3.1 Initial Soil Physicochemical Properties
Selected physicochemical properties of composite soil samples collected from 0-30cm were characterized before treatments application. The particle size distribution results indicate that the sand, silt and clay contents of the soil were 14.57, 46.6, and 38.83% respectively. Based on particle size distribution the experimental site was silt clay loam. Soil bulk density (BD) was (1.31 g cm-3) moderate according to the standard levels (Hazelton and Murphy 2016) and particle density values (PD) 2.45. Total porosity of the soil sample was 42%the value was low related to the critical values of total porosity of productive agricultural soil. Large values of BD correspondingly small values of porosity may be due to compaction and this may impede root penetration and drainage. However, the bulk density (BD) values were moderate and highly affected the total porosity. Agricultural soil total porosity (TP) or critical values started from 47% (Hazelton and Murphy 2016; Barik et al., 2011).
There was 0.90 percent organic carbon (OC) in the soil. Tekalign (1991) reported that the soil's OC content was low, suggesting a moderate capability for the soil to provide plants with nutrients through the decomposition of organic matter. The salinity of the soils may be the cause of the low OC concentration, which has an impact on biomass productivity.
The soil's higher capacity to hold cations was shown by the high CEC of 38.34cmol (+) kg− 1. The total N content was 0.09%, which Tekalign (1991) considers low. A low amount of organic matter in the soil may be related to a low total nitrogen concentration. Olsen et al. (1954) reported that the medium for plant development phosphorus content was 12.58 mg/kg. Murphy (1968) classed the soil as saline-sodic soil based on its ESP value of 24.7%, which is larger than 15, SAR values greater than 13, pH greater than 7.8, and electrical conductivity levels greater than 4 ds/m.
3.2. Effect of Gypsum and Filter Cake on Soil Physical Properties
Bulk density (BD)
Soil BD was highly and significantly affected by the main effects of gypsum (P < 0.05), filter cake, and the interaction effect (P ≤ 0.01). The highest bulk density (1.40 g cm-3) was recorded for the soil of the control plot, whereas, the lowest bulk density (1.04 g cm-3) was recorded for the treatment combination of 75% GR with 25 t ha− 1filter cake and 505GY and 25t ha− 1FC (Table 3). Mahmood et al. (2013) also reported a decrease in the bulk density of saline-sodic soil with the combined application of organic matter and chemical amendment. Decreasing soil BD might be the physical binding effect of organic matter and gypsum that creates aggregation of soil particles. Similarly, different authors, reported that soil BD decreased with the integrated application of filter cake with gypsum (Muhammad and Khattak, 2009; El-Sanat et al., 2017). Gharaibeh et al. (2009) also stated that gypsum amendment in saline-sodic and sodic soil can improve the physical soil properties such as BD.
Table 3
Interaction effect of gypsum and filter cake on soil bulk density
Gypsum rate (%) | Filter cake (t ha − 1) |
BD(g cm− 3) | 0 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
0 | 1.35a | 1.29b | 1.20c | 1.17cd | 1.13de |
25 | 1.11efg | 1.08fghi | 1.06ghi | 1.06hi | 1.07fgh |
50 | 1.10efgh | 1.06ghi | 1.05i | 1.05i | 1.04i |
75 | 1.12ef | 1.04i | 1.11ef | 1.04i | 1.04i |
CV | 2.63 |
LSD | 0.04 |
Mean values followed by the same letter within each column and row are not significantly Difference at α = 0.01, based on LSD test. BD = (bulk density), TP = (total porosity). |
According to Wang et al. (2014) application of mixture of organic wastes decreased BD by 11% and increased total porosity by 25% compared to the control. These suggest the effectiveness of the combination of amendments for reclaiming the physical properties of salt-affected soil. Bethel et al. (2019) reported positive effects of the combined application of sugar industry by-products (filter cake and bagasse) on calcareous soil physical properties. Ghulam et al. (2010) reported decreased BD of the soil and increased total porosity for increased application rates of press mud from 15 to 20 tones ha− 1.
3.3. Effect of Gypsum and Filter Cake on Soil Chemical Properties
3.3.1 Soil reaction and electrical conductivity
Soil reaction (pH): Statistical analysis showed that the main and the interaction effects of gypsum and filter cake significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected soil pH. The highest pH value (8.20) was recorded at the control plot, whereas, the lowest pHe (7.76) was recorded for plots treated with 75% GR and 25 t ha− 1 filter cakes (Table 4). The result of this study agrees with the finding of Basak et al. (2021) who reported for the combined application of gypsum and filter cake. Gypsum application to the soil with the desired quantity of Ca2+ can neutralize the soluble HCO3, and exchange Na+ from the soil to reduce the soil pH (Pushparaj and Chitdeshwari 2016). Khattak et al. (2007) and Aljughaiman (2020) also reported considerably decreased soil pH with increasing levels of gypsum application to the soil. Results of soil pH values are in accordance with the confide finding of Said et al (2010) that soil pH in the control treatment decreased to 30% in the soil receiving the highest level of filter cake.
Table 4
Interaction effect of gypsum and filter cake on soil pHe,ECe,OC, and Av.P
Interaction effect of GY (%)&FC ( t ha− 1) | pHe | Ece(ds/m) | OC (%) | Av.P(mg/kg |
Control | 8.20a | 4.85a | 1.17r | 11.21p |
GY0%&FC10 | 8.14a | 4.81a | 1.17r | 11.85o |
GY0%&FC15 | 8.06b | 4.75b | 1.25q | 12.40n |
GY0%&FC20 | 8.16a | 4.71b | 1.33o | 14.00k |
GY0%&FC25 | 8.16a | 4.52dc | 1.14n | 16.00de |
GY25%&FC0 | 7.96cd | 4.66c | 1.31p | 13.00m |
GY25%&FC10 | 7.97c | 4.51d | 1.43m | 13.50l |
GY25%&FC15 | 7.97c | 4.41e | 1.45l | 14.50ij |
GY25%&FC20 | 7.88de | 4.33f | 1.47k | 15.20gh |
GY25%&FC25 | 7.94cd | 4.23g | 1.49i | 16.20cd |
GY50%&FC0 | 7.95cd | 4.20g | 1.53i | 13.20lm |
GY50%&FC10 | 7.91cd | 4.08h | 1.57h | 14.56ij |
GY50%&FC15 | 7.93cd | 3.98i | 1.63g | 15.69ef |
GY50%&FC20 | 7.91cd | 3.98i | 1.63g | 16.50c |
GY50%&FC25 | 7.91cd | 3.84j | 1.67f | 17.02b |
GY75%&FC0 | 7.96cd | 3.76k | 1.75e | 15.4fg |
GY75%&FC10 | 7.90cd | 3.65l | 1.85d | 14.2jk |
GY75%&FC15 | 7.88de | 3.54m | 1.91c | 14.85hi |
GY75%&FC20 | 7.82ef | 3.41n | 1.95b | 17.25b |
GY75%&FC25 | 7.76f | 3.20o | 2.12a | 17.89a |
CV (%) | 0.57 | 0.71 | 0.53 | 1.7 |
LSD (5%) | 0.07 | 0.04 | 0.015 | 0.38 |
Means values followed by the same letter within each column and rows not significantly different at α = 0.05, based on LSD test.Av.P= (available phosphorus), ECe = (soil electrical conductivity), OC = (organic carbon) |
The results reported by Negim, (2015) for the combined application of filter cake and gypsum were the best treatment in the reduction of pH on saline-sodic soil and such results were also reported by Udayasoorian et al. (2009); Pagaria and Totawat (2011) ; prapagar et al., 2012).
Ghulam et al. (2010) reported decreased soil pH for plots that received the highest level of filter cake. Niazi et al. (2001) attributed a decrease in soil pH to an increase in organic carbon (OC) concentration and improved biological activity after application of organic manure. The decomposition of soil organic matter produces carbonic acid via CO2 dissolution in water, which could decrease the pH towards neutral point.
Soil electrical conductivity
Analysis of soil laboratory data showed that the main interaction of gypsum with filter cake was highly and significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected soil electrical conductivity. After wheat harvest, the lowest ECe (3.20 ds/m) was recorded for plots treated with a combined application of 75% GR with 25 t ha− 1filter cake while, the highest ECe (4.85 dS.m− 1) was recorded from the control plots (Table 4).
These results agree with the findings of Abdullah (2020); and Prapagar (2012) who reported decreased ECe of the soil due to applying gypsum and filter cake. Assefa et al. (2015); and Sharma et al. (1982) indicated that the mixture of organic matter with gypsum rates reduced the soil electrical conductivity. The main effects of gypsum were greater than that of filter cake in reducing the EC of the soil. Udayasoorian et al. (2009) suggested that the combined application of organic and inorganic ameliorants was superior in reducing the electrical conductivity of soil.
3.3.2 Organic carbon and available phosphorus
Post-harvest soil organic carbon content was highly significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected by the main effect of gypsum and filter cake and their interaction effect. The highest OC (2.12%) was recorded for plots treated with 75% GR + 25 t ha− 1filter cake followed by application of 75% GR + 20 tha− 1FC (1.95%). The lowest soil organic carbon (1.17%) was recorded for plots treated with 10 t ha− 1filter cake and the control plots (Table 4).
Basak et al. (2021) reported higher SOC due to the combined application of 100% gypsum and 15 t ha− 1pressmud (filter cake) (Gyp + PM). This could be ascribed to the supplementation of soluble Ca from gypsum, which initially might have neutralized the alkalinity effect of Na, and de–de-protonated carboxylic group (R–COO) leading to metal chelate formation, and subsequently facilitated in chemical recalcitrance of SOC (Deb et al., 2020).
The same was reported by Bahadur et al. (2013), OC content was improved by the conjoint use of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer. The organic residue enhanced the soil's organic carbon and accelerated the microbial activities in soil. Different researchers reported that filter cake increased the soil organic carbon content (Singh et al., 2009; Dotaniya et al., 2014; Prabhavathi, 2019).
Available phosphorus (Av. P): The main effect of gypsum and filter cake as well as their interaction effects were highly significant (P < 0.01) on soil available phosphorus (Table 4). The highest available phosphorus (17.89 mg/kg) was recorded from the plots treated with 75% GR + 25 t ha− 1 filter cake followed by 75% GR + 20 t ha− 1 filter cake (17.25 mg/kg). The availability of phosphorus from organic residue depends on the C: N ratio of the applied material. If it is on the lower side, it enhances the available phosphorus concentration in the soil solution. The minimum (11.21 mg /kg) was recorded for the control plot. In agreement with the findings of this study, Khosa (2017) reported that organic amendments (compost, farmyard manure, and sugarcane filter cake) significantly increased the bioavailability of phosphorus, soil respiration, and microbial biomass. Said (2010) reported that press mud at 15 to 20 t ha− 1 would be the most suitable dose for improving the chemical properties of calcareous soil (P, S, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu). Bethel et al. (2019) reported that soil available phosphorus increased from filter cake and bagasse application compared to untreated plots.
3.6 Interaction effect of GY and FC on exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na, and SAR
Exchangeable calcium (Ca)
Exchangeable calcium was significantly influenced by the sole and combined application of gypsum and filter cake (P < 0.01). The highest exchangeable calcium (31.51 mol (+) kg− 1) was recorded in the plots treated with 75% GR + 25 t ha− 1 filter cake followed by 75% GR + 20t ha− 1 filter cake (30.50 mol (+) kg− 1)(Table 5). Exchangeable Ca increased due to the addition of filter cake or gypsum which might have resulted from dissolution of gypsum and decomposition of filter cake. The minimum exchangeable calcium (17.46cmol (+) kg− 1) was recorded from untreated plots. Sarwar et al. (2008 and 2010) reported increased exchangeable Calcium due to filter cake and synthetic fertilizer treatment, but filter cake significantly raised exchangeable calcium concentration in the soil.
Table 5
Interaction effect of gypsum and filter cake on exchangeable Ca,Na and Mg
Interaction effect of GY (%)&FC ( t ha− 1) | Ca (cmol(+)kg− 1 | Na (cmol(+)kg− 1 | Mg (cmol(+)kg− 1 | SAR |
Control | 17.46o | 11.04a | 3.72d | 13.22a |
GY0%&FC10 | 17.89a | 10.71b | 3.87cd | 12.30b |
GY0%&FC15 | 18.56n | 10.21d | 3.96bcd | 11.72c |
GY0%&FC20 | 20.23m | 9.77f | 4.18ab | 11.19d |
GY0%&FC25 | 22.00j | 10.04e | 4.41a | 10.48f |
GY25%&FC0 | 18.65n | 10.60c | 3.93bcd | 10.83e |
GY25%&FC10 | 20.87l | 10.12de | 3.94bcd | 10.89ef |
GY25%&FC15 | 21.50k | 9.51g | 3.94bcd | 10.10g |
GY25%&FC20 | 23.54i | 8.62h | 4.06bc | 9.69h |
GY25%&FC25 | 25.12h | 8.52hi | 3.94bcd | 9.11i |
GY50%&FC0 | 26.12f | 8.50i | 3.99bcd | 9.03ij |
GY50%&FC10 | 23.50i | 8.35j | 3.94bcd | 8.79j |
GY50%&FC15 | 25.68g | 7.89k | 4.22ab | 8.22k |
GY50%&FC20 | 26.51f | 7.62l | 4.01bc | 8.27k |
GY50%&FC25 | 27.13e | 7.54l | 4.25ab | 7.54l |
GY75%&FC0 | 28.36d | 7.02m | 3.99bcd | 7.42l |
GY75%&FC10 | 28.87c | 6.73n | 3.94bcd | 7.10m |
GY75%&FC15 | 29.14c | 6.61o | 3.94bcd | 7.03mn |
GY75%&FC20 | 30.50b | 6.44p | 3.96bcd | 6.81no |
GY75%&FC25 | 31.51a | 5.56q | 3.94bcd | 6.64o |
CV(%) | 1.08 | 0.74 | 1.04 | 1.75 |
LSD(0.05) | 0.40 | 0.09 | 0.27 | 0.30 |
Mean values followed by the same letter within each column and row for the parameters are not significantly different at α = 0.05, based on LSD test. Exchangeable, Ca(Calcium),Na (Sodium),Mg (Magnesium). |
Pushparaj and Thiyagarajan (2016) also reported higher exchangeable Ca on the soil exchange sites due to gypsum application followed by press mud (filter cake) and vermin compost which could result in higher Ca availability. Sodicity declined due to a sufficient supply of favorable cations, in particular Ca thus reducing the concentration of Na on the exchange complex. Prapaga et al. (2012) reported that exchangeable Ca levels increased for gypsum-treated soils and combined application of gypsum and organic amendments.
Gypsum is widely accepted as a primary source of Ca to reclaim sodic soils and its use has been long studied as part of the most important remediation strategy in sodic soil. However, due to increased costs of chemical amendments and original recurrent sodicity issues, various organic amendments were also used to supplement Ca organic manure to improve the soil properties (Celis et al., 2013; Pushparaj and Thiyagarajan, 2016).
Exchangeable sodium
exchangeable sodium concentration in the soil was highly significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected by the main effects of gypsum and filter cake and their interaction. The highest exchangeable sodium (11.04cmol (+) kg− 1) was recorded for the soil of untreated (control) plot, while the lowest was recorded for the soil of plots treated with 75%GR + 25 t ha− 1 filter cakes (5.56cmol (+) kg− 1)(Table 5). Pushparaj and Thiyagarajan (2016) reported that the addition of gypsum effectively reduced the exchangeable content by 42.5% which was closely followed by the addition of filter cake (40.5%). Generally, exchangeable sodium decreased with increasing application of gypsum and filer cake. Tajada (2006) also suggested that organic and inorganic ameliorants are superior in reducing exchangeable Na from saline-sodic and sodic soil. Sodicity declined due to a sufficient supply of favorable cations, particularly Ca, thus reducing the concentration of Na on the exchange complex (Srinivasan et al., 2010; Pushparaj and Thiyagarajan 2016).
Exchangeable magnesium
The soil analysis result showed that exchangeable magnesium concentration in soil was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by the main effect of filter cake and the interaction effect of gypsum and filter cake (Table 5). The highest exchangeable magnesium (4.41 mol (+) kg− 1) was recorded for plots treated with 25 t ha− 1 FC and followed by 50% GY with 15t ha− 1 FC, however, the lowest exchangeable magnesium was registered for control plots (Table 7).
Bhattacharyya et al. (2007) reported higher exchangeable magnesium content of the soil due to the application of organic manures such as press mud and vermin-compost than inorganic amendments like gypsum, elemental Sulphur, and ferrous materials. Ghulam et al. (2010) also reported that Ca + Mg concentrations increased with increasing rates of sugar industry by-products.
Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)
the analysis of variance showed that a highly (P < 0.01) significant difference was observed for the main and interaction effects of gypsum and filter cake on SAR. The highest SAR (13.22)(Table 5) was obtained from the control plot, while the lowest (6.64) was from the application of 75% GR + 25t ha− 1FC followed by 75% GR + 20 t ha− 1FC (6.81). According to Muhammad and Khattak (2011); and Shaaban et al. (2013), the application of filter cake decreased SAR. The result also showed that SAR decreased as the rate of gypsum level increased from 0–75% GR. The reduction in SAR can be explained by the displacement of excess exchangeable Na+ from the soil colloidal complex and its subsequent leaching by irrigation water.
3.7 The main effect of GY and FC on soil exchangeable K, CEC, PBS, and ESP
Exchangeable potassium (K)
exchangeable potassium was not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by the main effect of gypsum and the interaction effect of gypsum and filter cake. The filter cake was also highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) on exchangeable potassium. Relatively high exchangeable K (2.01cmol (+) kg − 1)was recorded for the soil of plots treated with 25t ha− 1 filter cake followed by 20t ha-1 filter cake (2.0 cmol (+) kg − 1) (Table 6) while low exchangeable K (1.75 cmol (+) kg − 1) was for control plot. In agreement with this result, Pushparaj & Thiyagarajan (2016), reported that Exchangeable K status was higher for soil treated with filter cake (Bethel et al., 2019).
Table 6
the main effect of gypsum and filter cake on soil K, CEC, ESP and PBS
GY % | Ex K cmol(+)kg− 1) | CEC (cmol(+)kg− 1) | PBS (%) | ESP (%) |
0 | 1.86 | 42.40 | 84.28d | 24.73a |
25 | 1.90 | 42.06 | 88.71c | 22.57b |
50 | 1.95 | 42.67 | 93.36b | 18.72c |
75 | 1.97 | 43.12 | 97.58a | 15.01 |
CV (%) | 8.21 | 3.94 | 4.82 | 6.95 |
LSD(0.05) | NS | NS | 3.38 | 1.06 |
Filter cake in t ha− 1 | | | |
0 | 1.75b | 41.26b | 86.75 | 22.92a |
10 | 1.88a | 42.27ab | 88.91 | 21.30b |
15 | 1.95a | 42.56ab | 89.85 | 20.16b |
20 | 2.00a | 43.11a | 91.36 | 18.82c |
25 | 2.01a | 43.61a | 93.03 | 18.08cc |
CV (%) | 8.48 | 4.20 | 5.03 | 7.14 |
LSD (0.05) | 0.13 | 1.45 | NS | 1.17 |
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
the interaction effect of gypsum with filter cake and the main case of gypsum haven't significant effect (P > 0.05) on soil cation exchange capacity. The main application of filter cake was highly significant (P ≤ 0.05) on CEC. The highest CEC (43.61%) was recorded for the sole application of 25 t ha− 1 FC followed by 20 t ha− 1 FC (43.11%) (Table 6). The lowest CEC (41.26%) was for soil of plots not treated with FC. These may be due to organic matter input into the soil.
Pushparaj and Thiyagarajan (2016) revealed that the application of organic amendments encourages granulation, increases CEC, and is responsible for the release of Ca, Mg, and K (Brady and Weil, 2005). Reduction of the soil sodicity by replacement of Na with Ca and Mg. Being a divalent cation Mg can also replace the Na from the soil exchangeable site (Gharaibeh et al., 2010, 2014).
Percent base saturation (PBS)
The interaction effect of gypsum with filter cake and the main case of filter cake did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect soil percent base saturation. The main case of gypsum was significant (P < 0.01) on soil PBS. The highest PBS (97.58%) was recorded for the soil treated by 75% GR. The lowest PBS (84.28%) was recorded for untreated plots (Table 6).
3.8 Exchangeable sodium percentage
Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
Analysis of the soil data revealed that the main effects of gypsum and filter cake were highly significant (P ≤ 0.01), and interaction effects were non-significant on ESP (P > 0.05). Based on the main effects of gypsum, the highest ESP (24.73%) was recorded for control plots (Table 6). However, the lowest ESP (15.01%) was recorded for the soil of the plots treated with a 75% soil gypsum requirement. The possible reason might be the application of gypsum that enhanced the chemical reaction and exchanged Na with Ca from the soil exchange complex. Then, Na+ in soluble form might be leached down due to improved soil physical and chemical conditions. Gypsum amendment might be attributed to increased Ca in soil solution which promotes Na displacement and its subsequent removal to lower soil layers during irrigation water application (Gharaibeh et al., 2009).
3.8. Effects of Gypsum and Filter Cake on Grain Yield (GYD): the main effect of gypsum and filter cake and their interaction were highly significant (P < 0.01) on wheat GYD. Based on interaction analysis the highest GYD (4.49 t ha− 1) was obtained from 75% GR with 25 t ha− 1 filter cake (Table 15). However, the minimum GYD was recorded from the control plot. The result can be attributed to the C: N ratios. The study of Ghulam et al. (2012) indicates that filter cake (press mud) included both macro and micronutrients, which increased yield and yield attributing characteristics of crops.