Sample Size
A convenience sample of 50 was adopted based upon the rate at which it was anticipated women could be recruited to the study over a reasonable timespan of one year. An intermediate analysis was proposed once complete cycle data from 18 women became available, to determine whether to continue or cease further data collection. If an exploratory analysis failed to find a relationship at α ≤ 0.2, data collection would cease.
Study Design
This is a study of women undergoing IVF treatment who volunteer to measure body temperature with the OvuCore intra-vaginal sensor overnight and download this to the OvuSense App each morning for processing – collectively “OvuSense” (viO HealthTech Limited), having been offered the option at the start of their consultations. Each volunteer participated in the study for one embryo transfer cycle, and was recruited in one of three participating clinics: IVIRMA Madrid, IVIRMA Mallorca and IVIRMA Málaga.
Study Type
The study is observational and longitudinal in nature and based on the acquisition of prospective data.
Study Period and Context
Each participant provided detailed medical history at the start of the study by way of a questionnaire. Informed consent was obtained at the start of the questionnaire process with the option to discontinue participation prior to use of OvuSense by denying consent.
Each participant was assigned a unique study id, and used the OvuCore sensor for the entire time they are at rest every night of their embryo transfer cycle from the day after cessation of menstruation until 7 days after their pregnancy test.
Serum progesterone P4 levels were established by blood draw up to a maximum of five times in the embryo transfer cycle on the following days:
1. The day of endometrial evaluation (day 8-12)
2. The embryo transfer day
3. After 5 days of supplemented progesterone administration
4. The day of the bHCG pregnancy test
5. 7 days after the bHCG pregnancy test
The blood draw time for each of these days was from 14:00 (onwards) on the same day. Blood samples were obtained through venipuncture using a syringe according to standard clinical practice. Serum samples were tested with an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (Cobas® e 411 analyser, Roche diagnostics GmbH, Germany) in each participating clinic.
Micronized progesterone 400 (Cyclogest®, L.D. Collins & Co. Ltd.) 800mg at 08:00 per day was the standard progesterone supplementation protocol for all patients in the study. Estrogen therapy with oral dose Estradiol valerate (Estradiol Meriestra®, Novartis AG (Switzerland)) was 6mg per day.
Serum samples were immediately analyzed after their collection. Remaining serum samples after the analysis were stored frozen at each participating IVIRMA clinic until the end of the study in case it is necessary to repeat the hormonal determination. At the end of this research study, the frozen blood samples will be destroyed. Blood samples data will be stored as electronic data in SIVIS (electronic clinical data system located at IVIRMA headquarters), following usual clinical practice.
Reference Population
The reference population was all women undergoing an embryo transfer with hormone replacement therapy for a frozen embryo transfer (FET) or egg donation cycles.
Inclusion criteria
a. Willing to enroll and use the OvuCore vaginal sensor on a nightly basis throughout one embryo transfer cycle as described in Study period and context.
b. Actively committed to participating in IVF treatment
c. Currently using no form of contraception
d. Patients that need subcutaneous progesterone administration due to low levels of progesterone the embryo transfer day will also be included
Exclusion criteria
a. Women with a history of recurrent vaginal irritation, vaginal infection or vaginismus (note: all class II regulatory required biocompatibility and cyto-toxicity tests have been completed on OvuCore)
b. Previous diagnosis of adenomyosis
c. Previous history myomas
d. BMI >30
e. Patients with previous low progesterone levels that need subcutaneous progesterone intake since the beginning of the progesterone administration
Intervention and Follow-Up
There was no intervention aiming to change the routine practice. Participants were advised to cease use of the vaginal sensor should irritation occur, or should they wish. In the case of cessation of use of OvuSense for whatever reason, the data to that point were retained in the study.
Sample Identification Protocol
Results were not blinded but were recorded pseudonymized in an external database for further analysis. Once the blood sample was extracted, a code was assigned which was the only identification. The samples were pseudonymized, guaranteeing at all times the maintenance of the confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.
Main Outcome Measures
Raw Temperature = Body temperature in ºC – most representative temperature recorded for an overnight set of temperatures as determined by the OvuSense algorithm
Smooth Temperature = Body temperature in ºC – moving mean Raw Temperature as determined by the OvuSense algorithm
P4 (on each sampling day) = P4 blood serum progesterone result measured in ng/ml
Positive or negative blood bHCG test.
Ongoing Pregnancy, Miscarriage or biochemical pregnancy
OvuSense cycle flags: “Crash After Ovulation” or all other flags treated as “Normal”
Statistical Methodology
An initial inspection of each individual’s temperature chart, with P4 values superimposed, and then a mean temperature chart with mean P4 values superimposed was made to inform further investigation of the data. A regression analysis was then carried out using ST as a predictor of P4 values, within a multilevel model, to account for between-patient variability. The specialist multilevel statistical software package MLwiN 3.10 (Charlton et al 2024)1 was used. ‘Agreement’ between ST on the day of blood sampling and P4 levels were then assessed using a Bland Altman plot (Bland & Altman 1986)14. The original multilevel regression model was then further refined to assess cross-correlation between ST and P4 and to investigate their relationship at the level of the individual participant. A further inspection of mean ST and mean P4 was charted for cycles flagged as ‘normal’ by OvuSense compared with cycles flagged as atypical by means of the ‘Crash After Ovulation’ flag. A final inspection of mean ST and mean P4 was charted for cycles with three outcomes: ‘Ongoing Pregnancy’ by the end of the embryo transfer cycle, ‘Negative bHCG Pregnancy Test’, and ‘Miscarriage or biochemical pregnancy’.