In our study, we have provided a systematic review of the preclinical body of evidence from murine and rat studies assessing the behavioral and, in parts, biological effects of ECS as a model of ECT in chronic stress-based depression models. The review process revealed that the majority of studies showed that ECS alleviated depressive biobehavioral conditions in rodents. However, several studies have indicated that ECS is closely related to learning and cognitive impairments. In addition to rising or recovering BDNF levels, which have been found both in humans and nonhuman primates [25, 42–44], the biological findings of the reviewed studies were heterogeneous and thus did not allow for any reliable conclusions with regard to the individual behavioral findings on an individual or group level. This can, at least partially, be explained by the methodological variance within the ECS in depression models; the lack of a between-model standard approach to stress and effect success validation in preclinical in vivo research in rodents; and the diversity of the investigated biological mechanism of ECS action assessed. However, the biobehavioral effects of ECS in chronic stressed-based depression models still overlap to a considerable extent with the clinical and biobehavioral effects described in humans with depression undergoing ECT. Overlapping with the behavioral rodent findings in this review, depressive symptoms such as anhedonia, appetite changes, psychomotor symptoms, fatigue, and concentration problems are ameliorated by ECT, while memory, attention, and executive function can be transiently worsened (usually within 3 days of the respective ECT) as a consequence of epileptic seizures [45–47]. However, clinical trials have shown that cognitive function, in addition to short-term impairment, improves and exceeds baseline long-term after ECT in patients with depression [47].
Despite the overall translational overlap between the behavioral and symptom findings and directionality between humans and rodents, limitations that should be taken into consideration exist before transferring data about the effects of ECS in rodent depression models to humans. First, despite the undisputable benefits of animal and especially rodent models of diseases [48], they have inherent limitations. On the basis of the evidence reviewed here, small sample sizes, nonexisting studies on females despite their epidemiological predominance in depression [12], and incomprehensive behavioral phenotyping limit the generalizability of the findings. This also applies to the chronic stress-based depression models included in our review, of which the most common was CUMS. Here, there was notable variability in the kind and intensity of stressors used to establish these models across studies. Although CUMS/CMS is considered a prototypical example of an animal depression model, its reproducibility can vary as a result of the different overall severities of the stressors applied [49, 50]. Moreover, recent studies have revealed that the effects of CUMS/CMS are primarily linked to inflammation and the immune response at the gene expression level (mRNA) [51]. Additionally, CUMS was linked to proinflammatory cytokine levels (e.g., IL-6), reduced 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and norepinephrine concentrations, and sex-specific immune changes, such as changes in CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts [52]. This insight skews the CUMS/CMS model scope and purviews away from “average” depression and toward depression subtypes involving immune dysregulation [53–55]. In line with these findings, different preclinical rodent models (RSDS, CUMS/CMS, prenatal stress) represent distinct systems biological dimensions of the patho-signature of depression in terms of their molecular validity compared to human postmortem brain samples of depressive patients [56].
In addition, the reproducibility of heterogeneity and thus methodological between-study variation and the associated limited external validity, even assuming excellent study conduction and thus internal validity, are well-known problems in animal research [33, 57]. This is primarily due to an overall lack of standardized guidelines and/or coordinated multicenter trials, which results in highly variable experiments [58]. However, preclinical studies are always highly individual and thus variable by nature, as the research objective is commonly more basic than translational. This heterogeneity is often viewed as an issue, yet more recent approaches support the heterogenization of study samples and conditions [59], especially in preclinical research [41]. Nevertheless, in contrast to the multicausal and somewhat arbitrary heterogeneity found in the current literature, a more systematic approach should be taken in the future to increase the robustness of the findings and ultimately increase reproducibility [60]. It could thus be reasoned that the heterogeneity in methodology and findings in the reviewed body of evidence should not necessarily be viewed as a constraint, even in its existing form, but rather as a circumstance more or less corroborating the broad biobehavioral effects and therapeutic power of ECS in different rodent models of the same psychopathology, as demonstrated here for affective spectrum disorder conditions. This argument also maps onto the use of ECT in different environmental stress-associated neuropsychiatric disorders, including but not limited to, depression, mania, or schizophrenia [61]. Moreover, considering the immune-heavy effects of CUMS/CMS, the efficacy of ECS in this review’s body of evidence aligns with the demonstrated efficacy in treating depression with inflammatory features. Although ECT has a strong short-term proinflammatory impact, it appears to support a long-term decrease in inflammatory parameters (e.g., proinflammatory macrophage function) and beneficial changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism accompanied by clinical improvement [62–66]. With regard to methodological standardization, it could be argued that neither rigorous homogenization nor heterogenization are the answer to all problems, yet a combination of both might best cover the complex composition of random and aetiopathological specific effects. Nonetheless, to improve between-model comparability in studies pursuing a similar objective, standardized approaches such as a depression-like syndrome (DLS) could help and serve as a methodological validation tool to increase external validity and thus boost the generalizability of findings. The latter could also significantly amplify the translational value of rodent findings for clinical trials and vice versa [33]. With regard to translatability, the included n = 47 studies all used, for contemporary standards, a rather small test battery for behavioral assessment of the antidepressant effects of ECS, which greatly limits the validity of these findings. This is particularly meaningful since depression is a highly complex clinical condition associated with a great variety of possible symptoms and clusters (i.e., 277 symptom combinations possibly meeting the DMS-IV diagnostic criteria) [67]. To account for this, future trials need to consider more comprehensive and broader approaches to best capture single and cluster behavioral changes in relation to species and strain, sex, stress, and ECS modalities. This approach is imperative, especially since there are multiple highly advanced tools and approaches available (e.g., the deep open field package IntelliCages) [33, 68–71]. In addition, studies should consider increasing sample sizes overall or providing, analogous to clinical trials, power and sample size calculations, including effect size assumptions, to estimate optimal animal numbers per experiment. Moreover, studies must use and prioritize female rodents as well as mixed-sex designs on a regular basis to allow meaningful conclusions to be drawn about sex and sex-stress interaction effects with regard to ECS response.
Another limitation of the reliability but also the translational potential of the included studies is the great variability in ECS application. In humans, ECT is delivered in a controlled clinical setting after the induction of anesthesia and the application of a muscle relaxant [72]. Vital parameters, blood oxygen levels, electrocardiography (ECG) and electroencephalography (EEG) were monitored during ECT. After the induction of anesthesia, a brief electrical stimulus (max. 8 sec) is delivered via cutane electrodes to one or both cerebral hemispheres in the form of a series of bidirectional square-wave pulses. This is referred to as a brief (pulse width between 0.5 and 2.0 ms) or an ultrabrief pulse (pulse width below 0.5 ms). The intensity or dose of the stimulus is primarily expressed in terms of the percentage of the applied charge (max. 504 mC, 0-200%) [73–75]. To estimate the appropriate dose, algorithms based on the age and sex of the patient or the method of dose titration, which itself is based on the seizure threshold, can be used. There are three commonly used electrode placements in ECT practice: bilateral (BL) stimulation, also known as bitemporal (BT) stimulation; right unilateral (RUL) stimulation; and bifrontal (BF) stimulation. Notably, the placement of electrodes has been shown to exert a significant effect on the outcome of treatment and the associated side effects [76]. BL stimulation, for example, shows increased clinical efficacy but is also associated with greater side effects [77]. Routine practice involves administering ECT 2–3 times a week [73, 74]. To determine ECT quality, seizure quality indices (SQIs) have been established. SQIs are based on different primary ECT readouts. Commonly, quality is assessed on the basis of five criteria (duration > 25 seconds, postictal suppression > 80%, midictal amplitude > 180 µV, intraictal coherence of both hemispheres in the EEG > 90%, tachycardia > 125 bpm) and is sometimes classified as ideal (4–5 criteria), sufficient (≥ 3 criteria) or insufficient (≤ 2 criteria) [75, 78–81]. The number of ECT treatments required to achieve response and/or remission varies between 6 and 15 sessions [72]. According to the reviewed evidence, ECS application is highly inhomogeneous with regard to stimulation parameters, including ECS frequency but also extends to the application details and the utilization of anesthetics. Because anesthetics typically affect the seizure threshold and biochemical processes in the CNS as well as in the periphery, differences in their application can change the effects of ECS. Furthermore, in many but not all studies, rodents were included only if ECS resulted in visible tonic and/or clonic convulsions. This stands in stark contrast to the clinical application of ECT, where anesthesia nearly completely supresses the tonic‒clonic element in the periphery. There are also important differences in electrode placement between rodents and humans. However, in humans, the most common electrode placement is unilateral (e.g., RUL) because it is clinically effective while triggering tolerable cognitive side effects [47, 82]; rodents in the reviewed studies exclusively received bilateral stimulation. This treatment increases antidepressive efficacy but presumably also exacerbates cognitive and memory side effects. This might explain why both memory improvements and disturbances were found in the respective tests (e.g., MWM or Y maze) in the included studies. Additionally, general anesthesia in rodents appears to be associated with cognitive and memory deficits, especially depending on the specific drugs used (e.g., higher after inhalation of anesthetics) and the duration of application [83]. Therefore, the details of ECS and anesthesia, as well as the explicit experimental schedule of stress exposure, ECS, and behavioral testing, may strongly affect the results, especially concerning memory impairment. Another factor that remains to be investigated and clarified is whether not only ECS and anesthesia on their own but also their interaction may modulate the extent and quality of cognitive and memory effects. Because of the differences in the effectiveness and side effects of these two ECT treatments mentioned above and the potentially slightly distinct biological mechanisms of action, the effects of ECS in animal studies might differ somewhat from the effects of ECT in depressed humans. For that reason, which limits the face and construct validity of ECS in depression models [31], future studies should thus aim for more detailed and standardized reporting, for example, via a reporting template; increased uniformity in stimulation with regard to electrode placement; pulse width; voltage; stimulation duration; and confirmation of successful ECS (e.g., visible tonic‒clonic seizure or EMG activity for a defined duration in trials with no muscle relaxation application or EEG derived from implanted or cutane electrodes as a confirmation of epileptic seizures over a predefined period of time in trials with or without muscle relaxant use). As SQIs have demonstrated clinical feasibility and reliability in predicting ECT success to a certain extent [84–87], an equivalent approach might prove useful for rodent ECS. Here, postictal suppression appears to be one of the most promising single markers since it has been clearly associated with beneficial treatment outcomes [85, 86, 88]. With regard to precise electrode placement, unilateral stimulation paradigms, which, to the best of our knowledge, are currently unavailable, could provide useful information for advancing our understanding of the biological basis of the observed difference in clinical effects between uni- and bilateral stimulation. As has already been suggested elsewhere [89], future experiments could, for example, use implanted electrodes at predefined stereotactic coordinates (e.g., analogous to the RUL, placing electrode 1 right anterior above the orbitofrontal cortex and electrode 2 above the apex) or reapply cutane electrodes on certain coordinates after decapillation of the scalp, for instance, in relation to the bregma, to achieve uniform electrode placement. This would drastically boost the translational value and the face and construct validity of the ECS. However, since human trials have demonstrated that unilateral stimulation that is too weak is associated with insufficient ECT efficacy, this has to be factored into the translational process [85]. Concerning anesthesia in general and the use of muscle relaxation agents in particular, the reviewed rodent studies lack some face and construct validity concerning modern ECT setups: not a single of the reviewed studies has employed muscle relaxation in their model. However, the latter is, together with general anesthesia, a core feature of modern ECT, as severe side effects, including fractures and severe memory deficits, were common unwarranted outcomes prior to this technical improvement in the 1940s [85]. Interestingly, reviews have shown fractures to be quite common in rat ECS models (12.8% of animals suffer from spinal fractures) [90]. Thus, the reviewed body of evidence actually models a mix of modern ECT and an actual tonic‒clonic epileptic seizure, including all the decay products and processes associated with postictal inflammation triggered downstream of transient peripheral muscle overactivation, including fracture risk [91, 92]. It remains to be determined which beneficial and side effects repeated severe muscle contractions during ECS cause compared to routine ECT with negligible muscle activation. In conclusion, future studies aiming to translate mechanistic knowledge from rodent models to human ECT and back to clinical applications face the challenge of reproducing the applied ECT parameters, including anesthesia, as closely as possible while simultaneously focusing on ECT-related mechanisms of action from a systems biology perspective. For a summary of suggestions for future rodent ECS studies to improve the translation potential of clinical ECT applications, see Table 3.
Table 3
Summary of suggestions for future rodent ECS studies to improve the translation potential of clinical ECT applications. Abbreviations: ECS = electroconvulsive shock; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; EEG = electroencephalogram; SQI = seizure quality index; CUMS/CMS = chronic unpredictable mild stress/chronic mild stress
♣ Include and prioritize female and mixed-sex groups to compensate for the thus far predominantly male geno-/phenotype derived knowledge ♣ Employ comprehensive behavioral and molecular phenotyping (i.e., omics) to fine-granular characterize the link between behavioral and biological ECS treatment effect subtypes – this is particularly important to enable successful bench to bedside translation, and vice versa ♣ Establish a uniform and stable positioning system of ECS electrodes (e.g. via stereotactic coordinates for implantation) ♣ Perform unihemispheric (vs. bilateral) ECS to apprehend the biological mechanisms that underlie effect/side-effect profile differences ♣ Use and report anesthesia (in particular: muscle relaxation) to upgrade face and construct validity concerning a modern ECT setup ♣ Improve bias reduction measures (e.g., reduction of missings) as well as reporting on potential risks of bias in the publication itself ♣ Use larger, that is adequate, sample sizes per group/sex/experiment, ideally based on prior effect size and power calculations ♣ Develop and use a standardized reporting system (e.g. template) of ECS stimulation parameters to increase between-study comparability ♣ Report stimulation success for each ECS session (e.g., visible tonic‒clonic seizure, EEG parameters), ideally in the form of a rodent SQI ♣ For translational studies: adhere to between-model standardization approaches for stress application (e.g., similar CUMS/CMS stressor sequence) and biobehavioral phenotype/subtype validation per animal and group (e.g., depression-like syndrome framework) ♣ For select research objectives: consider systematic heterogenization and larger, multicentered trials to improve the robustness of findings |
Finally, since preclinical studies are highly experimental by nature, a moderate risk of bias and confidence in the reviewed literature should be considered satisfactory with regard to the demonstrated methodological heterogeneity, different research objectives and aetiopathological targets of interest. However, it is admittedly out of the question that a lower risk of bias as well as greater confidence would strengthen preclinical ECT research. In addition, improved reporting and the deposition of animal data in online repositories would enforce the compilation of both systematic effect size calculations and meta-analyses.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever systematic review of preclinical studies assessing the biobehavioral effects of ECS in rodent models of depression in the context of chronic stress exposure. In conclusion, within the conceptual limits of rodent-to-human translation, the compiled evidence underlines the therapeutic power and broad beneficial effects of ECS as a preclinical equivalent of ECT in rodent depression research and overlaps in directionality and quality of beneficial effects with the symptom improvements observed in depressed patients. Nonetheless, methodological improvements, including the translational impact of this preclinical technique, are key to potentiate internal and external validity.