1. Study Area
The Tandilia mountain system is located in the southeastern Pampas ecoregion. It runs along a northwest-southeast diagonal, covering an extension of 350 km and a maximum width of 50–60 km. The region is characterized by a subhumid to humid temperate climate, with a marked seasonality in temperature and an average annual precipitation that ranges from 800 to 850 mm (Burgos and Vidal 1951; Valicenti et al. 2010; Falasca et al. 2000; Echeverría et al. 2017).
In this area, highland grasslands remnants are mainly associated with hills and hillocks that rise above 50 and 500 m over the Pampas plains (Cingolani 2011), and exist in areas where soil characteristics such as rocky outcrops and shallow substrate depth have hindered the advancement of agriculture (Herrera and Laterra 2007), allowing the persistence of native grassland. These highland grasslands are composed of several species of forage value that form tussocks and grasslands (Paspalum, Festuca, Poa, Stipa, among others), thistle species (Eryngium), as well as shrub species (Colletia paradoxa, Baccharis spp) (Herrera et al. 2019). Initially, grassland habitat also extended into the mountain valley areas, which currently have been replaced by pastures, forestation, and crops, forming a matrix that covers approximately 71% of the system's surface area, with soybeans, corn, sunflower, and winter cereals being the predominant crops (de Abelleyra 2023). Associated with this matrix, we also find a network of elements, such as roads and urban and rural centers, that help define the landscape along the mountain system. The entire area is connected by 297 km northeast-southeast route, passes through the main urban centers and, along with other provincial routes, forms a network of paved roads located within the mountain system (Fig. 1)
2. Data analysis
We utilized a methodology consisting of several stages of analysis (summarized in Fig. 2) to map the corridors and identify the contribution of landscape elements to connectivity. In the first stage, we selected and analyzed environmental variables (carnivore occurrence data, alongside bioclimatic variables, land cover) and anthropogenic variables (roads and urban centers) to construct the ambients factors, which resulted in the base inputs for developing suitability models to the Pampas ecoregion. Then, we obtained the resistance surfaces of the Tandilia mountain system, and finally, based on the obtained models, connectivity analyses were conducted using least-cost path models and circuit theory.
2.1 Variable analysis and environmental factor construction
We can define the habitat of a species based on the biotic and abiotic elements of the landscape that individuals use (e.g., food, cover, refuge, etc.), assuming that these elements are what they require to survive, reproduce, and move through the landscape matrix (Beier et al. 2008). Using GIS and other tools, habitat suitability models relate suitability to raster layers representing elements of the available environment in this format (land cover, distance to roads, elevation, e.g.), and refer to these layers as environmental factors (Beier et al. 2007).
We defined four environmental factors (Fig. 2) to develop habitat models for each species, partially following the methodology proposed by Gonzales Saucedo et al. (2011): 1) A climate suitability model obtained from a Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) analysis with 19 bioclimatic variables; 2) A habitat use model, which analyzes the use versus availability of land cover; 3) Distance to roads and urban centers, two variables associated with anthropogenic disturbances that are important in the case of carnivores (Ordeñana et al. 2010).
2.1.1 Occurrence data of focal species
When modeling corridors, it is essential to consider several focal species, especially those that ensure the functioning of ecological processes, within patches of natural areas and the landscape matrix. Species that can act as umbrella species and safeguard many other species are also ideal for designing corridors (Beier et al. 2008). Taking this into account, we worked with the five native carnivore species for corridor modeling in the Tandilia mountain system: Lycalopex gymnocercus, Leopardus geoffroyi, Conepatus chinga, Galictis cuja, and Puma concolor. These species have a wide distribution and occur throughout the Pampas ecoregion, so we decided to work with occurrence data from the entire ecoregion to generate the modeling inputs. Therefore, we constructed an occurrence database for each species based on records obtained from camera trap surveys in the Tandilia mountain system and with data available in online databases for the rest of the Pampas ecoregion.
We obtained camera trap records from a monitoring project for vertebrate species associated with remnants of highland grasslands. These surveys were conducted between September 2016 and May 2022 in 20 rural properties on remnants of grassland and surrounding areas, covering 50,738 ha (31 remnants). We installed 248 camera trap stations, which remained active for an average period of 21 days, accumulating a sampling effort of 5,308 trap days.
Regarding the data for the rest of the Pampas ecoregion, we used each species´ available records present in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) for the Pampas ecoregion. We obtained these records using the GBIF Occurrences plugin for QGIS software (https://doi.org/10.15468/dd.p8neyx). This tool allows downloading all available records in the online database with geographic coordinates, generating a point layer with the occurrences. This layer was subsequently processed, removing duplicate, invalid, and records whose coordinates coincide with urban centers.
2.1.2. Climate Suitability Models
We constructed climate suitability models based on the Ecological Niche Modeling (ENM) approach offered by MaxEnt, a maximum entropy modeling tool. Based on presence data, this method estimates functions that relate environmental variables and habitat suitability to approximate each species’ niche and potential geographic distribution (Phillips et al. 2006). We worked with 19 raster layers corresponding to bioclimatic variables (Table 1, Supplementary Information 1), with a resolution of 30 seconds (∽ 1 km2), obtained from the WorldClim platform (Fick and Hijmans et al. 2017), which represent annual trends, seasonality, and extreme or limiting environmental factors. To avoid correlation between variables, we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), thus reducing their dimensionality. We worked with the Principal Components (PC), which accumulated over 90% of the data variability. Since these are orthogonal, meaning independent of each other, they are not correlated, making them an excellent alternative to use as predictor variables in the ENM (Cruz-Cárdenas et al. 2014).
Furthermore, to avoid spatial autocorrelation among occurrence records, we spatially filtered the data corresponding to each species based on their home range, using the spThin package in R (Aiello-Lammens et al. 2015). We filtered small and medium-sized species records at a distance of 5 km, while we filtered puma data at 15 km.
We performed niche models using the kuenm package in R (Cobos et al. 2019), which utilizes MaxEnt (maximum entropy) as the modeling algorithm. The package allows the creation of several candidate models by testing different combinations of parameters and evaluating them. We combined six regularization multipliers (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4) and all possible combinations of the five features available in MaxEnt (linear, quadratic, product, threshold, and hinge). The models obtained were evaluated based on their statistical significance (partial ROC), prediction capacity (omission rate), and model complexity (AICc). The final model was obtained by averaging 30 bootstrap models, and habitat suitability was evaluated from the raw output values of ROR. This MaxEnt modeling output directly measures habitat suitability without making assumptions about species prevalence or detection probabilities (Merow et al. 2013).
Since the niche models obtained include all sites with the same bioclimatic conditions under which each species has been recorded, the geographic distribution of the species may be overrepresented (Illoldi-Rangel and Escalante 2008). To avoid this, we applied a threshold at the 10th percentile to omit all regions with habitat suitability lower than the suitability values for the lowest 10% of occurrence records. It assumes that 10% of occurrence records within the least suitable habitats do not occur in sites that represent the species' general habitat and, therefore, should be omitted (Morrow 2019). Thus, we obtained a binary map for each species, representing their potential distribution within the Pampas ecoregion.
From these binary maps, we constructed the final climate suitability maps using the distance to centroid niche (DCN) approach (González Saucedo 2011). Under this approach, it is assumed that the ideal ecological conditions for a species are found at the centroid of its multivariate niche in environmental space and that as conditions move away from this centroid, environmental suitability decreases (Yañez et al. 2020). We calculated the centroid of the climate niche as the mean of each of the four PCs used for modeling (Martínez-Meyer et al. 2013). Then, using R software, we calculated the Euclidean distance between the niche centroid and the value of each pixel within the potential distribution area. The distance raster layers obtained were linearly rescaled between zero and one, with zero assigned to the furthest value and one to the closest value from the centroid of the climatic niche (representing the lowest and highest suitability, respectively).
2.1.3. Analysis of land cover use versus availability
To include the land cover characteristics that contribute to the presence of each species in the landscape, we conducted a habitat use versus availability analysis. For this, we obtained land cover information for the Pampas ecoregion from the MapBiomas Pampa Trinacional Collection 2.0 (Baeza et al. 2022), with a resolution of 30x30 m, which includes annual data on land cover and land use for the period from 1985 to 2021. We reclassified the original raster layer summarizing into seven categories by using the QGIS raster calculator (Supplementary Information 1, Table 2). On the other hand, since the land cover category "Areas without vegetation" includes both urban areas and other vegetation-free areas (e.g., rocky areas), we decided to differentiate this category. Firstly, we obtained a vector layer containing polygons representing all urban areas in the Pampas ecoregion from the National Geographic Institute of the Argentine Republic (IGN, https://www.ign.gob.ar/). Then, we overlaid the raster layer of land cover using the Rasterize tool in QGIS, categorizing pixels coinciding with the polygons as Urban. Subsequently, we excluded this category from our analysis by assigning no data to these pixels. For corridor and connectivity analysis, we considered urban areas to be total barriers to movement.
Once the land cover layer was processed, we conducted a habitat use versus availability analysis for each species. From all occurrence data and using QGIS, we extracted the land cover information for each record and calculated the frequency of records for each type of land cover for each species. The frequencies of records in each category correspond to the habitat used by the species. Then, we made a buffer around each record based on the reported home range size for each species (Lucherini and Luengos Vidal 2008; Castillo 2010; Manfredi et al. 2011; Elbroch and Wittmer 2012; Luengos Vidal et al. 2016), clipped the land cover layer with these buffers, and calculated the proportion of each land cover type within the home ranges of each species. We calculated the expected frequency (availability) of use from these values for each category. Then, with these observed and expected frequency values, we conducted a Chi-square goodness-of-fit test to evaluate if there are significant differences between what the species use and what is available. In cases where expected frequencies were less than five, we performed a Yates' correction, and for the puma, whose records were low, we grouped the land cover type categories to perform the Chi-square test.
To assess the use that species make of different land cover types, we calculatedconfidence intervals using the Bonferroni method with the HaviStat v2.4 program (Neu et al. 1974; Montenegro et al. 2014) to identify whether species prefer or avoid any particular land cover type or whether they use land cover based on availability. Once we determined each species’ use of different land cover types, we linearly rescaled the usage values of different categories between − 1 (avoided cover) and 1 (selected cover).
2.1.4. Distance to road and urban centers
Using the Distance Accumulation tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.1, we created a layer of distance to roads from a vector layer of paved roads provided by the IGN (IGN, https://www.ign.gob.ar/) and a layer of distance to urban centers from the previously used vector layer of urban centers. Once we obtained the layers with distance values, we linearly scaled the values between 0 (corresponding to pixels with the shortest distance to roads) and 1 (corresponding to the cell with the farthest distance to roads).
2.2. Habitat suitability models for the Pampas ecoregion
Using GIS tools, we combined rescaled layers to build habitat-suitability models for each species. The values obtained for each pixel include climatic suitability, land cover preference, and anthropogenic disturbances (distance to roads and urban centers). This procedure gives us maps with values between − 1 and 4, where the high values reflect the best habitat conditions available and the low values the most unfavorable conditions for the species.
2.3. Modeling of connectivity in the Tandilia System
To analyze connectivity, we used circuit theory (McRae et al. 2008) and least-cost modeling (Adriaensen et al. 2003), as both approaches have been employed in connectivity analysis and have proven to be useful (LaRue and Nielsen 2008; Carroll et al. 2012; Etherington 2016; Belote et al. 2016). To apply them, we reduced the scale of analysis and focused on the Tandilia mountain system, where remnants of grassland persist within an agricultural matrix. We manually identified and delimited these remnants based on remote sensing imagery using GIS tools, and selected grassland remnants with areas larger than 500 ha to connect and analyze. Finally, we delimited the matrix area to be analyzed by applying a 15 km buffer around all mapped remnants.
2.3.1. Resistance surfaces
Cost-distance and circuit theory models require a resistance surface representing the relative effort required for an organism to occupy a pixel on a map (Wade et al. 2015). We understand resistance as the magnitude with which a pixel facilitates or limits the movement of organisms through it (Spear et al. 2010). We also assume that suitability is synonymous with habitat permeability, i.e., the degree to which the landscape allows the passage of organisms or ecological processes (Singleton et al. 2002) and is inversely related to resistance (Beier et al. 2007; Pullinger and Johnson 2010). These models can be thought as a set of scores where the end of the scale reflects low resistance, i.e., high habitat quality, and the other end high resistance, i.e., low habitat quality (Beier et al. 2008). With this in mind, we constructed a resistance layer by linearly scaling between 1 and 100 the suitability layer and applying an inverse linear function. This resulted in a resistance map for each species, where values of 1 in cells with lower resistance correspond to cells with higher values in the suitability layer (value of 4), and 100 in cells with the highest resistance correspond to the worst suitability values for the species (value of -1).
2.3.2 Corridors Identification
To identify and map areas that could serve as ecological corridors between grassland remnants, we assessed connectivity in the Tandilia mountains using least-cost models (Adriaensen et al. 2003). We calculated cost-weighted distances between patches (core areas) from a resistance surface and then identified and mapped the least-cost paths between areas based on these values using Linkage Mapper ver. 3.1 (McRae and Kavanagh 2011). This program allows corridor identification based on a maximum geographic distance or a cost-weighted distance, among other criteria, to include species dispersal in the modeling. We chose not to limit and overestimate corridor mapping, as our goal is not to map dispersal pathways but to identify areas that may promote connectivity. We generated an integrated corridor map for all carnivore species from the five individual corridor models. In order to do this, we reclassified the values of each species model into deciles ranging from 1 to 10 and then summed them. We obtained an integrated corridor map with values ranging from 5 (low quality and higher travel costs for all the species together) to 50 (higher quality and lower travel costs) (Belote et al. 2016).
2.3.3. Centrality Analysis
We estimated the centrality values for each species model. One way to analyze landscape connectivity is to assume that the landscape acts as an electrical circuit. Since a circuit's connectivity increases with the number of connections, distance metrics based on electrical connectivity apply to processes that respond positively to increased connections and redundancy. The relationship between current, voltage, and resistance with random walks in circuits makes it possible to link this approach to movement ecology, providing concrete ecological interpretations of parameters and predictions from circuit theory (McRae et al. 2008). Under this approach, the Centrality Mapper tool within Linkage Mapper (McRae 2012), calculates the "current flow centrality" through a network of corridors and nodes (patches). The centrality values calculated for network components indicate how important a link or node is to maintaining overall connectivity.