4.1 Evolution Characteristics of Flash Droughts in Different Vegetation Types
According to the definition of flash drought used in this study, the characteristics of flash drought (total duration and frequency) from 2000 to 2023 in cropland, forest, and grassland areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin were detected, as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, cropland, forest, and grassland areas experienced at least one flash drought event per year on average from 2000 to 2023, with the annual total duration of flash drought generally exceeding 30 days(Fig. 3). Additionally, from 2000 to 2023, the frequency of flash drought in cropland, forest, and grassland areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin showed a non-significant decreasing trend, while the total duration of flash drought showed a slight increasing trend(Fig. 2). The statistical results in Fig. 3a indicate that forests experienced the highest number of flash drought events, followed by grasslands, and croplands had the fewest. The total duration of flash drought in cropland was similar to that in forests, both slightly lower than in grasslands(Fig. 3b). Moreover, Fig. 2b shows that the longest average total duration of flash drought in cropland, forest, and grassland areas was detected in 2013, indicating the most severe drought conditions. Therefore, this study selects the flash drought event that occurred in 2013 to further investigate the Response Regularity of photosynthesis in different vegetation types to flash drought events.
4.2 Climate Conditions and Flash Drought Detection in 2013
During the summer growing season of 2013 (June to September), the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin experienced extreme high temperatures exceeding the long-term average, accompanied by below-normal precipitation levels, as shown in Fig. 4. In June 2013, surface temperatures were generally similar to the long-term average. However, from July to August, surface temperatures in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin were above the long-term average for two consecutive months, followed by temperatures below the average in September(Fig. 4c). Precipitation remained below average for three consecutive months from June to August, with a brief recovery in September(Fig. 4d). Figure 5 illustrates that in June, most areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin had hydro-meteorological elements that were generally normal. Starting from July, temperatures increased, precipitation decreased, soil moisture declined, and VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) rose across most areas. This situation persisted into August, when almost the entire region was affected by extreme weather conditions. The SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) indicated drought conditions across nearly the entire area. By September, environmental conditions in most areas had improved, gradually returning to normal.
Due to the occurrence and persistence of extreme weather, soil moisture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin rapidly declined in a very short time. As shown in Fig. 6, the soil moisture percentile of cropland in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin rapidly declined from 52% starting on July 10, dropping to 12% within one pentad, with an average pentad decrease rate of 40% per pentad, marking the onset of the flash drought in cropland. Although the soil moisture percentile slightly increased afterwards, it remained below 20%. From August 5 to August 20, the soil moisture percentile remained at its lowest value of 4%, indicating severe drought. Subsequently, due to a decrease in temperature and an increase in precipitation, the environment improved. The soil moisture percentile of cropland began to rise from August 20, recovering to 21% by September 5, after three pentads, and then remained above 20% for a long time, indicating the end of the flash drought in cropland.
The soil moisture percentiles of forests and grasslands began to decline rapidly from June 30, dropping from 68% and 60–12% and 16%, respectively, within two pentads, with average pentad decrease rates of 28% and 22% per pentad, respectively, marking the onset of the flash drought in forests and grasslands. Although the soil moisture percentiles slightly increased afterwards, they remained below 20%. From August 10 to August 15, the soil moisture percentiles remained at their lowest value of 4%, indicating the most severe drought. Then, from August 15, the soil moisture percentiles began to rise, recovering to 32% and 21%, respectively, by August 31, after three pentads, marking the end of the flash drought in forests and grasslands.
According to the definition of the total duration of flash drought used in this study, the total duration of the flash drought in cropland was 57 days, from July 10 to September 5, and the total duration of the flash drought in forests and grasslands was 62 days, from June 30 to August 31. Additionally, Fig. 7 shows that the SPEI drought index also detected drought in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin during July and August.
4.3 Response of photosynthesis of different vegetation to flash drought
This paper analyzes the hydrometeorological conditions of different vegetation types (cropland, forest, grassland) in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin from June 18 to September 14, as shown in Fig. 8. The average temperature (LST) during this period follows the order: cropland > forest > grassland(Fig. 8a). The average precipitation (PPT) from June 18 to August 5 remains cropland > grassland > forest, and from August 5 to September 14, it changes to forest > grassland > cropland(Fig. 8b). The average photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from June 18 to September 14 generally remains cropland > forest > grassland(Fig. 8c). The average soil moisture (SM) during this period follows the order: forest > grassland > cropland(Fig. 8d). Additionally, the soil moisture in cropland shows a brief increase followed by a rapid decrease before the onset of flash drought in forest and grassland, while the soil moisture in forest and grassland continuously decreases during this time.
The trends and standardized anomalies of SIF and \(\:{\varphi\:}_{F}\) for different vegetation types (cropland, forest, grassland) in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from June 18 to September 14 are shown in Fig.S1 and Fig.S2. The results of the standardized anomalies indicate that cropland SIF showed its first negative anomaly on the 26th day (August 5) after the start of the flash drought (July 10). The negative anomaly reached its maximum on the 8th day (August 13) of the sustained minimum soil moisture percentile and then began to recover, returning to a positive anomaly on the 9th day (September 14) after the end of the flash drought (September 5)(Fig.S1d). For forest and grassland, SIF first showed a negative anomaly on the 36th day (August 5) after the start of the flash drought (June 30). The negative anomaly reached its maximum on the 3rd day (August 13) of the sustained minimum soil moisture percentile and then began to recover, returning to a positive anomaly on the 14th day (September 14) after the end of the flash drought (August 31) (Fig.S1e and f). The \(\:{\varphi\:}_{F}\) for cropland, forest, and grassland showed negative anomalies before the start of their respective flash droughts and continued until August 29, when it returned to positive anomalies, nearly spanning the entire flash drought event(Fig.S2d,e and f).
The long-term trend results show that cropland SIF from June 18 to September 14 exhibited a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. In 2013, due to the impact of the flash drought, SIF showed a stress response with an early decline on the 10th day (July 20) after the start of the flash drought (July 10), which was 16 days earlier than the normal year's decline time (August 5) (Fig.S1a). The trends for forest and grassland were similar, both showing an initial increase followed by a decrease from June 18 to September 14. Due to the impact of the flash drought, SIF in 2013 showed a stress response with a rapid decline on the 20th day (July 20) after the start of the flash drought (June 30), with a decline rate exceeding the average of previous years(Fig.S1b and c). Cropland, forest, and grassland \(\:{\varphi\:}_{F}\) from June 18 to September 14 exhibited large fluctuations and was not as significant in its trend changes as SIF(Fig.S2a,b and c).