Temperatures and temperature changes in and around protected old-growth forests
Our results show in total there were 237 cloud free hot days between 2017 to 2023. The aggregated per pixel mean of these 237 days show that LST reached maximum values of more than 36°C in all five component parts (Grumsin: 43.2°C, Hainich: 40.0°C, Jasmund: 36.1°C, Kellerwald: 40.3°C, and Serrahn: 39.2°C) and all of them were measured in the border zones. Based on the linear-mixed effect model i, Jasmund remained coolest (β = −4.38, p < 0.001) and Grumsin was warmest (intercept, p<0.001) during hot days. The explained variance for this model i was for fixed effects (forest cover, location, NDVI) R2 = 0.481, and for random effects (location and zonation) R2 = 0.749. The coniferous forests were slightly warmer (β= 0.55, p < 0.001) than the broad-leaved ones (Table S1).
In a second model ii, we found that forests in the core zone were cooler than the buffer zone (β= 4.16, p < 0.001), which in turn was cooler than the border zone (β= 5.59, p < 0.001) for all years between 2017 and 2023 (Table S2). The explained variance for this model ii was for fixed effects (NDVI, zonation, year) R2 = 0.415, and for random effects (location and year) R2 = 0.891.
In the forested area of Grumsin and Hainich, the average LST on hot days of overall years gradually increased from the core to the buffer zone, with a more pronounced rise observed in the border zone (Fig. 2II). Non-forest areas within Grumsin's core were 1.5°C cooler than the forests (Fig. 2II). Among all components, Grumsin forests recorded the highest average LST on hot days across all zones (core: 28°C, buffer: 29°C and border: 29°C) (see Fig. 2II). In contrast, the coastal Jasmund forest exhibited cooler temperatures across all zones (core: 22.5°C, buffer: 24°C, and border: 27°C) and the components parts. However, the mean hottest day LST differences between the border forests and both the core and buffer forests were more pronounced in Jasmund in comparison to the other component parts (see Fig. 2II).
Kellerwald forests displayed an average hot-day LST of 26°C in the core, going up to 27°C in the buffer zone, and peaking at 30°C in the border zone (Fig. 2II). Patches of warm temperatures were noticeable in the south-western region of the buffer zone (Fig. 2I).
In the forested area of Serrahn, the average hot-day temperatures in the core and buffer zones were almost the same, and some parts of the buffer zone were even cooler than the core (Fig. 2II). Also, the mean hot-day LST differences between the core, buffer, and border forests were at the same level (27°C) (Fig. 2II).
The time series data displayed above indicates the average yearly LST for days exceeding 25°C. This temperature threshold of 25°C was selected because not all forests experienced days with temperatures reaching 30°C at the beginning of the study period (Fig. 2III).
Overall, we observed an increasing pattern of mean LST after 2017 in all component parts. Our results indicate that the years 2018 (β = 4.61, p < 0.001), 2019 (β = 5.97, p < 0.001), 2022 (β = 6.57, p < 0.001) and 2023 (β = 4.64, p < 0.001) were significantly warmer than 2017, while 2020 and 2021 did not show statistically significant results (Table S2). Based on a third model iii, the significant interactions between year and zone type indicate that the effect of zoning on LST changes over time indicating the temporal factors in moderating local temperatures (Table S3). The explained variance for this model iii was for fixed effects (year, zonation, NDVI) R2 = 0.427, and for random effects (location and year) R2 = 0.898.
In Grumsin, from 2017 to 2020, the core and buffer zones had fewer temperature fluctuations, while border zones experienced steep rises and falls (Fig. 2III). For instance, broad-leaved border forests displayed average hot-day LST were 25.5°C, 25°C, 27.5°C and 24°C in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. The year 2021 was cooler than 2017 (below 25°C), the 2021 average hot-day LST peaked at or even exceeded 30°C, and the coniferous forest in the border zone was the hottest in the same year (Fig. 2III).
In Hainich (Fig. 2III), no coniferous stands exist in the core zone. The year 2018 stood out as the warmest year with the highest average hot-day LST in the coniferous stands of border zones (app. 27.5°C). Subsequently, all forest types experienced a decline in LST, converging to similar levels (app. 26 °C), except for the broad-leaved core, which saw a 1.3°C rise. Unlike the trend observed in Grumsin, 2018 recorded a higher mean hot-day LST compared to 2022.
Throughout the observation period, in Jasmund where coniferous stands were absent, the broadleaved border zones displayed the higher average hot-day LST compared to all other zones. The year 2019 followed by 2022 were the hottest years for Jasmund (Fig. 2III). There was a temperature increase from 2017 to 2019, followed by a decrease until 2021. LST then rose again in 2022 before decreasing in 2023 (Fig. 2III).
Kellerwald (Fig. 2III) had no stark differences in mean hot-day LST across forest types and zones. Similar to Hainich, the year 2018 followed by 2019 stood out as the hottest years. Kellerwald forest experienced a steep warming on hot days from 2017 to 2018 (roughly 17.5°C to almost 30°C).
In Serrahn (Fig. 2III), the years 2019 and 2022 were the hottest years. The forests of the border zone were cooler in 2017 than in 2019. During the hottest year (i.e 2019 and 2022), the buffer and border forests exhibited the same mean LST and were 2.5°C cooler than core zones.
Vitality and vitality change of forests in and around old-growth forests
The results of our Kruskal-Wallis test showed that there were significant differences in NDVI between different zones (χ² =25737, df =2, p<0.001). Furthermore, pairwise comparison shows the buffer had significantly higher NDVI than the border (z=125.596, p<0.001) and significantly lower NDVI than the core zone (z=56.668, p<0.001) (Table S4).
Our findings on tree vitality based on NDVI show a comparable vitality in all three zones of Grumsin and Hainich based on greenest pixels in the summer months May to September from 2017 to 2023 (Fig. S1 and S2). In Jasmund, both buffer and core areas have higher NDVI than the border zone (Fig. S1 and S2). NDVI in the border zone of Kellerwald is lower than in the other zones. Serrahn's core area boasts higher vitality than its surroundings (Fig. S1 and S2). During the study period from 2017 to 2023, the overall NDVI change in all three zones indicates that only Jasmund experienced a positive NDVI across all zones, although the increase was minimal (Fig. 3I).
Regarding the change of NDVI from 2017 to 2023, in Jasmund, both the core and buffer zones showed a minimal positive change (+0.1 in core and buffer; +0.05 in border) in NDVI (Fig. 3II). Notably, in Serrahn, the core experienced a more substantial decrease (- 0.08) compared to the buffer and surroundings (Fig. 3II). For other component parts the NDVI change was 0 (for all zones of Hainich and Kellerwald) or near to 0 (for all zones of Grumsin) (Fig. 3II).
Throughout the observation period, the NDVI time series showed diverse patterns in NDVI trends with varying degrees of stability, recovery, and decline across core, buffer and surrounding zones in all five component parts.
In Grumsin, 2017 recorded highest NDVI whereas lowest NDVI was recorded in 2019. Likewise, there was an NDVI increase from 2019 to 2020 (Fig. 3III). Throughout the observation period, coniferous forests consistently showed lower NDVI values compared to broadleaved forests. Particularly, core coniferous forests consistently displayed higher NDVI values than broadleaved areas (Fig. 3III).
Hainich suffered a decline in 2018, followed by recovery and stability until 2023 without a subsequent increase. Coniferous buffer areas exhibited highest vitality after 2018 until 2023 (Fig. 3III).
In Jasmund, NDVI was lowest in 2017, followed by a steep increase from 2017 to 2018 and stabilization thereafter (Fig. 3III). Broadleaved core areas consistently exhibited higher NDVI values. Also, in Jasmund the core out-performed other zones (Fig. 3III).
Kellerwald experienced its years with lowest NDVI in 2020, with subsequent recovery. There was variation in forest types (lines far from each other), with broadleaved forests relatively stable while coniferous forest varied substantially. Core areas had a consistently higher NDVI than buffer and borders (Fig. 3III).
Serrahn suffered from a sharp NDVI decline in 2018, followed by stabilization and another decrease from 2021 onwards (Fig. 3III). Broadleaved forests consistently had higher NDVI values than coniferous forests. Over all, across all the five component parts, core areas showed higher NDVI followed by buffer areas (Fig. 3III).
Relation between LST and AT in the core zone
Our results of Spearman's correlation tests between satellite-derived LST and AT from the data loggers in the dense old-growth forests of the core areas of four components—Grumsin, Hainich, Kellerwald, and Serrahn—reveal a strong positive monotonic relationship between LST and AT across all four study sites (for Grumsin, ρ=0.88, p<0.001; for Hainich, ρ=0.84, p<0.001; for Kellerwald, ρ=0.74, p<0.001; for Serrahn, ρ=0.89, p<0.001). Furthermore, the regression analysis as illustrated in Figure 4I further quantifies the relationship between LST and logger AT, demonstrating significant explanatory power (R²= 0.81 for Grumsin, R²= 0.74 for Hainich, R²= 0.58 for Kellerwald, and R²= 0.88 for Serrahn). Moreover, the regression equations suggest that for every 1°C increase in LST, the logger AT is expected to increase by 0.67°C at Grumsin, 0.88°C at Hainich, 0.29°C at Kellerwald, and 0.88°C at Serrahn (Fig. 4I).
In addition, Spearman correlation tests between LST and the difference between LST and AT (LST-AT) show a positive relationship at all sites: ρ=0.68 (p<0.001) for Grumsin, ρ=0.24 (p<0.001) for Hainich, ρ=0.92 (p<0.001) for Kellerwald, and ρ=0.81 (p<0.001) for Serrahn. The regression analysis demonstrates varying explanatory power with R² values of 0.50 for Grumsin, 0.05 for Hainich, 0.89 for Kellerwald, and 0.64 for Serrahn (Fig. 4II). The regression equations suggest that for every 1°C increase in LST, the temperature difference (LST-AT) increases by 0.32°C in Grumsin, 0.12°C in Hainich, 0.32°C in Kellerwald, and 0.88°C in Serrahn. While the relationship between LST and the temperature difference is strong in Grumsin, Kellerwald, and Serrahn, it is weak in Hainich.