact of climate change on yields is quantified by the climate change impact (Eq. 1, Fig. 2a). It is evaluated only under baseline management and defined as the percentage difference in the long-term mean yield between the baseline and climate change simulations (Lobell, 2014). A negative climate change impact implies yield losses relative to the baseline climate.
Climate change impact\(\:=\:\frac{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{CC*BM}-{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BC*BM}}{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BC*BM}}\:\times\:\:100\)(1)
The effect of agroforestry on yields is depicted by the agroforestry impact (Eq. 2, Fig. 2b). It compares the long-term mean yield between the baseline and agroforestry management under the same climate. A positive agroforestry impact indicates yield gains due to agroforestry relative to the baseline management.
Agroforestry impact \(\:=\:{AFI}_{{i}_{AF}}=\:\frac{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{AF}-{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BM}}{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BM}}\:\times\:100\)(2)
Adaptation through agroforestry is quantified by the agroforestry adaptation effect (Eq. 3, Fig. 2c). This is the percentage difference between the agroforestry impact under baseline and projected climates relative to the yield under baseline climate with the respective agroforestry management practices. Positive values denote a greater agroforestry impact under climate change than under the baseline climate, which implies climate change adaptation (Lobell, 2014)
Agroforestry adaptation effect \(\:=\:\frac{{AFI}_{{i}_{AF*CC}}-{AFI}_{{i}_{AF*BC}}}{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{AF*BC}}\times\:100\)(3)
Yield changes under climate change with agroforestry are quantified by the climate change impact with adaptation (Eq. 4, Fig. 2d). Here, long-term mean yields under climate change and agroforestry are compared to the baseline long-term mean yield. A value of 0 implies full preservation of baseline yields under climate change due to agroforestry. Negative values indicate climate change-induced yield losses despite the adoption of agroforestry, while positive values point toward yield gains.
Climate change impact with adaptation = \(\:\frac{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{CC*AF}-{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BC*BM}}{{{\stackrel{-}{y}}_{i}}_{BC*BM}}\) \(\:\times\:\:100\) (4)