Soil is the foundation of food production. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2015), 95% of our food comes directly or indirectly, from soil. Soil fertility is essential for food security, and it is guaranteed by soil biodiversity. Soil organisms play a crucial role in delivering vital soil processes; they release nutrients from soil organic matter, form and maintain soil structure, contribute to soil water entry, storage, and transfer, enhance nutrient cycling, and promote plant growth and health (Lavelle & Spain, 2001). The soil biota is fundamental in ensuring the long-term functioning of soil. In fact, soil health is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans (Bünemann et al., 2018). However, the application of unsustainable agricultural practices poses a threat to soil biodiversity and the provisioning of vital ecosystem services it provides (Köninger et al., 2022). The dominant agricultural production model currently in use, generally referred to as “conventional agriculture”, is characterised by monocultures, excessive tillage, heavy applications of agrochemicals, such as pesticides and chemical fertilisers (Jiang et al., 2021). This type of farming is estimated to be the main driver of biodiversity loss (Benton et al., 2021). To reverse this trend, and to counteract the loss of biodiversity, the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 has set a specific objective of increasing the percentage of the EU's agricultural area under organic farming to 25% and that of protected areas to 30% (Montanarella & Panagos, 2021). The adoption of nature- and biodiversity-friendly farming practices, such as organic farming, has been shown to enhance biodiversity in agricultural landscapes (Bengtsson et al., 2005). Additionally, the expansion of protected areas is crucial as these high-quality environmental habitats are critical reservoirs for biodiversity, including soil biodiversity (Mantoni et al., 2021). To test the effectiveness of the proposed solutions on soil fauna, soil microarthropods can be used, as they are considered a sensitive and promising bioindicator. Soil microarthropods have been used for evaluating the impact of human activities on soil functions, including agriculture. They proved to respond sensitively to land management practices and soil disturbances (Parisi et al., 2005; Parisi & Menta, 2008; Reis et al., 2016; Joimel et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2021; Ashwood et al., 2022). Nonetheless, the Biological Soil Quality Index based on arthropods (QBS-ar) proved to reliably assess soil health using soil mesofauna (Parisi, 2001; Parisi et al., 2005; Menta et al., 2018). The method has been applied for over 20 years in Italy, as well as in European and non-European countries (Menta et al., 2018). The QBS-ar is based on the identification of soil microarthropods’ main functional groups, and the assignment of an Eco-morphological Index (EMI) based on morphological characters of adaptation to soil habitat, thus avoiding the need for taxonomic identification to the species level. The QBS-ar method describes soil biological quality using numerical values. For example, natural habitats such as forest soils, meadows and pastures generally have a QBS-ar of over 120, and sometimes even 200. In contrast, more disturbed environments such as agroecosystems have an average QBS-ar of 94 (Parisi, 2001; Menta et al., 2011; 2018). Numerical ranges and thresholds for QBS-ar can vary considerably depending on the environment (Parisi, 2001; Menta et al., 2011, 2018). Most of the QBS-ar collected data concerns agricultural soils and forests in Italy (Menta et al., 2018). However, variations in the QBS-ar values were observed in agroecosystems, depending on the type of crop and management method (e.g. conventional or organic). Specific quality ranges have not yet been concretely defined for the different agroecosystems (e.g. arable land, grassland, orchards, olive groves, etc.). This is necessary since the agricultural practices adopted in each system vary widely. To make a proper comparison, it is necessary to develop quality ranges that are distinct, depending on the agroecosystem considered. Further, extending the determination of QBS-ar intervals is crucial for soil in which crops that are widespread and particularly valuable in Italy are grown, such as olive groves and vineyards. Moreover, an integrated approach, including chemical-physical characterisation, is needed for evaluating the overall agroecosystem status (Tabaglio et al., 2009). Monitoring the health of these soils is essential for preserving their condition and ensuring highly profitable markets for the Italian economy. In fact, QBS-ar is increasingly used in biological soil quality assessments and soil monitoring programs in Italy, including the MOnitoring SYstem of Soil at multiScale MOSYSS Project, Dunbar et al., 2014) that was conducted in Marche Region and Emilia Romagna, or the Excalibur ( and Minotaur projects (
The objectives of the study were: (i) to assess and compare, for the first time, soil health in three organically managed agroecosystems (arable lands, vineyards and olive groves) in the Conero Park (Italy) using the QBS-ar index; (ii) to characterise the soil microarthropod communities of the different organic agroecosystems and to relate them to the agricultural practices applied and to the chemical-physical characteristics of the soil; (iii) to identify the system with the least impact on the conservation of soil biodiversity, while promoting the most sustainable agricultural practices to maintain soil health, with the ultimate aim of laying the basis for identifying soil quality benchmarks within each system to be used in monitoring activities in protected areas.